Who are the Democrats now?


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
Bernie the Socialist Sanders is at 31% and 2nd is Michael the $60Bn Man Bloomberg at 19%. It will come down to those two but the candidates could not be more disparate sans the fact that they are old Jewish men. So whomever wins the final nomination will alienate a good % of the Democrat voter base. And how is it that they change the rules to qualify for the debate stage for Bloomberg but would not for Tulsi Gabbard? This on the heels of the debacle in Iowa.

Maybe focus more on your party and less on vilifying Trump and trying to change the results of the 2016 election?

I welcome your thoughts.
Bernie the Socialist Sanders is at 31% and 2nd is Michael the $60Bn Man Bloomberg at 19%. It will come down to those two but the candidates could not be more disparate sans the fact that they are old Jewish men. So whomever wins the final nomination will alienate a good % of the Democrat voter base. And how is it that they change the rules to qualify for the debate stage for Bloomberg but would not for Tulsi Gabbard? This on the heels of the debacle in Iowa.

Maybe focus more on your party and less on vilifying Trump and trying to change the results of the 2016 election?

I welcome your thoughts.

They are the fox caught in the trap. They can chew off a leg to escape the trap, but they will lose the leg.
I like it. The Dems would be geniuses for nominating a Jewish man. Anyone who doesn't agree with them can be labeled as anti-Semitic.
Bernie the Socialist Sanders is at 31% and 2nd is Michael the $60Bn Man Bloomberg at 19%. It will come down to those two but the candidates could not be more disparate sans the fact that they are old Jewish men. So whomever wins the final nomination will alienate a good % of the Democrat voter base. And how is it that they change the rules to qualify for the debate stage for Bloomberg but would not for Tulsi Gabbard? This on the heels of the debacle in Iowa.

Maybe focus more on your party and less on vilifying Trump and trying to change the results of the 2016 election?

I welcome your thoughts.

Not being happy with just pissing off farmers miners, Mexicans and blacks now they're working on the women too. A brilliant strategy for success if success is measured by how big you lose. LOL
Bernie the Socialist Sanders is at 31% and 2nd is Michael the $60Bn Man Bloomberg at 19%. It will come down to those two but the candidates could not be more disparate sans the fact that they are old Jewish men. So whomever wins the final nomination will alienate a good % of the Democrat voter base. And how is it that they change the rules to qualify for the debate stage for Bloomberg but would not for Tulsi Gabbard? This on the heels of the debacle in Iowa.

Maybe focus more on your party and less on vilifying Trump and trying to change the results of the 2016 election?

I welcome your thoughts.

Not being happy with just pissing off farmers miners, Mexicans and blacks now they're working on the women too. A brilliant strategy for success if success is measured by how big you lose. LOL
the dems are the big tent party of today, but whether they can maintain it and generate turnout is a question. Neither Bernie nor Bloomberg so far shows any ability to do it. I do know, however, that Bloomberg has state offices in the southern states, and imo his "problems" with black voters are overstated.

I expect Trump will win though.
Bernie the Socialist Sanders is at 31% and 2nd is Michael the $60Bn Man Bloomberg at 19%. It will come down to those two but the candidates could not be more disparate sans the fact that they are old Jewish men. So whomever wins the final nomination will alienate a good % of the Democrat voter base. And how is it that they change the rules to qualify for the debate stage for Bloomberg but would not for Tulsi Gabbard? This on the heels of the debacle in Iowa.

Maybe focus more on your party and less on vilifying Trump and trying to change the results of the 2016 election?

I welcome your thoughts.

Who are the Democrats now?
Make no mistake about it; they are the party of free shit, filth and foreigners. There is no better shorter way to summarize the twisted fucks.
One does NOT fit with the Mexicrat Party if they are too independent, too decent and moral, too patriotic / nationalistic...PERIOD
Bernie the Socialist Sanders is at 31% and 2nd is Michael the $60Bn Man Bloomberg at 19%. It will come down to those two but the candidates could not be more disparate sans the fact that they are old Jewish men. So whomever wins the final nomination will alienate a good % of the Democrat voter base. And how is it that they change the rules to qualify for the debate stage for Bloomberg but would not for Tulsi Gabbard? This on the heels of the debacle in Iowa.

