Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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In contrast, the day after the end of Operation Guardian of the Walls – May 22nd – saw BBC Arabic presenter Iman al-Qassir defending a contributor’s use of the word ‘Yahud’ on the programme ‘Talking Point’.

The first contributor was Omar Rajoub from Dura, near Hebron, who was identified as a Fatah speaker.

Rajoub: “The victory which the Palestinian people achieved, it [the people] was united behind the banner of [waging] war on the Jews and fighting them and the liberation of Palestinian land.”

When the second contributor – independent researcher Dr Edy Cohen – took issue with the use of the phrase ‘the Jews’, the presenter insisted that “he did not incite, he is free to have his opinion”.

(full article online )

As NPR reported in 2014, in an article addressing both the attack tunnels to Israel and the smuggling tunnels to Egypt:

Over the past week, Israel said its troops had at least two separate firefights with militants coming out of tunnels into Israeli territory. The military said weapons, Israeli uniforms, plastic handcuffs, and tranquilizers have been found in tunnels — tools for both potential attacks and potential kidnappings, Israel says.

One of those tunnels emerged near Israel's Kibbutz Nir Am, a lush gated community just a few hundred yards away from the northern tip of the Gaza Strip. Five Hamas gunmen shot dead four Israeli soldiers before they were killed themselves in a battle Monday.
Indeed, Gilad Shalit, who spent five years incommunicado in a Hamas prison in the Gaza Strip, can confirm Shapiro's information. Shalit, who got married last week, wasn't captured in a smuggling mission (indeed, smugglers aren't generally in the hostage-taking/prisoner exchange business), but in an unprovoked cross-border attack in which seven armed terrorists entered Israeli through a tunnel, killing two soldiers wounding five.

In a second straightforward factual error, Roblin overstates the unemployment rate in the Gaza Strip: "Over two million people inhabit the tiny coastal strip, and they must endure a 70 percent unemployment rate . . . " In fact, according to latest statistics published by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, Gaza unemployment for the first quarter of 2021 stands at 48 percent, not 70 percent.

Beyond the blatant factual errors, Roblin's article is marred by grossly tendentious reporting. For instance, he links to The Guardian to propagandize that Gaza Strip as an "open-air prison," he writes:

Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh on Tuesday met in Beirut, reportedly to discuss the effects of and possible responses to last month’s 11-day war between Israel and Gaza-Strip-based terrorist groups.

Nasrallah and Haniyeh focused on learning from the latest conflict how to further cooperate and coordinate their military activities against Israel.

The two stressed “the depth of the existing relationship between Hezbollah and Hamas and its key position in this blessed axis [of “resistance” led by Iran] and in this decisive battle [against the Jewish state].”

While the terror masterminds attempted to portray strength and a unified front, many Israeli analysts viewed the meeting as a sign of “distress.” It comes at a time when Hezbollah is struggling to offset a potential total financial collapse in Lebanon, and with Hamas’ capabilities having been significantly diminished following the fighting in May.

Prior to visiting Beirut, Haniyeh headed a Hamas delegation to Egypt, Morocco and Mauritania.

(full article online)

In a continuing effort to encourage Arab residents of Jerusalem to carry out terrorist acts, official Palestinian television chose to praise three murderous terrorists who lived in the Jabel Mukaber neighbourhood of Jerusalem. Based on the narrative of victimization and distorted reality, PA TV praised the terrorists as those who "refused to submit to the occupation.”

"Since the occupation of [Jerusalem], the residents of the village [Jabel Mukaber] (i.e., neighborhood of Jerusalem) have not stopped their resistance for one day against the arbitrary acts of the occupation that are manifested in the theft of their lands, the arrest of their children, and the destruction of their homes. The village [Jabel Mukaber] gave Martyrs for the sake of Jerusalem like Martyr Fadi Al-Qunbar, Baha Alyan, Alaa Abu Jamal, and many others who refused to submit to the occupation that is making their lives bitter, and to its blockade on the village of Jabel Mukaber.”
[Official PA TV News, June 26, 2021]
While in practice, the actions attributed to Israel - arrests, demolition of houses and the imposition of closure - were taken only in response to terrorist acts committed by residents of the neighborhood, according to the PA narrative all the arrests, house demolitions and closures were entirely arbitrary and lacked any cause, justification or background.

(full article online)

Palestinians resisting Israeli aggression.
In a continuing effort to encourage Arab residents of Jerusalem to carry out terrorist acts, official Palestinian television chose to praise three murderous terrorists who lived in the Jabel Mukaber neighbourhood of Jerusalem. Based on the narrative of victimization and distorted reality, PA TV praised the terrorists as those who "refused to submit to the occupation.”

