Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

It seems almost incredible to say, that at this late date (a century after the Balfour Declaration) → and after two major follow-ups to wars to settle the question of the Independence of the Jewish State Israel and territorial appropriation and apportionment, → that reparation and restitution as forms of more general compensation for war damage and terrorism → to be paid by the defeated and restrained state and non-state actors → should still be on the table.

The focus of penalties being placed on the Arab Palestinians (and associates), for causing all the loss of life and damages to which the people of the world have been subjected to a status of permanent negotiation. → As a consequence of the hostile actions taken by Arab Palestinians and other associate conspirators → intended to pervert the course of justice and coerce or intimidate governments and citizenry in the pursuit of goals already rejected by peaceful means → should only be a question of the magnitude of pain and suffering the Arab Palestinians should be made to suffer.

[ Next...the Inquisition .....]

However, Kiwan asserts, "There are non-Jewish victims of Nazism that must be recognized, and they are many, but the Palestinians are the most prominent."

The reason? Obviously, because the Jews after the war came to British Mandate Palestine, and "the Zionist forces destroyed [Arab ]villages and displaced about 900,000 of them, persecuted them after they were massacred, and killed all those who tried to return and occupied the rest of their homeland to this day."

Therefore, Kiwan says, Palestinian Arabs "have the right to demand compensation from Germany as the Jews received compensation, as well as compensation from all the countries supporting Israel aggression at the expense of their presence."

It takes a lot of energy to constantly try to be the world's biggest victim entitled to free money forever.

(full article online)

Arab author demands Holocaust reparations from Germany - because Palestinians were "Holocaust victims," too ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Yes, relative to the 900K displaced Arab Palestinians; there should be some discussion on two sliding scales:

• How much the surviving Arab Palestinians should be made to compensate for their removal as civilian persons from the dangers in the proximity and vicinity of military operations for the:

√ Protections of Arab Palestinians lives as collateral casualties.
√ For the purpose of establishing rear area security Israeli Civilians from Hostile Arab Palestinians.​

How much should be deemed reasonable for the seven decades of maintaining control of Arab Palestinians that have not making a good faith effort over the last seven decades:

• Continuously projecting a credible threat and using of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Israel. And the estimate cost of the organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or asymmetric warfare activities in Israel.

• The cost of the Arab Palestinian purposefully avoiding and obstructing progress in settling its international 1948 and 1967 territorial disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security are not endangered.

• The cost of maintaining a quasi-government with no ability to stand alone; to include the waste of donor nation contributions, cost of maintaining good order and peace, the cost of health/welfare and sustenance for Arab Palestinians that have never lived inside Israel and claim only descendant status.​

Now, it is unlikely that the Israelis will prepare a settlement agreement that would also cover these challenges. But that does not mean that they should not put the pencil to paper and compute the costs. Nor does it prevent the look into the future to see what possible contributions the Arab Palestinians could make in terms of Human Development.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

It seems almost incredible to say, that at this late date (a century after the Balfour Declaration) → and after two major follow-ups to wars to settle the question of the Independence of the Jewish State Israel and territorial appropriation and apportionment, → that reparation and restitution as forms of more general compensation for war damage and terrorism → to be paid by the defeated and restrained state and non-state actors → should still be on the table.

The focus of penalties being placed on the Arab Palestinians (and associates), for causing all the loss of life and damages to which the people of the world have been subjected to a status of permanent negotiation. → As a consequence of the hostile actions taken by Arab Palestinians and other associate conspirators → intended to pervert the course of justice and coerce or intimidate governments and citizenry in the pursuit of goals already rejected by peaceful means → should only be a question of the magnitude of pain and suffering the Arab Palestinians should be made to suffer.

[ Next...the Inquisition .....]

However, Kiwan asserts, "There are non-Jewish victims of Nazism that must be recognized, and they are many, but the Palestinians are the most prominent."

The reason? Obviously, because the Jews after the war came to British Mandate Palestine, and "the Zionist forces destroyed [Arab ]villages and displaced about 900,000 of them, persecuted them after they were massacred, and killed all those who tried to return and occupied the rest of their homeland to this day."

Therefore, Kiwan says, Palestinian Arabs "have the right to demand compensation from Germany as the Jews received compensation, as well as compensation from all the countries supporting Israel aggression at the expense of their presence."

It takes a lot of energy to constantly try to be the world's biggest victim entitled to free money forever.

