Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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( Worried about violence between Arabs on campuses, but not worried about violence, BDS against Jews on campuses around the world )

“We can’t allow our academic institutions to turn into battlefields for settling scores between rival factions and gangs,” the academic told The Jerusalem Post. “We call on the Palestinian Authority to assume its responsibilities and take tough measures to enforce law and order.”

The latest tensions at Bir Zeit University began earlier this month when a fight erupted between students affiliated with Fatah and others belonging to Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

(full article online)

( Worried about violence between Arabs on campuses, but not worried about violence, BDS against Jews on campuses around the world )

“We can’t allow our academic institutions to turn into battlefields for settling scores between rival factions and gangs,” the academic told The Jerusalem Post. “We call on the Palestinian Authority to assume its responsibilities and take tough measures to enforce law and order.”

The latest tensions at Bir Zeit University began earlier this month when a fight erupted between students affiliated with Fatah and others belonging to Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

(full article online)

The Fatah supporters on campus were reportedly outraged by a statement, signed by Hamas and PFLP students, condemning security coordination between the PA and Israel.

Indeed. this is the division between Fatah and Hamas. Has been since Oslo.
( Worried about violence between Arabs on campuses, but not worried about violence, BDS against Jews on campuses around the world )

“We can’t allow our academic institutions to turn into battlefields for settling scores between rival factions and gangs,” the academic told The Jerusalem Post. “We call on the Palestinian Authority to assume its responsibilities and take tough measures to enforce law and order.”

The latest tensions at Bir Zeit University began earlier this month when a fight erupted between students affiliated with Fatah and others belonging to Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

(full article online)

The incident came hours after IDF soldiers raided the campus and searched the faculties of Graduate Studies; Science; and Pharmacy, Nursing and Health Professions. The soldiers are also reported to have removed a large Palestinian flag from the center of campus.

What are IDF assholes doing in area A?
Indeed. this is the division between Fatah and Hamas. Has been since Oslo.
Indeed, not. Indeed, the really nasty civil war between the competing Islamic terrorist franchises was on display in the mid / late 2000's when they were killing and torturing each other in really inventive ways.
Indeed, not. Indeed, the really nasty civil war between the competing Islamic terrorist franchises was on display in the mid / late 2000's when they were killing and torturing each other in really inventive ways.
Fatah works for Israel. Hamas works against Israel.

Tough to get together.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Entry into Area "A"
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,


What I take away from the article is this:

◈ This may be a case of a silent alarm, wherein the University Administration wanted to take preemptive action for the prevention of injury, damage, and destruction. The Israeli Security Force might have actually been solicited by the University Administration in such a manner that they did not want to be identified as the complainant or take the responsibility for fear of repercussions.​

What are IDF assholes doing in area A?

This appears to be the symptoms of a nonfeasance Palestinian Authority Police and Security services

From a very practical frame of reference, some special circumstances warrant action to enter or take control of the situation when, without Palestinian Authority permission, people are in imminent danger, there is reasonable evidence that faces imminent destruction or the potential for incitement and escalation by party agitators. This may also include the "It Was In Plain View" protocol, allowing the seizure of any evidence or contraband that might further the cause of Jihadism, Fedayeen Activism, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence → as played out in Articles 19 and 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

This is a Catch 22 paradox wherein - if you take action, you are criticized, yet - if you do not take action you are criticized.


Most Respectfully,
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Many may not know this but when Pally Islamic Scholar Sheikh Issam Amira is not sacrificing goats and chickens to ward off evil spirits, he's a frequent contributor to the New Englnd Journal of Mdicine.

Palestinian Islamic Scholar Sheikh Issam Amira In Al-Aqsa Mosque Address: The Omicron Variant Is Brought Upon Us Because Of Muslim Rulers Who Permit Homosexuality, Follow Feminist Organizations

CNN depicts Palestinian Authority President Abbas as having been actively engaged in peace talks with Israel that repeatedly fell apart through no fault of his own. The network, which claims to reach more people in the United States than any other news brand (175 million), fails to mention the violent rejectionism – typified by incessant incitment against Israel – that has characterized Abbas’ reign.

While the word ‘peace’ appears eight times in Mahmoud Abbas Fast Facts, ‘incitement,’ ‘violence,’ ‘terror,’ ‘martyr,’ and ‘militant’ don’t appear once.

HonestReporting has repeatedly shown this portrayal of Abbas as a political moderate who actively supports a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to be little more than a media creation.

(full article online)

CNN depicts Palestinian Authority President Abbas as having been actively engaged in peace talks with Israel that repeatedly fell apart through no fault of his own. The network, which claims to reach more people in the United States than any other news brand (175 million), fails to mention the violent rejectionism – typified by incessant incitment against Israel – that has characterized Abbas’ reign.

While the word ‘peace’ appears eight times in Mahmoud Abbas Fast Facts, ‘incitement,’ ‘violence,’ ‘terror,’ ‘martyr,’ and ‘militant’ don’t appear once.

HonestReporting has repeatedly shown this portrayal of Abbas as a political moderate who actively supports a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to be little more than a media creation.

(full article online)

While the word ‘peace’ appears eight times in Mahmoud Abbas Fast Facts, ‘incitement,’ ‘violence,’ ‘terror,’ ‘martyr,’ and ‘militant’ don’t appear once.
Of course not. Those are Israeli propaganda terms.
The Islamic terrorist indoctrination program yields another success.

Palestinian terrorist opened fire on Israeli forces in Al-Bireh on Wednesday night, according to the Israel Defense Forces. The troops returned fire, killing the assailant. No Israeli casualties were reported.

The troops had entered the outskirts of the town, which is located just northeast of Ramallah, after suspicious individuals were identified approaching the adjacent town of Psagot, the military said in a statement.

According to the IDF, a gunman opened fire at the troops from a passing vehicle.
The Islamic terrorist indoctrination program yields another success.

Palestinian terrorist opened fire on Israeli forces in Al-Bireh on Wednesday night, according to the Israel Defense Forces. The troops returned fire, killing the assailant. No Israeli casualties were reported.

The troops had entered the outskirts of the town, which is located just northeast of Ramallah, after suspicious individuals were identified approaching the adjacent town of Psagot, the military said in a statement.

According to the IDF, a gunman opened fire at the troops from a passing vehicle.
So, the Palestinians were killed while defending themselves from invading foreign troops.
Well the IDF (Israeli Doofus force) did go into a Palestinian village

learn to pay attention. From the article:

“The troops had entered the outskirts of the town, which is located just northeast of Ramallah, after suspicious individuals were identified approaching the adjacent town of Psagot”
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