White people are guilty, but not in the way you think


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
People might say, white people are guilty of colonialism this, oppression that, etc. But I don't really hold white people accountable for that. After all, life is one big power play.

However, white people are guilty of something, and it's the exact opposite. White people are guilty of feeding the world, of helping everyone, of distributing aid, of continuing the illusion that everyone can be prosperous in a global utopia.

White people are actually the world's first global socialists. White people literally want to save every single person on this planet, and if that doesn't happen, they blame themselves, or someone or another. White people can't leave well enough alone. They can't let people die anymore.

Look at all the do gooder white people who dedicate themselves to some cause or another. Why can't they stop?

Here is my advice to white people...let the Africans starve. Let the Muslims and Jews kill each other. Let the natural disasters do their trick and reduce the human population.

Everything just continues to get worse and worse from all the white people pretending to be heroes. They need to leave the world alone to live or die by its own merits. Just protect your own kind and nations, that's good enough. Don't concern yourself with death in this world. Death happens to us all, it always has, always will.
Only a fool feels guilty about something done by someone else, no matter how evil. Only an idiot blames one person for things done by others, no matter that the others "look just like him."

Intelligence matters. 'White people" have dominated the western hemisphere for the past thousand years through colonialism slavery, and other exploitation, but the unspoken fact is that they dominated because they were in many ways superior. They had better weapons, better technology, better transportation, better communications, better ability to utilize and militarize livestock and raw materials. The Africans were stronger, leaner, quicker, and in all other physical ways were equal to or better than the Europeans, but look what happened. Minimum 15 points IQ difference, which continues to this day. No wonder Africa is still a shit-hole.

The African regions that were colonized by Europeans were, with some exceptions, still in the hunter-gatherer stage of cultural evolution (still are, in many cases). It is no wonder that the Europeans were able to subjugate and exploit them. If the advantages had been on the other side, don't you think the Africans would have done the same?

The "native Americans" in pre and post-Columbian times had not even invented the WHEEL! They had essentially no metallurgy, no gunpowder, no domesticated animals who could be used to do work (or for transport). What some cultures were able to do in spite of this was amazing, but come on...what would you expect? But ironically (but not shamefully), the conquest of what is now Mexico and Central America came mainly as a result of disease, unwittingly brought to the Americas by Europeans who had developed immunities that the natives did not have. Can't feel guilty about that, but many think that we should.

Wanna talk about White Privilege?
People might say, white people are guilty of colonialism this, oppression that, etc. But I don't really hold white people accountable for that. After all, life is one big power play.

However, white people are guilty of something, and it's the exact opposite. White people are guilty of feeding the world, of helping everyone, of distributing aid, of continuing the illusion that everyone can be prosperous in a global utopia.

White people are actually the world's first global socialists. White people literally want to save every single person on this planet, and if that doesn't happen, they blame themselves, or someone or another. White people can't leave well enough alone. They can't let people die anymore.

Look at all the do gooder white people who dedicate themselves to some cause or another. Why can't they stop?

Here is my advice to white people...let the Africans starve. Let the Muslims and Jews kill each other. Let the natural disasters do their trick and reduce the human population.

Everything just continues to get worse and worse from all the white people pretending to be heroes. They need to leave the world alone to live or die by its own merits. Just protect your own kind and nations, that's good enough. Don't concern yourself with death in this world. Death happens to us all, it always has, always will.
Get this straight and then shove it......I am so sick and tired of people like you playing this white victim card all the fuckin time. If white people are the proprietors of carrying the world on their shoulders, its because...now pay attention....ITS BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAVE HELD THIER FOOT ON THE THROATS OF ANYBODY WANTING A PIECE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, THE GLOBAL DREAM AND BEYOND......YOU CAN NOT THEN YOU WANT TO WHINE WHEN YOUR THE ONE'S WITH ALL THE MONEY, ALL THE CAPITAL, THE CLOUT, THE CREDIT, THE ACCESS. YOU MADE YOUR BEDS, NOW LIE IN IT AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
People might say, white people are guilty of colonialism this, oppression that, etc. But I don't really hold white people accountable for that. After all, life is one big power play.

