Who is this guy Obama

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Aug 11, 2008
That's what I wanted to know when he was nominated.

I knew nothing about him. So I started researching him, and I found out a lot!

And I put it in this Obama Scrapbook. I'll bet it contains facts that you don't know!

I can't post the URL here,
All you need to know is that he wants to raise taxes to take care of people because our great government can take care of people better than the individual can. period.
All you need to know is that he wants to raise taxes to take care of people because our great government can take care of people better than the individual can. period.

Don't worry about it... you're not top 1% of wage earners, so I doubt reinstituting those taxes would affect you in the least.

Nice of you to worry about Bill Gates, though.
Just because it wouldn't affect him personally doesn't make it negligible.
My God, can you imagine a scrap book on Bush's lies alone, then another 10 volumes on his war crimes.
Go Obama!!
Could you imagine a scrapbook that features all the sermons where Barack listened to Wright and Pfleger berate the white
Oh yeah? is that right? huh, I'd like to read about that,, where's the links, I know theres alot of spin but I've never seen any proof or links.
As far a I know, wright kept that garbage to a certain audience, Obama never heard him say any of that, I might be wrong, where did you get that info?
jsandersOh yeah? is that right? huh, I'd like to read about that,, where's the links, I know theres alot of spin but I've never seen any proof or links.
As far a I know, wright kept that garbage to a certain audience, Obama never heard him say any of that, I might be wrong, where did you get that info?

You're ignorant enough to believe that Wright didn't preach his hatespeak when Obama was around because he thought it would someday hurt Obama's character?

Regardless of the fact, Obama KNEW Wright's radical views, yet he still supported the man and still considered the man a "father figure."
You're ignorant enough to believe that Wright didn't preach his hatespeak when Obama was around
That's why I asked for proof, are you ignorannt enough to believe rumors (yup)..not me

Regardless of the fact,
There ya go, now you admit to disregarding facts.
Hey that McCain is quite the liar too, bet you worship his dumbass.
Nice spin job, not one source or peice of evidence, 100% bullshit, just like what the Iraq war is based on.
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Sorry, kid, logic says that Obama listened to Wright's hatespeeches on numerous occasions. Did Wright phone in his sermons ahead of time to Obama saying, "Hey, today, I'm gonna talk about hating white people. Don't come to church today."

No, he didn't. Obama went random, Wright preached randomly. Logic says that at least once, Obama lisented to the hatred spewing from that vile man's mouth. Logic also says Obama agreed, considering he referred to Wright as his "mentor and father figure."

RUMOR has it it that the Clinton campaign has proof that Obama was present at many of Wright's anti-whitey sermons but that she refused to paint Obama as un-American. Hopefully they sold that footage off to McCain to be played in the weeks leading up to Obama's defeat.
Sorry, kid, logic says
That if your bullshit was true you would post a source, logic says you're a liar.
So not one source anywhere for this cheap spin job....
Vote integrity and truth vote OBAMA!!!
End the era of lies and spin
jsandersOh yeah? is that right? huh, I'd like to read about that,, where's the links, I know theres alot of spin but I've never seen any proof or links.
As far a I know, wright kept that garbage to a certain audience, Obama never heard him say any of that, I might be wrong, where did you get that info?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfNEfEBYIZs]YouTube - Rev Jeremiah Wright's Message[/ame]

Obama heard controversial comments - Politico Staff - Politico.com
Contrary to his earlier suggestion, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) acknowledged in his speech Tuesday that he had heard “controversial” remarks by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. “Did I know him to be an occasionally fierce critic of American domestic and foreign policy?” Obama said. “Of course. Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes. Did I strongly disagree with many of his political views? Absolutely — just as I’m sure many of you have heard remarks from your pastors, priests or rabbis with which you strongly disagreed.”

Obama did not specify which statements.
Obama did not specify which statements.
I love it, those links prove nothing!! It proves wrights an idiot.
Nice try though (desperate)

a look at what mr. wright preaches
Again, nice ry, no Obama :cuckoo::cuckoo:
So like I've said, just a bunch of lies and spin.
Obama was never at any of those speeches, you proved that with your own links

Vote Obama!! Vote honesty and integrity!!
End the rea of liars and spindoctors
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Could you imagine a scrapbook that features all the sermons where Barack listened to Wright and Pfleger berate the white man?

Blunt, Obama himself has said he KNEW of Wright's controversial preachings. He himself has said that he HAD heard Wright make controversial comments. Yet, in spite of that, he still considered Wright his "mentor and father figure."

If that's not clear-cut enough for you, I don't know what else to tell you. You're a fucking idiot, I guess that's all there is left to say.
Now see, you're getting all upset (again) and attacking me because you don't have an ounce of evidence to support your bullshit. Don't get pissed at me because you got caught up in your own lies, blame it on your mother, she raised ya.
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