Who can the Democrats possibly run in 2024?

Am I right that people actually think it WILL be AOC???

I think that's very possible.
Am I right that people actually think it WILL be AOC???

I think that's very possible.

AOC will make a great President

Smart, beautiful and cares about the American people
Tulsi no longer holds office and is now a Conservative stooge spouting RW one liners
You mean she thinks for herself and doesn’t submit to the America-destroying leftist policies being pushed. Got it.
You mean she thinks for herself and doesn’t submit to the America-destroying leftist policies being pushed. Got it.

She is a regular guest on Hannity
Shows where her alliance is
Agreed. I have been betting to myself that Biden WILL run. He'd be 82 to 86 in office, but hey, Mugabe of Zimbabwe was older than that, right? So no problem. (Kidding! Kidding!! Mugabe was a disaster.) But yeah, he'll run again. Who else? Absolutely nobody has any idea!! We know the possibles if Trump doesn't run ---- Abbott, DeSantis, Cruz. And I can think of some others. But the Dems??
If Republicans take over both the House and the Senate come midterms and the country is still in shambles, I don't think Biden will run for a second term and the chips will fall where they may.
If Republicans take over both the House and the Senate come midterms and the country is still in shambles, I don't think Biden will run for a second term and the chips will fall where they may.
But who might the Dems choose as a falling chip? It is interesting that no one here has much of an idea who could possible run instead of Biden and Harris. (I don't either.)
In another thread someone suggested Huma Abedin. I can only hope Dems are foolish enough to nominate her. Electing a someone who is a woman and a Muslim would be beyond stupid.

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