Who is DeVos, the killer of public education.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Trump said on stages across America saying he wanted to help inner city, blacks, when talking to white crowds , and how is this helping inner city blacks or inner city poor who go to public schools?
Hopefully she will not get vetted. The Rich working for the Rich.

For nearly 30 years, as a philanthropist, activist and Republican fund-raiser, she has pushed to give families taxpayer money in the form of vouchers to attend private and parochial schools, pressed to expand publicly funded but privately run charter schools, and tried to strip teacher unions of their influence.

A daughter of privilege, she also married into it; her husband, Dick, who ran unsuccessfully for governor of Michigan a decade ago, is heir to the Amway fortune. Like many education philanthropists, she argues that children’s ZIP codes should not confine them to failing schools.

But Ms. DeVos’s efforts to expand educational opportunity in her home state of Michigan and across the country have focused little on existing public schools, and almost entirely on establishing newer, more entrepreneurial models to compete with traditional schools for students and money. Her donations and advocacy go almost entirely toward groups seeking to move students and money away from what Mr. Trump calls “failing government schools.”


Even some groups that share her support for charter schools worried that picking someone so closely identified as a champion of vouchers signaled that the Trump administration would try to starve public schools.

As a candidate, Mr. Trump proposed steering $20 billion in existing federal money toward vouchers that families could use to help pay for private or parochial schools, perhaps tapping into $15 billion in so-called Title I money that goes to schools that serve the country’s poorest children. He called school choice “the civil rights issues of our time.”

Public schools exist for the sole purpose of creating a new generation of students an order of magnitude less educated, less informed, less able and more dependent on government than the last.
And what is your answer to fixing the deplorable public school situation? What would you suggest?
Give every child the same amount regardless of what zip code they live in.

But here's the problem. It's not just funding. Poor kids who don't have good parents are still not going to do as well as middle class kids in nicer communities. You can't make good teachers teach in poverty stricken areas.

Ben carson might head housing and urban development. Do you think he will be good for blacks? Part of me thinks they need a guy like that who won't put up with excuses
Trump said on stages across America saying he wanted to help inner city, blacks, when talking to white crowds , and how is this helping inner city blacks or inner city poor who go to public schools?
Thanks for proving how thoughtless you are. Had you listened to ANY of Trump's speeches you wouldn't have to ask the question. It's OK to be ignorant but it is not OK to base firm opinions on your ignorance. His belief is that without the stranglehold the left has on public ed children will be free to move onto better schools. That means white kids. Brown kids. Black kids. Purple kids.

What the end result would be is the same as anywhere else not artificially controlled, competition. Schools will need to up their game across the board. Yes, the net result would mean carving off the worthless sacks of shit teachers and hiring more good ones. That's why the unions will fight it like crazy but alas, their power has been greatly diminished. People have had enough.
This is just touching the surface of what happen to the demise of Detroit Public Schools: If one wants to go to parochial school pay for it yourself.

In this exhaustively researched — and dare we say prophetic — piece, Guyette zeroes in on Gov. John Engler's 1993 introduction of charter schools and the billionaires funding this "school reform" movement. Not surprisingly, many of the names we recognize today as big backers of today's legislation (ahem, the DeVos family) were big financial supporters of the charter movement in the 1990s.

Why would these billionaires be so intent on charter school expansion? As Guyette explains it, the four main financial backers of Michigan's charter school movement (the Richard & Helen DeVos Foundation, the Prince Foundation, the Orville and Ruth Merillat Foundation, and the Cook Charitable Foundation) are also supporters of a series of religious issues and groups that advocate for the "Christianizing" of American politics. In short, charter schools were a step towards these individuals' ultimate goal of getting public funding for parochial schools.

Detroit school legislation backed by charter advocates was years in the making
...... If one wants to go to parochial school pay for it yourself.....

So, you only want the wealthy to have educational choices? Screw the poor? Typical lefty hypocrite.

I want everyone to have the same equal education. Not just the wealthy.

I don't believe in private schools, if you want to go self fund them. I do not want my tax dollars to subsidize a voucher. They should have excellent Public Schools to go to, and believe me our property taxes mainly pay for public schools around here (my town) but that if fine with me.
Devos is for charter schools and vouchers. You know, good education for all kids.
Trump picks Betsy DeVos for education secretary post

So lets see we pay to subsidize school vouchers but not the ACA , and let the Public Schools go in the tanker.
No, I don't pay 3/4's of our property tax for the public schools around her to also help pay for vouchers. I want the public schools in my town to be state of the art.

She ruined and will ruin more public schools. What are we paying property taxes for?

Lets see first comes heath, then education. Priorities. An ill and hungry child can't learn.
Devos is for charter schools and vouchers. You know, good education for all kids.
Trump picks Betsy DeVos for education secretary post

So lets see we pay to subsidize school vouchers but not the ACA , and let the Public Schools go in the tanker.
No, I don't pay 3/4's of our property tax for the public schools around her to also help pay for vouchers. I want the public schools in my town to be state of the art.

She ruined and will ruin more public schools. What are we paying property taxes for?

Lets see first comes heath, then education. Priorities. An ill and hungry child can't learn.
She ruined public schools? Explain. Go ahead. Start with Detroit.
Devos is for charter schools and vouchers. You know, good education for all kids.
Trump picks Betsy DeVos for education secretary post

So lets see we pay to subsidize school vouchers but not the ACA , and let the Public Schools go in the tanker.
No, I don't pay 3/4's of our property tax for the public schools around her to also help pay for vouchers. I want the public schools in my town to be state of the art.

She ruined and will ruin more public schools. What are we paying property taxes for?

Lets see first comes heath, then education. Priorities. An ill and hungry child can't learn.
She ruined public schools? Explain. Go ahead. Start with Detroit.
Reap my post 8 and go from there.
Devos is for charter schools and vouchers. You know, good education for all kids.
Trump picks Betsy DeVos for education secretary post

So lets see we pay to subsidize school vouchers but not the ACA , and let the Public Schools go in the tanker.
No, I don't pay 3/4's of our property tax for the public schools around her to also help pay for vouchers. I want the public schools in my town to be state of the art.

She ruined and will ruin more public schools. What are we paying property taxes for?

Lets see first comes heath, then education. Priorities. An ill and hungry child can't learn.
She ruined public schools? Explain. Go ahead. Start with Detroit.
Reap my post 8 and go from there.
That post is nothing but a rant against the "rich". You don't have any idea what is going on in Michigan schools. You are parroting leftist lines.

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