White supremacist elected

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Joni Ernst Isn’t The Worst Person To Be Elected Tuesday Night, This Guy Is
Author: Wendy Gittleson November 5, 2014 6:45 pm

To most Democrats, Tuesday night was a night of disappointment. Wednesday, we awoke to a bitter reality – for the next two years, the country will move much further to the right.

Much of the media focus has been on Iowa’s Joni Ernst, who seems to be the Midwest’s version of Sarah Palin, with her folksy pig castrating (yeah, that’s real). Ernst hates the government, gay people, doesn’t believe in climate change and loves guns and fetuses (probably in that order). She also thinks it’s just opinion that only one person in the country has Ebola.

The frightening thing, though, is that she isn’t even the worst person elected to office Tuesday night. Not even close. In Maryland, they elected a white supremacist.

After an election night filled with far-right victories, it’s hard to dub any single winner the most extreme. But Michael Peroutka, newly elected to the Anne Arundel County Council in Maryland, would have to be in anyone’s top five. Peroutka is a radical Christian Reconstructionist and southern secessionist. He says “so-called civil rights laws” are not valid because “there is no such thing as a civil right.” He says promoting evolution “is an act of disloyalty to America.” He says of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, “The reason he hates God is because he thinks he is God.” He thinks gay people are out to “recruit your children” into their “deathstyle.”

Remarkably for someone who has just become an elected official in Maryland, Peroutka argues that since state legislators have passed laws like marriage equality that “violate God’s law,” the Maryland General Assembly is “no longer a valid legislative body” and none of the laws that it has passed are “legally valid and legally enforceable.”

Source: Right Wing Watch

Peroutka is against free public education, saying it’s “the 10th plank in the Communist Manifesto.”

He also thinks the wrong side won the Civil War.

Watch the RWs defend this ignorant racist.
What does it tell you that voters prefer this guy over Democrats? Huh? You leftists are worse and people know this, so they vote accordingly.

Just leave America, go to Venezuela, and let us rebuild.

Look, we all know your tactic - first identify, then lie, and then isolate and finally destroy. Fuck you. If you're against him, I'm for him. Simple as that. You're what's wrong with America, not him.

As for your lies, here's how wikipedia notes the smears:

On December 6, 2012, the Human Rights Campaign called Peroutka an “active white supremacist and secessionist sympathizer" due to links to the League of the South[15][16] Peroutka told The Baltimore Sun that he “continues to be a proud member of the League of the South,” since it “has a belief that the central government is too large, too spend-thrift and too out-of-control,” but he called HRC’s characterization of him as a white-supremacist sympathizer “absurd” and “not at all true.”[17] In an October 2004 Washington Journal interview with Robb Harleston, Peroutka stated that "there is one race and that's the human race".[18] More recently on his radio show, also published on his website theamericanview.com, dated September 9, 2013, he states, "all elevation or denigration of individuals or groups based on skin color is immoral and shameful."
Should we hold our breath waiting for you to apologize for your libel? I know you have no honor so I won't be holding my breath.

The dude is wrong about race, but that's another matter. He has to be judged on his positions and it's impossible to be a white supremacist while simultaneously holding the asinine position that there is only one race.
Joni Ernst Isn’t The Worst Person To Be Elected Tuesday Night, This Guy Is
Author: Wendy Gittleson November 5, 2014 6:45 pm

To most Democrats, Tuesday night was a night of disappointment. Wednesday, we awoke to a bitter reality – for the next two years, the country will move much further to the right.

Much of the media focus has been on Iowa’s Joni Ernst, who seems to be the Midwest’s version of Sarah Palin, with her folksy pig castrating (yeah, that’s real). Ernst hates the government, gay people, doesn’t believe in climate change and loves guns and fetuses (probably in that order). She also thinks it’s just opinion that only one person in the country has Ebola.

The frightening thing, though, is that she isn’t even the worst person elected to office Tuesday night. Not even close. In Maryland, they elected a white supremacist.

After an election night filled with far-right victories, it’s hard to dub any single winner the most extreme. But Michael Peroutka, newly elected to the Anne Arundel County Council in Maryland, would have to be in anyone’s top five. Peroutka is a radical Christian Reconstructionist and southern secessionist. He says “so-called civil rights laws” are not valid because “there is no such thing as a civil right.” He says promoting evolution “is an act of disloyalty to America.” He says of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, “The reason he hates God is because he thinks he is God.” He thinks gay people are out to “recruit your children” into their “deathstyle.”

