White Right-Wing Terrorists Are Biggest Threat to Americans, Study Finds


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
This should be no surprise for those who have been paying attention

After reviewing terror attacks carried out in the U.S. since 2001, the New America Foundation discovered that the majority of the culprits had been none other than white Americans. Twice the number of people have been killed by white supremacist terrorist acts as in attacks by others, and that’s not even including the Sandy Hook, Chapel Hill or Aurora shootings, because these weren’t considered “ideological violence” by the organization and thus didn’t fall under the label of “terrorism.”

White Right-Wing Terrorists Are Biggest Threat to Americans, Study Finds

Here are a few recent examples of what I mean:

1. Calls for violence surrounding gay marriage: After the Supreme Court ruled on Friday that gay couples have the same freedom to marry as the rest of us, Pastor Steven Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church called for the stoning death of any pastor who would perform a same-sex marriage. He also called for the murder of all LGBT people, stating, “I hate them with a perfect hatred… I count them mine enemies.”

And keep in mind we have heard other Christian pastors in recent times also call for gays to be “put to death” and make statements like “homosexuality is a death worthy crime.” Can we responsibly dismiss these people as “crazies” until someone actually heeds their call and kills gay Americans?

Yes, There’s a July 4 Terror Threat From the Right
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I always love these threads Guno but honestly the main thing that is killing people in this country is the war on drugs then any so called terrorist group
TRYING to take the heat off your Democrat backed Blacklivesmatters

What a good little DNC sheep/tool. but it's way too late for that now

they are the leftwing terrorist black KKK, who is all up in the news. AND they now have innocent police officers blood on their hands.
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A "study" done by the "New America Foundation", whose CEO is Steve Coll, a staff writer with The New Yorker magazine, and whose chairman of the Board of Directors is the Chairman & CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt?

The same corporation that wants to see Common Core in all our schools, and whose funding comes from Bill Gates?

New America Foundation - SourceWatch

No, they don't have much of an agenda, do they? Do they check under their beds every night to make sure there are no evil white militia members hiding there?

They sound like just another bunch of white crackers who are eaten up with white guilt. Must really suck when you hate yourself so much.
A "study" done by the "New America Foundation", whose CEO is Steve Coll, a staff writer with The New Yorker magazine, and whose chairman of the Board of Directors is the Chairman & CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt?

The same corporation that wants to see Common Core in all our schools, and whose funding comes from Bill Gates?

New America Foundation - SourceWatch

No, they don't have much of an agenda, do they? Do they check under their beds every night to make sure there are no evil white militia members hiding there?

They sound like just another bunch of white crackers who are eaten up with white guilt. Must really suck when you hate yourself so much.

oh hell they don't care who does the study, it fits their shallow views that's all that matters. But don't you love the TIMING of this being put out. the BLM, the black panthers, etc has been calling for white people and police officers be hunted and killed. and I'll be damned if it isn't happening as we speak. oh and did you see this? The Democrat party is standing with them while people are getting killed. what a party eh?

Dems Officially Endorse Anti-Cop BlackLivesMatter Movement
Matthew Vadum -- Bio and ArchivesSeptember 2, 2015

The Democratic National Committee has officially endorsed the increasingly violent Black Lives Matter movement whose paranoid radical left-wing members accuse police nationwide of systemic anti-black racism and brutality against black suspects.

Throwing their lot in with black racists and radical Black Power militants who have openly expressed support for the murder of police officers, Democrats have

embraced a statement that slams the U.S. for allegedly systemic police violence against African-Americans. The statement is not extreme enough for the Black Lives Matter movement whose leaders quickly rejected it. Last month members of the movement unveiled a list of policy proposals they claim will help to bring about “a world where the police don’t kill people.”

What’s especially interesting about the resolution that hundreds of delegates at the DNC meeting in Minneapolis on Friday approved is that it accuses American police of “extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children.”

In other words, it is now official Democratic Party policy that there are roving death squads manned by police officers who specifically stalk and execute without trial black men, women, and children across America. Police in the United States today, says the DNC, are no better than the Sturmabteilung and Einsatzgruppen of Nazi Germany, the Soviet-era Cheka and NKVD, and the (Democrat-led) Ku Klux Klan, all of which used extrajudicial killings for political repression.

all of it here:
Dems Officially Endorse Anti-Cop BlackLivesMatter Movement
A "study" done by the "New America Foundation", whose CEO is Steve Coll, a staff writer with The New Yorker magazine, and whose chairman of the Board of Directors is the Chairman & CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt?