However, white people are guilty of something, and it's the exact opposite. White people are guilty of feeding the world, of helping everyone, of distributing aid, of continuing the illusion that everyone can be prosperous in a global utopia.

White people are actually the world's first global socialists. White people literally want to save every single person on this planet, and if that doesn't happen, they blame themselves, or someone or another. White people can't leave well enough alone. They can't let people die anymore.

Look at all the do gooder white people who dedicate themselves to some cause or another. Why can't they stop?

Here is my advice to white people...let the Africans starve. Let the Muslims and Jews kill each other. Let the natural disasters do their trick and reduce the human population.

Everything just continues to get worse and worse from all the white people pretending to be heroes. They need to leave the world alone to live or die by its own merits. Just protect your own kind and nations, that's good enough. Don't concern yourself with death in this world. Death happens to us all, it always has, always will.
Get this straight and then shove it......I am so sick and tired of people like you playing this white victim card all the fuckin time. If white people are the proprietors of carrying the world on their shoulders, its because...now pay attention....ITS BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAVE HELD THIER FOOT ON THE THROATS OF ANYBODY WANTING A PIECE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, THE GLOBAL DREAM AND BEYOND......YOU CAN NOT THEN YOU WANT TO WHINE WHEN YOUR THE ONE'S WITH ALL THE MONEY, ALL THE CAPITAL, THE CLOUT, THE CREDIT, THE ACCESS. YOU MADE YOUR BEDS, NOW LIE IN IT AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
Get your nappy ass back in the field and pick me a t shirt!
People might say, white people are guilty of colonialism this, oppression that, etc. But I don't really hold white people accountable for that. After all, life is one big power play.

However, white people are guilty of something, and it's the exact opposite. White people are guilty of feeding the world, of helping everyone, of distributing aid, of continuing the illusion that everyone can be prosperous in a global utopia.

White people are actually the world's first global socialists. White people literally want to save every single person on this planet, and if that doesn't happen, they blame themselves, or someone or another. White people can't leave well enough alone. They can't let people die anymore.

Look at all the do gooder white people who dedicate themselves to some cause or another. Why can't they stop?

Here is my advice to white people...let the Africans starve. Let the Muslims and Jews kill each other. Let the natural disasters do their trick and reduce the human population.

Everything just continues to get worse and worse from all the white people pretending to be heroes. They need to leave the world alone to live or die by its own merits. Just protect your own kind and nations, that's good enough. Don't concern yourself with death in this world. Death happens to us all, it always has, always will.
Get this straight and then shove it......I am so sick and tired of people like you playing this white victim card all the fuckin time. If white people are the proprietors of carrying the world on their shoulders, its because...now pay attention....ITS BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAVE HELD THIER FOOT ON THE THROATS OF ANYBODY WANTING A PIECE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, THE GLOBAL DREAM AND BEYOND......YOU CAN NOT THEN YOU WANT TO WHINE WHEN YOUR THE ONE'S WITH ALL THE MONEY, ALL THE CAPITAL, THE CLOUT, THE CREDIT, THE ACCESS. YOU MADE YOUR BEDS, NOW LIE IN IT AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
Obama, Stev Harvey, Michel Jordan and a whole slew of others would have to say your whinny ass post is FOS.
People might say, white people are guilty of colonialism this, oppression that, etc. But I don't really hold white people accountable for that. After all, life is one big power play.

However, white people are guilty of something, and it's the exact opposite. White people are guilty of feeding the world, of helping everyone, of distributing aid, of continuing the illusion that everyone can be prosperous in a global utopia.

White people are actually the world's first global socialists. White people literally want to save every single person on this planet, and if that doesn't happen, they blame themselves, or someone or another. White people can't leave well enough alone. They can't let people die anymore.