Maybe focus more on your party and less on vilifying Trump and trying to change the results of the 2016 election?

I welcome your thoughts.

Not being happy with just pissing off farmers miners, Mexicans and blacks now they're working on the women too. A brilliant strategy for success if success is measured by how big you lose. LOL
the dems are the big tent party of today, but whether they can maintain it and generate turnout is a question. Neither Bernie nor Bloomberg so far shows any ability to do it. I do know, however, that Bloomberg has state offices in the southern states, and imo his "problems" with black voters are overstated.

I expect Trump will win though.

"Big tent party"? They embrace pro-lifers, 2nd amendment advocates, Christians, pro-constitutionalists, secured border advocates? You might want to "walk" that one back, my friend. Hope all is well with ya.
Bernie the Socialist Sanders is at 31% and 2nd is Michael the $60Bn Man Bloomberg at 19%. It will come down to those two but the candidates could not be more disparate sans the fact that they are old Jewish men. So whomever wins the final nomination will alienate a good % of the Democrat voter base. And how is it that they change the rules to qualify for the debate stage for Bloomberg but would not for Tulsi Gabbard? This on the heels of the debacle in Iowa.

Maybe focus more on your party and less on vilifying Trump and trying to change the results of the 2016 election?

I welcome your thoughts.

Not being happy with just pissing off farmers miners, Mexicans and blacks now they're working on the women too. A brilliant strategy for success if success is measured by how big you lose. LOL
the dems are the big tent party of today, but whether they can maintain it and generate turnout is a question. Neither Bernie nor Bloomberg so far shows any ability to do it. I do know, however, that Bloomberg has state offices in the southern states, and imo his "problems" with black voters are overstated.

I expect Trump will win though.

Big tents attract flies.
Bernie the Socialist Sanders is at 31% and 2nd is Michael the $60Bn Man Bloomberg at 19%. It will come down to those two but the candidates could not be more disparate sans the fact that they are old Jewish men. So whomever wins the final nomination will alienate a good % of the Democrat voter base. And how is it that they change the rules to qualify for the debate stage for Bloomberg but would not for Tulsi Gabbard? This on the heels of the debacle in Iowa.

Maybe focus more on your party and less on vilifying Trump and trying to change the results of the 2016 election?

I welcome your thoughts.

The only thing that they have in common is that they are older, like Trump. Why the "Jewish" insertion? Irrelevant, so what is your point?
Trump is a "born again" phony. They will alienate a good part of the racists in America be they Dems or Trump party supporters in which there are many racists, thanks to Trump's divisive conduct.
I don't know of anybody who is trying to change the results of an election. The objective is to get the grifter out of office as he is trying to turn our country into a dictatorship, is in the process of ruining our status in the world and establishing an isolationist nation with his abusive manner.
Bernie the Socialist Sanders is at 31% and 2nd is Michael the $60Bn Man Bloomberg at 19%. It will come down to those two but the candidates could not be more disparate sans the fact that they are old Jewish men. So whomever wins the final nomination will alienate a good % of the Democrat voter base. And how is it that they change the rules to qualify for the debate stage for Bloomberg but would not for Tulsi Gabbard? This on the heels of the debacle in Iowa.

Maybe focus more on your party and less on vilifying Trump and trying to change the results of the 2016 election?

I welcome your thoughts.

The only thing that they have in common is that they are older, like Trump. Why the "Jewish" insertion? Irrelevant, so what is your point?
Trump is a "born again" phony. They will alienate a good part of the racists in America be they Dems or Trump party supporters in which there are many racists, thanks to Trump's divisive conduct.
I don't know of anybody who is trying to change the results of an election. The objective is to get the grifter out of office as he is trying to turn our country into a dictatorship, is in the process of ruining our status in the world and establishing an isolationist nation with his abusive manner.