The same corporation that wants to see Common Core in all our schools, and whose funding comes from Bill Gates?

New America Foundation - SourceWatch

No, they don't have much of an agenda, do they? Do they check under their beds every night to make sure there are no evil white militia members hiding there?

They sound like just another bunch of white crackers who are eaten up with white guilt. Must really suck when you hate yourself so much.

oh hell they don't care who does the study, it fits their shallow views that's all that matters. But don't you love the TIMING of this being put out. the BLM, the black panthers, etc has been calling for white people and police officers be hunted and killed. and I'll be damned if it isn't happening as we speak. oh and did you see this? The Democrat party is standing with them while people are getting killed. what a party eh?

Dems Officially Endorse Anti-Cop BlackLivesMatter Movement
Matthew Vadum -- Bio and ArchivesSeptember 2, 2015

The Democratic National Committee has officially endorsed the increasingly violent Black Lives Matter movement whose paranoid radical left-wing members accuse police nationwide of systemic anti-black racism and brutality against black suspects.

Throwing their lot in with black racists and radical Black Power militants who have openly expressed support for the murder of police officers, Democrats have

embraced a statement that slams the U.S. for allegedly systemic police violence against African-Americans. The statement is not extreme enough for the Black Lives Matter movement whose leaders quickly rejected it. Last month members of the movement unveiled a list of policy proposals they claim will help to bring about “a world where the police don’t kill people.”

What’s especially interesting about the resolution that hundreds of delegates at the DNC meeting in Minneapolis on Friday approved is that it accuses American police of “extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children.”

In other words, it is now official Democratic Party policy that there are roving death squads manned by police officers who specifically stalk and execute without trial black men, women, and children across America. Police in the United States today, says the DNC, are no better than the Sturmabteilung and Einsatzgruppen of Nazi Germany, the Soviet-era Cheka and NKVD, and the (Democrat-led) Ku Klux Klan, all of which used extrajudicial killings for political repression.

all of it here:
Dems Officially Endorse Anti-Cop BlackLivesMatter Movement

Fuck the DNC. They are and always will be considered a "terrorist organization" as far as I'm concerned.
Unfreaking what a joke. PMSnbc should be ashamed and also SHUNNED, they allow these people to come on and lie RIGHT in your face. I'm sure the police officers found it hilarious. .they need to start arresting these jokers see how much they find it playful and funny :rolleyes-41: . Video at the site

#BlackLivesMatter Protest Leader: Police Wanted to Join Us When We Started Chanting “Pigs in a Blanket” (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft Sep 2nd, 2015 7:47 am

Guest post by Aleistar at Progressives Today

If #BlackLivesMatter activist Trahern Crews is to be believed, those “pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon” comments were just taken out of context:

HAYES: Do those activists, do you, do Black Lives Matter activists hate police officers?

TRAHERN CREWS: No, not at all. And I want to put that chant in context. We had a great demonstration that day. It was very exciting. It was so exciting that I think the police who were along escorting the marchers wanted to be a part of the march or a part of the demonstration. So on the way back, the officer leading the parade kept talking into his microphone and saying things to the crowd, like, stay off the medium [sic], do that, he was laughing and joking with the marchers, so then the marchers kind of started chanting that towards him. It was more playful than anything. So —

HAYES: So that was — you’re saying, that was in a playful context, that chant?

CREWS: Exact– at that particular demonstration, yes. That was. Because, and the officer was laughing and joking along with the protesters.

He said it on MSNBC so it must be true:

all of it here:
#BlackLivesMatter Protest Leader: Police Wanted to Join Us When We Started Chanting "Pigs in a Blanket" (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit
I'm sure he'll say all this was taken out context too

BREAKING AUDIO: #BlackLivesMatter Radio Show Calls for Race War “Kill Whites and Cops”

Jim Hoft Sep 1st, 2015 2:12 pm

A shocking racist hate-filled show ran on blogtalkradio today.

** The hosts say it’s open season to kill whites and cops
** There will be more executions of cops and whites
** They are going to start picking white people off one by one by one
** They also find the execution of Texas Deputy Daron Goforth hilarious

BlackLivesMatter online radio show laughs at the execution of a Texas Deputy.

The show was recorded on September 1, 2015.
The hosts urge listeners to kill more whites and cops.

