Who are the GOP Intellectuals, if any?

I forget, did libs ever call Teddy Kennedy an intellectual? He was kicked out of college for cheating. Thanks to investigative reporting by the liberal media we knew every aspect of George W. Bush's college years but somehow the hysterical liberals won't release a single detail of Obama's college years. Is Barney Frank considered to be an intellectual? He managed to wiggle out of a felony when his boyfriend was operating a prostitution ring out of his apartment.
I love when the far left whackaloons tell us who the "good" conservatives are. There's a "D" list if ever there was one.
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Going back to Ronald Reagan, he was a "B" movie actor.

Then you had A lister, Arnold, probably an even better actor than Ron, but an alien, can't be president.

Then you have bathing suit runway walker Sarah Palin.

Then there is "nude centerfold magazine model", Scott Brown.

Don't forget "talk show host" and "comic" and "strummer", Mike Huckabee.

Now there is reality TV show star Donald Trump.

When I see GOP, I think of these as the "intellectual heavy hitters". If not them, then who?

I'm not sure who they are, but they represent 6% of all Scientists.

I think PEW research may be wrong. If the USMB is any indication, the 6% number may be vastly over stated.

Public Praises Science; Scientists Fault Public, Media | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press


"If the USMB is any indication???" How many Scientists are on USMB and how many of those are Republicans?
Since intellectuals are elitist and possibly Communists

There are no intellectuals in the Republican party

Nor should there be. Conservatism is an ideal and a philosophy more than it is an intellectual proposition. It's about Belief as much as Logic. Therefore intellectualism is largely antithetical to the very idea of Conservatism.
Since intellectuals are elitist and possibly Communists

There are no intellectuals in the Republican party

Nor should there be. Conservatism is an ideal and a philosophy more than it is an intellectual proposition. It's about Belief as much as Logic. Therefore intellectualism is largely antithetical to the very idea of Conservatism.

well you have just given them an example of that lack of intellect....what else are you going to demonstrate for them?.....how about where you say you dont give a fuck about other people....they say that about Republicans too....a dumbass like you should be able to go point by point......
Since intellectuals are elitist and possibly Communists

There are no intellectuals in the Republican party

so.....the Democrats have all the Smart guys and they may be Communists?......some on the Right here have said many on the Left are Communists.....are you verifying this Rw?......

You betcha

Anyone who went to a top University and majored in something that is not bible related is probably a commie
Interesting little intellectual circle jerk you got going there, Hairnet.
I've found that self proclaimed intellectuals are usually nothing of the sort. And when self proclaimed intellectuals get political power, the people usually suffer.
Going back to Ronald Reagan, he was a "B" movie actor.

Then you had A lister, Arnold, probably an even better actor than Ron, but an alien, can't be president.

Then you have bathing suit runway walker Sarah Palin.

Then there is "nude centerfold magazine model", Scott Brown.

Don't forget "talk show host" and "comic" and "strummer", Mike Huckabee.

Now there is reality TV show star Donald Trump.

When I see GOP, I think of these as the "intellectual heavy hitters". If not them, then who?

Who? Beck and Palin of course.
Charles Krauthammer, Victor Davis Hanson, Newt Gingrich, George Will, William Kristol, William Bennett, Chester Finn, Michael Ledeen, Peggy Noonan, Richard Perle, Peter Robinson, Peter Wallison, John Cogan, Murray Weidenbaum, , Doug Bandow, Peter Wehner, Michael Horowitz, Paul Wolfowitz, William Niskanen, Christopher DeMuth, Terry Eastland, Thomas Sowell, David Brooks
You must admit, stealing other people's wages and labor is brilliant.


but brilliant

Right wingers always think other right wingers are brilliant. Look at Ryan. All those "tax breaks" are "redistribution of wealth".

Patriotic Americans want to lift up all Americans. To build a strong country. To make a future. Republicans want to squeeze every drop of blood from this country and then throw it away. Democrats make the mistake that we are all in it together. Republicans say "fuck you all", if the vast majority of those on this board are any indication.
Going back to Ronald Reagan, he was a "B" movie actor.

Then you had A lister, Arnold, probably an even better actor than Ron, but an alien, can't be president.

Then you have bathing suit runway walker Sarah Palin.

Then there is "nude centerfold magazine model", Scott Brown.

Don't forget "talk show host" and "comic" and "strummer", Mike Huckabee.

Now there is reality TV show star Donald Trump.

When I see GOP, I think of these as the "intellectual heavy hitters". If not them, then who?

I am to busy focusing on this Train Wreck of an administration to worry about those Idiots.

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