who is the worst dictator in the world and why?

who is the world's Worst dictator

  • Kim Jong-il (North Korea)

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • Robert Mugabe (zimbabwe)

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • King Abdullah (Saudi Arabia)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fidel Castro (Cuba)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hosni Mubarak (Egypt)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • vladamir putin (russia)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pervez Musharraf (pakistan)

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Omar Al-Bashir (sudan)

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Bashar al-Assad (syria)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Iran)

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It was tough for me to decide, but judging by the fact, the president of iran, wants to nuke a whole country and is threatening an entire region. I had to vote for him, any of the 10 bachelors on that list would make :lol: any woman happy :P hahaha. I mean would make an excellent choice :doubt: for worlds worst dictator.
Can y'all tell me about these dictators, between anna's baby :cuckoo: and the rest of the media's mindless news. I dont know of any real news.
Kim. I would have gone for Mugabe but he loses out to Kim because he hasn't been part of a dynastic rule that has totally and utterly controlled a whole nation and kept them in servitude and ignorance. Mugabe has done a huge amount of damage to his own people but they know he's a mongrel, the North Koreans have but an inkling of the real extent of evil of Kim.
Kim. I would have gone for Mugabe but he loses out to Kim because he hasn't been part of a dynastic rule that has totally and utterly controlled a whole nation and kept them in servitude and ignorance. Mugabe has done a huge amount of damage to his own people but they know he's a mongrel, the North Koreans have but an inkling of the real extent of evil of Kim.

do they know he likes basketball? :bowdown:

Imagine a game show: who wants to flee north korea, you have to play a basketball game, and if you win, you get to go to south korea, you lose, you get to go underground, 6 feet :P
You should have the United States up there.

Not one individual.

The USA from the past century has killed more people "Keeping the Peace"
than any other country on the planet.

They're the only country that was found guilty by the World court and ordered to pay reparations, which they ignored.


It is a fact that if a country commits a terrorist act, they are evil and they are terrorists by US standards.

But if the united States of America does the same thing, they are fighting for peace.

By the principals of the Nuremberg trials, every single American President since then would have been hanged.

Has anyone ever been brought to trial?

Has this point even been raised?

Its not a difficult point to demonstrate.

The operational criterion for what counted as a war crime at Nuremberg was :

A criminal act that the West didnt do.

In other words, it was considered a legitimate defense if you could show that America and Britian did the same thing.

Part of the defence of the German submarine commander Admmiral Doenitz was to call an American submarine commander, Admiral Mimitz to testify, that Americans did the same thing- Thats was a defence.

Bombing of urban areas was not considered a war crime at Nuremberg; reason is, the West did it more than the Germans.

And this is all straight out.

If the West has done it, it wasnt a crime; it was only a crime if the Germans had done it and the US had not.

Ignore this, call it what you will but it is the truth, and history proves it.
It has to be Kim. If for no other reason than he has or may have or is very close to having nuclear capabilities. Yes, I know Iran is damn close as well, but they wouldn't be if not for North Korea. Kim is more than happy to sell his technology to the highest bidder, it's not like he has Kias, Hyundais, or Daewoos with which to raise money.

Along with Kim's hunger for weapons, he starves his people to fund the military, all the while preventing real news from the outside world from reaching the North Korean people.
Along with Kim's hunger for weapons, he starves his people to fund the military, all the while preventing real news from the outside world from reaching the North Korean people.

By far Left Wing standards, this could easily be changed to suit the US of A.
The USA from the past century has killed more people "Keeping the Peace"
than any other country on the planet.

Look in the dictionary under "fruitcake", and you'll find superlative's picture.

It's instructive to examine just how ridiculous leftist fanatics have to get, to keep faithfully pursuing their agenda.
Kim's got nukes. he got my vote

Iran almost has.

Dumbass Bush invaded the ONE member of the Axis of Evil that was nowhere near getting seriously nasty WMD's.

neocons should be so proud.
Kim's got nukes. he got my vote

Iran almost has.

Dumbass Bush invaded the ONE member of the Axis of Evil that was nowhere near getting seriously nasty WMD's.

neocons should be so proud.

