Who Is Running Black Lives Matter ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Has anyone taken a good hard look at the current Black Lives Matter website ?

And in particular, the section under the link > ABOUT ? And within that, the link > What We Believe ?

If you do read this, you probably will get the same feeling that Glenn Beck and I both got that there in now way that this stuff was written by a black person. It all looks very much like the writing and mindset of well educated, Ivy league, snobbish, white intellectual, far-left liberals.

Best thing is to click the links provided here and see/hear for yourself.

I'll provide one example though. In the What We Believe section we see this >> "We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise). " Hmmm. Really ?

This looks rather odd, when you consider that blacks are the race which is least likely to say something like this, are the least supportive of homosexuality (having a strong, traditional bind to the Christian church),and which studies have shown have the lowest support for same sex marriage, of any race in America.

Starting to look more and more like it is whites in the top echelons of the Democratic Party who are engaging in a lot of manipulation, here,and together with the leftist media are using episodes like the George Floyd death, to fan the flames of hatred against police, President Trump, Republicans, and America itself.

Who runs BLM?

Who protects them? Who champions them? Who calls them "non-violent"?

Democrat filth! That's who.
Has anyone taken a good hard look at the current Black Lives Matter website ?

And in particular, the section under the link > ABOUT ? And within that, the link > What We Believe ?

If you do read this, you probably will get the same feeling that Glenn Beck and I both got that there in now way that this stuff was written by a black person. It all looks very much like the writing and mindset of well educated, Ivy league, snobbish, white intellectual, far-left liberals.

Best thing is to click the links provided here and see/hear for yourself.

I'll provide one example though. In the What We Believe section we see this >> "We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise). " Hmmm. Really ?

This looks rather odd, when you consider that blacks are the race which is least likely to say something like this, are the least supportive of homosexuality (having a strong, traditional bind to the Christian church),and which studies have shown have the lowest support for same sex marriage, of any race in America.

Starting to look more and more like it is whites in the top echelons of the Democratic Party who are engaging in a lot of manipulation, here,and together with the leftist media are using episodes like the George Floyd death, to fan the flames of hatred against police, President Trump, Republicans, and America itself.

Postmodernists are running BLM. They're largely "elite" philosophy doctoral candidates and professors of the humanities who for decades have been seeking revenge against the West for the abject failure of all socialist movements and governments in history and to date. The short version? The postmodernists want to kill us and destroy our civilization. Nothing more than that need be known.
Has anyone taken a good hard look at the current Black Lives Matter website ?

And in particular, the section under the link > ABOUT ? And within that, the link > What We Believe ?

If you do read this, you probably will get the same feeling that Glenn Beck and I both got that there in now way that this stuff was written by a black person. It all looks very much like the writing and mindset of well educated, Ivy league, snobbish, white intellectual, far-left liberals.

Best thing is to click the links provided here and see/hear for yourself.

I'll provide one example though. In the What We Believe section we see this >> "We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise). " Hmmm. Really ?

This looks rather odd, when you consider that blacks are the race which is least likely to say something like this, are the least supportive of homosexuality (having a strong, traditional bind to the Christian church),and which studies have shown have the lowest support for same sex marriage, of any race in America.

Starting to look more and more like it is whites in the top echelons of the Democratic Party who are engaging in a lot of manipulation, here,and together with the leftist media are using episodes like the George Floyd death, to fan the flames of hatred against police, President Trump, Republicans, and America itself.

How can Soros be a top democrat when he doesn't live in the USA? (Yes folks another duh moment...)
Has anyone taken a good hard look at the current Black Lives Matter website ?

And in particular, the section under the link > ABOUT ? And within that, the link > What We Believe ?

If you do read this, you probably will get the same feeling that Glenn Beck and I both got that there in now way that this stuff was written by a black person. It all looks very much like the writing and mindset of well educated, Ivy league, snobbish, white intellectual, far-left liberals.

Best thing is to click the links provided here and see/hear for yourself.

I'll provide one example though. In the What We Believe section we see this >> "We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise). " Hmmm. Really ?

This looks rather odd, when you consider that blacks are the race which is least likely to say something like this, are the least supportive of homosexuality (having a strong, traditional bind to the Christian church),and which studies have shown have the lowest support for same sex marriage, of any race in America.

Starting to look more and more like it is whites in the top echelons of the Democratic Party who are engaging in a lot of manipulation, here,and together with the leftist media are using episodes like the George Floyd death, to fan the flames of hatred against police, President Trump, Republicans, and America itself.

I'm pretty sure no normal person has ever used "heteronormative" in a sentence. The real power behind BLM are very rich Marxist America haters. Right now they feel America is theirs for the taking and from where I sit, I think they're right.

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