White Privilege

Dear American_Jihad

to this issue of White Privilege, I see both sides and have to
say YES and NO. There ARE some areas that YES people
do make assumptions and are conditioned to defer to WHITE MEN.

Whenever I have been part of a class, group, meeting, etc.
the members generally flock around and follow a leader,
and will naturally expect the older white man in the group to lead.

In my historic African American church neighborhood, there is some
respect to the church elders who are women, but generally the men
will either band together or divide along lines of MALE LEADERSHIP.

Besides the
1. group dynamic where people will "follow the leader"
(where white dominates, and also men will be given the lead over others)
there is also the issue of the fact that

2. American govt and property/ownership/development
was founded on European traditions of natural laws and terms that favor that culture.

This is where people are getting the concept that the White Ownership class
is what has defined the laws and govt structure from the beginning; so once
that is set up, then people keep deferring to that as the default. Everything else
is based on comparing or deriving from that established foundation as the core.

Can this be changed and equalized?

Yes, but it will take some REAL work.

Until each family, community and cultural lineage has equal history
in UNINTERRUPTED ownership "passed down" from one generation to the next
in order to sustain itself as SOVEREIGN, then people do not invoke, exercise or perceive
"equal authority" or ownership of property, the democratic process and their own rights/freedoms.

True, we can argue that every person, every race culture nation and tribe has gone through
their suffering and cycles of destruction, restructuring and growth.

If we are honest, we know that ALL people of ALL backgrounds will go through
similar stages of spiritual, social, political and economic upheaval, recovery and learning curve.

We can even argue that the social pattern of associating "white or lighter skin" with
"ownership management class" is NOT just the European/Black culture, but OTHER cultures, eg
Latino and Asian, have emphasized the value on lighter skin associated with upper class
in contrast to darker skin associated with "lower class outdoor or manual field laborers."

And who can argue that slavery doesn't affect Asians as much or more than Africans
due to populations alone in China, India and other places supplying slave labor?

Where I WOULD agree with the Black/White power imbalance is that in the history
of property owners in America, where authority of law generally follows from that,
there are whole generations of Black families and descendants who were not only
denied the right and experience of owning property, voting and participating in govt
but were managed like property themselves, owned by others legally. That had to
have profound effect for generations to come until this conditioning is healed and worked through.

The fact that Black race and skin color was used specifically to mark and identify Slaves for sale
and segregation clearly profited from dividing Black from White and valuing/treating these differently.

So that is a unique relationship and conflict that needs to heal
and open the door for equal ownership, participation and EXPERIENCE.

There are some cultural and family lines 150 years behind on the learning curve,
so that isn't something that changes overnight, but takes generations to recover and heal.

The disparity CAN be overcome, but staying divided and pointing the blame here and there
does not help. All of America has benefited from the economic advantages and development
made possible by slave labor, and we still depend on slave labor to make our goods affordable.

We share in the responsibility for resolving these class issues that have become associated
with race, which isn't the cause of the imbalance but race was used as a factor to
manage and profit off the division between rich and poor, leaders and followers, empowered and uneducated,
self-governing property owners and disenfranchised people treated as the property of someone else.
Dear American_Jihad

to this issue of White Privilege, I see both sides and have to
say YES and NO. There ARE some areas that YES people
do make assumptions and are conditioned to defer to WHITE MEN.

emilynghiem = :blahblah: I got to say your long wind-did, watch out Al Gore will say your heating the planet...

well, I cant blame the teacher, its true.

My father told me at a young age, as a white male I have certain privileges in this country and I need to be respectful and sensitive to those privileges.

