Who Really Won the June 13th Debate?


Jun 15, 2011
Did they watch the same debate the rest of us did?

Which of the candidates actually disagreed with anything that anyone had to say?

Ole’ Newt actually thought that he was at a debate instead of a love-in. Go figure. Federal legislation on right-to-work? Are you kidding me? Sure … pillory Obamacare (Romney actually uses the states-rights issue as his out for having created the same thing as a governor) and then commit the exact same type of abuse of power simply to pander to your wealthiest and most powerful core constituency.

Not Newt.

Which of the candidates actually made an on-the-fly choice about anything presented to them other than John King’s cutesy little questions about smart phones and pizza?

Who actually got any real applause?

Wow man, it’s 1995 all over again when the press was telling these fairytales about how it was Newt Gingrich's fault that the government “shut down” for a few days because he didn’t personally go over and kick Bill Clinton’s ass and force him to sign a balanced budget.

Thank you media, for those in the live-free-or-die state actually notice foolishness such as this.
Who Really Won the June 13th Debate?

"Congressmen should wear uniforms like NASCAR drivers so we could identify their corporate sponsors."

Someone mentioned that there was no mention of the middle class nor any specifics on job creation, is it any wonder republicans have so small a following today. If it wasn't for the constant right wing media and corporate media, there would be a faint hope that the real situation in America regarding jobs and corporate power would at least get an airing. As it is all we get is Wiener's wiener, Anna Nicole Palin, speculative BS, coming attractions to hypnotize, doom and gloom deficit talk, invade don't invade, healthcare with a funny name, ads for drugs as the war on them continues, sports figures who are overpaid whiners, crying politicos who should be working not crying, and corporate ads telling everyone how wonderful they are and how they agree and..... The Pied Piper lives.

"Call it Corporate America vs. We the People. Globalization vs. Mother Earth. Privatization vs. the Public Good. Wall Street vs. Main Street. Plutocracy vs. Democracy. Which side are you on?" Scott McLarty Which Side Are You On? New Language for a New Political Reality | Common Dreams

Democracy after Citizens United | MIT World
Who really won the June 13th debate?

Ron Paul was the clear winner. Everyone else pandered to the crowd and voters while Ron Paul provided real solutions actually based in sound principles. Everyone else was simply wrong except the instances where they agreed with Ron Paul, which maybe happened only once or twice, or they simply provided vague and unsubstantial answers that sounded nice, but meant nothing.

GOP Debate: Ron Paul and the Pandering 6 | Nation | NewJerseyNewsroom.com -- Your State. Your News.

Which of the candidates actually disagreed with anything that anyone had to say?

Ron Paul disagreed with Romney and made it known. He also took an opportunity at the end to demonstrate that he disagreed with every single one of them when he said he would need to quiz every one of them and point out that he hasn't heard any of their opinions on the Federal Reserve or military interventionism.

Who actually got any real applause?

Ron Paul got twice as much applause than anyone else and it was legitimate, not mere applauses for rhetoric such as Bachmann's anti-Obama spew.

Who won the GOP debate? The audience thought Ron Paul did - baltimoresun.com
It doesn't really matter who you say the winner was. Any one of the people in that debate would make a better President than the clown we have in there now.
But does he have any real prospects?

Oh my God....


He gets more votes in your state....he wins the delegates your state sends to the RNC next Summer.

The GOP is a "winner take all" primary party meaning that if your state has 5 bazillion delegates and if you vote for bachmann and me and a friend vote for gingrich; gingrich gets 5 bazillion delegates. In the DNC, bachmann would get 1/3, and gingrich would get 2/3.

If enough people vote for Paul, he will win the nomination. There isn't some sort of shadowy figure that is going to rub out his delegates at the convention making sure some pre-determined choice is selected.
Did they watch the same debate the rest of us did?

Which of the candidates actually disagreed with anything that anyone had to say?

Ole’ Newt actually thought that he was at a debate instead of a love-in. Go figure. Federal legislation on right-to-work? Are you kidding me? Sure … pillory Obamacare (Romney actually uses the states-rights issue as his out for having created the same thing as a governor) and then commit the exact same type of abuse of power simply to pander to your wealthiest and most powerful core constituency.

Not Newt.

Which of the candidates actually made an on-the-fly choice about anything presented to them other than John King’s cutesy little questions about smart phones and pizza?

Who actually got any real applause?

Wow man, it’s 1995 all over again when the press was telling these fairytales about how it was Newt Gingrich's fault that the government “shut down” for a few days because he didn’t personally go over and kick Bill Clinton’s ass and force him to sign a balanced budget.

Thank you media, for those in the live-free-or-die state actually notice foolishness such as this.

Michelle Bachmann won. The charade she's pulling off so far is hilarious and will probably fool a lot of Repubs. She didn't implode (yet) so she won. Any time you see her on TV and she isn't putting her foot in her mouth; she wins. Because we all know it's coming.

tik tok....its coming.
Guess you missed the entire point. Try again. Can he win the actual election, not the primary? I do not think he can.

If you'd try to make the point instead of dealing in rhetoric....


No, I don't think so. I don't think he or anybody on the stage this week stands a chance against President Obama. There are no "better ideas" out there other than ones that have proven to be losers in the past....

Deregulation (see Enron)
Tax Cuts (see budget deficit that actually lead to the need for stimulus)
Repeal of healthcare (okay...whats YOUR plan if you want to repeal healthcare)

I don't see it. Of course, Gore ran against Clinton as well as Bush in 2000 so Obama can lose the election as well as having a republican rip it out of his hands.
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Did they watch the same debate the rest of us did?

