White Supremacists Unite: We Love This Guy!


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
How Donald Trump is breathing life into America’s dying white supremacist movement.

Making friends is no easy task for modern white nationalists.

In an era of gay marriage and a black president, more than a half-century after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 became law, separatists can’t exactly swan dive into conversations with strangers about the white-power cause.

But Rachel Pendergraft — the national organizer for the Knights Party, a standard-bearer for the Ku Klux Klan — told The Washington Post that the KKK, for one, has a new conversation starter at its disposal.

You might call it a “Trump card.”

It involves, say, walking into a coffee shop or sitting on a train while carrying a newspaper with a Donald Trump headline. The Republican presidential candidate, Pendergraft told The Post, has become a great outreach tool, providing separatists with an easy way to start a conversation about issues that are important to the dying white supremacist movement.

“One of the things that our organization really stresses with our membership is we want them to educate themselves on issues, but we also want them to be able to learn how to open up a conversation with other people,” Pendergraft said.

Using Trump as a conversation piece has been discussed on a private, members-only website and in “e-news, stuff that goes out to members.”

In addition to opening “a door to conversation,” she said, Trump’s surging candidacy has done something else: It has electrified some members of the movement.

“They like the overall momentum of his rallies and his campaign,” Pendergraft said. “They like that he’s not willing to back down. He says what he believes and he stands on that.”

For large numbers of Americans, Trump’s rhetoric surrounding immigration, minority groups and crime may sound like finely tuned retrograde vitriol. But for Pendergraft and a growing number of white nationalists flocking to the campaign’s circus-like tent, the billionaire sounds familiar, like a man fluent in the native tongue of disaffected whites.

It’s a language people such as Pendergraft never thought they’d hear a mainstream politician in either party use in public.

Much More: How Donald Trump is breathing life into America’s dying white supremacist movement

Trump has given white racists new life and energy. Sane people can only hope he never becomes president.
How Donald Trump is breathing life into America’s dying white supremacist movement.

Making friends is no easy task for modern white nationalists.

In an era of gay marriage and a black president, more than a half-century after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 became law, separatists can’t exactly swan dive into conversations with strangers about the white-power cause.

But Rachel Pendergraft — the national organizer for the Knights Party, a standard-bearer for the Ku Klux Klan — told The Washington Post that the KKK, for one, has a new conversation starter at its disposal.

You might call it a “Trump card.”

It involves, say, walking into a coffee shop or sitting on a train while carrying a newspaper with a Donald Trump headline. The Republican presidential candidate, Pendergraft told The Post, has become a great outreach tool, providing separatists with an easy way to start a conversation about issues that are important to the dying white supremacist movement.

“One of the things that our organization really stresses with our membership is we want them to educate themselves on issues, but we also want them to be able to learn how to open up a conversation with other people,” Pendergraft said.

Using Trump as a conversation piece has been discussed on a private, members-only website and in “e-news, stuff that goes out to members.”

In addition to opening “a door to conversation,” she said, Trump’s surging candidacy has done something else: It has electrified some members of the movement.

“They like the overall momentum of his rallies and his campaign,” Pendergraft said. “They like that he’s not willing to back down. He says what he believes and he stands on that.”

For large numbers of Americans, Trump’s rhetoric surrounding immigration, minority groups and crime may sound like finely tuned retrograde vitriol. But for Pendergraft and a growing number of white nationalists flocking to the campaign’s circus-like tent, the billionaire sounds familiar, like a man fluent in the native tongue of disaffected whites.

It’s a language people such as Pendergraft never thought they’d hear a mainstream politician in either party use in public.

Much More: How Donald Trump is breathing life into America’s dying white supremacist movement

Trump has given white racists new life and energy. Sane people can only hope he never becomes president.

Another completely ridiculous article.

White people have been ignored for decades, whilst the mainstream political parties have pandered to every so-called minority, not that blacks are actually a minority, but whatever.

So a candidate comes along, not only saying things that no candidate has said for decades, but also standing up for the entire constituency and actually being courageous enough to tell the truth....the truth being something that both the Leftists and the Cuckservatives are afraid of....so this candidate, The Donald gets sliced and diced every which way for what?

Speaking for and to white people and telling the truth. I mean, the ULTIMATE evils....:rolleyes-41:

Why don't we ever have articles about Black Supremacists like the Rev. Al Sharpton, the Rev. Jesse Jackson and the entire vile group known as Black Lives Matter? Oh that's right....:rolleyes-41:
It's not the least bit surprising some Nazis like Trump.
Another completely ridiculous article.

White people have been ignored for decades,

Another completely ridiculous article.

White people have been ignored for decades,


It shows how afraid of Trump they all are. If people didn't like what Trump was saying, if they didn't like his message, then he would be on like 2% in the polls. The fact he's leading and has lead for a considerable amount of time, this says people like him and agree with him.

What happened to Democracy? What happened to respecting peoples' right to choose a candidate? It seems IF the MSM and the Leftist Activists and the Cuckservatives don't like the candidate, then both Democracy and the peoples' right to choose just gets flushed down the toilet.