#1) I inserted the "Jewish" part before others did to get it of the table.

#2) Born again? LOL -- TDS much

#3) You don't know anybody? Watch the news then.

#4) Isolationist? We just signed a new USMCA? We just put an embassy in Jerusalem?

#5) Abusive Manner? Need a safe space?
Bernie the Socialist Sanders is at 31% and 2nd is Michael the $60Bn Man Bloomberg at 19%. It will come down to those two but the candidates could not be more disparate sans the fact that they are old Jewish men. So whomever wins the final nomination will alienate a good % of the Democrat voter base. And how is it that they change the rules to qualify for the debate stage for Bloomberg but would not for Tulsi Gabbard? This on the heels of the debacle in Iowa.

Maybe focus more on your party and less on vilifying Trump and trying to change the results of the 2016 election?

I welcome your thoughts.

Not being happy with just pissing off farmers miners, Mexicans and blacks now they're working on the women too. A brilliant strategy for success if success is measured by how big you lose. LOL
the dems are the big tent party of today, but whether they can maintain it and generate turnout is a question. Neither Bernie nor Bloomberg so far shows any ability to do it. I do know, however, that Bloomberg has state offices in the southern states, and imo his "problems" with black voters are overstated.

I expect Trump will win though.

Big tents attract flies.
not for Reagan. But conventional wisdom is all but 7-9 states are already decided. (I'd say there's no better argument for keeping the EC but awarding the votes proportionally in every state. It would require the winner to get more that 50% though). But I have a hard time seeing Bernie carrying any of them or even holding all the "dem" states. I guess it's possible is enough voters decide he'd never get his socialist healthcare program through congress. But I doubt it.

I'm not sure about Bloomberg. the reality is that just not that many people show up for most primaries. I'm not sure that the loss of over half the Bernie voters would make much difference. But then Nader and Jill Stein really did decide elections.
Bernie the Socialist Sanders is at 31% and 2nd is Michael the $60Bn Man Bloomberg at 19%. It will come down to those two but the candidates could not be more disparate sans the fact that they are old Jewish men. So whomever wins the final nomination will alienate a good % of the Democrat voter base. And how is it that they change the rules to qualify for the debate stage for Bloomberg but would not for Tulsi Gabbard? This on the heels of the debacle in Iowa.

Maybe focus more on your party and less on vilifying Trump and trying to change the results of the 2016 election?

I welcome your thoughts.

The only thing that they have in common is that they are older, like Trump. Why the "Jewish" insertion? Irrelevant, so what is your point?
Trump is a "born again" phony. They will alienate a good part of the racists in America be they Dems or Trump party supporters in which there are many racists, thanks to Trump's divisive conduct.
I don't know of anybody who is trying to change the results of an election. The objective is to get the grifter out of office as he is trying to turn our country into a dictatorship, is in the process of ruining our status in the world and establishing an isolationist nation with his abusive manner.
The "jew thing" might be relevant in Fla. But I doubt "medicare for all" really excites retirees

Azog the Troller can't even start an OP without trolling. LOL
Bernie the Socialist Sanders is at 31% and 2nd is Michael the $60Bn Man Bloomberg at 19%. It will come down to those two but the candidates could not be more disparate sans the fact that they are old Jewish men. So whomever wins the final nomination will alienate a good % of the Democrat voter base. And how is it that they change the rules to qualify for the debate stage for Bloomberg but would not for Tulsi Gabbard? This on the heels of the debacle in Iowa.

Maybe focus more on your party and less on vilifying Trump and trying to change the results of the 2016 election?

I welcome your thoughts.