Remarkably for someone who has just become an elected official in Maryland, Peroutka argues that since state legislators have passed laws like marriage equality that “violate God’s law,” the Maryland General Assembly is “no longer a valid legislative body” and none of the laws that it has passed are “legally valid and legally enforceable.”

Source: Right Wing Watch

Peroutka is against free public education, saying it’s “the 10th plank in the Communist Manifesto.”

He also thinks the wrong side won the Civil War.

Watch the RWs defend this ignorant racist.
Only your opinion counts, Duddley. Got it.
GOP's Neo-Confederate Theocrat Wins Council Seat in One of Richest U.S. Counties

Nathalie Baptiste

November 3, 2014

Voters were looking for something new when they elected Michael Peroutka to run as a Republican for a seat on Maryland's Anne Arundel County Council. What they got was something very old—like ante bellum kind of old.

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(AP Photo/Kevin Rivoli)

Michael A. Peroutka, the one-time presidential candidate of the theocratic Constitution Party, in a debate between third-party presidential hopefuls at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, Wednesday, October 6, 2004.

UPDATE, November 5, 2014--The subject of this article, Michael Anthony Peroutka, running as a Republican, won a seat on the Anne Arundel County Council in the November 4 election, beating his opponent, by nearly 1,900 votes, according to the Baltimore Sun.

The Baltimore Sun

On November 4, 2011, standing on a small stage with Bible verses splashed on the background behind him, Michael Peroutka told a small audience attending his lecture that “when you see and hear folks describe the earth as millions of years old, you know that they are either willfully anti-American, or they are ignorant of their own heritage and history. What I am saying is that the promotion of evolution is an act of disloyalty to America.”

We're devolving. Too many people embrace stupid and then the damn fools actually vote for it.

Yes, my opinion counts to me. It also matters to me that RWs defend scum like this.

Don't like it?

Skip over it and/or don't comment.

Or, if you prefer, defend him.

GOP's Neo-Confederate Theocrat Wins Council Seat in One of Richest U.S. Counties

Nathalie Baptiste

November 3, 2014

Voters were looking for something new when they elected Michael Peroutka to run as a Republican for a seat on Maryland's Anne Arundel County Council. What they got was something very old—like ante bellum kind of old.

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(AP Photo/Kevin Rivoli)

Michael A. Peroutka, the one-time presidential candidate of the theocratic Constitution Party, in a debate between third-party presidential hopefuls at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, Wednesday, October 6, 2004.

UPDATE, November 5, 2014--The subject of this article, Michael Anthony Peroutka, running as a Republican, won a seat on the Anne Arundel County Council in the November 4 election, beating his opponent, by nearly 1,900 votes, according to the Baltimore Sun.

The Baltimore Sun

On November 4, 2011, standing on a small stage with Bible verses splashed on the background behind him, Michael Peroutka told a small audience attending his lecture that “when you see and hear folks describe the earth as millions of years old, you know that they are either willfully anti-American, or they are ignorant of their own heritage and history. What I am saying is that the promotion of evolution is an act of disloyalty to America.”

We're devolving. Too many people embrace stupid and then the damn fools actually vote for it.

Yes, my opinion counts to me. It also matters to me that RWs defend scum like this.

Don't like it?

Skip over it and/or don't comment.

Or, if you prefer, defend him.

He does have the beady little eyes of a white man, don't you think?
Yes, my opinion counts to me. It also matters to me that RWs defend scum like this.

We're defending a man that scum like you have smeared. His own words are ignored by POS like you and instead you attach a characterization to him that he disavows and then you judge him by your made-up characterization. You really are human garbage.
Joni Ernst Isn’t The Worst Person To Be Elected Tuesday Night, This Guy Is
Author: Wendy Gittleson November 5, 2014 6:45 pm

To most Democrats, Tuesday night was a night of disappointment. Wednesday, we awoke to a bitter reality – for the next two years, the country will move much further to the right.

Much of the media focus has been on Iowa’s Joni Ernst, who seems to be the Midwest’s version of Sarah Palin, with her folksy pig castrating (yeah, that’s real). Ernst hates the government, gay people, doesn’t believe in climate change and loves guns and fetuses (probably in that order). She also thinks it’s just opinion that only one person in the country has Ebola.

The frightening thing, though, is that she isn’t even the worst person elected to office Tuesday night. Not even close. In Maryland, they elected a white supremacist.

After an election night filled with far-right victories, it’s hard to dub any single winner the most extreme. But Michael Peroutka, newly elected to the Anne Arundel County Council in Maryland, would have to be in anyone’s top five. Peroutka is a radical Christian Reconstructionist and southern secessionist. He says “so-called civil rights laws” are not valid because “there is no such thing as a civil right.” He says promoting evolution “is an act of disloyalty to America.” He says of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, “The reason he hates God is because he thinks he is God.” He thinks gay people are out to “recruit your children” into their “deathstyle.”