What hypocrites.
White people being ignored!?? Congress is like 90% white !
Another completely ridiculous article.

White people have been ignored for decades,


It shows how afraid of Trump they all are. If people didn't like what Trump was saying, if they didn't like his message, then he would be on like 2% in the polls. The fact he's leading and has lead for a considerable amount of time, this says people like him and agree with him.

What happened to Democracy? What happened to respecting peoples' right to choose a candidate? It seems IF the MSM and the Leftist Activists and the Cuckservatives don't like the candidate, then both Democracy and the peoples' right to choose just gets flushed down the toilet.

What hypocrites.

What are you whining about? No one is preventing Adolf Trump's racist Republican base from supporting him. Support him all you wish - we just want voters to know what you're supporting. We have that right.
Ya gotta love it.... Good 'ol Donald living rent free in the little leftwing pinheads of the pants shitting brigade.

Another completely ridiculous article.

White people have been ignored for decades,


It shows how afraid of Trump they all are. If people didn't like what Trump was saying, if they didn't like his message, then he would be on like 2% in the polls. The fact he's leading and has lead for a considerable amount of time, this says people like him and agree with him.

What happened to Democracy? What happened to respecting peoples' right to choose a candidate? It seems IF the MSM and the Leftist Activists and the Cuckservatives don't like the candidate, then both Democracy and the peoples' right to choose just gets flushed down the toilet.

What hypocrites.

Now, try it again using Obama as the subject Spin Master lol
I think The Donald will make a fine Republican Candidate for President.

I can't wait for the next fear mongering statement that will have the Nugent Brigade dropping another few loads.
Another completely ridiculous article.

White people have been ignored for decades,


It shows how afraid of Trump they all are. If people didn't like what Trump was saying, if they didn't like his message, then he would be on like 2% in the polls. The fact he's leading and has lead for a considerable amount of time, this says people like him and agree with him.

What happened to Democracy? What happened to respecting peoples' right to choose a candidate? It seems IF the MSM and the Leftist Activists and the Cuckservatives don't like the candidate, then both Democracy and the peoples' right to choose just gets flushed down the toilet.

What hypocrites.

Now, try it again using Obama as the subject Spin Master lol

I'm just copying Comrade Obama, The Master of Spin :poke:
Another completely ridiculous article.

White people have been ignored for decades,


It shows how afraid of Trump they all are. If people didn't like what Trump was saying, if they didn't like his message, then he would be on like 2% in the polls. The fact he's leading and has lead for a considerable amount of time, this says people like him and agree with him.

What happened to Democracy? What happened to respecting peoples' right to choose a candidate? It seems IF the MSM and the Leftist Activists and the Cuckservatives don't like the candidate, then both Democracy and the peoples' right to choose just gets flushed down the toilet.

What hypocrites.

Now, try it again using Obama as the subject Spin Master lol

I'm just copying Comrade Obama, The Master of Spin :poke:

All man, thats what all the Spin Masters say..."Its someone elses fault" riiiiiight
I think The Donald will make a fine Republican Candidate for President.

I can't wait for the next fear mongering statement that will have the Nugent Brigade dropping another few loads.
If the Big Quack is the nominee, the gop establishment may have to choose between running their own 3rd party candidate just to get overall gop vote turnout, in order to hold the House, let alone the Senate. If the Big Quack can just win NH and SC, this could be epic.
Another completely ridiculous article.

White people have been ignored for decades,


It shows how afraid of Trump they all are. If people didn't like what Trump was saying, if they didn't like his message, then he would be on like 2% in the polls. The fact he's leading and has lead for a considerable amount of time, this says people like him and agree with him.

What happened to Democracy? What happened to respecting peoples' right to choose a candidate? It seems IF the MSM and the Leftist Activists and the Cuckservatives don't like the candidate, then both Democracy and the peoples' right to choose just gets flushed down the toilet.

What hypocrites.

Now, try it again using Obama as the subject Spin Master lol

I'm just copying Comrade Obama, The Master of Spin :poke:

All man, thats what all the Spin Masters say..."Its someone elses fault" riiiiiight

Exactly, that's the Democratic Party-Leftist-Marxist mantra....blame someone else....I told you I was copying Comrade Obama!

It shows how afraid of Trump they all are. If people didn't like what Trump was saying, if they didn't like his message, then he would be on like 2% in the polls. The fact he's leading and has lead for a considerable amount of time, this says people like him and agree with him.

What happened to Democracy? What happened to respecting peoples' right to choose a candidate? It seems IF the MSM and the Leftist Activists and the Cuckservatives don't like the candidate, then both Democracy and the peoples' right to choose just gets flushed down the toilet.

What hypocrites.

Now, try it again using Obama as the subject Spin Master lol

I'm just copying Comrade Obama, The Master of Spin :poke:

All man, thats what all the Spin Masters say..."Its someone elses fault" riiiiiight

Exactly, that's the Democratic Party-Leftist-Marxist mantra....blame someone else....I told you I was copying Comrade Obama!

By utilizing the tactics of the left? Or by utilizing dirty tactics and saying you do it because Johnny does it too?

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