Who Cares?


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Do the allegedly informed here care? Any of the superficial, (read shallow and narrow minded with the attention span the size of a gnat), "stinky tourists"?

from the comments: More on the Merchant of Vice

I looked that up- this is the result from google: the merchant of vice - Google Search

look at the link and see what it doesn't show-

Beware! The article isn't msm talking head servants.

The article:
Wherefore Art Thou Ghislaine Maxwell?
And who are your friends?

Excerpt: It has long been assumed that Epstein video recorded the sexual encounters with the underage girls that he used in his intelligence activity to blackmail prominent politicians among others. It has been suspected that Ghislaine has at least some of those tapes hidden in a secret location and may be using them to cut a deal with investigators and prosecutors. It now appears that she briefly discussed the tapes with CBS News 60 Minutes producer Ira Rosen, also making clear that there were tapes of both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. The conversation took place in 2016 and she reportedly told Rosen that, given Trump’s involvement in the upcoming election, she would not release any information derived from the tapes relating to Clinton until after the election and she would only do so while also exposing Trump. Up until now, she has done neither.

It has long been known that Epstein knew both the ex-and future presidents, though both have denied knowing the sex offender well for obvious reasons. Clinton, for example, flew on Epstein’s Lolita Express private 727 at least 26 times and his presence at Epstein’s island refuge has also been well documented. Trump clearly knew Epstein but has denied having any contact with him after his registration as a sex offender in 2008.
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Never mind- just do as you're told and listen to, or read, if you can, the msm talking points so you don't have to focus- it's much easier that way to maintain the shallow and narrow, size of a gnat, attention span.
It must be Trumps fault, or Biden's, depending on Party preference- the Duopoly Party thanks you.
Never mind- just do as you're told and listen to, or read, if you can, the msm talking points so you don't have to focus- it's much easier that way to maintain the shallow and narrow, size of a gnat, attention span.
It must be Trumps fault, or Biden's, depending on Party preference- the Duopoly Party thanks you.
I can't wait for all this to gush forward.
Do the allegedly informed here care? Any of the superficial, (read shallow and narrow minded with the attention span the size of a gnat), "stinky tourists"?

from the comments: More on the Merchant of Vice

I looked that up- this is the result from google: the merchant of vice - Google Search

look at the link and see what it doesn't show-

Beware! The article isn't msm talking head servants.

The article:
Wherefore Art Thou Ghislaine Maxwell?
And who are your friends?

Excerpt: It has long been assumed that Epstein video recorded the sexual encounters with the underage girls that he used in his intelligence activity to blackmail prominent politicians among others. It has been suspected that Ghislaine has at least some of those tapes hidden in a secret location and may be using them to cut a deal with investigators and prosecutors. It now appears that she briefly discussed the tapes with CBS News 60 Minutes producer Ira Rosen, also making clear that there were tapes of both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. The conversation took place in 2016 and she reportedly told Rosen that, given Trump’s involvement in the upcoming election, she would not release any information derived from the tapes relating to Clinton until after the election and she would only do so while also exposing Trump. Up until now, she has done neither.

It has long been known that Epstein knew both the ex-and future presidents, though both have denied knowing the sex offender well for obvious reasons. Clinton, for example, flew on Epstein’s Lolita Express private 727 at least 26 times and his presence at Epstein’s island refuge has also been well documented. Trump clearly knew Epstein but has denied having any contact with him after his registration as a sex offender in 2008.
Plus BJ Billy was featured in a blue dress portrait in the foyer of Epstein's NYC digs.

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