Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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1st post

ARTICLE VI Security Arrangements in the Gaza Strip​

  1. The Delimiting Line
    1. For the purpose of the present Agreement only, and without prejudice to the permanent status negotiations on borders, the line delimiting the northern and eastern edge of the Gaza Strip follows the fence on the ground, as delineated on attached map No. 2 by an unbroken green line (hereinafter "the Delimiting Line") and shall have no other effect.
    2. The Parties reaffirm that, as long as this Agreement is in force, the security fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel shall remain in place, and that the line demarcated by the fence shall be authoritative only for the purpose of this Agreement.
  2. Security Perimeter
Indeed, a cage.
5th post
The armistice agreement was after the Mandate left Palestine.

I don't see where they were incompatible.

I just don't understand your question.

The borders of Palestine and the Mandate, were assigned to
re-constitution of the Jewish nation by international law,
that has no statute of limitations.

So what does the distinction between armistice and political
lines have to do - with rights that do not expire?
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The borders of Palestine and the Mandate, were assigned to
re-constitution of the Jewish nation by international law,
that has no statute of limitations.

So what does the distinction between armistice and political
lines have to do - with rights that do not expire?
Mandates had no borders.

Got a link for those borders?
The EU has was questioning why UNRWA, the Islamic terrorist enabling agency, why their school material was little more than propaganda for the next generation of Islamic terrorist misfits.

The head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) faced a grilling by members of the European Parliament on Wednesday after textbooks used in its Palestinian schools were found to peddle antisemitic tropes and contained incitement to violence.

The Committee on Foreign Affairs hearing was called following the long-awaited release in June of a report that found Palestinian Authority books used to educate youth included antisemitism; “glorified” terrorists convicted of killing Israelis; removed the Jewish state from images of maps; and had excised previously included references to Israeli-Palestinian peace agreements.
Mandates had no borders.

Got a link for those borders?

One of the points he wanted to make was that American public opinion is turning against Israel, saying that the American public mood has begun describing Israel as racist, aggressive and committing war crimes.

Abbas is especially heartened by anti-Zionist statements made by American Jews.

He also called out the US church denominations that have embraced anti-Israel positions.

As we have seen in years past, when Abbas feels like he has Westerners on his side, he becomes more intransigent, thinking that in time the West will force Israel to make concessions beyond what Israel has already offered.

The anti-Zionists, who punch way above their weight in publicity, are giving Palestinians hope for their ultimate victory, so it is no wonder they refuse to compromise for peace.

(full article online)

RE: The NEWER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate
SUBTOPIC: Interpretation
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: I don't think you can grasp this topic. You were given this answer in a previous response.

RE: Posting #1382 The NEWER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate
SUBTOPIC: Interpretation

Mandates had no borders.

Got a link for those borders?

◈ French-British Convention: Certain Points Connected with the Mandates for the Syria and Lebanon, Palestine, and Mesopotamia, 1924 League of Nations Treaty Series pp355 Registry No 564​
✦ The boundaries between the territories under the French mandate of Syria and the Lebanon on the one hand and the British mandates of Mesopotamia and Palestine on the other are determined as follows :​
✦ A commission shall be established within three months from the signature of the present convention to trace on the spot the boundary line laid down in Article I between the French and British mandatory territories.​
◈ French-British Border Agreement of 1923, 1924 League of Nations Treaty Series pp365 Registry No #565​
✦ The members of the Boundary Commission designated, in accordance with the terms of article 2 of the Convention 3 of the 23rd December 1920 for the purpose of fixing the line of the Syro-Palestinian frontier between the sea and El Hamm, concluded their labours and drew up a final report at Beyrouth on the 3rd February, 1922.​


I have given all these references before (several times). And the pro-Hostile Arab Palestinians can ignore them for some superficial, frivolous, and senseless reasons.

I simply cannot understand where you get this notion (mistakes of facts) that former territories under the mandates do not have a line separating political and geographically named areas.

There are some cases in which you know they have no factual basis, yet attempt to wear a hat of authority and try to deliberately deceive the discussion group by spreading such fallacious and erroneous material in order to support the various terrorist organizations.

