What really happened in Ukraine with Hunter and Joe Biden: Exclusive Miranda Devine book excerpt


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

What really happened in Ukraine with Hunter and Joe Biden: Exclusive Miranda Devine book excerpt

22 Sep 2024 ~~ By Miranda Devine

Hunter Biden’s abandoned MacBook was a window into the Biden family business, a secret international influence peddling operation. New York Post columnist Miranda Devine, who exposed many of Hunter’s secrets in her book “Laptop from Hell,” returns with “The Big Guy,” the story of how the FBI, the CIA, the State Department, the IRS and the Department of Justice conspired to protect Joe Biden and his family. Here, in a second exclusive excerpt, she explains the Ukrainian intrigue that surrounded Joe and Hunter:

Bidens are not atypical within the Democrat party. They are the norm. John Kerry's son was involved
The facts, motive and timeline all go along with this story.
That said, $83,333 a month ($1 million a year) to do nothing other than call daddy if needed. What a gig for Hunter. I’m sure he landed that consultant position because of his vast education and experience in that field, because of his exemplary military service record, and demonstrated moral character. (sarc) This is simply a really blatant and disgusting example of what has become normal operating procedures.
The oligarchs, and we have them also, own the politicians. They are the ones who own the MSM and big tech, which controls the message and what people think. They are the ones which pay for the PACs, campaigns, political parties. They can afford legal litigation, put family members on the board of directors, hire them as consultants, buy some trash art drawn by a family member, pay outrageous speaking fees, donate huge to a foundation or charity where the politician or his family members have their fingers in. Many of your politicians become millionaires on their “public servant” salaries.
What is really problematic for Americans to accept is why the "FBI, the CIA, the State Department, the IRS and the Department of Justice conspired to protect Joe Biden and his family".
Have these Congressional appointed Federal Agencies become so politically corrupted by Democrat Neo-Marxists that they cannot be trusted? Is it time to completely clean house?
Most low and mid level federal emplotees are worried about taking a >$20 lunch paid for by someone else, while at the most senior levels you have folks taking millions for a 45 minute speech and of course the fact that their wife is the Secretary of State obviously has nothing to do with it: https://www.cnn.com/2012/07/03/politics/clinton-speaking-fees/index.html Guess that was just coincidental.

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