Who are the GOP Intellectuals, if any?

In my humble opinion, you can take any politician....any politician at all, their intelligence is at best the cream of the crap and no more. If any of them had any real life intelligence we wouldn't be anywhere near 14 trillion in debt, and not a clue on how to fix it. I don't know what's with this oneupsmanship of a thread.
Going back to Ronald Reagan, he was a "B" movie actor.

Then you had A lister, Arnold, probably an even better actor than Ron, but an alien, can't be president.

Then you have bathing suit runway walker Sarah Palin.

Then there is "nude centerfold magazine model", Scott Brown.

Don't forget "talk show host" and "comic" and "strummer", Mike Huckabee.

Now there is reality TV show star Donald Trump.

When I see GOP, I think of these as the "intellectual heavy hitters". If not them, then who?

And you voted for Obama, so let's be clear, your opinion and intelligence do not belong in the same state....
Going back to Ronald Reagan, he was a "B" movie actor.

Then you had A lister, Arnold, probably an even better actor than Ron, but an alien, can't be president.

Then you have bathing suit runway walker Sarah Palin.

Then there is "nude centerfold magazine model", Scott Brown.

Don't forget "talk show host" and "comic" and "strummer", Mike Huckabee.

Now there is reality TV show star Donald Trump.

When I see GOP, I think of these as the "intellectual heavy hitters". If not them, then who?

Reid, Pelosi, Grayson, Franken, and Weiner must be republicans if we're using your criteria.

And lets not forget their bodybuilder hero governor that they wanted to change the constitution for.
is he an Intellectual?......hey i know.....lets ask Dean....
Going back to Ronald Reagan, he was a "B" movie actor.

Then you had A lister, Arnold, probably an even better actor than Ron, but an alien, can't be president.

Then you have bathing suit runway walker Sarah Palin.

Then there is "nude centerfold magazine model", Scott Brown.

Don't forget "talk show host" and "comic" and "strummer", Mike Huckabee.

Now there is reality TV show star Donald Trump.

When I see GOP, I think of these as the "intellectual heavy hitters". If not them, then who?

Newt Gingrich: I can't stand him and he is extremely unlikable. I do not agree with much of what he says, but at least he can make a legitimate case for his views, and he is extremely knowledgeable on anything political.

Bill Bennet: This guy is no nonsense, but he has a sense of humor. He knows what he is talking about even when he is wrong. When I say "when he is wrong", I mean when I believe he is wrong. But like Newt, he can back up what he says and can make a cogent argument on most all issues.

Those would be the two off the top of my head without having to think very much.
As I said try not to appear so ignorant.

You use one guy that pushed it and inferred that the GOP was behind it. YOU try not to appear to be knowingly ignorant, UScitizen.

Arlen specter also spoke in favor of it and others in the republican party.
It was a pretty good little hubub at the time.

It is funny to see the right keep getting all hyped up about a wonder candidate that will change the world and then later hear them mutter. "he was not really a conservative".

who was that guy that replaced Kennedy?

Funny shit.
They just keep doing it too.

Again I ask, tell all of us about the traction it got with the GOP, UScitizen. Hatch, Specter and "other republicans"...please name those "other" republicans.
Hell, Specter was a democrat at one time, turned republican and then turned democrat again. Give me a friggin break.
lol @ Sarah Palin even being MENTIONED in a thread about intellegence/intellect.

And a RW MFer actually is defending her too....ROTFLMBAO!!!



Are you just jealous or is it because she is a white conservative female? Could it be both?

She would not be my choice, but she would out perform the moron you help elect....

And based on your views expressed here, she would make minced meat of you too....
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Going back to Ronald Reagan, he was a "B" movie actor.

Then you had A lister, Arnold, probably an even better actor than Ron, but an alien, can't be president.

Then you have bathing suit runway walker Sarah Palin.

Then there is "nude centerfold magazine model", Scott Brown.

Don't forget "talk show host" and "comic" and "strummer", Mike Huckabee.

Now there is reality TV show star Donald Trump.

When I see GOP, I think of these as the "intellectual heavy hitters". If not them, then who?

Newt Gingrich: I can't stand him and he is extremely unlikable. I do not agree with much of what he says, but at least he can make a legitimate case for his views, and he is extremely knowledgeable on anything political.

Bill Bennet: This guy is no nonsense, but he has a sense of humor. He knows what he is talking about even when he is wrong. When I say "when he is wrong", I mean when I believe he is wrong. But like Newt, he can back up what he says and can make a cogent argument on most all issues.