Remarkably for someone who has just become an elected official in Maryland, Peroutka argues that since state legislators have passed laws like marriage equality that “violate God’s law,” the Maryland General Assembly is “no longer a valid legislative body” and none of the laws that it has passed are “legally valid and legally enforceable.”

Source: Right Wing Watch

Peroutka is against free public education, saying it’s “the 10th plank in the Communist Manifesto.”

He also thinks the wrong side won the Civil War.

Watch the RWs defend this ignorant racist.

It was a nearly perfect storm for the GOP. The country was frightened by Ebola. They saw ISIS becoming the next great evil to attack us. The GOP played on these fears and, unfortunately, a lot of Democrats stayed at home.

Add to that the passage of the ACA which the GOP is still publishing misinformation about, and you have a near perfect storm for the GOP. That is how we get loons like the ones above elected to public office. Is this a trend for the GOP? Of course it isn't. I said it before the vote and it is still true. With changing demographics and with social standards drastically changing in the US, the dogma of the GOP will be short lived.

Repubs need to enjoy these two years of control in Congress. It may be the best they will see for a while.

At the same time, they should have won the Senate for the past two election cycles, had it not been for the loons making statements like "women can shut down their systems during rape." Well, Karl was able to keep them quiet so they could get elected. Once they are in power they will head for the far right corner of extreme and show the voters what dunces they have elected. Just a matter of time.
LOL. The ink isn't even dry on the newspapers telling of the lady from Iowa getting elected to the senate and already the attacks have started. I just love how you liberal Democrats behave. I suppose you all just "loved" Barney Frank.
What does it tell you that voters prefer this guy over Democrats? Huh? You leftists are worse and people know this, so they vote accordingly.

Just leave America, go to Venezuela, and let us rebuild.

Look, we all know your tactic - first identify, then lie, and then isolate and finally destroy. Fuck you. If you're against him, I'm for him. Simple as that. You're what's wrong with America, not him.

As for your lies, here's how wikipedia notes the smears:

On December 6, 2012, the Human Rights Campaign called Peroutka an “active white supremacist and secessionist sympathizer" due to links to the League of the South[15][16] Peroutka told The Baltimore Sun that he “continues to be a proud member of the League of the South,” since it “has a belief that the central government is too large, too spend-thrift and too out-of-control,” but he called HRC’s characterization of him as a white-supremacist sympathizer “absurd” and “not at all true.”[17] In an October 2004 Washington Journal interview with Robb Harleston, Peroutka stated that "there is one race and that's the human race".[18] More recently on his radio show, also published on his website theamericanview.com, dated September 9, 2013, he states, "all elevation or denigration of individuals or groups based on skin color is immoral and shameful."
Should we hold our breath waiting for you to apologize for your libel? I know you have no honor so I won't be holding my breath.

The dude is wrong about race, but that's another matter. He has to be judged on his positions and it's impossible to be a white supremacist while simultaneously holding the asinine position that there is only one race.
Well, if Peroutka has such liberal views on race, why are you so defensive about him? You don't care about government spending as long as it goes for Defense or maintaining all those military enclaves all over the world. Your interests in that area come down to one thang! Don't spend a cent on minorities..especially Blacks! Careful, this "social liberal" just might vote to raise the minimum wage or something.... some Blacks might benefit from that,too...OMG
Well, if Peroutka has such liberal views on race, why are you so defensive about him?

Because communists have to be fought on every front, we can never relax or give them a pass. They don't get tot DEFINE a man when the man's own statements refute the definition that they've assigned to him. Pretty simple, isn't it. The enemy here is people like Neddy Luddite who call people white supremacists when they're not. She doesn't get the right to categorize people and then seek to isolate them so that no one comes to their defense because they're afraid to defend a "white supremacist."
What does it tell you that voters prefer this guy over Democrats? Huh? You leftists are worse and people know this, so they vote accordingly.

Just leave America, go to Venezuela, and let us rebuild.

Look, we all know your tactic - first identify, then lie, and then isolate and finally destroy. Fuck you. If you're against him, I'm for him. Simple as that. You're what's wrong with America, not him.