"Since the occupation of [Jerusalem], the residents of the village [Jabel Mukaber] (i.e., neighborhood of Jerusalem) have not stopped their resistance for one day against the arbitrary acts of the occupation that are manifested in the theft of their lands, the arrest of their children, and the destruction of their homes. The village [Jabel Mukaber] gave Martyrs for the sake of Jerusalem like Martyr Fadi Al-Qunbar, Baha Alyan, Alaa Abu Jamal, and many others who refused to submit to the occupation that is making their lives bitter, and to its blockade on the village of Jabel Mukaber.”
[Official PA TV News, June 26, 2021]
While in practice, the actions attributed to Israel - arrests, demolition of houses and the imposition of closure - were taken only in response to terrorist acts committed by residents of the neighborhood, according to the PA narrative all the arrests, house demolitions and closures were entirely arbitrary and lacked any cause, justification or background.

(full article online)

Palestinians resisting Israeli aggression.
Pally gee-had is Hamas summer camp for grownups.
Telling us what we already know. The insular, sociopathic nature of the Arabs-Moslems occupying Gaza and the West Bank raise generation after generation of sociopaths. They want their children to die in horrible ways and they establish the conditions to make that happen.

EU finally releases report of incitement, antisemitism in PA textbooks​

The report, completed in February, includes dozens of examples of encouragement of violence and demonization of Israel and of Jews.​

JUNE 20, 2021 18:32

Palestinian children learn Islamic lessons on summer vacation as COVID-19 restrictions ease in Gaza. (photo credit: MOHAMMED SALEM/ REUTERS)

Palestinian children learn Islamic lessons on summer vacation as COVID-19 restrictions ease in Gaza.

The European Union has released its report on Palestinian Authority textbooks four months after its completion, showing instances of antisemitism and incitement to violence.

Friday’s release of the report – excerpts from which were first published in The Jerusalem Post earlier this month – sparked condemnations across the European Parliament.

The report, completed in February, includes dozens of examples of encouragement of violence and demonization of Israel and of Jews.

Hamas continues recruiting child soldiers: Where is the condemnation?​

Hamas says the youth need to be ready to make “sacrifices” which appears to be the language used to describe the terrorist group recruiting them to be killed.​

JUNE 27, 2021 23:16

Young Palestinians crawl during a military-style exercise at a Hamas summer camp in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip July 27, 2017. (photo credit: REUTERS)

The Pally willingness to breed generation after generation of children to be tossed onto the bonfire of Islamic gee-had gets an occasional write up but there seems to be a growing sense of indifference to it.

It's what they do. It's sick and perverted but using their dead children as a means to plead for money from the West maintains cash flow for the alphabet soup collection of Islamic terrorist franchises vying for the infidel welfare payments.
Telling us what we already know. The insular, sociopathic nature of the Arabs-Moslems occupying Gaza and the West Bank raise generation after generation of sociopaths. They want their children to die in horrible ways and they establish the conditions to make that happen.

EU finally releases report of incitement, antisemitism in PA textbooks​

The report, completed in February, includes dozens of examples of encouragement of violence and demonization of Israel and of Jews.​

JUNE 20, 2021 18:32

Palestinian children learn Islamic lessons on summer vacation as COVID-19 restrictions ease in Gaza. (photo credit: MOHAMMED SALEM/ REUTERS)

Palestinian children learn Islamic lessons on summer vacation as COVID-19 restrictions ease in Gaza.

The European Union has released its report on Palestinian Authority textbooks four months after its completion, showing instances of antisemitism and incitement to violence.

Friday’s release of the report – excerpts from which were first published in The Jerusalem Post earlier this month – sparked condemnations across the European Parliament.

The report, completed in February, includes dozens of examples of encouragement of violence and demonization of Israel and of Jews.
The truth is antisemitic. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
In a continuing effort to encourage Arab residents of Jerusalem to carry out terrorist acts, official Palestinian television chose to praise three murderous terrorists who lived in the Jabel Mukaber neighbourhood of Jerusalem. Based on the narrative of victimization and distorted reality, PA TV praised the terrorists as those who "refused to submit to the occupation.”

"Since the occupation of [Jerusalem], the residents of the village [Jabel Mukaber] (i.e., neighborhood of Jerusalem) have not stopped their resistance for one day against the arbitrary acts of the occupation that are manifested in the theft of their lands, the arrest of their children, and the destruction of their homes. The village [Jabel Mukaber] gave Martyrs for the sake of Jerusalem like Martyr Fadi Al-Qunbar, Baha Alyan, Alaa Abu Jamal, and many others who refused to submit to the occupation that is making their lives bitter, and to its blockade on the village of Jabel Mukaber.”
[Official PA TV News, June 26, 2021]
While in practice, the actions attributed to Israel - arrests, demolition of houses and the imposition of closure - were taken only in response to terrorist acts committed by residents of the neighborhood, according to the PA narrative all the arrests, house demolitions and closures were entirely arbitrary and lacked any cause, justification or background.