(full article online)

Arab author demands Holocaust reparations from Germany - because Palestinians were "Holocaust victims," too ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Yes, relative to the 900K displaced Arab Palestinians; there should be some discussion on two sliding scales:

• How much the surviving Arab Palestinians should be made to compensate for their removal as civilian persons from the dangers in the proximity and vicinity of military operations for the:

√ Protections of Arab Palestinians lives as collateral casualties.
√ For the purpose of establishing rear area security Israeli Civilians from Hostile Arab Palestinians.​

How much should be deemed reasonable for the seven decades of maintaining control of Arab Palestinians that have not making a good faith effort over the last seven decades:

• Continuously projecting a credible threat and using of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Israel. And the estimate cost of the organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or asymmetric warfare activities in Israel.

• The cost of the Arab Palestinian purposefully avoiding and obstructing progress in settling its international 1948 and 1967 territorial disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security are not endangered.

• The cost of maintaining a quasi-government with no ability to stand alone; to include the waste of donor nation contributions, cost of maintaining good order and peace, the cost of health/welfare and sustenance for Arab Palestinians that have never lived inside Israel and claim only descendant status.​

Now, it is unlikely that the Israelis will prepare a settlement agreement that would also cover these challenges. But that does not mean that they should not put the pencil to paper and compute the costs. Nor does it prevent the look into the future to see what possible contributions the Arab Palestinians could make in terms of Human Development.

Most Respectfully,
The surviving Arabs (Palestinians)who fled or were expelled because they were attacking Israel have been getting plenty of compensation from all parties. The main issue is, the leaders who continue to take the lion share of all the money and donations sent to them.

No compensation has ever been given or even considered for all the Jews expelled, etc from 1920 to 1948 from Gaza, Hebron or Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.

Or the nearly Million Jews expelled from Arab countries to flood Israel and try to destroy it that way in 1951.

In other words, the surviving Arab Palestinians (about 20,000 of them) do not get to cry victimhood from the Jews or anyone else but their leaders who have been dragging the survivors, and others, into an endless war of destruction of Israel and the Jews.

The Palestinians are not inventing being victims of the Holocaust,
when they should be the ones giving back all that has been wasted in trying to build them a State since 1993.

The Oslo Accords had a meaning for Israel.
Not for Arafat and all Arabs who wish to see Israel destroyed.

Another 10 to 20 years, and the Arabs will not be able to say that there are any living Arab refugees to speak of from the 1948 war started by their leaders, while all other authentic refugees have mostly found another country which would take them in and become part of them.

Sooner than later all of this refugee issue will end, and it will not end well for the Arabs of Gaza and Judea and Samaria who have no power, no jobs and no money.

Israel already helps as much as it can with giving jobs, education and health care to those who need it and are not a threat to the country, even if sometimes some abuse the good gesture.

Let us see what will happen with Iran's attempt to destroy Israel.

Stay tuned everyone :)
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Well, I'm sure there is an argument to be made. I'm just not sure the Israelis should make it.

The surviving Arabs (Palestinians)who fled or were expelled because they were attacking Israel have been getting plenty of compensation from all parties. The main issue is, the leaders who continue to take the lion share of all the money and donations sent to them.

Yes, I agree... The surviving Arab Palestinians have received plenty of compensation. But that is one of the problems. They were given compensation and welfare, and yet still promote conflict. That should be stopped. The entire point of the money flowing into the Arab Palestinians was to reset, at some point, the economy; such that the amount of external flow into Arab Palestine would gradually decrease as the Arab Palestinians become more profitable.

However, the Arab Palestinians, instead of becoming more productive, have become LESS productive and MORE violent. Now, the tide has turned. And the general consensus is that funding has only served to promote more violence and the fuel needs to be cut-off.

Domestic corruptions, where prominently place Arab Palestinian leaders skim income off the top of donor contributions and grants, is criminal; but, not a political crime. It is up to the citizens of Arab Palestine, that should correct the matter --- just as any other country would. Politicians bleeding funds for their own personal gain is not unique to Arab Palestine (West Ban and Gaza Strip). It happens everywhere.

No compensation has ever been given or even considered for all the Jews expelled, etc from 1920 to 1948 from Gaza, Hebron or Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.

While it is very true that the Paris Reparation Agreement of January 1946, is key to the discussion's relevance → the doctrinal question on the Paris Agreement is in the precedence and primacy of interstate reparation that, many seem to believe the Paris Agreement is claimed to establish is the correct model. (I'm simply not so sure.) Certainly, we do not want to see a repeat of the causes in the century holding two World Wars, to be an ignition for a century of war in the Middle East (centered on Israel).

