White House says Republicans co-own legacy of record $19 trillion debt

Facts can not be debated; they can only be understood.

President Reagan tripled the debt. President Clinton got it under control. President Bush exploded the debt by coupling massive tax cuts we couldn't afford with not one but TWO full wars he charged to the credit card, while also drastically expanding the federal gov't with Homeland Security, Medicare Part D, and No Child Left Behind.

President Obama did not create a yearly $1.5 trillion deficit. It was handed to him. And he has reduced those yearly $1.5 trillion deficits by two-thirds.

The facts of our modern history are not disputed by anyone but the willfully stupid RWNJ trolls who live on message boards to spread their ignorance. In our lifetimes, Republican Presidents explode the debt while Democratic Presidents are brought in to mop things up.

I agree the only thing that you can look on is deficits and Bush created one hug one and Obama reduced it significantly under his watch...

Bush handed a record deficit over and Obama has been reducing it... Bush over-heated the economy by war and budget cuts...

Our so called fiscal conservatives are an embarrassment.

GOP Presidents just can't help themselves... Fiscal Conservative would be best voting for Hillary if they want this under control...
This country has been in debt for decades from its tax, spend and print policy's also socialists entitlement programs.
The debt has been going up all along, your little chart means nothing if there is still an outstanding balance...

Uh...no........given that the debt can only be addressed incrementally, the direction of the line is of vital importance.......

I understand that this subject left you behind some time ago.....

But if you think you have the onions for the job, why don't you elaborate......try to avoid the use of memes.....
Rustic.....have you met Eagle?

He too lacks the capacity for cogitation......you two could communicate in memes.....

Logic........do you understand that a meme doesn't satisfy the definition of "syllogism"?

And that not all opinions are equally informed......Take yours, for instance.......
Which opinion.............................

Libya...........total fuck up
Yemen..........total fuck up
Jv team.......total fuck up
Egypt..........total fuck up......as they said fuck you
Red Line.......Idiot.
Debt.......more than all presidents combined
Poverty....increased under Obama
Median Income........Decreased under Obama.
Food Stamps.........Up under Obama
Welfare...........up under Obama
Health insurance rates..........up under Obama..promised less
Irs........attacks Conservative groups under Obama
pen and phone.......legislation under Obama
Federal Reserve Balance..........UP UNDER OBAMA ....QE's to 4 TRILLION.
Part time work..........up under Obama
Labor Participation rate........Historic High under Obama
Deal with Iran.......historic........dumb assed move..
Obama added more debt than every US President from Washington to Bush ... COMBINED, setting new records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit spending in the process.

So specifically, what did Obama spend all that money on? He got his bail out, his stimulus and health care. But those don't add up to the total debt you attribute to Obama.

What was the rest of the spending on?

On costs that were passed before he became president. But, those expenses are also on him because as president he had the ability to try to change things. If the spending on Social Security, Medicare, Defense, etc. caused our debt, the man in the chair at the time "caused" it by not changing anything.

Facts can not be debated; they can only be understood.

President Reagan tripled the debt. President Clinton got it under control. President Bush exploded the debt by coupling massive tax cuts we couldn't afford with not one but TWO full wars he charged to the credit card, while also drastically expanding the federal gov't with Homeland Security, Medicare Part D, and No Child Left Behind.

President Obama did not create a yearly $1.5 trillion deficit. It was handed to him. And he has reduced those yearly $1.5 trillion deficits by two-thirds.

The facts of our modern history are not disputed by anyone but the willfully stupid RWNJ trolls who live on message boards to spread their ignorance. In our lifetimes, Republican Presidents explode the debt while Democratic Presidents are brought in to mop things up.

Bush was a mess.

Reagan's "tripling was something like 3.5 Trillion total.....it was recoverable.

And the economy boomed.

Bush threw away a huge opportunity.