Sage advice.
white privilege is a way to silence anybody who is not of color. It is just a bullshit leftist term that means shut up because you are not a member of a minority group, a privileged minority group in the leftist space. It's racism against white's. you're basically saying to white people who aren't racist and you can't find any proof of their racism that they must be racist because they're white that is called racism

White privilege has nothing to do with your ability or wanting to speak. Curiously you think it means to shut up while you're explaining it. That's ironic as hell
Communications Class Tackles ‘Whiteness’ With Two-Hour ‘Whiteness Forum
Vanna White would be the perfect hostess for the “Wheel of Whiteness.”
Trey Sanchez

A two-hour “Whiteness Forum” was held on the campus of Cal State San Marcos last week that explored white privilege and its oppression of people of color as part of a communications class, reports The College Fix.

Multiple displays were on hand covering such topics as the “white beauty standard,” “whiteness in the court,” and “Gentrification is the new Colonialism.” Games such as “Wheel of Whiteness” quizzed attendees “on facts and figures relating to race.”

Professor Dreama Moon — that’s Dreama Moon — teaches the communications class all about “Communicating Whiteness.” Moon said the point is “to learn how to have a conversation with people, to engage.” This forum is designed to help students learn better and they will if “they actually do something as opposed to just hear something,” Moon said.

Moon address the gathered crowd to the forum, telling them, “One thing you can do today is to begin to educate yourself about white supremacy and learn how to not support it and how to help eradicate it.” She encouraged them to visit the table labeled “boycott/support” to discover “businesses that support your values.” There were several companies listed for boycott “in the aftermath of Donald Trump,” such as NASCAR, the UFC, Jenny Craig, Macy’s, Hobby Lobby, and Amazon. Also on site was a table inscribed with “Make America White Again” and suggested Trump’s candidacy caused a surge in hate crimes.


Communications Class Tackles ‘Whiteness’ With Two-Hour ‘Whiteness Forum’
January 14, 2017
White Women's March Madness
By Lynne Lechter


The pejorative term “white privilege” has been hurled to date almost entirely against white males. This relatively new addition to America’s litany of purported sins is emerging as a core part of the left’s pantheon of victimization. Non-whites are now victims because Western European and American culture have extant societal structures conferring special privileges to white-skinned people. Especially, white-skinned male people. The only way to remedy this imbalance is to vilify white males and degrade their accomplishments. Concomitantly, income redistribution is justified and criminal behavior recharacterized and excused. J.R. Dunn summed it up aptly:

White privilege is a tactic rather than an idea, and to ask for a specific definition is to ask for something that has never been and can never be… But it does feature one basic element, not easily denied or set aside… That is the contention that benefits – social, economic, academic, and historical – are automatically conferred to an individual simply as a matter of being white.

While elements of this theory may have been true for small segments of the white population in the 1930s, when W.E.B. Du Bois first studied his theory of a global white supremacy, and during the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, it is not true today. Yet these tropes have persisted and institutionalized unfettered from the petri dish of academia. The virus permeated mainstream society and exploded onto social media. The deleterious effects are far-reaching, and heretofore unchecked. Only with the 2016 presidential election have white men successfully pushed back.


In an ironic twist, the white feminist protest participants, who have historically done nothing to counter the unfair assault on white men, now find themselves under attack for their perceived white female privilege. White women conceived the protest. Other participants chafed and pushed for diverse leadership. Diverse leadership was achieved. But, many black participants advocated for a black woman only march. One African-American blogger wrote that white women should: “shut up and listen more.” Others chimed in stating that white women should acknowledge their white privilege and leave it at the door. Consequently, some white women have resigned from the march.

One can only hope that with president-elect Trump’s antipathy to pollical correctness, this madness will end. Diversity is the enemy of assimilation.

Read more: Articles: White Women's March Madness
Here is an example of white privilege.

Most of the NFL head coaches are white, most of the players are black. Why are most players black? The reason you will receive is that they are better players. But if one is to say that most of the head coaches are white because they are better coaches all of a sudden it become white privilege.
...One can only hope that with president-elect Trump’s antipathy to pollical correctness, this madness will end. Diversity is the enemy of assimilation.

...and when they came for me there was no one left to speak up.

Conservative women, especially those of color, have always borne the brunt of attacks from the left. They are fair game to derogatory name calling because they have diversity of thought...the only diversity that matters as it is achieved by choice, not dna. They've escaped the carefully crafted boxes.