Which of the candidates actually disagreed with anything that anyone had to say?

Ole’ Newt actually thought that he was at a debate instead of a love-in. Go figure. Federal legislation on right-to-work? Are you kidding me? Sure … pillory Obamacare (Romney actually uses the states-rights issue as his out for having created the same thing as a governor) and then commit the exact same type of abuse of power simply to pander to your wealthiest and most powerful core constituency.

Not Newt.

Which of the candidates actually made an on-the-fly choice about anything presented to them other than John King’s cutesy little questions about smart phones and pizza?

Who actually got any real applause?

Wow man, it’s 1995 all over again when the press was telling these fairytales about how it was Newt Gingrich's fault that the government “shut down” for a few days because he didn’t personally go over and kick Bill Clinton’s ass and force him to sign a balanced budget.

Thank you media, for those in the live-free-or-die state actually notice foolishness such as this.

Well Ron Paul got more applause than all of the candidates, including Newt. So if that's your criteria...
I think Bachmann won the debate if you're trying to gauge who came off the most polished and attractive. I think Ron Paul won the debate if you care about actual, substantive answers.
I think Romney won if you're talking about who pandered to the crowd the most.

I'm liking RP, but Bachmann is the one to watch really.
Did they watch the same debate the rest of us did?

Which of the candidates actually disagreed with anything that anyone had to say?

Ole’ Newt actually thought that he was at a debate instead of a love-in. Go figure. Federal legislation on right-to-work? Are you kidding me? Sure … pillory Obamacare (Romney actually uses the states-rights issue as his out for having created the same thing as a governor) and then commit the exact same type of abuse of power simply to pander to your wealthiest and most powerful core constituency.

Not Newt.

Which of the candidates actually made an on-the-fly choice about anything presented to them other than John King’s cutesy little questions about smart phones and pizza?

Who actually got any real applause?

Wow man, it’s 1995 all over again when the press was telling these fairytales about how it was Newt Gingrich's fault that the government “shut down” for a few days because he didn’t personally go over and kick Bill Clinton’s ass and force him to sign a balanced budget.

Thank you media, for those in the live-free-or-die state actually notice foolishness such as this.

CNN won.
Did they watch the same debate the rest of us did?

Which of the candidates actually disagreed with anything that anyone had to say?

Ole’ Newt actually thought that he was at a debate instead of a love-in. Go figure. Federal legislation on right-to-work? Are you kidding me? Sure … pillory Obamacare (Romney actually uses the states-rights issue as his out for having created the same thing as a governor) and then commit the exact same type of abuse of power simply to pander to your wealthiest and most powerful core constituency.

Not Newt.

Which of the candidates actually made an on-the-fly choice about anything presented to them other than John King’s cutesy little questions about smart phones and pizza?

Who actually got any real applause?

Wow man, it’s 1995 all over again when the press was telling these fairytales about how it was Newt Gingrich's fault that the government “shut down” for a few days because he didn’t personally go over and kick Bill Clinton’s ass and force him to sign a balanced budget.

Thank you media, for those in the live-free-or-die state actually notice foolishness such as this.

CNN won.

QFT. I can't believe that the Republicans let CNN bat them around like that with such a terrible format and stupid questions.
It wasn't a debate. They're never debates, just question and answer periods. So when each candidate didn't have the chance to respond to each question or issue raised, how can anyone determine a "winner"?
Did they watch the same debate the rest of us did?

Which of the candidates actually disagreed with anything that anyone had to say?

Ole’ Newt actually thought that he was at a debate instead of a love-in. Go figure. Federal legislation on right-to-work? Are you kidding me? Sure … pillory Obamacare (Romney actually uses the states-rights issue as his out for having created the same thing as a governor) and then commit the exact same type of abuse of power simply to pander to your wealthiest and most powerful core constituency.

Not Newt.

Which of the candidates actually made an on-the-fly choice about anything presented to them other than John King’s cutesy little questions about smart phones and pizza?

Who actually got any real applause?

Wow man, it’s 1995 all over again when the press was telling these fairytales about how it was Newt Gingrich's fault that the government “shut down” for a few days because he didn’t personally go over and kick Bill Clinton’s ass and force him to sign a balanced budget.

Thank you media, for those in the live-free-or-die state actually notice foolishness such as this.

You know, you're right. The guy who's gonna beat Obama is still out there beating up the Obama joblessness and hopelessness acceptance losers with catchy phrases like, "You're hired!"

That's right. You can tell he's got a point because some idiot infotainment spinner disguised in reporter's garb announced his dynamo speech as "Rick Perry Stays Mum," and all the lefties here know they have to ignore the obvious before it really is acknowledged for the home run it is for Republicans.

The Republican party and the American people won the debate. The only real loser was Barack Obama.
Not really. CNN won the debate by hosting a childish, shortened, hackneyed non-debate that didn't really highlight the differences between candidates...but instead got them to talk about Pizza and Smartphones!

They really snookered the candidates, I tell you.
It doesn't really matter who you say the winner was. Any one of the people in that debate would make a better President than the clown we have in there now.

First of all, "better" isn't enough. How much better? One piece of legislation better? NO. We need RADICAL change. You put Romney in office, he will continue every single Obama policy and more. Just like Obama continued Bushes policy and even kept some people from Bushes administration.

There's only one candidate that would bring about radical change and that's Ron Paul, the rest are STATUS QUO. Period.


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