Who is Your Biggest Enemy? Hillary: 'Republicans'

During the debate Candidates were asked who their #1 enemy was.

No. They weren't. Your whole topic is based on a false premise.

Here is what they were asked:

MODERATOR: Governor Chafee, Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, "I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made." You've all made a few people upset over your political careers. Which enemy are you most proud of?

For Clinton, there could be no other answer than the Republicans. They have been on the attack against her for nearly 25 years.
What stupid fucking question.

And Hillary's answer was republicans?

Stupid answer as well.
It was the OBVIOUS answer.
Really? She's proud that she considers half the nation an enemy?
You have it backwards. Half the nation sees her as an enemy.

actually 60% consider her to be dishonest according to at least one poll.

amazing how there are so many of the people you morons insist are a rapidly disappearing minority isnt it??
There are right reasons and there are wrong reasons to oppose Clinton. Unfortunately, most of the Gnu Right couldn't provide any right reasons that extend beyond a bumper sticker.


For Clinton, there could be no other answer than the Republicans. They have been on the attack against her for nearly 25 years.

Thanks for pointing out the extreme division Liberals such as Obama and Hillary have created in this country. Hillary admitted that she sees the GOP as 'the enemy', 'someone' - as Reid has put it in the past - 'you don't compromise with, you defeat'. That division will continue under this bit@ch, who has blamed the GOP for everyone of HER and her pervert husband's scandals and crimes!
What stupid fucking question.

And Hillary's answer was republicans?

Stupid answer as well.
It was the OBVIOUS answer.
Really? She's proud that she considers half the nation an enemy?
You have it backwards. Half the nation sees her as an enemy.

did the dems consider Bush an enemy?
This is a topic about Clinton.


yes, and my point is that the opposing party always considers a president of the other party an enemy. Thats just the way it is.

Whats also true is that 65% of americans use the word "liar" as the first choice descriptive for Hillary clinton.
There are right reasons and there are wrong reasons to oppose Clinton. Unfortunately, most of the Gnu Right couldn't provide any right reasons that extend beyond a bumper sticker.



the ultimate bumper sticker

ur a moron
Great stuff from the "why can't we all just get along" crowd. As usual, they're full of shit.
There are right reasons and there are wrong reasons to oppose Clinton. Unfortunately, most of the Gnu Right couldn't provide any right reasons that extend beyond a bumper sticker.


Put the Hillary talking points down and look at all the evidence the FBI has already reveled, which is more than what was required to charge and convict Davis Patraeus. But you Liberals keep repeating the same ol' B$ you spewed above and maybe someone OTHER than left wing Liberals will actually believe it sooner or later.
can you believe this idiots actually claims to be a Republican and/or conservative??
g5000 and JakeStarkey cant admit they are left-wing nutjobs
There are right reasons and there are wrong reasons to oppose Clinton. Unfortunately, most of the Gnu Right couldn't provide any right reasons that extend beyond a bumper sticker.



Hillary's incompetence was the direct cause of the death of 4 americans. Then she lied about what caused it, blaming a video that less than 20 people worldwide had seen. She continues that lie today even after it has been proven to be a lie.

Then she violated federal security laws by using a personal server for classified data. That server was hacked and that classified data is now in the hands or russia, china, and who knows who else. The FBI does not investigate unless there is good evidence that a crime has been committed. This is not going away as much as you libs and the pandering media would like it to.
HRC's response is simply a re-statement of her past and notorious assertion about a "great, right-wing conspiracy" against her husband and her.

I actually had a bumper-sticker claiming to be a charter member of the GR-WC.

It would have been fun if she had named a few Republicans individually, but in the heat of the moment she came up with the best answer she could, and it was apropos.

Conversely, SHE is the second-biggest enemy of Americans who respect the Constitution and the rule of law - Our Beloved President, of course, being Enemy #1.
There are right reasons and there are wrong reasons to oppose Clinton. Unfortunately, most of the Gnu Right couldn't provide any right reasons that extend beyond a bumper sticker.



Hillary's incompetence was the direct cause of the death of 4 americans. Then she lied about what caused it, blaming a video that less than 20 people worldwide had seen. She continues that lie today even after it has been proven to be a lie.

Then she violated federal security laws by using a personal server for classified data. That server was hacked and that classified data is now in the hands or russia, china, and who knows who else. The FBI does not investigate unless there is good evidence that a crime has been committed. This is not going away as much as you libs and the pandering media would like it to.
Benghazi and emails are stupid, manufactured reasons fed to the rubes who don't know how to solve the problems our country is facing.

You tards couldn't solve 2+2.