The concept here is the lesson learned; don't bankrupt the new generation of Arab Palestinian citizens to the degree that the become marionettes for war → Jihadism, aggressive Fedayeen Action, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence → the very things we are trying to squelch (lifting the suppression on the necessary positive output that improves the Arab Palestinian economy). In the context of political entropy, we want to set the conditions for the Arab Palestinians such that there is a gradual decline into disorder. The Arab Palestinians want peace in order to save what they have from destruction or devaluation.

Israel already helps as much as it can with giving jobs, education and health care to those who need it and are not a threat to the country, even if sometimes some abuse the good gesture.

In order to appreciate what you have, you must first appreciate not having it.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Well, I'm sure there is an argument to be made. I'm just not sure the Israelis should make it.

The surviving Arabs (Palestinians)who fled or were expelled because they were attacking Israel have been getting plenty of compensation from all parties. The main issue is, the leaders who continue to take the lion share of all the money and donations sent to them.

Yes, I agree... The surviving Arab Palestinians have received plenty of compensation. But that is one of the problems. They were given compensation and welfare, and yet still promote conflict. That should be stopped. The entire point of the money flowing into the Arab Palestinians was to reset, at some point, the economy; such that the amount of external flow into Arab Palestine would gradually decrease as the Arab Palestinians become more profitable.

However, the Arab Palestinians, instead of becoming more productive, have become LESS productive and MORE violent. Now, the tide has turned. And the general consensus is that funding has only served to promote more violence and the fuel needs to be cut-off.

Domestic corruptions, where prominently place Arab Palestinian leaders skim income off the top of donor contributions and grants, is criminal; but, not a political crime. It is up to the citizens of Arab Palestine, that should correct the matter --- just as any other country would. Politicians bleeding funds for their own personal gain is not unique to Arab Palestine (West Ban and Gaza Strip). It happens everywhere.

No compensation has ever been given or even considered for all the Jews expelled, etc from 1920 to 1948 from Gaza, Hebron or Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.

While it is very true that the Paris Reparation Agreement of January 1946, is key to the discussion's relevance → the doctrinal question on the Paris Agreement is in the precedence and primacy of interstate reparation that, many seem to believe the Paris Agreement is claimed to establish is the correct model. (I'm simply not so sure.) Certainly, we do not want to see a repeat of the causes in the century holding two World Wars, to be an ignition for a century of war in the Middle East (centered on Israel).

The concept here is the lesson learned; don't bankrupt the new generation of Arab Palestinian citizens to the degree that the become marionettes for war → Jihadism, aggressive Fedayeen Action, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence → the very things we are trying to squelch (lifting the suppression on the necessary positive output that improves the Arab Palestinian economy). In the context of political entropy, we want to set the conditions for the Arab Palestinians such that there is a gradual decline into disorder. The Arab Palestinians want peace in order to save what they have from destruction or devaluation.

Israel already helps as much as it can with giving jobs, education and health care to those who need it and are not a threat to the country, even if sometimes some abuse the good gesture.

In order to appreciate what you have, you must first appreciate not having it.

Most Respectfully,
It is impossible for the Palestinian Arabs to appreciate what they do not have as long as everyone keeps giving them money and they keep putting it away, and keeping all other Arab Palestinians close to poverty or despair that the Jews have "Palestinian land" and must be defeated at any cost.

The main issue with the article was about the Palestinians crying at being "Holocaust victims'.

They are not, never have been, therefore no compensation for anything which happened with the creation of Israel will ever come their way.

The Jewish people got the right with the Mandate for Palestine to recreate their Nation. They did so by 1948 against all odds since the first Arab riots of 1920.

The Muslims have found a great way to cry to the world what victims the Palestinians are at the hands of the Jews.

Islamic mentality.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

It seems almost incredible to say, that at this late date (a century after the Balfour Declaration) → and after two major follow-ups to wars to settle the question of the Independence of the Jewish State Israel and territorial appropriation and apportionment, → that reparation and restitution as forms of more general compensation for war damage and terrorism → to be paid by the defeated and restrained state and non-state actors → should still be on the table.

The focus of penalties being placed on the Arab Palestinians (and associates), for causing all the loss of life and damages to which the people of the world have been subjected to a status of permanent negotiation. → As a consequence of the hostile actions taken by Arab Palestinians and other associate conspirators → intended to pervert the course of justice and coerce or intimidate governments and citizenry in the pursuit of goals already rejected by peaceful means → should only be a question of the magnitude of pain and suffering the Arab Palestinians should be made to suffer.