As for your lies, here's how wikipedia notes the smears:

On December 6, 2012, the Human Rights Campaign called Peroutka an “active white supremacist and secessionist sympathizer" due to links to the League of the South[15][16] Peroutka told The Baltimore Sun that he “continues to be a proud member of the League of the South,” since it “has a belief that the central government is too large, too spend-thrift and too out-of-control,” but he called HRC’s characterization of him as a white-supremacist sympathizer “absurd” and “not at all true.”[17] In an October 2004 Washington Journal interview with Robb Harleston, Peroutka stated that "there is one race and that's the human race".[18] More recently on his radio show, also published on his website theamericanview.com, dated September 9, 2013, he states, "all elevation or denigration of individuals or groups based on skin color is immoral and shameful."
Should we hold our breath waiting for you to apologize for your libel? I know you have no honor so I won't be holding my breath.

The dude is wrong about race, but that's another matter. He has to be judged on his positions and it's impossible to be a white supremacist while simultaneously holding the asinine position that there is only one race.
Well, if Peroutka has such liberal views on race, why are you so defensive about him? You don't care about government spending as long as it goes for Defense or maintaining all those military enclaves all over the world. Your interests in that area come down to one thang! Don't spend a cent on minorities..especially Blacks! Careful, this "social liberal" just might vote to raise the minimum wage or something.... some Blacks might benefit from that,too...OMG
Boring drivel.
What does it tell you that voters prefer this guy over Democrats? Huh? You leftists are worse and people know this, so they vote accordingly.

Just leave America, go to Venezuela, and let us rebuild.

Look, we all know your tactic - first identify, then lie, and then isolate and finally destroy. Fuck you. If you're against him, I'm for him. Simple as that. You're what's wrong with America, not him.

As for your lies, here's how wikipedia notes the smears:

On December 6, 2012, the Human Rights Campaign called Peroutka an “active white supremacist and secessionist sympathizer" due to links to the League of the South[15][16] Peroutka told The Baltimore Sun that he “continues to be a proud member of the League of the South,” since it “has a belief that the central government is too large, too spend-thrift and too out-of-control,” but he called HRC’s characterization of him as a white-supremacist sympathizer “absurd” and “not at all true.”[17] In an October 2004 Washington Journal interview with Robb Harleston, Peroutka stated that "there is one race and that's the human race".[18] More recently on his radio show, also published on his website theamericanview.com, dated September 9, 2013, he states, "all elevation or denigration of individuals or groups based on skin color is immoral and shameful."
Should we hold our breath waiting for you to apologize for your libel? I know you have no honor so I won't be holding my breath.

The dude is wrong about race, but that's another matter. He has to be judged on his positions and it's impossible to be a white supremacist while simultaneously holding the asinine position that there is only one race.

See that?

That's irony, baby.
What does it tell you that voters prefer this guy over Democrats? Huh? You leftists are worse and people know this, so they vote accordingly.

Just leave America, go to Venezuela, and let us rebuild.

Look, we all know your tactic - first identify, then lie, and then isolate and finally destroy. Fuck you. If you're against him, I'm for him. Simple as that. You're what's wrong with America, not him.

As for your lies, here's how wikipedia notes the smears:

On December 6, 2012, the Human Rights Campaign called Peroutka an “active white supremacist and secessionist sympathizer" due to links to the League of the South[15][16] Peroutka told The Baltimore Sun that he “continues to be a proud member of the League of the South,” since it “has a belief that the central government is too large, too spend-thrift and too out-of-control,” but he called HRC’s characterization of him as a white-supremacist sympathizer “absurd” and “not at all true.”[17] In an October 2004 Washington Journal interview with Robb Harleston, Peroutka stated that "there is one race and that's the human race".[18] More recently on his radio show, also published on his website theamericanview.com, dated September 9, 2013, he states, "all elevation or denigration of individuals or groups based on skin color is immoral and shameful."
Should we hold our breath waiting for you to apologize for your libel? I know you have no honor so I won't be holding my breath.

The dude is wrong about race, but that's another matter. He has to be judged on his positions and it's impossible to be a white supremacist while simultaneously holding the asinine position that there is only one race.
Well, if Peroutka has such liberal views on race, why are you so defensive about him? You don't care about government spending as long as it goes for Defense or maintaining all those military enclaves all over the world. Your interests in that area come down to one thang! Don't spend a cent on minorities..especially Blacks! Careful, this "social liberal" just might vote to raise the minimum wage or something.... some Blacks might benefit from that,too...OMG

Give up on the "race card". It didn't work this time. And it won't in years to come.

You've overplayed your hand too many times race baiter.


And you and your party got your asses handed to you big time.
Hypocrite thy name is liberal. Piss off on the race baiting bullshit.Democrats skewered Condi. Went after Colin Powell. Mock conservative blacks as being "Uncle Tom's".

You have a lot of balls trying to continually paint conservatives as racist. Look in the mirror you assholes.

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