Shame on those who believe in a 'diversity' that is only skin deep...that's intellectual laziness. Shame on those who exploit identity politics and victimhood for gain...for that's intellectual dishonesty. Shame on those who believe the shade of one's skin is a job qualification. Shame on us for accepting it.

A diversity based on circumstances of birth, ie gender, degrees of skin browness from light beige to ebony, yet denies diversity of opinion, such as we are seeing in the public square and college campuses today - is shallow and meaningless. The newest of armies counting coup on the only diversity that elevates society.
Calculate your ancestry and find out how much you owe.
March 6, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

A proposal has been making its way through the social justice sewer system to have white people pay a 5% privilege tax.

That would be a lot cheaper than the current wealth redistribution built into the tax system.

In 2004, black people made up 12% of the population and 20% of those who didn’t file taxes at all. It was estimated that 50.7% of African American households, 52% of Hispanic households and 37% of white households paid no income taxes.

The numbers would likely have only gotten worse after the recession, which destroyed large numbers of African-American jobs, and the Obama years, which traded social welfare for economic progress,

An otherwise equal tax system with a 5% white privilege tax would be an enormous improvement.

How do you calculate the income losses for a white student shut out of college by affirmative action or a white business owner’s income losses due to preferential business programs aimed at minorities?

The white student would happily pay that 5% to be allowed to go to college instead of being told that more diverse students with worse grades will cut ahead of him in line because they are “disadvantaged”. It would be easier for the white business owner to calculate in a fixed privilege tax for an otherwise competitive market than the intangible forms of diversity discrimination that rig the game.

A 5% white privilege tax would be far too honest. The real tax is hidden and much higher.

But the white privilege tax does raise all sorts of fascinating questions. How do you calculate it? It can’t be by appearing or identifying as a minority. Such an unfair performative system would allow Rachel Dolezal, aka Nkechi Diallo, to escape paying her white privilege tax after unfairly exploiting her white privilege to head the NAACP.

If white people can just braid their hair in dreadlocks and spend a week in a tanning salon before renaming themselves Mkesi Daluboo or Willami Clintonoo, what good is a white privilege tax?

The only fair way to do it is with a DNA test.

Commercially available DNA tests make it easy to calculate the percentage of European and more diversely non-European ancestry. Every taxpayer could establish the exact diversity of his ancestry and determine his privilege tax that way.

The results would be interesting.

The average African-American is around a quarter European. That means he would be required to pay a 1.25% white privilege tax. Obama’s white privilege tax would be at least 2.5%. It would have been higher, but Africans have less European ancestry, with its accompanying white privilege, than African-Americans, even though they were never actually enslaved in the United States.

Henry Louis Gates Jr, the Obama pal who blamed racism for his confrontation with police, has 50% European ancestry. That will be a 2.5% white privilege tax. Please.

Latinos in this country average around 70 percent European ancestry. That’s a 3.5% white privilege tax.

The minority taxpayer likely to end up with the lowest white privilege tax would be Asian-American. Asian-Americans have some of the highest economic performance around, but they are also untainted by the evil curse of white privilege having no European ancestry whatsoever.

But Asian-Americans do have high intermarriage rates so before long their children, like much of the population of the United States, will end up with European ancestry and white privilege.


Former Attorney General Eric Holder was right. We are a nation of cowards on race. And that is what he, and the other racists and radicals, are counting on. We are too afraid to defy those who divide us.

Too afraid to stand up to him and to all those like him who have been passing off racism as progress, too afraid of false accusations of racism by racists like him and too afraid to rebuild this country as a united nation rather than a collection of intersectional tribes allied against the idea of a common racial enemy.

We can be one nation. Or we can start charging racial taxes. The choice is ours.