Look at all the do gooder white people who dedicate themselves to some cause or another. Why can't they stop?

Here is my advice to white people...let the Africans starve. Let the Muslims and Jews kill each other. Let the natural disasters do their trick and reduce the human population.

Everything just continues to get worse and worse from all the white people pretending to be heroes. They need to leave the world alone to live or die by its own merits. Just protect your own kind and nations, that's good enough. Don't concern yourself with death in this world. Death happens to us all, it always has, always will.
Get this straight and then shove it......I am so sick and tired of people like you playing this white victim card all the fuckin time. If white people are the proprietors of carrying the world on their shoulders, its because...now pay attention....ITS BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAVE HELD THIER FOOT ON THE THROATS OF ANYBODY WANTING A PIECE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, THE GLOBAL DREAM AND BEYOND......YOU CAN NOT THEN YOU WANT TO WHINE WHEN YOUR THE ONE'S WITH ALL THE MONEY, ALL THE CAPITAL, THE CLOUT, THE CREDIT, THE ACCESS. YOU MADE YOUR BEDS, NOW LIE IN IT AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
If Whites did not have the ability to dominate you may rest assured that any and all of those who became dominated by Whites would surely have turned the tables and done the same thing to Whites.

Look at Africa for one (major) example. What do you see? Constant tribal warfare. How do you suppose so many Black slaves found their way to America? Do you think White Americans went to Africa, captured Blacks and enslaved them? The fact is Black African tribesmen captured rival tribesmen, took them to slave dealers situated in coastal "slave castles" and sold them. Those Arab and Black African slave dealers then re-sold them to Arab, Dutch, and Portuguese slave traders who transported them to buyers, including White Americans.

If you'd like to take it a step further, there are places in Africa today, such as the Sudan, where Black slaves are traded and sold by other Blacks (Sudanese). If you doubt that, Google up "Sudan / Slavery."

You don't see this happening anywhere in Europe or Scandinavia.
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People might say, white people are guilty of colonialism this, oppression that, etc. But I don't really hold white people accountable for that. After all, life is one big power play.

However, white people are guilty of something, and it's the exact opposite. White people are guilty of feeding the world, of helping everyone, of distributing aid, of continuing the illusion that everyone can be prosperous in a global utopia.

White people are actually the world's first global socialists. White people literally want to save every single person on this planet, and if that doesn't happen, they blame themselves, or someone or another. White people can't leave well enough alone. They can't let people die anymore.

Look at all the do gooder white people who dedicate themselves to some cause or another. Why can't they stop?

Here is my advice to white people...let the Africans starve. Let the Muslims and Jews kill each other. Let the natural disasters do their trick and reduce the human population.

Everything just continues to get worse and worse from all the white people pretending to be heroes. They need to leave the world alone to live or die by its own merits. Just protect your own kind and nations, that's good enough. Don't concern yourself with death in this world. Death happens to us all, it always has, always will.
Get this straight and then shove it......I am so sick and tired of people like you playing this white victim card all the fuckin time. If white people are the proprietors of carrying the world on their shoulders, its because...now pay attention....ITS BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAVE HELD THIER FOOT ON THE THROATS OF ANYBODY WANTING A PIECE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, THE GLOBAL DREAM AND BEYOND......YOU CAN NOT THEN YOU WANT TO WHINE WHEN YOUR THE ONE'S WITH ALL THE MONEY, ALL THE CAPITAL, THE CLOUT, THE CREDIT, THE ACCESS. YOU MADE YOUR BEDS, NOW LIE IN IT AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!

It seems he hurt your vagina.
People might say, white people are guilty of colonialism this, oppression that, etc. But I don't really hold white people accountable for that. After all, life is one big power play.

However, white people are guilty of something, and it's the exact opposite. White people are guilty of feeding the world, of helping everyone, of distributing aid, of continuing the illusion that everyone can be prosperous in a global utopia.

