White man shoots innocent black teen....

Sorry bout that,

Trayvon has become a household name. His greiving mother had the presence of mind to file a trademark...
Interesting... we have the Sharpton's and the usual poverty pimps taking advantage of the tragic death of a teen, now we have mom playing the game.
Trayvon's Mom Wants to Trademark Her Son's Name | Reuters

His mom trademarked his name so it wouldn't be exploited by others, for profit.

1. Oh *BULLSHIT* son!:badgrin:

Sorry bout that,

1. Trademarks are for commercial reasons, you can't even get a trademark unless you are using it *IN* business.
2. So there is no defensive TM's.
3. ***FACT***!!!!!

Sorry bout that,

I see that our resident crazy racist Crap Whore Sow (Chesswarsnow) has finally showed up.

What took you so long idiot?

1. I see our *Pretty in Pink Gay Biker Sailor* with *Sugar Tits* tattoed on his back wonders why I just posted in his minor thread.:badgrin:
2. There is other threads on this topic, *Sugar Tits*.:badgrin:
3. I actually started a thread on this that got merged as well.
4. I'm no racist, I have more respect for the negros than they do.
5. Its painfully obvious that the negro race wants to kill white people, they hate being negro color, and it makes them mad as hell, they would kill all the white people to get at this one Zimmerman dude, who was in the right shooting this Martin kid.
6. Problem is the media screwed the pouch stating Zimmerman was a white dude, which he is in fact a hispanic mostly, though his fathers name sounds Jewish, which is white.

I've left this thread alone for a while. But I'd like to get some of the calmer more reasonable voices on this threads take on this new CNN article released today:

But audio experts Tom Owen and Ed Primeau, who analyzed the recordings for the Orlando Sentinel using different techniques, said they don't believe it's Zimmerman who can be heard screaming in the background of the 911 calls.

"There's a huge chance that this is not Zimmerman's voice," said Primeau, a longtime audio engineer who is listed as an expert in recorded evidence by the American College of Forensic Examiners International. "As a matter of fact, after 28 years of doing this, I would put my reputation on the line and say this is not George Zimmerman screaming."
Who screams on 911 call in Trayvon Martin case? - CNN.com

It's absolutely not conclusive by the way.

The analysis gives this a 48% chance that this is Zimmerman's voice screaming. According to the article researchers look for 60%+ in determining whether or not to "feel confident" about the voice samples matching.

I've always been under the assumption that those screams indeed come from Zimmerman. However this new development puts serious doubts on that. If it turns out that these aren't Zimmerman's screams and these are Trayvons, it'd make listening to the screams a lot more chilling, being that they're screams of a dead teenager. It'd also make Zimmerman out to be a lot more sinister for claiming the screams were his knowing it was Trayvon yelling for help. But what would it mean for the case?

Like I said, I always thought it was a good chance 70-30 that Zimmerman was yelling for help. In my mind that's gone down to 40-60 40 for Zimmerman 60 for Trayvon. We'd need an audio sample of Trayvon in order for the test to be anywhere near conclusive though (and it still wouldn't be).
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I've left this thread alone for a while. But I'd like to get some of the calmer more reasonable voices on this threads take on this new CNN article released today:

But audio experts Tom Owen and Ed Primeau, who analyzed the recordings for the Orlando Sentinel using different techniques, said they don't believe it's Zimmerman who can be heard screaming in the background of the 911 calls.

"There's a huge chance that this is not Zimmerman's voice," said Primeau, a longtime audio engineer who is listed as an expert in recorded evidence by the American College of Forensic Examiners International. "As a matter of fact, after 28 years of doing this, I would put my reputation on the line and say this is not George Zimmerman screaming."
Who screams on 911 call in Trayvon Martin case? - CNN.com

It's absolutely not conclusive by the way.

The analysis gives this a 48% chance that this is Zimmerman's voice screaming. According to the article researchers look for 60%+ in determining whether or not to "feel confident" about the voice samples matching.

I've always been under the assumption that those screams indeed come from Zimmerman. However this new development puts serious doubts on that. If it turns out that these aren't Zimmerman's screams and these are Trayvons, it'd make listening to the screams a lot more chilling, being that they're screams of a dead teenager. It'd also make Zimmerman out to be a lot more sinister for claiming the screams were his knowing it was Trayvon yelling for help. But what would it mean for the case?

Like I said, I always thought it was a good chance 70-30 that Zimmerman was yelling for help. In my mind that's gone down to 40-60 40 for Zimmerman 60 for Trayvon. We'd need an audio sample of Trayvon in order for the test to be anywhere near conclusive though (and it still wouldn't be).