[ Next...the Inquisition .....]

However, Kiwan asserts, "There are non-Jewish victims of Nazism that must be recognized, and they are many, but the Palestinians are the most prominent."

The reason? Obviously, because the Jews after the war came to British Mandate Palestine, and "the Zionist forces destroyed [Arab ]villages and displaced about 900,000 of them, persecuted them after they were massacred, and killed all those who tried to return and occupied the rest of their homeland to this day."

Therefore, Kiwan says, Palestinian Arabs "have the right to demand compensation from Germany as the Jews received compensation, as well as compensation from all the countries supporting Israel aggression at the expense of their presence."

It takes a lot of energy to constantly try to be the world's biggest victim entitled to free money forever.

(full article online)

Arab author demands Holocaust reparations from Germany - because Palestinians were "Holocaust victims," too ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Yes, relative to the 900K displaced Arab Palestinians; there should be some discussion on two sliding scales:

• How much the surviving Arab Palestinians should be made to compensate for their removal as civilian persons from the dangers in the proximity and vicinity of military operations for the:

√ Protections of Arab Palestinians lives as collateral casualties.
√ For the purpose of establishing rear area security Israeli Civilians from Hostile Arab Palestinians.​

How much should be deemed reasonable for the seven decades of maintaining control of Arab Palestinians that have not making a good faith effort over the last seven decades:

• Continuously projecting a credible threat and using of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Israel. And the estimate cost of the organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or asymmetric warfare activities in Israel.

• The cost of the Arab Palestinian purposefully avoiding and obstructing progress in settling its international 1948 and 1967 territorial disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security are not endangered.

• The cost of maintaining a quasi-government with no ability to stand alone; to include the waste of donor nation contributions, cost of maintaining good order and peace, the cost of health/welfare and sustenance for Arab Palestinians that have never lived inside Israel and claim only descendant status.​

Now, it is unlikely that the Israelis will prepare a settlement agreement that would also cover these challenges. But that does not mean that they should not put the pencil to paper and compute the costs. Nor does it prevent the look into the future to see what possible contributions the Arab Palestinians could make in terms of Human Development.

Most Respectfully,
OMG, Rocco, where do you get this shit? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

It seems almost incredible to say, that at this late date (a century after the Balfour Declaration) → and after two major follow-ups to wars to settle the question of the Independence of the Jewish State Israel and territorial appropriation and apportionment, → that reparation and restitution as forms of more general compensation for war damage and terrorism → to be paid by the defeated and restrained state and non-state actors → should still be on the table.

The focus of penalties being placed on the Arab Palestinians (and associates), for causing all the loss of life and damages to which the people of the world have been subjected to a status of permanent negotiation. → As a consequence of the hostile actions taken by Arab Palestinians and other associate conspirators → intended to pervert the course of justice and coerce or intimidate governments and citizenry in the pursuit of goals already rejected by peaceful means → should only be a question of the magnitude of pain and suffering the Arab Palestinians should be made to suffer.

[ Next...the Inquisition .....]

However, Kiwan asserts, "There are non-Jewish victims of Nazism that must be recognized, and they are many, but the Palestinians are the most prominent."

The reason? Obviously, because the Jews after the war came to British Mandate Palestine, and "the Zionist forces destroyed [Arab ]villages and displaced about 900,000 of them, persecuted them after they were massacred, and killed all those who tried to return and occupied the rest of their homeland to this day."

Therefore, Kiwan says, Palestinian Arabs "have the right to demand compensation from Germany as the Jews received compensation, as well as compensation from all the countries supporting Israel aggression at the expense of their presence."

It takes a lot of energy to constantly try to be the world's biggest victim entitled to free money forever.

(full article online)

Arab author demands Holocaust reparations from Germany - because Palestinians were "Holocaust victims," too ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Yes, relative to the 900K displaced Arab Palestinians; there should be some discussion on two sliding scales:

• How much the surviving Arab Palestinians should be made to compensate for their removal as civilian persons from the dangers in the proximity and vicinity of military operations for the:

√ Protections of Arab Palestinians lives as collateral casualties.
√ For the purpose of establishing rear area security Israeli Civilians from Hostile Arab Palestinians.​

How much should be deemed reasonable for the seven decades of maintaining control of Arab Palestinians that have not making a good faith effort over the last seven decades:

• Continuously projecting a credible threat and using of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Israel. And the estimate cost of the organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or asymmetric warfare activities in Israel.