(full article online)

Palestinians resisting Israeli aggression.
Can yo give some examples of Palestinians “resisting” Israeli aggression ?
Telling us what we already know. The insular, sociopathic nature of the Arabs-Moslems occupying Gaza and the West Bank raise generation after generation of sociopaths. They want their children to die in horrible ways and they establish the conditions to make that happen.

EU finally releases report of incitement, antisemitism in PA textbooks​

The report, completed in February, includes dozens of examples of encouragement of violence and demonization of Israel and of Jews.​

JUNE 20, 2021 18:32

Palestinian children learn Islamic lessons on summer vacation as COVID-19 restrictions ease in Gaza. (photo credit: MOHAMMED SALEM/ REUTERS)

Palestinian children learn Islamic lessons on summer vacation as COVID-19 restrictions ease in Gaza.

The European Union has released its report on Palestinian Authority textbooks four months after its completion, showing instances of antisemitism and incitement to violence.

Friday’s release of the report – excerpts from which were first published in The Jerusalem Post earlier this month – sparked condemnations across the European Parliament.

The report, completed in February, includes dozens of examples of encouragement of violence and demonization of Israel and of Jews.
The truth is antisemitic. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Indeed. If only you were semiconscious.

"The report, completed in February, includes dozens of examples of encouragement of violence and demonization of Israel and of Jews.''
It's comical how the Pally islamic terrorist franchise assigns various titles to the endless list of organizations, committees, ''Ministries'', etc., that exist only as labels on letterhead. There is something called the ''Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants'', which is dealing with a kerfuffle tied to the German government.

The Pally Ministry of ''Tbey Said What?'' missed this gem of an announcement: "the ICC has settled the issue of jurisdiction and its authority to investigate crimes committed by Israeli officials in the occupied territory of the state of Palestine.”

The ''State of Pal'istan''?

RAMALLAH, Thursday, July 01, 2021 (WAFA) - The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants today expressed its strong disapproval of German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s statements on the work of the International Criminal Court (ICC), condemning what it described as “the German president's departure from the rules of international law and interference in the work of the ICC, its decisions, and the decision of the Prosecutor to open a criminal investigation into crimes committed within its jurisdiction.”

It said in a statement that “the ICC has settled the issue of jurisdiction and its authority to investigate crimes committed by Israeli officials in the occupied territory of the state of Palestine.”
This weekend, July 3, will mark three years since Israel adopted the “Law to freeze money that the Palestinian Authority has paid in connection with terrorism from the money transferred to it by the government of Israel, 2018” – popularly known as Israel’s “Anti-Pay-for-Slay” law. When the law passed, the members of Israel’s Parliament who promoted the law, MPs Avi Dichter and Elazar Stern, specifically thanked Palestinian Media Watch for helping to formulate and sculpt the law.

In a nutshell, the law provides that every year the Israeli Minister of Defense presents a report to the Israeli Security Cabinet in which he details how much the Palestinian Authority spent in the previous year paying financial rewards to imprisoned terrorists, released terrorists, wounded terrorists, and the families of dead terrorists – collectively known as the PA’s ”Pay-for-Slay” payments. Once approved, that sum is then deducted, in twelve installments, from the tax revenues that Israel agreed to waive in favor of the PA, as part of the Oslo Accords.

The rationale underpinning the law was provided by PMW. In its presentations, PMW proved that instead of using the tax revenues to fulfill its duty to combat terror, the PA was using the tax revenues to implement its pugnacious terror reward policy.

Since passed, the Security Cabinet has approved three of the four reports submitted by the Minister of Defense (the approval of the fourth report is pending). Symbolically, pursuant to these decisions, and in coincidental coordination with the anniversary of the passage of the law, today also marks the day when over one billion shekels have been deducted from the tax revenues.

The first decision to implement the law was made by the Security Cabinet in February 2019, shortly after the brutal murder of Ori Ansbacher. In that decision, the Security Cabinet decided to deduct a sum of approximately 502 million shekels ($138,572,080 at the time of the decision) – the sum PMW exposed as reflecting the PA’s payments to the terrorist prisoners and released prisoners in 2018. In the decision, the Security Cabinet instructed the Minister of Defense to present an additional report regarding the PA’s payments in 2018 to the wounded terrorists and the families of dead terrorists.

(full article online)

All of the various entities which shower welfare money on the islamic terrorists in the PA and Hamas know with certainty that they are financing islamic terrorist. There is shared responsibility for the actions of the the islamic terrorist franchises with every welfare dollar thrown at them.