No assumption needed when there are signed witness statements saying it was Zimmerman yelling.
Trayvon Martin, Zimmerman Tape Editing Prompts Internal Probe at NBC

The edited call, which aired on NBC's "Today Show" on March 27, featured Zimmerman talking to a 911 dispatcher.

"This guy looks like he's up to no good ... he looks black," Zimmerman said in the edited segment.

That, it turns out, appears to be only part of the exchange that took place on the night of February 26. The complete exchange went like this:

Zimmerman: "This guy looks like he's up to no good. Or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about."

Dispatcher: "OK, and this guy -- is he black, white or Hispanic?"

Zimmerman: "He looks black."
I've left this thread alone for a while. But I'd like to get some of the calmer more reasonable voices on this threads take on this new CNN article released today:

But audio experts Tom Owen and Ed Primeau, who analyzed the recordings for the Orlando Sentinel using different techniques, said they don't believe it's Zimmerman who can be heard screaming in the background of the 911 calls.

"There's a huge chance that this is not Zimmerman's voice," said Primeau, a longtime audio engineer who is listed as an expert in recorded evidence by the American College of Forensic Examiners International. "As a matter of fact, after 28 years of doing this, I would put my reputation on the line and say this is not George Zimmerman screaming."
Who screams on 911 call in Trayvon Martin case? - CNN.com

It's absolutely not conclusive by the way.

The analysis gives this a 48% chance that this is Zimmerman's voice screaming. According to the article researchers look for 60%+ in determining whether or not to "feel confident" about the voice samples matching.

I've always been under the assumption that those screams indeed come from Zimmerman. However this new development puts serious doubts on that. If it turns out that these aren't Zimmerman's screams and these are Trayvons, it'd make listening to the screams a lot more chilling, being that they're screams of a dead teenager. It'd also make Zimmerman out to be a lot more sinister for claiming the screams were his knowing it was Trayvon yelling for help. But what would it mean for the case?

Like I said, I always thought it was a good chance 70-30 that Zimmerman was yelling for help. In my mind that's gone down to 40-60 40 for Zimmerman 60 for Trayvon. We'd need an audio sample of Trayvon in order for the test to be anywhere near conclusive though (and it still wouldn't be).

I thought they were Trayvon. The report of how his mother reacted when she heard the screams (prior to the release of the tapes to the public) and the abrupt end to the screams with the shot convinced me it was him. Of course, I can't be 100% certain of that, but I do believe it was Martin screaming in the background. Then there is what the officer overheard while Zimmerman was being treated by EMS: "I was yelling for someone to help me, but no one would help me." Something about that just doesn't sit right with me. It's too pat, almost rehearsed in a fashion.

Now we have 2 experts using 2 different forensic techniques coming to the same conclusion.

It returned a 48 percent match. Owen said to reach a positive match with audio of this quality, he'd expect higher than 90 percent.
I do hope these experts get audio of Martin and compare the tapes.
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It doesn't matter what you believe.

The people who were there almost unanimously believe it was Zimmerman screaming.
I've left this thread alone for a while. But I'd like to get some of the calmer more reasonable voices on this threads take on this new CNN article released today:

But audio experts Tom Owen and Ed Primeau, who analyzed the recordings for the Orlando Sentinel using different techniques, said they don't believe it's Zimmerman who can be heard screaming in the background of the 911 calls.

"There's a huge chance that this is not Zimmerman's voice," said Primeau, a longtime audio engineer who is listed as an expert in recorded evidence by the American College of Forensic Examiners International. "As a matter of fact, after 28 years of doing this, I would put my reputation on the line and say this is not George Zimmerman screaming."
Who screams on 911 call in Trayvon Martin case? - CNN.com

It's absolutely not conclusive by the way.

The analysis gives this a 48% chance that this is Zimmerman's voice screaming. According to the article researchers look for 60%+ in determining whether or not to "feel confident" about the voice samples matching.

I've always been under the assumption that those screams indeed come from Zimmerman. However this new development puts serious doubts on that. If it turns out that these aren't Zimmerman's screams and these are Trayvons, it'd make listening to the screams a lot more chilling, being that they're screams of a dead teenager. It'd also make Zimmerman out to be a lot more sinister for claiming the screams were his knowing it was Trayvon yelling for help. But what would it mean for the case?

Like I said, I always thought it was a good chance 70-30 that Zimmerman was yelling for help. In my mind that's gone down to 40-60 40 for Zimmerman 60 for Trayvon. We'd need an audio sample of Trayvon in order for the test to be anywhere near conclusive though (and it still wouldn't be).