White people are actually the world's first global socialists. White people literally want to save every single person on this planet, and if that doesn't happen, they blame themselves, or someone or another. White people can't leave well enough alone. They can't let people die anymore.

Look at all the do gooder white people who dedicate themselves to some cause or another. Why can't they stop?

Here is my advice to white people...let the Africans starve. Let the Muslims and Jews kill each other. Let the natural disasters do their trick and reduce the human population.

Everything just continues to get worse and worse from all the white people pretending to be heroes. They need to leave the world alone to live or die by its own merits. Just protect your own kind and nations, that's good enough. Don't concern yourself with death in this world. Death happens to us all, it always has, always will.
People might say, white people are guilty of colonialism this, oppression that, etc. But I don't really hold white people accountable for that. After all, life is one big power play.

However, white people are guilty of something, and it's the exact opposite. White people are guilty of feeding the world, of helping everyone, of distributing aid, of continuing the illusion that everyone can be prosperous in a global utopia.

White people are actually the world's first global socialists. White people literally want to save every single person on this planet, and if that doesn't happen, they blame themselves, or someone or another. White people can't leave well enough alone. They can't let people die anymore.

Look at all the do gooder white people who dedicate themselves to some cause or another. Why can't they stop?

Here is my advice to white people...let the Africans starve. Let the Muslims and Jews kill each other. Let the natural disasters do their trick and reduce the human population.

Everything just continues to get worse and worse from all the white people pretending to be heroes. They need to leave the world alone to live or die by its own merits. Just protect your own kind and nations, that's good enough. Don't concern yourself with death in this world. Death happens to us all, it always has, always will.

Let's not confuse the intentions of a small minority of so called "do gooders" with the majority. White people are no different than any other people.

As they should be, their first concern is for family and self.
People might say, white people are guilty of colonialism this, oppression that, etc. But I don't really hold white people accountable for that. After all, life is one big power play.

However, white people are guilty of something, and it's the exact opposite. White people are guilty of feeding the world, of helping everyone, of distributing aid, of continuing the illusion that everyone can be prosperous in a global utopia.

White people are actually the world's first global socialists. White people literally want to save every single person on this planet, and if that doesn't happen, they blame themselves, or someone or another. White people can't leave well enough alone. They can't let people die anymore.

Look at all the do gooder white people who dedicate themselves to some cause or another. Why can't they stop?

Here is my advice to white people...let the Africans starve. Let the Muslims and Jews kill each other. Let the natural disasters do their trick and reduce the human population.

Everything just continues to get worse and worse from all the white people pretending to be heroes. They need to leave the world alone to live or die by its own merits. Just protect your own kind and nations, that's good enough. Don't concern yourself with death in this world. Death happens to us all, it always has, always will.
Get this straight and then shove it......I am so sick and tired of people like you playing this white victim card all the fuckin time. If white people are the proprietors of carrying the world on their shoulders, its because...now pay attention....ITS BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAVE HELD THIER FOOT ON THE THROATS OF ANYBODY WANTING A PIECE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, THE GLOBAL DREAM AND BEYOND......YOU CAN NOT THEN YOU WANT TO WHINE WHEN YOUR THE ONE'S WITH ALL THE MONEY, ALL THE CAPITAL, THE CLOUT, THE CREDIT, THE ACCESS. YOU MADE YOUR BEDS, NOW LIE IN IT AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
Which white victim card do you speak exactly? You speak of CNN and others ... the defendants of those who kill us, the Muslims, listen well they are the antis western
Those who sinking us, those who are against Trump and some of us are the defendants of the White race. OK.
People might say, white people are guilty of colonialism this, oppression that, etc. But I don't really hold white people accountable for that. After all, life is one big power play.

However, white people are guilty of something, and it's the exact opposite. White people are guilty of feeding the world, of helping everyone, of distributing aid, of continuing the illusion that everyone can be prosperous in a global utopia.

White people are actually the world's first global socialists. White people literally want to save every single person on this planet, and if that doesn't happen, they blame themselves, or someone or another. White people can't leave well enough alone. They can't let people die anymore.

