Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Great article, thanks.

So where is the truce? Who is doing anything with that?
Where is the truce? It ended abruptly when the gee-had attacks resumed which, you know, ended the truce.

It's so nice that the Ummah's girls have role models. What Father doesn't want to see his little girl aspire to be a suicide bomber / mass murderer?

Terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi is a role model at PLO camps - “The Sisters of Dalal Mughrabi summer camp”
Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Aug 30, 2021

PLO and Fatah held “the Sisters of Dalal Mughrabi summer camp” for young girls
At least two summer camps organized by the PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports this year were named after the female terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi who led the murder of 37 civilians, among them 12 children, in 1978.

The image above shows a group of female summer camp participants making a “V” for victory while standing in front of a banner featuring a picture of terrorist Dalal Mughrabi
The article in the Spectator addresses the PA specifically but with the Hamas terrorist / crime syndicate the 2nd richest islamic terrorist organization, those at the top of the pecking order are millionaires and billionaires.

Visit certain parts of the West Bank and you’ll encounter mansions owned by senior officials in the Palestinian Authority (PA). By any standards – let alone those to which ordinary citizens are accustomed – they are impressive, with arches, colonnades and tall windows. If you’d been watching them in recent weeks, you might have seen vaccines being quietly delivered to these residences in unmarked cars, having been skimmed off the supply intended for medical workers.

Those, at least, were the allegations made by a number of Palestinian human rights and civil society groups. Last week, the Palestinian health ministry was forced to come clean. In a statement, the ministry admitted that 10 per cent of the 12,000 doses it had received had been put aside for government ministers and members of the PLO’s executive committee.
It's really shocking to see just how much international welfare money and goodwill has been exploited by the islamic terrorist franchises occupying Gaza and the West Bank. Nothing about islamic terrorist thievery is unknown but here we are, decades in and still throwing money at these people.

For Palestinian leaders, a legacy of corruption​

For Palestinian leaders,  a legacy of corruption

Palestinian leaders Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas

The result has become a wealthy Palestinian elite that builds exclusive neighborhoods around Ramallah, leaving thousands of shoddily constructed apartments without services for the rest of Palestinian society. Yasser Arafat set the tone for the P.A. when he arrived in Gaza in 1994. Arafat took control of every contract and investment, using donor money to build a secret $1 billion portfolio, including investments in Coca-Cola, a Tunisian cellular phone company and venture-capital funds in the United States and the Cayman Islands.

Arafat stole $1 billion in tax revenue relayed by Israel for Palestinian workers. The money went to Arafat’s personal account in Israel’s Bank Leumi in Tel Aviv. And a whopping $100,000 a month went to his wife, Suha, living in Paris. Arafat was estimated by U.S. investigators to be worth between $1 billion and $3 billion.

Within three years of the P.A.’s establishment, Palestinian auditors found that 40 percent of the P.A. budget ($326 million) was misappropriated – a figure that rose to $700 million a decade later.
Not one Western government objected. This set the tone for theft at all levels in the P.A.; officials paid themselves high salaries and skimmed from others.
Ramze is probably convinced that he should be taken seriously.

Palestinian activist and singer Ramze Alokk (sometimes spelled Ramzi Al-Ak) said that the Palestinians do not sheathe their sword after the battle is over, but that they sharpen it for the future. He made his remarks at a Khan Yunis border protest that was broadcast on Al-Quds Today TV (Islamic Jihad – Gaza) on August 25, 2021. Alokk explained that the sword of the Palestinians has been drawn since the occupation entered their lands, and they keep it sharp because they do not want to torture anyone they slaughter, human beings or livestock. He said that "livestock are better than the occupation." Alokk led the crowd with the chant: "We respond to your call, oh Al-Aqsa!" Ramze Alokk was sentenced by Israeli authorities to 30 years in prison for his involvement in attempted bombings and in sniper attacks in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Gilo, but was released in the 2011 Shalit Deal and banished to Gaza. For more about Alokk, see MEMRITV clip no. 8896.
Islam means submission suffering.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Friday that Palestinian civilians are “suffering as a result” of Hamas “terrorists” who this week launched a barrage of rockets from Gaza into Israel, prompting Israel Defense Force retaliation.
Psaki repeatedly denounced the Islamic fundamentalist party during her daily press briefing — after President Biden on Thursday said Israel wasn’t overreacting by responding with airstrikes.

“As the president conveyed in his statement, Israel has the right to self-defense. Our focus remains on continuing to use every lever at our disposal to de-escalate the situation on the ground. I think it’s also important to remind people, Hamas is a terrorist organization,” Psaki said.