• The cost of the Arab Palestinian purposefully avoiding and obstructing progress in settling its international 1948 and 1967 territorial disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security are not endangered.

• The cost of maintaining a quasi-government with no ability to stand alone; to include the waste of donor nation contributions, cost of maintaining good order and peace, the cost of health/welfare and sustenance for Arab Palestinians that have never lived inside Israel and claim only descendant status.​

Now, it is unlikely that the Israelis will prepare a settlement agreement that would also cover these challenges. But that does not mean that they should not put the pencil to paper and compute the costs. Nor does it prevent the look into the future to see what possible contributions the Arab Palestinians could make in terms of Human Development.

Most Respectfully,
OMG, Rocco, where do you get this shit? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
From the wealth of information available to intelligent people.

You know.....where you never go :)
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

It seems almost incredible to say, that at this late date (a century after the Balfour Declaration) → and after two major follow-ups to wars to settle the question of the Independence of the Jewish State Israel and territorial appropriation and apportionment, → that reparation and restitution as forms of more general compensation for war damage and terrorism → to be paid by the defeated and restrained state and non-state actors → should still be on the table.

The focus of penalties being placed on the Arab Palestinians (and associates), for causing all the loss of life and damages to which the people of the world have been subjected to a status of permanent negotiation. → As a consequence of the hostile actions taken by Arab Palestinians and other associate conspirators → intended to pervert the course of justice and coerce or intimidate governments and citizenry in the pursuit of goals already rejected by peaceful means → should only be a question of the magnitude of pain and suffering the Arab Palestinians should be made to suffer.

[ Next...the Inquisition .....]

However, Kiwan asserts, "There are non-Jewish victims of Nazism that must be recognized, and they are many, but the Palestinians are the most prominent."

The reason? Obviously, because the Jews after the war came to British Mandate Palestine, and "the Zionist forces destroyed [Arab ]villages and displaced about 900,000 of them, persecuted them after they were massacred, and killed all those who tried to return and occupied the rest of their homeland to this day."

Therefore, Kiwan says, Palestinian Arabs "have the right to demand compensation from Germany as the Jews received compensation, as well as compensation from all the countries supporting Israel aggression at the expense of their presence."

It takes a lot of energy to constantly try to be the world's biggest victim entitled to free money forever.

(full article online)

Arab author demands Holocaust reparations from Germany - because Palestinians were "Holocaust victims," too ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Yes, relative to the 900K displaced Arab Palestinians; there should be some discussion on two sliding scales:

• How much the surviving Arab Palestinians should be made to compensate for their removal as civilian persons from the dangers in the proximity and vicinity of military operations for the:

√ Protections of Arab Palestinians lives as collateral casualties.
√ For the purpose of establishing rear area security Israeli Civilians from Hostile Arab Palestinians.​

How much should be deemed reasonable for the seven decades of maintaining control of Arab Palestinians that have not making a good faith effort over the last seven decades:

• Continuously projecting a credible threat and using of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Israel. And the estimate cost of the organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or asymmetric warfare activities in Israel.

• The cost of the Arab Palestinian purposefully avoiding and obstructing progress in settling its international 1948 and 1967 territorial disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security are not endangered.

• The cost of maintaining a quasi-government with no ability to stand alone; to include the waste of donor nation contributions, cost of maintaining good order and peace, the cost of health/welfare and sustenance for Arab Palestinians that have never lived inside Israel and claim only descendant status.​

Now, it is unlikely that the Israelis will prepare a settlement agreement that would also cover these challenges. But that does not mean that they should not put the pencil to paper and compute the costs. Nor does it prevent the look into the future to see what possible contributions the Arab Palestinians could make in terms of Human Development.

Most Respectfully,
OMG, Rocco, where do you get this shit? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
From the wealth of information available to intelligent people.

You know.....where you never go :)
Like nutjob Zionists looking to grab more money.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

It seems almost incredible to say, that at this late date (a century after the Balfour Declaration) → and after two major follow-ups to wars to settle the question of the Independence of the Jewish State Israel and territorial appropriation and apportionment, → that reparation and restitution as forms of more general compensation for war damage and terrorism → to be paid by the defeated and restrained state and non-state actors → should still be on the table.

The focus of penalties being placed on the Arab Palestinians (and associates), for causing all the loss of life and damages to which the people of the world have been subjected to a status of permanent negotiation. → As a consequence of the hostile actions taken by Arab Palestinians and other associate conspirators → intended to pervert the course of justice and coerce or intimidate governments and citizenry in the pursuit of goals already rejected by peaceful means → should only be a question of the magnitude of pain and suffering the Arab Palestinians should be made to suffer.