The only thing that they have in common is that they are older, like Trump. Why the "Jewish" insertion? Irrelevant, so what is your point?
Trump is a "born again" phony. They will alienate a good part of the racists in America be they Dems or Trump party supporters in which there are many racists, thanks to Trump's divisive conduct.
I don't know of anybody who is trying to change the results of an election. The objective is to get the grifter out of office as he is trying to turn our country into a dictatorship, is in the process of ruining our status in the world and establishing an isolationist nation with his abusive manner.
The "jew thing" might be relevant in Fla. But I doubt "medicare for all" really excites retirees

Azog the Troller can't even start an OP without trolling. LOL

Bernie the Socialist Sanders is at 31% and 2nd is Michael the $60Bn Man Bloomberg at 19%. It will come down to those two but the candidates could not be more disparate sans the fact that they are old Jewish men. So whomever wins the final nomination will alienate a good % of the Democrat voter base. And how is it that they change the rules to qualify for the debate stage for Bloomberg but would not for Tulsi Gabbard? This on the heels of the debacle in Iowa.

Maybe focus more on your party and less on vilifying Trump and trying to change the results of the 2016 election?

I welcome your thoughts.

The only thing that they have in common is that they are older, like Trump. Why the "Jewish" insertion? Irrelevant, so what is your point?
Trump is a "born again" phony. They will alienate a good part of the racists in America be they Dems or Trump party supporters in which there are many racists, thanks to Trump's divisive conduct.
I don't know of anybody who is trying to change the results of an election. The objective is to get the grifter out of office as he is trying to turn our country into a dictatorship, is in the process of ruining our status in the world and establishing an isolationist nation with his abusive manner.

#1) I inserted the "Jewish" part before others did to get it of the table.

#2) Born again? LOL -- TDS much

#3) You don't know anybody? Watch the news then.

#4) Isolationist? We just signed a new USMCA? We just put an embassy in Jerusalem?

#5) Abusive Manner? Need a safe space?

Yes, born again. TDS? What is that?
I don't watch Hannity, Tucker, et al, which is where that stuff comes from.
Tweaking the NAFTA agreement doesn't mean much.
An Embassy in Jerusalem? All that accomplished was to further infuriate the Palestinians. Has nothing to do with his isolationist policies. he is what he is and is now hijacking the justice department to go along with the Republican party hijacking. I shudder to imagine what his second term will be like, as he jails his opposition and continues to flaunt our laws.
Bernie the Socialist Sanders is at 31% and 2nd is Michael the $60Bn Man Bloomberg at 19%. It will come down to those two but the candidates could not be more disparate sans the fact that they are old Jewish men. So whomever wins the final nomination will alienate a good % of the Democrat voter base. And how is it that they change the rules to qualify for the debate stage for Bloomberg but would not for Tulsi Gabbard? This on the heels of the debacle in Iowa.

Maybe focus more on your party and less on vilifying Trump and trying to change the results of the 2016 election?

I welcome your thoughts.

The only thing that they have in common is that they are older, like Trump. Why the "Jewish" insertion? Irrelevant, so what is your point?
Trump is a "born again" phony. They will alienate a good part of the racists in America be they Dems or Trump party supporters in which there are many racists, thanks to Trump's divisive conduct.
I don't know of anybody who is trying to change the results of an election. The objective is to get the grifter out of office as he is trying to turn our country into a dictatorship, is in the process of ruining our status in the world and establishing an isolationist nation with his abusive manner.

#1) I inserted the "Jewish" part before others did to get it of the table.

#2) Born again? LOL -- TDS much

#3) You don't know anybody? Watch the news then.

#4) Isolationist? We just signed a new USMCA? We just put an embassy in Jerusalem?

#5) Abusive Manner? Need a safe space?

Yes, born again. TDS? What is that?
I don't watch Hannity, Tucker, et al, which is where that stuff comes from.
Tweaking the NAFTA agreement doesn't mean much.
An Embassy in Jerusalem? All that accomplished was to further infuriate the Palestinians. Has nothing to do with his isolationist policies. he is what he is and is now hijacking the justice department to go along with the Republican party hijacking. I shudder to imagine what his second term will be like, as he jails his opposition and continues to flaunt our laws.