“Hamas does not represent the views, the families, the people who are suffering — all of the Palestinian people who are suffering as a result of this violence. But there’s no justification for 1,500 rockets coming from Hamas into Israeli community — communities in Israel either.”
An Israeli airstrike on Gaza City targeted the Ansar compound, which is linked to Hamas.
Palestinian Media Watch reports that at least two girls' summer camps in the West Bank were named after female terrorist Dalal Mughrabi, who was responsible for the murder of 37 people.

The "Sisters of Dalal Mughrabi summer camp" was in Tubas:

The similarly named "The Sisters of Dalal summer camp" was held in Tulkarem. Dalal Mughrabi is so popular, people know who she is from only her first name.

(full article online)

Official PA TV and guests on its program Anew completely ignored the fact that the terror organizations Hamas and Islamic Jihad fired over 4,300 rockets into Israel from the Gaza Strip in May 2021, killing 12 and wounding hundreds, when discussing Israel’s response to the rockets. Whereas Israel's response targeted the terror leaders and terror infrastructure in the Strip, PA TV and the guests claimed it was a deliberate way to harm Palestinian civilians by targeting Gaza’s agriculture.

Interviewing a nursery owner and a farmer in Gaza, a PA TV host libeled and demonized Israel, suggesting that during the Fatah/Hamas riot and rocket war earlier this year Israel intentionally bombed agricultural nurseries to put an end to Gaza farming. The nursery owner and farmer both readily concurred:


Official PA TV host: “Do you think that the occupation wanted to bomb the agricultural nurseries in order to stop the agricultural process and cycle?”
Nursery owner: “Yes.”
Farmer Ahmed Al-Louh: “Yes. In the last war in the Gaza Strip the occupation wanted to destroy the agricultural cycle completely. Why? Because the nurseries are considered the supporting pillar of the farmers and the agriculture in the Gaza Strip… If the nursery is destroyed, the agricultural industry will not grow.”
[Official PA TV, Anew, Aug. 21, 2021]
However, when responding to rockets fired from the Gaza Strip, Israel only attacks military targets. By contrast, Hamas and Islamic Jihad deliberately fire missiles from civilian areas, using the civilians as human shields and their property as cover.

Ironically, PA TV itself admitted during the war that Israel warned Gazan civilians to leave buildings before attacks:


As Palestinian Media Watch documented, Fatah recently criticized Hamas for its continued storage of explosives in civilian buildings and public places after an explosion in a market killed one and wounded several:


(full article online)

The Israeli anti gee-had forces have no illusions that ''unarmed protestors" are anything but Hamas flunkies who will be put down if they present a threat to the Israeli border.

Reuters Transforms Grenade-Wielding Palestinian Into ‘Anti-Israel Protester’​

Palestinian demonstrators gather at the Israel-Gaza border fence during a protest in the southern Gaza Strip August 25, 2021. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem
Hundreds of Palestinians rioted along the Gaza-Israel border in response to a call by the Hamas terror group on Saturday, August 21. Several Gazans — some of them wielding weapons, explosives, and stones — stormed the security fence and managed to shoot an Israeli border police officer at point-blank range, ultimately murdering him. Sources in Gaza have reported that the gunman is a lieutenant in Hamas’ forces.
Official PA TV and guests on its program Anew completely ignored the fact that the terror organizations Hamas and Islamic Jihad fired over 4,300 rockets into Israel from the Gaza Strip in May 2021, killing 12 and wounding hundreds, when discussing Israel’s response to the rockets. Whereas Israel's response targeted the terror leaders and terror infrastructure in the Strip, PA TV and the guests claimed it was a deliberate way to harm Palestinian civilians by targeting Gaza’s agriculture.

Interviewing a nursery owner and a farmer in Gaza, a PA TV host libeled and demonized Israel, suggesting that during the Fatah/Hamas riot and rocket war earlier this year Israel intentionally bombed agricultural nurseries to put an end to Gaza farming. The nursery owner and farmer both readily concurred:


However, when responding to rockets fired from the Gaza Strip, Israel only attacks military targets. By contrast, Hamas and Islamic Jihad deliberately fire missiles from civilian areas, using the civilians as human shields and their property as cover.

Ironically, PA TV itself admitted during the war that Israel warned Gazan civilians to leave buildings before attacks:


As Palestinian Media Watch documented, Fatah recently criticized Hamas for its continued storage of explosives in civilian buildings and public places after an explosion in a market killed one and wounded several:


(full article online)

Hamas and Islamic Jihad fired over 4,300 rockets into Israel
No they didn't. There was no border crossed.
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