Who is Your Biggest Enemy? Hillary: 'Republicans'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
During the debate Candidates were asked who their #1 enemy was.

Jim Webb said, "The enemy I’m most proud to have made was a VC who tried to kill me with a grenade."

Continuing to prove that Progressive Liberals have a serious problem with 'THREAT RECOGNITION', Hillary Clinton answered, "Republicans." Not long ago she referred to Republicans as 'terrorists'. In response, Governor Christie accurately and appropriately called her a 'disgrace'.

The problem with Liberals' have with 'Threat Recognition' is well documented:
- Barry's 'buddy' is no other than un-repentant DOMESTIC TERRORIST Bill Ayers, the terrorist who bombed his own country, killed cops, and declared he wishes he had perpetrated even MORE bombings.

- Barry applied pressure on Egypt to push up scheduled elections, giving the terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood an advantage and helping them take over the government of our ally, Egypt.

- Barry armed 'Libyan Rebels' - Al Qaeida, the group that had been hiring Jihadists to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill American soldiers...THEN took the nation to war on his own (without Congressional approval to do so) to help them take over Libya

- Obama / Hillary hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to protect the NOW DEAD Ambassador Stevens

- Obama declared the Ft. Hood terrorist attack NOT to be an act of terrorism but rather a case of 'workplace violence'

- Obama failed to prevent the Boston Marathon terrorist attack even though he had been warned in plenty of time to stop it

- Obama by-passed congress and violated the Constitution regarding Treaties in order to make a treasonous 'deal' with the largest exporter of terrorism in the world, Iran, who seeks to acquire nuclear weapons to destroy Israel and bomb the US. Knowing Congress would never approve the deal, much like he knew Congress would never authorize him to use our military to help Al Qaeida take over Libya, Obama by-passed Congress, taking the deal straight to the UN. When asked by Congress to release a report giving the number of American deaths Iran is responsible for, Obama refused because he knows the number would outrage Congress and Americans. Obama also cut this deal without even ASKING for the release of 4 Americans Iran is holding. (Hello 'Jimmy Carter terrorist scenario' all over again.) Kerry said they did not ask because they were 'afraid' the Iranians would walk away from the negotiating table. (Good lord, grow a pair!)

- 'The future must not be left to those who slander the prophet of Islam." - Barry O

So it should not be any surprise that this Progressive Liberal traitor (two steps ahead of the posse that intends to throw her in jail) would declare Republicans - not ISIS, Iran, Putin, or China - to be her #1 'enemy'!

*** There is a thread on this board that asks why 'compromise' is such a 'bad thing' for Republicans. Hillary proves, as Israel has learned the hard way, there is no such thing as compromise with someone who declares openly that you are their sworn enemy and who seeks your destruction! As was / is with Obama, if Hillary is elected President, there will be NO UNITY in this country due to a leader who wants nothing BUT division and the destruction of part of the nations' citizens!
She is a dumb pandering crook. And bitch. Cant forget the bitch part!
If you support Clinton, you are literally dumb as fuck. Or work for Wall Street..
They must do their best to keep Americans divided, so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves.

This game is so old, but amazingly it still works.
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They must do their best to keep Americans divided, so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves.

This game is so old, but amazingly it still works.
That's because there are always new young players to trick.

The college kids don't actually know real history. They only know the rhetoric they read on twitter.
During the debate Candidates were asked who their #1 enemy was.

No. They weren't. Your whole topic is based on a false premise.

Here is what they were asked:

MODERATOR: Governor Chafee, Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, "I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made." You've all made a few people upset over your political careers. Which enemy are you most proud of?

For Clinton, there could be no other answer than the Republicans. They have been on the attack against her for nearly 25 years.
During the debate Candidates were asked who their #1 enemy was.

No. They weren't. Your whole topic is based on a false premise.

Here is what they were asked:

MODERATOR: Governor Chafee, Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, "I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made." You've all made a few people upset over your political careers. Which enemy are you most proud of?

For Clinton, there could be no other answer than the Republicans. They have been on the attack against her for nearly 25 years.
What stupid fucking question.

And Hillary's answer was republicans?

Stupid answer as well.
During the debate Candidates were asked who their #1 enemy was.

No. They weren't. Your whole topic is based on a false premise.

Here is what they were asked:

MODERATOR: Governor Chafee, Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, "I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made." You've all made a few people upset over your political careers. Which enemy are you most proud of?

For Clinton, there could be no other answer than the Republicans. They have been on the attack against her for nearly 25 years.
What stupid fucking question.

And Hillary's answer was republicans?

Stupid answer as well.
It was the OBVIOUS answer, and has the added benefit of being true.
During the debate Candidates were asked who their #1 enemy was.

No. They weren't. Your whole topic is based on a false premise.

Here is what they were asked:

MODERATOR: Governor Chafee, Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, "I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made." You've all made a few people upset over your political careers. Which enemy are you most proud of?

For Clinton, there could be no other answer than the Republicans. They have been on the attack against her for nearly 25 years.
What stupid fucking question.

