White Trash-y LGBT-Q folk in Texas

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Many years ago, I read that the average gay person makes more money than the average straight person. I was skeptical. My theory was that those stats were misleading due to the fact that a professional, or highly skilled worker can be braver about coming out than a person who has little money, and/or works a low-skilled job.

Two things have changed since then. First, one need not be brave to come out. People will fawn all over you for your "courage." Second, with the COVID, people worry less about losing or even having a job, so no reason to fear any problem at work for expressing one's sexuality.

I've noticed a rise in the number of people who appear to be low to no-income and who also transgender, or gender fluid, or somewhere on that spectrum.

Just yesterday, I was at Goodwill, I noticed a real tall person with an Adam's Apple in a skirt and blouse. There was also a guy who was dressed in a way that I took him for an very low-income guy and his hair and light makeup indicated that he was gay. They were in different parts of the store, but when the person in the skirt went to the pay line, the guy brought some items to her. I found nothing to buy, and when I went outside, the guy was standing in front of the store smoking a cigarette.

That is a move I have seen many times, in which a man lets the woman pay if he is embarrassed about shopping at Goodwill, or in Walmart embarrassed about using food stamps. Or they will wait outside in the car while the woman goes into the food bank. This was the same, but with two guys, one playing the woman, and one playing the embarrassed man.

I see more and more of this, more often lesbians who are driving hoopties, and wearing old clothes and smoking, and speaking in a very uneducated register. I don't hate any of them for this. Pick a style and go with it, it's a free country.
Many years ago, I read that the average gay person makes more money than the average straight person. I was skeptical. My theory was that those stats were misleading due to the fact that a professional, or highly skilled worker can be braver about coming out than a person who has little money, and/or works a low-skilled job.

Two things have changed since then. First, one need not be brave to come out. People will fawn all over you for your "courage." Second, with the COVID, people worry less about losing or even having a job, so no reason to fear any problem at work for expressing one's sexuality.

I've noticed a rise in the number of people who appear to be low to no-income and who also transgender, or gender fluid, or somewhere on that spectrum.

Just yesterday, I was at Goodwill, I noticed a real tall person with an Adam's Apple in a skirt and blouse. There was also a guy who was dressed in a way that I took him for an very low-income guy and his hair and light makeup indicated that he was gay. They were in different parts of the store, but when the person in the skirt went to the pay line, the guy brought some items to her. I found nothing to buy, and when I went outside, the guy was standing in front of the store smoking a cigarette.

That is a move I have seen many times, in which a man lets the woman pay if he is embarrassed about shopping at Goodwill, or in Walmart embarrassed about using food stamps. Or they will wait outside in the car while the woman goes into the food bank. This was the same, but with two guys, one playing the woman, and one playing the embarrassed man.

I see more and more of this, more often lesbians who are driving hoopties, and wearing old clothes and smoking, and speaking in a very uneducated register. I don't hate any of them for this. Pick a style and go with it, it's a free country.

Interesting point.

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