What do you think I give a fuck about ?
My kid's wellbeing ?
Or the "lack of opportunity" that some inner city street n!ggers and white trash and poags that can't get their shit straight, caused for themselves ?
My dad who has liver cancer, with an estimated, highly generalized but statistically valid 6 months to live ?
Or the "lack of opportunity" that some inner city street n!ggers, white trash and poags that can't get their shit straight, caused for themselves ?
How I'm going to be doing in 6 months or a year ?
Or do I give a fuck about the "lack of opportunity" that some inner city street n!ggers, white trash and poags that can't get their shit straight, caused for themselves ?
My own safety, my own life, my own personal environment ?
Or do you think I give a fucking rats ass whatsoever, about the "lack of opportunity" that some inner city street n!ggers, white trash and poags that can't get their shit straight, caused for themselves ?
Which one makes a lot more sense to you that I give a fuck about ?
My kid's wellbeing ?
Or the "lack of opportunity" that some inner city street n!ggers and white trash and poags that can't get their shit straight, caused for themselves ?
My dad who has liver cancer, with an estimated, highly generalized but statistically valid 6 months to live ?
Or the "lack of opportunity" that some inner city street n!ggers, white trash and poags that can't get their shit straight, caused for themselves ?
How I'm going to be doing in 6 months or a year ?
Or do I give a fuck about the "lack of opportunity" that some inner city street n!ggers, white trash and poags that can't get their shit straight, caused for themselves ?
My own safety, my own life, my own personal environment ?
Or do you think I give a fucking rats ass whatsoever, about the "lack of opportunity" that some inner city street n!ggers, white trash and poags that can't get their shit straight, caused for themselves ?
Which one makes a lot more sense to you that I give a fuck about ?