From the video:

It’s open season on killing whites and police officers and probably killing cops period. It’s open season. Picking them off. Today we live in a time when the white man will be picked off.

They laugh at his death of Texas Deputy Daron Goforth seen here with his family.

ALL of it here:
BREAKING AUDIO: #BlackLivesMatter Radio Show Calls for Race War "Kill Whites and Cops" - The Gateway Pundit

AND THIS TOO------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Video: New Black Panthers Had Threatened to 'Creep Up on' Texas Cops 'in the Darkness'
“Oink oink, bang bang!”


The comment was made by a leader of the Houston-based chapter of the New Black Panther Party and was captured on a short video clip by the Houston Chronicle. The paper was covering a rally that day at the jail where black inmate Sandra Bland committed suicide after her arrest following a traffic stop. The Chronicle writers originally made no mention of the threat in their article published that same day.

After leading several chants, the group leader, wearing the rank of "colonel," shouted through a megaphone at Harris County mounted deputies:

“You think we’re not pissed off a bunch about y’all killing our sisters? You think it’s okay? [We’re] the wrong n***ers to mess with. You’re gonna stop doing what you’re doing, or we will start creeping up on you in the darkness.”

ALL of it here:
Video: New Black Panthers Had Threatened to 'Creep Up on' Texas Cops 'in the Darkness'

don't forget it's the RIGHT wingers who are the bigger threat. you losers
Shame, those cop killings aren't about race.

That's why Stephanie hasn't said one word about the cop who got his head blown off in Louisiana. Because cops lives matter.

Oh and the perp was a white guy. Even Bucs stayed a thread on it and Stephanie was no where around. Oh, and because even Bucs called the guy a thug. ...my mistake he didn't. He called him a "drunk driver"
this HTML class. Value is http://www.nbcnews.c

Here it is, I can't wait to see Stephs non reaction...but remember, cops lives matter!

In a ditch, the trooper found a pickup truck that belonged to Kevin Daigle, 54. Edmondson said that in video of the encounter, he could hear Vincent offering assistance to Daigle.

Kevin Daigle will face a charge of first-degree attempted murder of a police officer in the shooting of a Louisiana state trooper Sunday, police say. Louisiana State Police

"Why don't you get out?" he said Vincent asked. "I'll help you."

Then, Edmonson said, "I saw a shotgun blast."

In the video, Daigle could be seen wandering in the roadway and talking to Vincent as the trooper struggled to call for help, Edmonson said. "You're going to die soon," he heard the man tell the trooper.
I think blacklivesdon'tmatter is the biggest terrorist group. These bastards are killing people. Be very careful democrats as we moderates could just as easily slide away from you.

The thing thing you're missing is proof, but you've mastered assuming and allegations
I think blacklivesdon'tmatter is the biggest terrorist group. These bastards are killing people. Be very careful democrats as we moderates could just as easily slide away from you.

Even though I'm a Republican, I concur. Organizations like BLM, Occupy Wall Street, and the Socialist Party USA are not representative of what the Democrat Party is supposed to stand for. I still believe JFK was the last true great Democrat and he detested Communism with a passion.

Fucking sickening...Obama has done ok on the economy but he has utterly set back race relations in this country. Some moderates won't forget come election day if the democrats keep talking to blacklivesdon'tmatter.



Frontpagemag.com ^ | September 2, 2015 | Mathew Vadum
The Democratic National Committee has officially endorsed the increasingly violent Black Lives Matter movement whose paranoid radical left-wing members accuse police nationwide of systemic anti-black racism and brutality against black suspects.
How on earth could anyone ignore the greatest threat to inner city residents in America?

Other inner city residents who terrorize anyone and everyone with their drug and criminal activity.

The every day terrorists in America.

Fucking sickening...Obama has done ok on the economy but he has utterly set back race relations in this country. Some moderates won't forget come election day if the democrats keep talking to blacklivesdon'tmatter.
White boys hate when the POTUS addresses white racism. Why does it make them so angry?

Probably because he never addresses black racism, or even black on black murder which is way more prevalent than cops killing blacks!
I'd bet dollars to donuts during the next year more black boy criminal thugs in the hoods murder far more fellow black boy criminal thugs, plus innocent bystanders, than any terrorist activity by any right-wingers.

Black lives don't mean shit to millions of blacks. The numbers speak for themselves.

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