The reasons to oppose Clinton are policy reasons.
The tards have spent millions, if not billions, of manhours foaming at the mouth over Benghazi and emails, and about six minutes on substantive policy issues.
Benghazi and emails are stupid, manufactured reasons fed to the rubes who don't know how to solve the problems our country is facing.

The reasons to oppose Clinton are policy reasons.

Thanks for Providing this look into the Liberal Mindset:
"The fact that Hillary / Obama hired Al Qaeida to protect a US Ambassador, ignored threats and calls for Stevens Assassination, modified the CIA document identifying the attack as terrorism 13 times to set up a LIE to the American people, violating both rules and laws, perjury, and continued cover-up (ONLY if perpetrated by a Liberal) is just B$, nothing of consequence..

The fact that she has repeatedly been caught in scandal after scandal, lie after lie, and law violation after law violation her entire career, that she puts her own career as a higher priority than to Americans she allowed to die then lied about to protect herself is no reason to oppose her for President
The tards have spent millions, if not billions, of manhours foaming at the mouth over Benghazi and emails, and about six minutes on substantive policy issues.

Pot, meet kettle.

Except Liberals never found one thing against Bush in their proven witch hunt. The FBI has already found and revealed more crimes by Hillary than was required to charge and convict Patraeus.
Hillary may just be too honest for her own good. Haven't Republicans earned the position over the last 20+ years? I can't remember a time when they haven't treated her like an enemy.
The progressives biggest enemy is the constitution, not put a too fine piont on it.
The second admendment is especially vexing...
There are right reasons and there are wrong reasons to oppose Clinton. Unfortunately, most of the Gnu Right couldn't provide any right reasons that extend beyond a bumper sticker.



Hillary's incompetence was the direct cause of the death of 4 americans. Then she lied about what caused it, blaming a video that less than 20 people worldwide had seen. She continues that lie today even after it has been proven to be a lie.

Then she violated federal security laws by using a personal server for classified data. That server was hacked and that classified data is now in the hands or russia, china, and who knows who else. The FBI does not investigate unless there is good evidence that a crime has been committed. This is not going away as much as you libs and the pandering media would like it to.
Benghazi and emails are stupid, manufactured reasons fed to the rubes who don't know how to solve the problems our country is facing.

You tards couldn't solve 2+2.

The reasons to oppose Clinton are policy reasons.
Applying checks and balances to ensure the people are not being duped by their political leaders is stupid?

It amazes me how they have convinced you that there is no "there" there without any proof.

Despite the fact that the person in the third highest position decided to have her own server and wipe her emails clean without a third independent party ensuring she was not doing something unethical.

You want to hear what stupid is?

Obama paid an attorney 4 million dollars to investigate if, in fact, the IRS was targeting conservatives. After a short investigation, she returned with her findings that there was no evidence of any targeting.

Do you recall that? He had her start the investigation pretty much within a week of the allegations going public.

And Obama took those findings and told the country that there was not a smidgen of corruption at the IRS.

Do you remember that as well?

What the attorney did NOT know, however, was the fact that Lois Lerner's emails were lost. That came out later.

So.....a 4 million dollar investigation into the activities of Lois Lerner and yet the investigators did not realize that she had lost her emails. What did they do to investigate? Ask Lois Lerner if she did anything wrong? They never ONCE asked to see emails?

Now THAT is stupid.
The tards have spent millions, if not billions, of manhours foaming at the mouth over Benghazi and emails, and about six minutes on substantive policy issues.

Pot, meet kettle.

You're new here, and should not make assumptions.

I have made many, many substantive proposals for addressing the issues facing our country. And almost every one of them is a Conservative answer. Which is why I oppose the Democrats, including Clinton and Obama.
Haven't Republicans earned the position over the last 20+ years? I can't remember a time when they haven't treated her like an enemy.
In answer to your question, 'No'.

I guess the GOP is Hillary's enemy just as a policeman is a crook's enemy. The GOP did not force her to engage in all these scandals and criminal activity - she did that herself. The Government was created to have a system of checks and balances that is supposed to prevent and deal with her type of unethical, immoral, and criminal behavior, and it should be praised not attacked.

Her, and Liberal, assertion that this - like her husband's affair and sexual harassment - is a 'right wing conspiracy' is like a criminal caught breaking and entering claiming it was a Police Officer conspiracy! "If they wouldn't have caught me, if they would have just turned the other way....this is all THEIR fault."

Liberals have NO F*ING CLUE what 'personal accountability' means. In THEIR dictionary it means ' BLAME SOMEONE ELSE. ** See 'Obama' / 'Hillary'."

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