Why do you think they did it?

it wasnt an accident.

Would you fight with a country that has Nukes? or the potential.

They invaded Iraq because it was easy pickins, in and out job, easily done, mission accomplished.

N Korea has an army, and Iran has a popular leader.

the US picks targets very carefully.

pretty much anyone who cant fight back on a large scale.
Mugabe, he would be the easiest to beat and we need the practise, I say we as in you Americans, morale is a must.
Robert Mugabe:- While his people suffer the bastard celebrates his birthday in style.

Pervez Musharraf:- Always licking Hu Jintao's ass for more help on his nuke program. I dont know why America even considers him as an ally. This guy is going to get toppled by a Islamic coup very soon. By putting the entire military of Pakistan under his control and interfering from the Pakistani Cricket Board to the judiciary this guy is the perfect choice for one of the worst dictator in this century.
I was only 5 at the time, so i apologize, but can someone explain what the heck this is?

For the first time since joining the World Court in 1946, the United States walks out of a case. The case that caused the dramatic walkout concerned U.S. paramilitary activities against the Nicaraguan government.

For the Reagan administration, efforts to undermine the Sandinista government in Nicaragua had been a keystone of its anticommunist foreign policy since it took office in 1981. Policies designed to economically and diplomatically isolate the Nicaraguan government were combined with monetary and material aid to the "Contras," a paramilitary anti-Sandinista force that carried out armed attacks against the Sandinistas. Although some of these U.S. efforts were public knowledge, others were covert and remained hidden from public view.

Charging that the Nicaraguan government was receiving weapons from the communist bloc and was using those arms to aid revolutions elsewhere in Central America, the Reagan administration even resorted to mining Nicaragua's harbors. Infuriated by these acts, the Nicaraguan government appeared before the World Court and asked that orders be issued to the United States to cease the hostile activity and pay reparations for the damage.

On January 18, 1985, the United States walked out of the World Court, charging that the case was a "misuse of the court for political and propaganda purposes." A State Department spokesperson stated that, "We profoundly hope that court does not go the way of other international organizations that have become politicized against the interests of the Western democracies." Opponents of the Reagan policies roundly condemned the decision to walk out. Congressman Michael Barnes stated that he was "shocked and saddened that the Reagan Administration has so little confidence in its own policies that it chooses not even to defend them."

The Reagan administration's decision in regards to the World Court had little impact on the continuing conflict in Central America. The Court heard Nicaragua's case and decided against the United States; it charged that the U.S. violated international law with its actions against the Sandinistas, and ordered it to pay reparations to Nicaragua in June 1986. The U.S. government ignored the decision. Meanwhile, the Contra actions in Nicaragua achieved little more than death and destruction, and Congress banned further U.S. military aid to the Contras in 1988.
You should have the United States up there.

superlative: Not one individual.

superlative: The USA from the past century has killed more people "Keeping the Peace"
than any other country on the planet.

Me: who did the u.s.a. kill, lets discuss this?. I was gonna put george bush on the list for my liberal friends, but ultimately chose against it, because i did find ten worthy suitors (in my opinion) for worst dictator

superlative: They're the only country that was found guilty by the World court and ordered to pay reparations, which they ignored.

me: i dont know anything about this, i apologize

superlative: http://www.history.com/tdih.do?action=tdihArticleCategory&id=2550

superlative: It is a fact that if a country commits a terrorist act, they are evil and they are terrorists by US standards.

me: every country is not perfect, they have good and bad points, the u.s.a. has come along way in only 200+ years, we had slavery, but we ended it, we have made strides to end racism, make equality for women and gays. We are not perfect, but we are not the scum of the earth either (my opinion). I welcome yours :)

superlative: But if the united States of America does the same thing, they are fighting for peace.

superlative: me: the united states is NOT above criticism

superlative: By the principals of the Nuremberg trials, every single American President since then would have been hanged.

me: why, please describe in detail, with facts, evidence, etc etc

superlative: Has anyone ever been brought to trial?

me: im only 26, my history is mostly on WWII, and some on WWI

superlative: Has this point even been raised?