I thought they were Trayvon. The report of how his mother reacted when she heard the screams (prior to the release of the tapes to the public) and the abrupt end to the screams with the shot convinced me it was him. Of course, I can't be 100% certain of that, but I do believe it was Martin screaming in the background. Then there is what the officer overheard while Zimmerman was being treated by EMS: "I was yelling for someone to help me, but no one would help me." Something about that just doesn't sit right with me. It's too pat, almost rehearsed in a fashion.

Now we have 2 experts using 2 different forensic techniques coming to the same conclusion.

It returned a 48 percent match. Owen said to reach a positive match with audio of this quality, he'd expect higher than 90 percent.
I do hope these experts get audio of Martin and compare the tapes.
" It's too pat, almost rehearsed in a fashion."

Yeah. That stuck out as me as well like a sore thumb, right from the beginning. He was saying that to the EMT, and he expressly said it so loud -- he wanted to be sure it was overheard by the cop.

Knowing full well he knew the ins and outs of the law (besides having attended Police Academy himself, having his father and mother in the court system - he almost literally was bathed in the details of the law his whole life) ,

...and the the way it would go down if it was to be a claim of self-defense in court, he seemed to go out of his way to make sure he got that on the record loud and clear.
I've left this thread alone for a while. But I'd like to get some of the calmer more reasonable voices on this threads take on this new CNN article released today:

But audio experts Tom Owen and Ed Primeau, who analyzed the recordings for the Orlando Sentinel using different techniques, said they don't believe it's Zimmerman who can be heard screaming in the background of the 911 calls.

"There's a huge chance that this is not Zimmerman's voice," said Primeau, a longtime audio engineer who is listed as an expert in recorded evidence by the American College of Forensic Examiners International. "As a matter of fact, after 28 years of doing this, I would put my reputation on the line and say this is not George Zimmerman screaming."
Who screams on 911 call in Trayvon Martin case? - CNN.com

It's absolutely not conclusive by the way.

The analysis gives this a 48% chance that this is Zimmerman's voice screaming. According to the article researchers look for 60%+ in determining whether or not to "feel confident" about the voice samples matching.

I've always been under the assumption that those screams indeed come from Zimmerman. However this new development puts serious doubts on that. If it turns out that these aren't Zimmerman's screams and these are Trayvons, it'd make listening to the screams a lot more chilling, being that they're screams of a dead teenager. It'd also make Zimmerman out to be a lot more sinister for claiming the screams were his knowing it was Trayvon yelling for help. But what would it mean for the case?

Like I said, I always thought it was a good chance 70-30 that Zimmerman was yelling for help. In my mind that's gone down to 40-60 40 for Zimmerman 60 for Trayvon. We'd need an audio sample of Trayvon in order for the test to be anywhere near conclusive though (and it still wouldn't be).

What would make more sense would be Martin, who may have seen Zimmerman go for his gun and fight back to protect his life.

The interesting point is that after Zimmerman shot Martin in the chest, why didn't he call 911 back, say what happened, and ask for an ambulance? Why didn't he do a quick frisk on Martin and attempt to scream for help then? An eyewitness already claimed that Zimmerman jumped up after the shooting and walked away.
I've left this thread alone for a while. But I'd like to get some of the calmer more reasonable voices on this threads take on this new CNN article released today:

Who screams on 911 call in Trayvon Martin case? - CNN.com

It's absolutely not conclusive by the way.

The analysis gives this a 48% chance that this is Zimmerman's voice screaming. According to the article researchers look for 60%+ in determining whether or not to "feel confident" about the voice samples matching.

I've always been under the assumption that those screams indeed come from Zimmerman. However this new development puts serious doubts on that. If it turns out that these aren't Zimmerman's screams and these are Trayvons, it'd make listening to the screams a lot more chilling, being that they're screams of a dead teenager. It'd also make Zimmerman out to be a lot more sinister for claiming the screams were his knowing it was Trayvon yelling for help. But what would it mean for the case?

Like I said, I always thought it was a good chance 70-30 that Zimmerman was yelling for help. In my mind that's gone down to 40-60 40 for Zimmerman 60 for Trayvon. We'd need an audio sample of Trayvon in order for the test to be anywhere near conclusive though (and it still wouldn't be).