And Hillary's answer was republicans?

Stupid answer as well.
It was the OBVIOUS answer.
Really? She's proud that she considers half the nation an enemy?

She should've said Bill. Lol
Funny how you just joined in August Easy65 .

How much are you getting paid to post your threads filled with such hatred?
Facts are considered hatred in a nation infected with stupidity.

Factual you say? Easy's thread is probably from a blog...Show me a factual link please~

Hillary did say republicans, and this blog took off with that and spewed their hatred.

Just like with Obama, if Clinton is elected it will be impossible for her to do or say anything right in the eyes of the Republicans. If Clinton is for something, the GOP will be against it. If Clinton proposes a plan to solve a problem, the GOP will reflexively attack it.

And that is why she got big applause for her response.
During the debate Candidates were asked who their #1 enemy was.

No. They weren't. Your whole topic is based on a false premise.

Here is what they were asked:

MODERATOR: Governor Chafee, Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, "I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made." You've all made a few people upset over your political careers. Which enemy are you most proud of?

For Clinton, there could be no other answer than the Republicans. They have been on the attack against her for nearly 25 years.
What stupid fucking question.

And Hillary's answer was republicans?

Stupid answer as well.
It was the OBVIOUS answer.
Really? She's proud that she considers half the nation an enemy?
You have it backwards. Half the nation sees her as an enemy.
How much are you getting paid to post your threads filled with such hatred?

LOL.... What 'hatred', E? The majority of my posts include FACT, which the vast majority of Liberals on this board can not say. I know I make them ill at ease because I call them out on their B$, and I am hard to pin down because I am neither a Republican or a Democrat.
Most of my posts are light-hearted and joking - I can't help if Liberals don't have a sense of humor. Don't get me wrong, I have rubbed Conservatives the wrong way at times too because some of them don't like hearing some truths about their party. But 'hate', E? No, that's not my bag.
During the debate Candidates were asked who their #1 enemy was.

No. They weren't. Your whole topic is based on a false premise.

Here is what they were asked:

MODERATOR: Governor Chafee, Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, "I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made." You've all made a few people upset over your political careers. Which enemy are you most proud of?

For Clinton, there could be no other answer than the Republicans. They have been on the attack against her for nearly 25 years.
What stupid fucking question.

And Hillary's answer was republicans?

Stupid answer as well.
It was the OBVIOUS answer.
Really? She's proud that she considers half the nation an enemy?
You have it backwards. Half the nation sees her as an enemy.

and they are correct. HRC is an enemy of the USA and its constitution. She is also a liar and a fraud.

Do you remember that she was fired from the watergate committee (a partisan witch hunt) for lying and fraud?
During the debate Candidates were asked who their #1 enemy was.

No. They weren't. Your whole topic is based on a false premise.

Here is what they were asked:

MODERATOR: Governor Chafee, Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, "I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made." You've all made a few people upset over your political careers. Which enemy are you most proud of?

For Clinton, there could be no other answer than the Republicans. They have been on the attack against her for nearly 25 years.
What stupid fucking question.

And Hillary's answer was republicans?

Stupid answer as well.
It was the OBVIOUS answer.
Really? She's proud that she considers half the nation an enemy?
You have it backwards. Half the nation sees her as an enemy.

Half the nation sees her as an enemy.

half the country sees her as a liar, an opportunist, and unqualified for the job she is seeking.

the other half wear rose colored glasses, and have their fingers in their ears.
Just like with Obama, if Clinton is elected it will be impossible for her to do or say anything right in the eyes of the Republicans. If Clinton is for something, the GOP will be against it. If Clinton proposes a plan to solve a problem, the GOP will reflexively attack it.

And that is why she got big applause for her response.

or the audience was full of lemmings, the people asking the questions knew this, and the question was just pandering to the crowd??

amazing how the obvious excapes the minds of self-absorbed idiots
During the debate Candidates were asked who their #1 enemy was.

No. They weren't. Your whole topic is based on a false premise.

Here is what they were asked:

MODERATOR: Governor Chafee, Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, "I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made." You've all made a few people upset over your political careers. Which enemy are you most proud of?

For Clinton, there could be no other answer than the Republicans. They have been on the attack against her for nearly 25 years.
What stupid fucking question.

And Hillary's answer was republicans?

Stupid answer as well.
It was the OBVIOUS answer.
Really? She's proud that she considers half the nation an enemy?
You have it backwards. Half the nation sees her as an enemy.

did the dems consider Bush an enemy?
No. They weren't. Your whole topic is based on a false premise.

Here is what they were asked:

MODERATOR: Governor Chafee, Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, "I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made." You've all made a few people upset over your political careers. Which enemy are you most proud of?

For Clinton, there could be no other answer than the Republicans. They have been on the attack against her for nearly 25 years.
What stupid fucking question.

And Hillary's answer was republicans?

Stupid answer as well.
It was the OBVIOUS answer.
Really? She's proud that she considers half the nation an enemy?
You have it backwards. Half the nation sees her as an enemy.

did the dems consider Bush an enemy?
This is a topic about Clinton.


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