Who Controls America?


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
ALL the shills of Israel that have penetrated this site can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are. Everytime the war crimes of Israel are exposed,all we ever here is bullshit crap of "YOU ARE ANTI -SEMETIC." .Give it a fucking rest,that shit is tiresome and old.

The same thing applies to people who expose the atrocities of the mossad that applied to the people that exposed Bill Clintons criminal activites in Mena Arkansas and while in office,they ended up getting ARKANSAWED off by goons of Clintons.

same thing applies here as this video proves,if you expose the atrocities of Israel,their warmongering ways,you end up dying in myserious ways later on. You Israel paid shills have been exposed.

the ONLY thing that is not dead spot on accurate about this video that beeds to be fixed and is BS is that needs to be BIDEN pointing his finger at whats his name of Israel NOT Trump.That is BS. :mad:

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so when you cant refute facts you troll? nice.
You're a sock. Now I wonder who is pissed off because of the changes here in the I/P sub-forum... and is now responding to that.

And so...

There's no use arguing with a sock. :thup:
ahhhhhh the WONDERFUL government of Israel looking out for its people introduing a bill that makes it illegal to talk about jesus in Isral.what a WONDERFUL government they have looking out for its people.:yes_text12: i see that all the Isralie apologists here attack the messenger instead of refuting the facts stated in the video doing this in defeat-:scared1:

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