It was "recoverable" because Poppy, and Clinton after him, paid the necessary political price for cleaning up the mess....

and relative to Real GDP and jobs, Reagan underperformed the guys on either side of him...
President Obama did not create a yearly $1.5 trillion deficit. It was handed to him. And he has reduced those yearly $1.5 trillion deficits by two-thirds.

That looks nice. But at the risk of bringing more charts from ICE (and pain) I would add. TARP was in one of those high years, at what $786B + GWB put in $350Bil stimulus one year. This is one time stuff.

Then BHO put in $1T stimulus, one time deal. But kept it every year.......huh? Then TARP paid back to BHO revenue as free income.

don't shoot the messenger, these are legit "questions/observations". roughly from memory.

I gave up on that early. That is COMPLICATED! somebody actually did some work, was that GOVT?
Too late to bring all that up.............but it did self regulate them..........it opened pandora's box.............both sides wanted it..........

This poster we are humoring was also trying to brag about Clinton's balanced Budget........typical as he would forget his reforms were FORCED via GOV'T SHUTDOWNS with Newt...........It worked and he later said........LOOK WHAT I DID.
If this federal government was the least bit fair to its citizens there would be no debt, ever.

Last edited:
From your link......................

“To understand the long-term trends here, we have to take a look at what exactly happened when the last Democratic president was leaving office. He was passing off budget surpluses as far as the eye could see to his successor,” Josh Earnest said at the daily White House briefing.

President George W. Bush proceeded to put in place tax cuts for the wealthy and launched a ground war in the Middle East “all without paying for it,” he added.

That led to the Great Recession that put enormous pressure on the federal budget, Earnest said.

Even your link is blaming Jr.

Not only did he give tax cuts to the wealthy, he gave them another one AFTER the war had started.
The recession was caused by the housing collapse a result of Democrats passing regulations forcing banks to give loans to people who couldn't pay them back. Remember Barney Frank's assuraances that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was not in trouble ? That cost the tax pay almost 200 billion dollars. Democrats had the house and Senate.
The topic of this thread is the national debt and who is responsible. It's not about foreign policy or welfare or your personal feelings about each other. Stop insulting and stop trolling with off topic photograph and memes
I understand that this subject left you behind some time ago.....

But if you think you have the onions for the job, why don't you elaborate......try to avoid the use of memes.....
Rustic.....have you met Eagle?

He too lacks the capacity for cogitation......you two could communicate in memes.....

Logic........do you understand that a meme doesn't satisfy the definition of "syllogism"?

And that not all opinions are equally informed......Take yours, for instance.......
Which opinion.............................

Libya...........total fuck up
Yemen..........total fuck up
Jv team.......total fuck up
Egypt..........total fuck up......as they said fuck you
Red Line.......Idiot.
Debt.......more than all presidents combined
Poverty....increased under Obama
Median Income........Decreased under Obama.
Food Stamps.........Up under Obama
Welfare...........up under Obama
Health insurance rates..........up under Obama..promised less
Irs........attacks Conservative groups under Obama
pen and phone.......legislation under Obama
Federal Reserve Balance..........UP UNDER OBAMA ....QE's to 4 TRILLION.
Part time work..........up under Obama
Labor Participation rate........Historic High under Obama
Deal with Iran.......historic........dumb assed move..

Part time work..........up under Obama

Title: Employed, Usually Work Part Time
Series ID: LNS12600000
Source: US. Bureau of Labor Statistics

2001-02-01 23542

2009-02-01 26722

2015-12-01 27359

Now let's look at the numbers for those who do so "for economic reasons"...

Title: Employment Level: Part-Time for Economic Reasons, Nonagricultural Industries
Series ID: LNS12032197
Source: US. Bureau of Labor Statistics

2001-02-01 3215

2009-02-01 8697

2015-12-01 5910

Will you be needing a primer on The Ordinal Property of Numbers?