I thought they were Trayvon. The report of how his mother reacted when she heard the screams (prior to the release of the tapes to the public) and the abrupt end to the screams with the shot convinced me it was him. Of course, I can't be 100% certain of that, but I do believe it was Martin screaming in the background. Then there is what the officer overheard while Zimmerman was being treated by EMS: "I was yelling for someone to help me, but no one would help me." Something about that just doesn't sit right with me. It's too pat, almost rehearsed in a fashion.

Now we have 2 experts using 2 different forensic techniques coming to the same conclusion.

It returned a 48 percent match. Owen said to reach a positive match with audio of this quality, he'd expect higher than 90 percent.
I do hope these experts get audio of Martin and compare the tapes.
" It's too pat, almost rehearsed in a fashion."

Yeah. That stuck out as me as well like a sore thumb, right from the beginning. He was saying that to the EMT, and he expressly said it so loud -- he wanted to be sure it was overheard by the cop.

Knowing full well he knew the ins and outs of the law (besides having attended Police Academy himself, having his father and mother in the court system - he almost literally was bathed in the details of the law his whole life) ,

...and the the way it would go down if it was to be a claim of self-defense in court, he seemed to go out of his way to make sure he got that on the record loud and clear.
Fucking assuming.
I've been following this story since a day or so after it happened. The first thing is that it was labeled a 'gated community' one would assume upscale with that. So I googled the development and found it was mainly townhomes around $100k or less, mostly less.

The crime rate indicated a need for 'neighborhood watch' or more likely increased police protection. Ever notice that 'secure neighborhoods' don't have neighborhood watches?

Anyhow, with the above observations I had to acknowledge early on that folks in legit neighborhood watches do not carry guns and certainly don't go beyond calling 911. They don't leave their vehicles and they don't engage with suspects. That pretty much fits into the comments from the dispatcher. That was evident from the start and a negative towards Zimmerman.

Since then more has come out on what transpired from perhaps bad judgment on Zimmerman's part, but might have much to do with claims of self-defense. Then again, later it might mean that Zimmerman overstated the harm or not?

I have to acknowledge that my initial response was to go against Zimmerman. Now? While there seems to be much to nail him with, I'm no longer sold that there wasn't a justifiable claim of self-defense here. Only a fair trial would prove it one way or another.

Can I just say.... you claim that neighborhood watch members do not carry firearms - and that is accurate... however.... Zimmerman was NOT on watch duty when the incident took place so that point is irrelevant. His claim is that he was heading to the store. Lots of people carry guns in their cars - as they have a right to do as long as it is legal... Your point about him being armed is not material.

I agree with the part about him following Martin.... however, again, his story is that, as soon as the dispatcher said 'don't'... he stopped. If the incident happened as he described... and he stopped following and was returning to his car... everything that happened after that was not his responsibility. Far too many 'known unknowns' to make a rational judgment about guilt.
It doesn't matter what you believe.

The people who were there almost unanimously believe it was Zimmerman screaming.

Assume that Martin saw Zimmerman go for his gun, finds the strength to knock him down, and get on top of him.

He might then be the one calling for help. It might seem to eyewitnesses that the guy on the bottom were calling, but no one knows for sure. I hope there's some good samples of Martin's voice, so we'll have some objective evidence, if the Florida DA finally decides to prosecute, without, what she called a "slam-dunk".
Why on earth do you believe you'll be called upon to make any decisions about this case?

Who the hell is "we"?
" It's too pat, almost rehearsed in a fashion."

Yeah. That stuck out as me as well like a sore thumb, right from the beginning. He was saying that to the EMT, and he expressly said it so loud -- he wanted to be sure it was overheard by the cop.

Knowing full well he knew the ins and outs of the law (besides having attended Police Academy himself, having his father and mother in the court system - he almost literally was bathed in the details of the law his whole life) ,

...and the the way it would go down if it was to be a claim of self-defense in court, he seemed to go out of his way to make sure he got that on the record loud and clear.
And having the CCL, he would have had to know the law on using force.

That was my initial reaction. I do believe that Trayvon struck Zimmerman, although I don't believe anyone can say for sure how it started. So it's possible that Zimmerman was yelling, but IMO it was Trayvon.

Oh ... something else in that CNN link. At the end of the video report, a "senior law enforcement instructor" addresses the timeline and the police report, and that the maximum amount of time Zimmerman could have been treated by EMS was about 8 minutes.
The interesting point is that after Zimmerman shot Martin in the chest, why didn't he call 911 back, say what happened, and ask for an ambulance? Why didn't he do a quick frisk on Martin and attempt to scream for help then? An eyewitness already claimed that Zimmerman jumped up after the shooting and walked away.

Good question. It's not like he wasn't used to dialing that number.

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