[ Next...the Inquisition .....]

However, Kiwan asserts, "There are non-Jewish victims of Nazism that must be recognized, and they are many, but the Palestinians are the most prominent."

The reason? Obviously, because the Jews after the war came to British Mandate Palestine, and "the Zionist forces destroyed [Arab ]villages and displaced about 900,000 of them, persecuted them after they were massacred, and killed all those who tried to return and occupied the rest of their homeland to this day."

Therefore, Kiwan says, Palestinian Arabs "have the right to demand compensation from Germany as the Jews received compensation, as well as compensation from all the countries supporting Israel aggression at the expense of their presence."

It takes a lot of energy to constantly try to be the world's biggest victim entitled to free money forever.

(full article online)

Arab author demands Holocaust reparations from Germany - because Palestinians were "Holocaust victims," too ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Yes, relative to the 900K displaced Arab Palestinians; there should be some discussion on two sliding scales:

• How much the surviving Arab Palestinians should be made to compensate for their removal as civilian persons from the dangers in the proximity and vicinity of military operations for the:

√ Protections of Arab Palestinians lives as collateral casualties.
√ For the purpose of establishing rear area security Israeli Civilians from Hostile Arab Palestinians.​

How much should be deemed reasonable for the seven decades of maintaining control of Arab Palestinians that have not making a good faith effort over the last seven decades:

• Continuously projecting a credible threat and using of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Israel. And the estimate cost of the organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or asymmetric warfare activities in Israel.

• The cost of the Arab Palestinian purposefully avoiding and obstructing progress in settling its international 1948 and 1967 territorial disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security are not endangered.

• The cost of maintaining a quasi-government with no ability to stand alone; to include the waste of donor nation contributions, cost of maintaining good order and peace, the cost of health/welfare and sustenance for Arab Palestinians that have never lived inside Israel and claim only descendant status.​

Now, it is unlikely that the Israelis will prepare a settlement agreement that would also cover these challenges. But that does not mean that they should not put the pencil to paper and compute the costs. Nor does it prevent the look into the future to see what possible contributions the Arab Palestinians could make in terms of Human Development.

Most Respectfully,
OMG, Rocco, where do you get this shit? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
From the wealth of information available to intelligent people.

You know.....where you never go :)
Like nutjob Zionists looking to grab more money.
Like the very antisemitic thing you just typed .

tsk, tsk, tsk....
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

It seems almost incredible to say, that at this late date (a century after the Balfour Declaration) → and after two major follow-ups to wars to settle the question of the Independence of the Jewish State Israel and territorial appropriation and apportionment, → that reparation and restitution as forms of more general compensation for war damage and terrorism → to be paid by the defeated and restrained state and non-state actors → should still be on the table.

The focus of penalties being placed on the Arab Palestinians (and associates), for causing all the loss of life and damages to which the people of the world have been subjected to a status of permanent negotiation. → As a consequence of the hostile actions taken by Arab Palestinians and other associate conspirators → intended to pervert the course of justice and coerce or intimidate governments and citizenry in the pursuit of goals already rejected by peaceful means → should only be a question of the magnitude of pain and suffering the Arab Palestinians should be made to suffer.

[ Next...the Inquisition .....]

However, Kiwan asserts, "There are non-Jewish victims of Nazism that must be recognized, and they are many, but the Palestinians are the most prominent."

The reason? Obviously, because the Jews after the war came to British Mandate Palestine, and "the Zionist forces destroyed [Arab ]villages and displaced about 900,000 of them, persecuted them after they were massacred, and killed all those who tried to return and occupied the rest of their homeland to this day."

Therefore, Kiwan says, Palestinian Arabs "have the right to demand compensation from Germany as the Jews received compensation, as well as compensation from all the countries supporting Israel aggression at the expense of their presence."

It takes a lot of energy to constantly try to be the world's biggest victim entitled to free money forever.

(full article online)

Arab author demands Holocaust reparations from Germany - because Palestinians were "Holocaust victims," too ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Yes, relative to the 900K displaced Arab Palestinians; there should be some discussion on two sliding scales:

• How much the surviving Arab Palestinians should be made to compensate for their removal as civilian persons from the dangers in the proximity and vicinity of military operations for the:

√ Protections of Arab Palestinians lives as collateral casualties.
√ For the purpose of establishing rear area security Israeli Civilians from Hostile Arab Palestinians.​

How much should be deemed reasonable for the seven decades of maintaining control of Arab Palestinians that have not making a good faith effort over the last seven decades:

• Continuously projecting a credible threat and using of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Israel. And the estimate cost of the organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or asymmetric warfare activities in Israel.