I am NOT an attorney. But even a layman such as myself can plainly see through the Arab Palestinian veil of dark information that shrouds the truth.

The boundary for the territory, formerly under the Mandate, varied along the timeline between the 1920 San Remo Agreement until 1946 when the British Government released Transjordan from the Mandate and it transitioned from a protectorate to a self-governing nation. However, the remainder of the territory west of the Jordan River, was still a legal entity under the Administration of the British Government. There was no country or nation of Palestine and no government from by the Arab Palestinians.
Most Respectfully,
The Palestinian Authority's illegal construction in Area C of Judea and Samaria is comparable to the method utilized by an anaconda to kill its prey: by coiling its body around its target and constricting it until it can no longer breathe.

That is the PA's goal: to suffocate the Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria, to prevent their expansion, and to occupy strategic locations while blocking major roads, particularly those leading to Jerusalem.

The PA's building has nothing to do with overcrowding; it is a strategic calculation designed with the help of the best cartographers and consultants from the European Union, which funds the PA with tens of millions of euros for this initiative.

If this weren't enough, the PA also carries out its illegal construction in a destructive manner, destroying every trace of natural terrain and archeological sites where Jewish civilization has been present for thousands of years.

(full article online)

15th post
RE: The NEWER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate
SUBTOPIC: Interpretation
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: I don't think you can grasp this topic. You were given this answer in a previous response.

RE: Posting #1382 The NEWER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate
SUBTOPIC: Interpretation


◈ French-British Convention: Certain Points Connected with the Mandates for the Syria and Lebanon, Palestine, and Mesopotamia, 1924 League of Nations Treaty Series pp355 Registry No 564​
✦ The boundaries between the territories under the French mandate of Syria and the Lebanon on the one hand and the British mandates of Mesopotamia and Palestine on the other are determined as follows :​
✦ A commission shall be established within three months from the signature of the present convention to trace on the spot the boundary line laid down in Article I between the French and British mandatory territories.​
◈ French-British Border Agreement of 1923, 1924 League of Nations Treaty Series pp365 Registry No #565​
✦ The members of the Boundary Commission designated, in accordance with the terms of article 2 of the Convention 3 of the 23rd December 1920 for the purpose of fixing the line of the Syro-Palestinian frontier between the sea and El Hamm, concluded their labours and drew up a final report at Beyrouth on the 3rd February, 1922.​


I have given all these references before (several times). And the pro-Hostile Arab Palestinians can ignore them for some superficial, frivolous, and senseless reasons.

I simply cannot understand where you get this notion (mistakes of facts) that former territories under the mandates do not have a line separating political and geographically named areas.

There are some cases in which you know they have no factual basis, yet attempt to wear a hat of authority and try to deliberately deceive the discussion group by spreading such fallacious and erroneous material in order to support the various terrorist organizations.

I am NOT an attorney. But even a layman such as myself can plainly see through the Arab Palestinian veil of dark information that shrouds the truth.

The boundary for the territory, formerly under the Mandate, varied along the timeline between the 1920 San Remo Agreement until 1946 when the British Government released Transjordan from the Mandate and it transitioned from a protectorate to a self-governing nation. However, the remainder of the territory west of the Jordan River, was still a legal entity under the Administration of the British Government. There was no country or nation of Palestine and no government from by the Arab Palestinians.
Most Respectfully,
I am trying to find some relevance to my post in here.
RE: The NEWER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate
SUBTOPIC: Interpretation
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

PREFACE: What the hell?

I am trying to find some relevance to my post in here.

You asked the question...

Screen Shot 2021-09-03 at 6.46.53 AM.png

I gave you the answer (
description and links) just as you asked... These were Treaties specific to the venue (Registered and Openly accessible...).

What silly ass game are you playing.

Most Respectfully,

RE: The NEWER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate
SUBTOPIC: Interpretation
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

PREFACE: What the hell?


You asked the question...

View attachment 534412
I gave you the answer (
description and links) just as you asked... These were Treaties specific to the venue (Registered and Openly accessible...).

What silly ass game are you playing.

Most Respectfully,

They were but they did not say what was asked.
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