White liberal writers discuss the situation


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
One woman said she wants to talk to someone about the situation, but doesn't want to force a person to represent her race. At least, I think that's what she said.

Her look of concern looked so genuine, as if her talking to someone would somehow solve anything.

She explained that her husband was from Minnesota, and in Minnesota people don't talk about things, so issues can pushed down and aren't discussed. And so things like this happen, I suppose, because they're not discussed.

I said nothing because there really was nothing I could add to the discussion. They were convinced that because they were white, it was their role to show support for blacks facing police injustice, but I don't think they had a plan beyond that.
One woman said she wants to talk to someone about the situation, but doesn't want to force a person to represent her race. At least, I think that's what she said.

Her look of concern looked so genuine, as if her talking to someone would somehow solve anything.

She explained that her husband was from Minnesota, and in Minnesota people don't talk about things, so issues can pushed down and aren't discussed. And so things like this happen, I suppose, because they're not discussed.

I said nothing because there really was nothing I could add to the discussion. They were convinced that because they were white, it was their role to show support for blacks facing police injustice, but I don't think they had a plan beyond that.
was her name Karen?
So Blackrok. When are you gonna tour Europe, settle in NY, and write you infamous biography?
One woman said she wants to talk to someone about the situation, but doesn't want to force a person to represent her race. At least, I think that's what she said.

Her look of concern looked so genuine, as if her talking to someone would somehow solve anything.

She explained that her husband was from Minnesota, and in Minnesota people don't talk about things, so issues can pushed down and aren't discussed. And so things like this happen, I suppose, because they're not discussed.

I said nothing because there really was nothing I could add to the discussion. They were convinced that because they were white, it was their role to show support for blacks facing police injustice, but I don't think they had a plan beyond that.
was her name Karen?
Might as well have.

The truth I elicit from listening to these white liberal writers is that their expressions of concern are shallow at best. It seemed to me they were saying what was expected of them to keep up an image of being a good person. It would only take a slight distraction to cause them to lose all interest in what's going on because it is so far removed from their lives they have no stake in it. Their attitude is only a few degrees removed from the apathy I felt just a few days ago. And, I admit, that my own current interest in the situation will no doubt fade as I realize that the problems black people have with the police don't effect me in the least.

So, I am ready to draw my conclusion from the encounter.

The problem blacks face is not that whites hate them. We can't work up that kind of effort to care about people who are not even part of our world.

The problem blacks face is that whites are completely indifferent to your situation with the police. You can riot for a while, and that will elicit a half-hearted expression of concern. But after the fires burn out and everyone's gone home, whites will go back to their status quo mental state of not giving a damn.
So, here's what I have to say about my own reaction to the situation.

Last night, I got a bit worked up and ranted on the internet and probably said some things I don't really mean.

But now, with time to cool off, I realize that getting myself even slightly vexed over a situation that doesn't affect me is simply a waste of time and energy I could expend thinking about more important issues: like what I'll have for breakfast, or, what shirt and pants I will wear for the day, or, who I will call on the phone to pass some time this Saturday afternoon.

Black people, you're on your own. Even if you burn down everything in your city, we whites will never care about your problems. If you don't like the way the police treat you, you're just going to have to solve that problem by yourself.
This is a race issue not a political issue.
Sure it is. Dont worry , if trump loses in november it will be all better.

Yeah after 8 years of Obama everything was liberal utopia am I right. 8 years of Obama fixed everything...oh wait no it fixed nothing so obvious by recent events Dem cities and states are still racist as ever.
So, here's what I have to say about my own reaction to the situation.

Last night, I got a bit worked up and ranted on the internet and probably said some things I don't really mean.

But now, with time to cool off, I realize that getting myself even slightly vexed over a situation that doesn't affect me is simply a waste of time and energy I could expend thinking about more important issues: like what I'll have for breakfast, or, what shirt and pants I will wear for the day, or, who I will call on the phone to pass some time this Saturday afternoon.

Black people, you're on your own. Even if you burn down everything in your city, we whites will never care about your problems. If you don't like the way the police treat you, you're just going to have to solve that problem by yourself.
Who the fuck ever told you that you speak for "we whites"? You don't. Your incoherent obsession is your personal problem.

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