• The cost of the Arab Palestinian purposefully avoiding and obstructing progress in settling its international 1948 and 1967 territorial disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security are not endangered.

• The cost of maintaining a quasi-government with no ability to stand alone; to include the waste of donor nation contributions, cost of maintaining good order and peace, the cost of health/welfare and sustenance for Arab Palestinians that have never lived inside Israel and claim only descendant status.​

Now, it is unlikely that the Israelis will prepare a settlement agreement that would also cover these challenges. But that does not mean that they should not put the pencil to paper and compute the costs. Nor does it prevent the look into the future to see what possible contributions the Arab Palestinians could make in terms of Human Development.

Most Respectfully,
OMG, Rocco, where do you get this shit? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
From the wealth of information available to intelligent people.

You know.....where you never go :)
Like nutjob Zionists looking to grab more money.
Like the very antisemitic thing you just typed .

tsk, tsk, tsk....
Pound your antisemite card up your ass.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

It seems almost incredible to say, that at this late date (a century after the Balfour Declaration) → and after two major follow-ups to wars to settle the question of the Independence of the Jewish State Israel and territorial appropriation and apportionment, → that reparation and restitution as forms of more general compensation for war damage and terrorism → to be paid by the defeated and restrained state and non-state actors → should still be on the table.

The focus of penalties being placed on the Arab Palestinians (and associates), for causing all the loss of life and damages to which the people of the world have been subjected to a status of permanent negotiation. → As a consequence of the hostile actions taken by Arab Palestinians and other associate conspirators → intended to pervert the course of justice and coerce or intimidate governments and citizenry in the pursuit of goals already rejected by peaceful means → should only be a question of the magnitude of pain and suffering the Arab Palestinians should be made to suffer.


Yes, relative to the 900K displaced Arab Palestinians; there should be some discussion on two sliding scales:

• How much the surviving Arab Palestinians should be made to compensate for their removal as civilian persons from the dangers in the proximity and vicinity of military operations for the:

√ Protections of Arab Palestinians lives as collateral casualties.
√ For the purpose of establishing rear area security Israeli Civilians from Hostile Arab Palestinians.​

How much should be deemed reasonable for the seven decades of maintaining control of Arab Palestinians that have not making a good faith effort over the last seven decades:

• Continuously projecting a credible threat and using of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Israel. And the estimate cost of the organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or asymmetric warfare activities in Israel.

• The cost of the Arab Palestinian purposefully avoiding and obstructing progress in settling its international 1948 and 1967 territorial disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security are not endangered.

• The cost of maintaining a quasi-government with no ability to stand alone; to include the waste of donor nation contributions, cost of maintaining good order and peace, the cost of health/welfare and sustenance for Arab Palestinians that have never lived inside Israel and claim only descendant status.​

Now, it is unlikely that the Israelis will prepare a settlement agreement that would also cover these challenges. But that does not mean that they should not put the pencil to paper and compute the costs. Nor does it prevent the look into the future to see what possible contributions the Arab Palestinians could make in terms of Human Development.

Most Respectfully,
OMG, Rocco, where do you get this shit? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
From the wealth of information available to intelligent people.

You know.....where you never go :)
Like nutjob Zionists looking to grab more money.
Like the very antisemitic thing you just typed .

tsk, tsk, tsk....
Pound your antisemite card up your ass.

Which should magically turn You into a less of a Jew hater?

I though that after 9 years of daily Israel bashing, You'd come with something more original.
Last edited:
OMG, Rocco, where do you get this shit? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
From the wealth of information available to intelligent people.

You know.....where you never go :)
Like nutjob Zionists looking to grab more money.
Like the very antisemitic thing you just typed .

tsk, tsk, tsk....
Pound your antisemite card up your ass.

Which should magically turn You into a less of a Jew hater?

I though that after 9 years of daily Israel bashing, You'd come with something more original.
9 years.....and Israel only grows stronger.....and the Palestinians (cough) keep shooting themselves in the foot and sending their people to kill others and themselves......

From the wealth of information available to intelligent people.

You know.....where you never go :)
Like nutjob Zionists looking to grab more money.
Like the very antisemitic thing you just typed .

tsk, tsk, tsk....
Pound your antisemite card up your ass.