Pay for Your White Privilege
But isn't there black privilege also, if there are 2 job applications one white one black who has the privilege then. Black will always be picked over white for fear of discrimination.
I can already hear it coming, yes I'm racist.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
MrShangles, I think what you describe is rather a minority case (no play on words intended). Most likely, the selecting supervisor will pick the white applicant because he will "fit in better with the other people," while not acknowledging that racism may have played a part in the selection process.
MrShangles, I think what you describe is rather a minority case (no play on words intended). Most likely, the selecting supervisor will pick the white applicant because he will "fit in better with the other people," while not acknowledging that racism may have played a part in the selection process.

Me thinks in this day and age the most qualified will be selected. Companies don't have the time nor the money to be playing racist games.

But I did notice that there was a College that shouted down a speaker because it was presumed that he had written that minorities were intellectually inferior to whites. I would ask any black person, do you think that blacks are superior athletes? I am thinking they would say yes.
College Students: ‘Truth’ White Man’s Construct, Demand ‘Action’ Against Conservative Reporters
There is no arguing with people who believe in their own truth.


Trey Sanchez


Black students from the Claremont Colleges near Los Angeles penned a letter to the outgoing president of Pomona College to let him know that “truth” is a white man’s construct and demand he “take action” against conservative journalists at the school’s newspaper, the Claremont Independent.

After a protest in early April of pro-police author and Black Lives Matter critic Heather Mac Donald, which shut down her planned speech, President David Oxtoby addressed all college students, reminding them the importance of academic freedom.

“Protest has a legitimate and celebrated place on college campuses,” Oxtoby stated. “What we cannot support is the act of preventing others from engaging with an invited speaker. Our mission is founded upon the discovery of truth, the collaborative development of knowledge and the betterment of society.”

However, the three black students who penned the letter disagree and see “free speech” as something white people hide behind to protect their bigotry:


There was another demand, as the Claremont Independent notes:


College Students: ‘Truth’ White Man’s Construct, Demand ‘Action’ Against Conservative Reporters
Ami Horowitz finds that white liberals and black Americans have very different views on "white privilege."
May 25, 2017


Filmmaker Ami Horowitz recently interviewed attendees of a Kansas City "white privilege" conference. See how their thoughts compare to the views of actual black Americans when asked about "white privilege."

Whitesplaining White Privilege!
Students Verbally Assault Professor for Questioning School's Racist Policy
"We are not speaking on terms of white privilege. This is not a discussion. You have lost that one.”


Mark Tapson

The Washington Times reports that a mob of students at Evergreen State College ganged up on a professor who wrote an email questioning the propriety of a school event in which white people were "invited" to leave campus for a day.

The “Day of Absence & Day of Presence” is an annual event at the Washington state liberal arts school which took place last month this year. Students and non-white faculty traditionally leave campus for the day to hold team-building exercises and demonstrate their importance to the community through their absence. The white students and faculty remain on campus to attend anti-racism workshops and seminars. Because all whites are in need of enlightenment about their inherent racism and white privilege, don't ya know.

This year the school reversed that procedure, and in an email to Rashida Love, the director of First Peoples Multicultural Advising Services at Evergreen, biology professor Bret Weinstein, who is white, said he intended to stay on campus.


Students Verbally Assault Professor for Questioning School's Racist Policy
Disproving the Big Lie.
June 30, 2017

Jack Kerwick


The hashtag Williams borrowed from an article published at The Medium and written in response to the recent mass shooting of Republican congressmen in Alexandria, Virginia. The essay’s author, “Son of Baldwin,” expressed regret that a black police officer risked her life to save the lives of “white bigots” and urged other blacks who are in positions to do the same to refrain from indulging the impulse.

Instead, they should: “Let.Them.Fucking.Die.”

The backlash against Williams and his employer was massive and sudden. Two Connecticut congressmen, Trinity College alumni, issued a statement imploring Trinity to terminate Williams immediately. Supposedly, the now infamous professor went into hiding because of death threats that he received.

Williams and his supporters among Trinity faculty and students insist that he meant to call for the death of, not white people, but “a system of white supremacy.


The Myth of “a System of White Supremacy”

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