US taxpayers shouldn’t subsidize Palestinian corruption, terror and intransigence

How does a president supposedly interested in democracy and human rights justify violating U.S. law, strengthening an autocracy, subsidizing terrorism and anti-Semitism and undermining his own goal of a two-state solution?

(June 30, 2021 / JNS) The Biden administration is determined to provide aid to the Palestinians in violation of the spirit, if not the letter of the Taylor Force Act, which bars U.S. aid from going to the Palestinian Authority (PA) so long as it continues its pay-to-slay policy. PA President Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly said he will not end the payments to terrorists and, in recent months, has tried to restructure the means of payments in hopes President Joe Biden will ignore the deception.
But in 2012 his widow, Suha El Kodwa Arafat, said traces of the radioactive isotope polonium 210 had been found on his clothes, prompting a French lawsuit alleging his murder.

After a series of analyses and witness interviews, a court in Nanterre, west of Paris, dismissed the case, a ruling upheld on appeal.

Lawyers for Arafat's widow said the investigation had been "fundamentally biased" and accused the judges of closing the probe too quickly.

Arafat's wife and daughter turned to the European court in 2017, saying they had been refused their right to a fair hearing, in particular a refusal of their request for an additional expert report on his death.

In a unanimous decision, three judges said that after reviewing the case, "at all stages of the proceedings the applicants, assisted by their lawyers, had been able to exercise their rights effectively".

"Judges did not appear to have reached arbitrary conclusions based on the facts before them and their interpretation of the evidence in the file or the applicable law had not been unreasonable," they added.

Palestinians' lives would improve markedly if they could ever admit the truth and not insist forever that the world accept their lies.

(full article online)

But in 2012 his widow, Suha El Kodwa Arafat, said traces of the radioactive isotope polonium 210 had been found on his clothes, prompting a French lawsuit alleging his murder.

After a series of analyses and witness interviews, a court in Nanterre, west of Paris, dismissed the case, a ruling upheld on appeal.

Lawyers for Arafat's widow said the investigation had been "fundamentally biased" and accused the judges of closing the probe too quickly.

Arafat's wife and daughter turned to the European court in 2017, saying they had been refused their right to a fair hearing, in particular a refusal of their request for an additional expert report on his death.

In a unanimous decision, three judges said that after reviewing the case, "at all stages of the proceedings the applicants, assisted by their lawyers, had been able to exercise their rights effectively".

"Judges did not appear to have reached arbitrary conclusions based on the facts before them and their interpretation of the evidence in the file or the applicable law had not been unreasonable," they added.

Palestinians' lives would improve markedly if they could ever admit the truth and not insist forever that the world accept their lies.

(full article online)

Poor Yasser, he got some bad dick.
The islamic gee-had is always about the next war as gee-had knows no passage of time.

With Hamas preparing for their next war of aggression, Israel will need to prepare targeting strategies for the next two week long beatdown of Hamas, PIJ and other islamic terrorist franchises.

After Guns Go Quiet, Hamas Works With Hezbollah and Iran to Learn Lessons for Next War​

Palestinian children look on as Islamic Jihad militants stand guard following Israel-Hamas truce, in Gaza May 21, 2021. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa

Over a month after the conflict between Israel and Hamas came to an end, a deceptive calm has taken hold, and a new, fateful learning competition is underway.
Hamas, the radical Islamist regime that rules Gaza, is working with its allies in the Shiite axis — Iran and Hezbollah — to study the latest conflict and share lessons that can help in the next war.
Poor, oppressed Ashraf Hassan is going to have to give up the good life in Israel and the associated benefits of a modern, educated society. I think he may find the Arab-Moslem paradise of the Pally territories are a bit lacking by comparison but hey, Ashraf, be all you can be... absent indoor plumbing.

JNS.org – Israeli Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked signed off Tuesday on the denaturalization of Ashraf Hassan, a member of Hamas.

Shaked based her decision on information she received from military officials, who told her Hassan had orchestrated an attack on an Israeli soldier and taken advantage of his Israeli citizenship to move around the country freely in pursuit of his plans
Like minded representatives of the Shia Islamic terrorist franchise having a meeting.

Being banned from the territories occupied by the Pallys means the Iranian Mullicrats need to prop Haniyeh in front of a camera every once in a while.

Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah met in Beirut on Tuesday, as the Gaza-based terror chief held a series of high-level meetings around the Arab world.

The two were said to discuss the recent 11-day bout of fighting between Israel and Gaza-based terror groups led by Hamas, and how they could build on the experience of the latest round of violence.

“Nasrallah and Haniyeh affirmed the depth of the relationship between Hezbollah and Hamas, and its primary position in the axis of resistance,” according to the pro-Hezbollah Lebanese TV station al-Mayadeen.
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