Which should magically turn You into a less of a Jew hater?

I though that after 9 years of daily Israel bashing, You'd come with something more original.
9 years.....and Israel only grows stronger.....and the Palestinians (cough) keep shooting themselves in the foot and sending their people to kill others and themselves......


Wow...9 years ago 2009..where were we..:eusa_think:

About 6 years after Ilan Ramon and a couple more years after IAF first talked about anti-gravitational research...yes 2009.

Where were the Arabs that year?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

I suppose this must be from one of those arm chair extremist whose only weapon is the tarnished tongue.

EXCERPT • Tuesday said:
The implication is that Israel would never kill Gaza civilians who don't pose a threat to life. But they won't say that part out loud.

The idea of these "Jump on the Bandwagon" Marches typically gain more momentum and become more of a reality as certain stimuli are amplified.

• The perception of self-administered justice...
• The belief in the safety in numbers...
• The inability to make decisions on their own...
• The ignition by the belief that the march is a "torch of liberation..."
• The belief that the march will provoke a predicted result (respond to challenge).​

In the case of the suggested "march en masse" → in this case → the impact is to provoke a deadly confrontation and strike the flashpoint where the Arab Palestinians appeal to the international community and "beg by blood" that they accept the Arab Palestinian claim that they are victims of a foreign political system in which the Jewish State recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to humiliate and dehumanize every aspect of the Arab Palestinian culture. The Arab Palestinians, unable to achieve the demise of the Jewish State through non-violent political means → or → through the threat of violence → and the escalation to violent confrontations now tries to incite anger, fear, grief and sympathy, in support of the Arab Palestinian cause.

The Arab Palestinian strategy is to create a totally unacceptable event that will be of such an emotional magnitude as to force international intervention.

Most Respectfully,
Today is the fourth day of the strike by hospital cleaning staff in Gaza who have not been paid their salaries by the Palestinian authority.

There is no solution on the horizon.

Dr. Ashraf al-Qudra, spokesman for the Ministry of Health, warned this morning of major health setbacks in cancer patients and those with blood diseases because of the lack of hygiene in hospitals.

"The suspension of cleaning companies poses a direct threat to the health of patients and public health in 13 hospitals, 51 primary care centers and 22 other facilities in the Ministry of Health through 13 companies," he said.

Photos of the hospitals with overflowing trash are being published in the Palestinian media.

(full article online)

Why can't Gazans (or Gaza NGOs) volunteer to clean their hospitals? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
In an op-ed in yesterday’s New York Times, the longtime PLO negotiator Saeb Erekat declared the U.S. ineligible to broker talks between Israel and the Palestinians given, among other sins, its recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Noting Erekat’s two-decade history of prevarication—including his absurd and libelous claims of a “massacre” in Jenin in 2002—Elliott Abrams explains why Erekat cannot be taken seriously. The column, writes Abrams, is in fact about something else entirely:

(full article online)

Saeb Erekat Looks for Excuses Not to Negotiate with Israel
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Of course, there is no action that can be cited as evidence → in the furtherance of the US threat to cut aid and funding, that can actually put teeth marks into the threat. But it was nice to see the US standup and bark against this constant and incessant noise of the Arab Palestinian.

In an op-ed in yesterday’s New York Times, the longtime PLO negotiator Saeb Erekat declared the U.S. ineligible to broker talks between Israel and the Palestinians given, among other sins, its recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Noting Erekat’s two-decade history of prevarication—including his absurd and libelous claims of a “massacre” in Jenin in 2002—Elliott Abrams explains why Erekat cannot be taken seriously. The column, writes Abrams, is in fact about something else entirely:

(full article online)

Saeb Erekat Looks for Excuses Not to Negotiate with Israel

In April 2003, Dr. Saeb Erekat, became the Head of the PLO Negotiations Affairs Department (NAD). Since the conclusion of the Annex III work, on the 09 January 2016 the Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, Dr Erekat has made no significant progress in restarting any meaningful negotiations. Essentially, Dr Erekat is a Negotiation Without Portfolio.

Most Respectfully,
Seven attempts by Palestinian youth to attack Israelis were thwarted in the past eight months. This is a photo of a pipe bomb discovered outside that same courthouse in October that was being planted by another "child" of 17:

These stories don't get published in English, because the terror attacks are stopped before they start. But these are "children" who are trying to smuggle pipe bombs on their bodies - no doubt built by Palestinian terror adults who are using the youths as willing human bombs.

(full article online)

Some of those poor Palestinian "children" detained by Israeli police ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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