White Voters: “If I vote Democrat God will give me angel wings.”


May 23, 2014
The stupidity of liberal white voters who feel that if they vote Democrat, racism, world hunger, famine, and disease will all be cured. How far removed from reality can you be? Personally I left the Democratic Party and vote Republican because I am a realist. I understand that other countries do not care about American workers or our jobs, and that terrorists are out there and they would love to kill our children and families. Big part of our war on terrorism is border security. Democrats think like Disneyland: “ It’s a small world after all..” Democrats think we can exist on “peace and love.” Sure.
What’s Going on With America’s White People?
I agree with the OP's linked article in that the liberal side of my thinking likely has something to do with my lack of personal insecurity concerning economics. I think the danger here is when those of us who are secure think of themselves as better than those who are not.

From the OP's linked article:

The Trump people are certainly more racist than the average white professional, but it doesn’t strike me that this is the 1950s. There is … racial resentment, but it’s paired with economic insecurity.”

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