The fact that people like you have an equal vote to people like me, makes my head spin. Have another.
Socialist, intellectually dishonest, victims of the themselves, feminists & 24/7 propaganda, why?
Bernie the Socialist Sanders is at 31% and 2nd is Michael the $60Bn Man Bloomberg at 19%. It will come down to those two but the candidates could not be more disparate sans the fact that they are old Jewish men. So whomever wins the final nomination will alienate a good % of the Democrat voter base. And how is it that they change the rules to qualify for the debate stage for Bloomberg but would not for Tulsi Gabbard? This on the heels of the debacle in Iowa.

Maybe focus more on your party and less on vilifying Trump and trying to change the results of the 2016 election?

I welcome your thoughts.

The only thing that they have in common is that they are older, like Trump. Why the "Jewish" insertion? Irrelevant, so what is your point?
Trump is a "born again" phony. They will alienate a good part of the racists in America be they Dems or Trump party supporters in which there are many racists, thanks to Trump's divisive conduct.
I don't know of anybody who is trying to change the results of an election. The objective is to get the grifter out of office as he is trying to turn our country into a dictatorship, is in the process of ruining our status in the world and establishing an isolationist nation with his abusive manner.

#1) I inserted the "Jewish" part before others did to get it of the table.

#2) Born again? LOL -- TDS much

#3) You don't know anybody? Watch the news then.

#4) Isolationist? We just signed a new USMCA? We just put an embassy in Jerusalem?

#5) Abusive Manner? Need a safe space?

Yes, born again. TDS? What is that?
I don't watch Hannity, Tucker, et al, which is where that stuff comes from.
Tweaking the NAFTA agreement doesn't mean much.
An Embassy in Jerusalem? All that accomplished was to further infuriate the Palestinians. Has nothing to do with his isolationist policies. he is what he is and is now hijacking the justice department to go along with the Republican party hijacking. I shudder to imagine what his second term will be like, as he jails his opposition and continues to flaunt our laws.

The fact that people like you have an equal vote to people like me, makes my head spin. Have another.

That your head spins does not surprise me. I am sorry if I confused you with the facts.
Bernie the Socialist Sanders is at 31% and 2nd is Michael the $60Bn Man Bloomberg at 19%. It will come down to those two but the candidates could not be more disparate sans the fact that they are old Jewish men. So whomever wins the final nomination will alienate a good % of the Democrat voter base. And how is it that they change the rules to qualify for the debate stage for Bloomberg but would not for Tulsi Gabbard? This on the heels of the debacle in Iowa.

Maybe focus more on your party and less on vilifying Trump and trying to change the results of the 2016 election?

I welcome your thoughts.

The only thing that they have in common is that they are older, like Trump. Why the "Jewish" insertion? Irrelevant, so what is your point?
Trump is a "born again" phony. They will alienate a good part of the racists in America be they Dems or Trump party supporters in which there are many racists, thanks to Trump's divisive conduct.
I don't know of anybody who is trying to change the results of an election. The objective is to get the grifter out of office as he is trying to turn our country into a dictatorship, is in the process of ruining our status in the world and establishing an isolationist nation with his abusive manner.

#1) I inserted the "Jewish" part before others did to get it of the table.

#2) Born again? LOL -- TDS much

#3) You don't know anybody? Watch the news then.

#4) Isolationist? We just signed a new USMCA? We just put an embassy in Jerusalem?

#5) Abusive Manner? Need a safe space?

Yes, born again. TDS? What is that?
I don't watch Hannity, Tucker, et al, which is where that stuff comes from.
Tweaking the NAFTA agreement doesn't mean much.
An Embassy in Jerusalem? All that accomplished was to further infuriate the Palestinians. Has nothing to do with his isolationist policies. he is what he is and is now hijacking the justice department to go along with the Republican party hijacking. I shudder to imagine what his second term will be like, as he jails his opposition and continues to flaunt our laws.

The fact that people like you have an equal vote to people like me, makes my head spin. Have another.

That your head spins does not surprise me. I am sorry if I confused you with the facts.

Nothing exposes one’s TDS level more than declaring a personal opinion a fact. Good job TDS’er.

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