Look at all the do gooder white people who dedicate themselves to some cause or another. Why can't they stop?

Here is my advice to white people...let the Africans starve. Let the Muslims and Jews kill each other. Let the natural disasters do their trick and reduce the human population.

Everything just continues to get worse and worse from all the white people pretending to be heroes. They need to leave the world alone to live or die by its own merits. Just protect your own kind and nations, that's good enough. Don't concern yourself with death in this world. Death happens to us all, it always has, always will.
Get this straight and then shove it......I am so sick and tired of people like you playing this white victim card all the fuckin time. If white people are the proprietors of carrying the world on their shoulders, its because...now pay attention....ITS BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAVE HELD THIER FOOT ON THE THROATS OF ANYBODY WANTING A PIECE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, THE GLOBAL DREAM AND BEYOND......YOU CAN NOT THEN YOU WANT TO WHINE WHEN YOUR THE ONE'S WITH ALL THE MONEY, ALL THE CAPITAL, THE CLOUT, THE CREDIT, THE ACCESS. YOU MADE YOUR BEDS, NOW LIE IN IT AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
Obama, Stev Harvey, Michel Jordan and a whole slew of others would have to say your whinny ass post is FOS.

No they would not.
People might say, white people are guilty of colonialism this, oppression that, etc. But I don't really hold white people accountable for that. After all, life is one big power play.

However, white people are guilty of something, and it's the exact opposite. White people are guilty of feeding the world, of helping everyone, of distributing aid, of continuing the illusion that everyone can be prosperous in a global utopia.

White people are actually the world's first global socialists. White people literally want to save every single person on this planet, and if that doesn't happen, they blame themselves, or someone or another. White people can't leave well enough alone. They can't let people die anymore.

Look at all the do gooder white people who dedicate themselves to some cause or another. Why can't they stop?

Here is my advice to white people...let the Africans starve. Let the Muslims and Jews kill each other. Let the natural disasters do their trick and reduce the human population.

Everything just continues to get worse and worse from all the white people pretending to be heroes. They need to leave the world alone to live or die by its own merits. Just protect your own kind and nations, that's good enough. Don't concern yourself with death in this world. Death happens to us all, it always has, always will.
Get this straight and then shove it......I am so sick and tired of people like you playing this white victim card all the fuckin time. If white people are the proprietors of carrying the world on their shoulders, its because...now pay attention....ITS BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAVE HELD THIER FOOT ON THE THROATS OF ANYBODY WANTING A PIECE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, THE GLOBAL DREAM AND BEYOND......YOU CAN NOT THEN YOU WANT TO WHINE WHEN YOUR THE ONE'S WITH ALL THE MONEY, ALL THE CAPITAL, THE CLOUT, THE CREDIT, THE ACCESS. YOU MADE YOUR BEDS, NOW LIE IN IT AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
Which white victim card do you speak exactly? You speak of CNN and others ... the defendants of those who kill us, the Muslims, listen well they are the antis western
Those who sinking us, those who are against Trump and some of us are the defendants of the White race. OK.

That's what this thread and most of these whining threads started by whites in this section are. Whites playing the white victim card,
People might say, white people are guilty of colonialism this, oppression that, etc. But I don't really hold white people accountable for that. After all, life is one big power play.

However, white people are guilty of something, and it's the exact opposite. White people are guilty of feeding the world, of helping everyone, of distributing aid, of continuing the illusion that everyone can be prosperous in a global utopia.

White people are actually the world's first global socialists. White people literally want to save every single person on this planet, and if that doesn't happen, they blame themselves, or someone or another. White people can't leave well enough alone. They can't let people die anymore.

Look at all the do gooder white people who dedicate themselves to some cause or another. Why can't they stop?

Here is my advice to white people...let the Africans starve. Let the Muslims and Jews kill each other. Let the natural disasters do their trick and reduce the human population.