I gave up on that early. That is COMPLICATED! somebody actually did some work, was that GOVT?
Too late to bring all that up.............but it did self regulate them..........it opened pandora's box.............both sides wanted it..........

This poster we are humoring was also trying to brag about Clinton's balanced Budget........typical as he would forget his reforms were FORCED via GOV'T SHUTDOWNS with Newt...........It worked and he later said........LOOK WHAT I DID.

What part of the deficit Clinton inherited remained by the time of the Aug 1997 budget agreement with Gingrich?

(Careful......you KNOW by now that I go right to the data)
President Obama did not create a yearly $1.5 trillion deficit. It was handed to him. And he has reduced those yearly $1.5 trillion deficits by two-thirds.

That looks nice. But at the risk of bringing more charts from ICE (and pain) I would add. TARP was in one of those high years, at what $786B + GWB put in $350Bil stimulus one year. This is one time stuff.

Then BHO put in $1T stimulus, one time deal. But kept it every year.......huh? Then TARP paid back to BHO revenue as free income.

don't shoot the messenger, these are legit "questions/observations". roughly from memory.

roughly from memory

There's your problem, Num.....

$114 billion in stimulus spending. Obama signed the stimulus bill Feb. 17. While headlines proclaimed a $787 billion price tag, about 27 percent of the total was actually for tax cuts, not spending. And most of the spending didn’t take place until after fiscal 2009. CBO initially put the total spent in fiscal 2009 at $107.8 billion, but the following year it revised the figure upward to $114 billion, in a report issued in August 2010 (page 13).

Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?

How long do you think you will retain that this time?
Obama added more debt than every US President from Washington to Bush ... COMBINED, setting new records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit spending in the process.

So specifically, what did Obama spend all that money on? He got his bail out, his stimulus and health care. But those don't add up to the total debt you attribute to Obama.

What was the rest of the spending on?

On costs that were passed before he became president. But, those expenses are also on him because as president he had the ability to try to change things. If the spending on Social Security, Medicare, Defense, etc. caused our debt, the man in the chair at the time "caused" it by not changing anything.


Wrong......Mandatory spending is legislated......and it requires legislation to change it.....
OF COURSE THE WH / OBAMA is declaring that. To be honest, he is of course correct. I am sure he wishes, though - as he will falsely try to claim they do - the GOP has a bigger share of it.

With the the help of a near-Super Majority controlled Liberal Congress that controlled spending / the budget the last years of Bush's administration and the 1st 2 years of Obama's, Obama added over $6 trillion in new debt in only 4 years.

Obama added more debt than every US President from Washington to Bush ... COMBINED, setting new records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit spending in the process.

So what does he do, as the OP shares with us? Barry does / did what he does best -- Point his finger and blame others.

When do you stop lying? :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Forget the reality that Obama was handed a trillion dollar deficit with a cratered economy ... your idiotic claim isn't even true.

Total combined debt from Washington to Bush....


Total debt increased under Obama (as of yesterday)...


Maybe 7.5T is more than 10.6T in conserva-la-la land -- but not here on planet Earth, it's not.
mea culpa....

The increase under Obama.....

Well, I guess I will have to cut back on posting things that hurt people's feelings here.
From your link......................

“To understand the long-term trends here, we have to take a look at what exactly happened when the last Democratic president was leaving office. He was passing off budget surpluses as far as the eye could see to his successor,” Josh Earnest said at the daily White House briefing.

President George W. Bush proceeded to put in place tax cuts for the wealthy and launched a ground war in the Middle East “all without paying for it,” he added.

That led to the Great Recession that put enormous pressure on the federal budget, Earnest said.

Even your link is blaming Jr.

Not only did he give tax cuts to the wealthy, he gave them another one AFTER the war had started.

It'd probably help if the government had actually had a surplus since 1957.
$6+ Trillion his 1st 4 years
$2.3 Trillion the next 3 years
(Thank goodness the GOP re-took the House / budget / spending)

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