Those would be the two off the top of my head without having to think very much.

Newt is the by far the most intelligent we have in either party, very few have his knowledge about our political process, I believe this is more the problem with him, comes across as pompous to some, if he could refine his delivery he would become more viable, still not sure he would be electable....

The divorce issue is weak....
As I said try not to appear so ignorant.

You use one guy that pushed it and inferred that the GOP was behind it. YOU try not to appear to be knowingly ignorant, UScitizen.

Arlen specter also spoke in favor of it and others in the republican party.
It was a pretty good little hubub at the time.

It is funny to see the right keep getting all hyped up about a wonder candidate that will change the world and then later hear them mutter. "he was not really a conservative".

who was that guy that replaced Kennedy?

Funny shit.
They just keep doing it too.

Is Pelosi a Republican?

Proposals for changing the Constitution have also been made in the House. The latest, introduced in September by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Huntington Beach, also includes the 20-year period. Others set a 35-year requirement. But none of the House proposals has come up for a hearing.
Support for amending the Constitution to allow naturalized citizens to serve as president came Thursday from House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco.
"I have long thought that we could revisit that issue,'' Pelosi told reporters.

Congress to consider easing presidential eligibility / Naturalized citizens would be able to hold highest office

The "Arnold Bill" actually has bipartisan support, it is not just a Republican bill so that another actor from California can run. You claiming otherwise kinda makes you look bad.
lol @ Sarah Palin even being MENTIONED in a thread about intellegence/intellect.

And a RW MFer actually is defending her too....ROTFLMBAO!!!



Are you just jealous or is it because she is a white conservative female? Could it be both?

She would not be my choice, but she would out perform the moron you help elect....

And based on your views expressed here, she would make minced meat of you too....

ZOMG....! You're even dummer than I thought.

I dont see any thinkers on any side,
I spent the night with my son, we tried to see a unexplored uncorrupted policy or original thought in the heap , it is all polemics & demagoguery.
The founders = corrupt slavers, progressives= murderous bastards, Neo libs= totalitarians ,conservatives =wandering idiots.

It is a very sad state of affairs... a statesman here now?
I haven't checked out sponge bob , how is he shaping up?
ZOMG....! You're even dummer than I thought.


I could easily say the same thing about you. But then how exactly does telling people they are dumb further discussion.

Oh, and it's spelled dumber.

Political parties don't have intellectuals, they have "generals" who draft battle plans. Think Grover Norquist or Karl Rove. Think Frank Luntz. All brilliant. Or, if you want absolute brilliance, think of the effort the GOP has made since the 70s to mold public opinion to accept their narrative of priorities: defense spending on unnecessary wars over affordable health care for hard workers. Selling this agenda takes more raw intelligence than people realize. If you look at the planning it took to create Movement Conservatism, which converts corporate money into political outcomes more effectively than any political movement in history, you see brilliance far in excess of anything the stupid Left has done. The Right created a think tank & lobbying universe that makes the Left look like a bunch of stupid, disorganized hippies.

The last iconic GOP intellectual was Buckley, who was extremely dogmatic. If you see his famous debate against Chomsky, you realize that he was little more than a mouthpiece for Washington's Cold War policies. He completely lacked historical knowledge or analytical rigor. He literally aped GOP talking points in ways that seemed kind of sad. Buckley is actually a precursor of crass party apparatchiks like Dinesh D'souz, i.e., ideological functionaries who spend their lives inside institutional conservatism where they enjoy very little intellectual freedom.

If you want to see true Rightwing intellectuals, you have to go behind the scenes, to the university. Allan Bloom, Christoper Lasch, Daniel Bell. These men are on the Right and they are genuinely brilliant.

The Closing of The American Mind
The closing of the American mind - Google Books

The Revolt of the Elites
The revolt of the elites: and the ... - Google Books

The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism
The cultural contradictions of ... - Google Books

These are books that deserve to be read and re-read. [FYI: I say this as a card carrying Lefty. I have respect for intellectual history, and some of my favorite thinkers are deeply conservative. Tragically, none of the Righties on this board are given similar intellectual freedom to truly explore the Left (for reasons other than attacking it). This fact not only points to a deepening illiteracy on the Right, but it proves the OP's point. The movement no longer allows intellectual freedom. It it purely Machiavellian. Intellectuals are too risky because they don't tow the party line. We lost a great party when Conservatism federated with big business and became a movement]
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