Everything just continues to get worse and worse from all the white people pretending to be heroes. They need to leave the world alone to live or die by its own merits. Just protect your own kind and nations, that's good enough. Don't concern yourself with death in this world. Death happens to us all, it always has, always will.

You really are clueless to things as they actually have been.
People might say, white people are guilty of colonialism this, oppression that, etc. But I don't really hold white people accountable for that. After all, life is one big power play.

However, white people are guilty of something, and it's the exact opposite. White people are guilty of feeding the world, of helping everyone, of distributing aid, of continuing the illusion that everyone can be prosperous in a global utopia.

White people are actually the world's first global socialists. White people literally want to save every single person on this planet, and if that doesn't happen, they blame themselves, or someone or another. White people can't leave well enough alone. They can't let people die anymore.

Look at all the do gooder white people who dedicate themselves to some cause or another. Why can't they stop?

Here is my advice to white people...let the Africans starve. Let the Muslims and Jews kill each other. Let the natural disasters do their trick and reduce the human population.

Everything just continues to get worse and worse from all the white people pretending to be heroes. They need to leave the world alone to live or die by its own merits. Just protect your own kind and nations, that's good enough. Don't concern yourself with death in this world. Death happens to us all, it always has, always will.
Get this straight and then shove it......I am so sick and tired of people like you playing this white victim card all the fuckin time. If white people are the proprietors of carrying the world on their shoulders, its because...now pay attention....ITS BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAVE HELD THIER FOOT ON THE THROATS OF ANYBODY WANTING A PIECE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, THE GLOBAL DREAM AND BEYOND......YOU CAN NOT THEN YOU WANT TO WHINE WHEN YOUR THE ONE'S WITH ALL THE MONEY, ALL THE CAPITAL, THE CLOUT, THE CREDIT, THE ACCESS. YOU MADE YOUR BEDS, NOW LIE IN IT AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
Obama, Stev Harvey, Michel Jordan and a whole slew of others would have to say your whinny ass post is FOS.

No they would not.

I suppose you are right. Just as this poster no matter their success they will bitch and play the victim.
People might say, white people are guilty of colonialism this, oppression that, etc. But I don't really hold white people accountable for that. After all, life is one big power play.

However, white people are guilty of something, and it's the exact opposite. White people are guilty of feeding the world, of helping everyone, of distributing aid, of continuing the illusion that everyone can be prosperous in a global utopia.

White people are actually the world's first global socialists. White people literally want to save every single person on this planet, and if that doesn't happen, they blame themselves, or someone or another. White people can't leave well enough alone. They can't let people die anymore.

Look at all the do gooder white people who dedicate themselves to some cause or another. Why can't they stop?

Here is my advice to white people...let the Africans starve. Let the Muslims and Jews kill each other. Let the natural disasters do their trick and reduce the human population.

Everything just continues to get worse and worse from all the white people pretending to be heroes. They need to leave the world alone to live or die by its own merits. Just protect your own kind and nations, that's good enough. Don't concern yourself with death in this world. Death happens to us all, it always has, always will.
Get this straight and then shove it......I am so sick and tired of people like you playing this white victim card all the fuckin time. If white people are the proprietors of carrying the world on their shoulders, its because...now pay attention....ITS BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAVE HELD THIER FOOT ON THE THROATS OF ANYBODY WANTING A PIECE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, THE GLOBAL DREAM AND BEYOND......YOU CAN NOT THEN YOU WANT TO WHINE WHEN YOUR THE ONE'S WITH ALL THE MONEY, ALL THE CAPITAL, THE CLOUT, THE CREDIT, THE ACCESS. YOU MADE YOUR BEDS, NOW LIE IN IT AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
I'm white and you're not. Neener...neener...neeeeeener!
The African regions that were colonized by Europeans were, with some exceptions, still in the hunter-gatherer stage of cultural evolution (still are, in many cases).