me: I honestly think your brave to bring it up :eusa_clap: :eusa_dance:

superlative: Its not a difficult point to demonstrate.

me: please demonstate, im not afraid of being wrong.

superlative: The operational criterion for what counted as a war crime at Nuremberg was :

superlative: A criminal act that the West didnt do.

me: the last two sentences confused me

superlative: In other words, it was considered a legitimate defense if you could show that America and Britian did the same thing.

me: im still lost

superlative: Part of the defence of the German submarine commander Admmiral Doenitz was to call an American submarine commander, Admiral Mimitz to testify, that Americans did the same thing- Thats was a defence.

me: aww, yes I think i remember that.

superlative: Bombing of urban areas was not considered a war crime at Nuremberg; reason is, the West did it more than the Germans.

me: true, but please tell me why that was wrong?.

superlative: And this is all straight out.

me: yes, but we had too, and i do criticize the u.s. for not getting involved earlier, if it would have killed hitler in 1938, or bombed the train tracks, less would have died. It wasnt only jews who died.

superlative: If the West has done it, it wasnt a crime; it was only a crime if the Germans had done it and the US had not.

me: But, the germans were brutally murdering innocent people, and we were trying to stop it, let me give you a similar example, what if we bombed parts of darfur to stop the genocide, would that be a crime too?

superlative: Ignore this, call it what you will but it is the truth, and history proves it.

me: i dont know what history will show :(. no offense brother
Here is the good thing about the internet, now, BOTH sides of a story are available, as opposed to what you will find in EVERY US version of history.

The corrupt, repressive, US-backed dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza Debayle is overthrown and is succeeded by the Sandinistas.

The Sandinistas will implement reforms that significantly improve social conditions. For instance, the literacy rate will improve from 25 percent to 80 percent, student enrollment will more than double by 1984, the number of school teachers will more than quadruple, and the percentage of people with access to health services will dramatically increase.
[Anderson, 1988; Media Monitors, 9/24/2001; Walker, 2003]

An Oxfam report entitled, Nicaragua: The Threat of a Good Example, will conclude in 1985: “In Oxfam’s experience of working in seventy-six developing countries, Nicaragua was to prove exceptional in the strength of that government commitment [of meeting the basic needs of the poor majority].” [Melrose, 1985]

Under US President Ronald Reagan, the CIA responds to the Sandinista revolution by creating a paramilitary force of ex-National Guardsmen known as the contras.

Based in neighboring Costa Rica, the force mounts raids on Nicaragua, attacking schools and medical clinics, raping, kidnapping, torturing, committing massacres, and mining harbors. [The Other Americas Radio, 10/1987; Guardian, 7/26/2000; Media Monitors, 9/24/2001; Walker, 2003]


The Nicaraguans did what they could, they went to the world court and said HELP, and the US was found GUILTY and ignored it.

They actaully escalated the violence as a response.

What you will find from ANY, EVERY, AND ALL US documentation on this is that they acted to remove a supressive regime.

But the fact is that the people were doing better, (paragraph one)

So the US using varied "Peace Keeping" techniques, basically helped to coordinate and fund the genocide of Nicaraguans.

Do some research, dig around, everything you find that says the US acted in a poor light will not be from a US publishing.

Which is kind of fishy to me, but thats just me.
me: i dont know what history will show :(. no offense brother

I am in no way saying that the Germans were good or are not in deserving of the sentancing handed down from Nuremberg.

in regards to Nuremberg

What im saying is the US did some bad stuff, and none of it was considered a "War Crime"

basically, because you couldnt hold America accountable for its actions, nothing they did was considered a "crime"

So if The Us is exempt for doing things, than why isnt everyone else?

In the trials, it was used as a defence. "Britain and America did it too,
therefore its not a crime."

When you are as powerful as the USA you can do pretty much whatever you want and not worry about being held accountable for it, simply because you say so.

No one is going to impose sanctions on America, no one is going to start a war with America. The US has the largest most advanced military in the world, they can do whatever they want, without fear of repercussion.

Things like invade a country that is little or no evidence of being a real threat, and take over.
You have proven your point. You are correct. Why would the u.s. government do such a terrible thing :( --?
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