Contrary to Liberal opinions, Colonialism seems to have built up Africa's economy.
That's why Liberia, and Ethiopia which weren't really Colonized are poor, and backwards by African standards.

We find that the height stature of Africans increased during Colonialism, which would support an increase in nutrition.

Not, that I deny some Colonial abuses too, Leopold's Belgian Congo genocide was particularly gruesome.

But, that's not necessarily unique to Africa, Ukraine's Holodomor, or Nazis Holocaust, or Mao's Leap Forward mass murdered a lot too.

It sure seems that those group victims were able to adapt better, no?

Indeed, China suffered enormously, and as a result in the 1970's was even poorer than Africa.
But, that didn't last long, now China's substantially richer than Africa.
The African regions that were colonized by Europeans were, with some exceptions, still in the hunter-gatherer stage of cultural evolution (still are, in many cases).

Contrary to Liberal opinions, Colonialism seems to have built up Africa's economy.
That's why Liberia, and Ethiopia which weren't really Colonized are poor, and backwards by African standards.

We find that the height stature of Africans increased during Colonialism, which would support an increase in nutrition.

Not, that I deny some Colonial abuses too, Leopold's Belgian Congo genocide was particularly gruesome.

But, that's not necessarily unique to Africa, Ukraine's Holodomor, or Nazis Holocaust, or Mao's Leap Forward mass murdered a lot too.

It sure seems that those group victims were able to adapt better, no?

Indeed, China suffered enormously, and as a result in the 1970's was even poorer than Africa.
But, that didn't last long, now China's substantially richer than Africa.

Actually colonialism did none of what you claim.
People might say, white people are guilty of colonialism this, oppression that, etc. But I don't really hold white people accountable for that. After all, life is one big power play.

However, white people are guilty of something, and it's the exact opposite. White people are guilty of feeding the world, of helping everyone, of distributing aid, of continuing the illusion that everyone can be prosperous in a global utopia.

White people are actually the world's first global socialists. White people literally want to save every single person on this planet, and if that doesn't happen, they blame themselves, or someone or another. White people can't leave well enough alone. They can't let people die anymore.

Look at all the do gooder white people who dedicate themselves to some cause or another. Why can't they stop?

Here is my advice to white people...let the Africans starve. Let the Muslims and Jews kill each other. Let the natural disasters do their trick and reduce the human population.

Everything just continues to get worse and worse from all the white people pretending to be heroes. They need to leave the world alone to live or die by its own merits. Just protect your own kind and nations, that's good enough. Don't concern yourself with death in this world. Death happens to us all, it always has, always will.
Get this straight and then shove it......I am so sick and tired of people like you playing this white victim card all the fuckin time. If white people are the proprietors of carrying the world on their shoulders, its because...now pay attention....ITS BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE HAVE HELD THIER FOOT ON THE THROATS OF ANYBODY WANTING A PIECE OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, THE GLOBAL DREAM AND BEYOND......YOU CAN NOT THEN YOU WANT TO WHINE WHEN YOUR THE ONE'S WITH ALL THE MONEY, ALL THE CAPITAL, THE CLOUT, THE CREDIT, THE ACCESS. YOU MADE YOUR BEDS, NOW LIE IN IT AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
I'm white and you're not. Neener...neener...neeeeeener!
I'm soooo jealous....I want to look 50 when I'm in my early teens. I want to turn ghostly white during the winter. I want to lose my hair after I turn 10 and I wanted to start wearing John Deere hat during high school and I wanted to get botox at 12, implants at 9, especially for a new ass and and and I wanted to be so ghostly white without the sun or a tanning booth, to the point, people could look through my head and see what I was thinking!!

Soooo jealous.
Ben Carson.......

Stop using color as an excuse for poverty. Go to work. Get some of your own capital and stop trying to figure out how to take more of mine.
Note to ass, I didn't create this thread, you white fuck nut....you bitches did....now you stop the whining and get to work....and just for the record, oh great white ass ho....electricity nor the internet is free.....use your imagination on this one, fool!!

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