White House petition to defend free speech soars to nearly 100,000


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
White House Petition to Defend Online Free Speech Soars to Nearly 100,000 Signatures
A White House petition calling on Congress to defend free speech online is set to surpass 100,000 signatures by the end of today, just three days after it was launched.

Imagine that even some of the trendy's tards are getting it and standing up for it, then you have real idiots cases who are still so far up Obama's ass they haen't come out yet. Those are your morons who think it's ok to kick Alex Jones off, or Breitbart, maybe a few other news sources that the cowardly losers just happen to not ike and since morons like them " just don't like him" the left will typically just begin the lies so others join their hate train. Kind of like those moron athiest who hate america, hate the bible and anything pro Americana , wow just like the radical feminist who hate america, antifa, etc they do all fit into one groupd is what it comes down to.
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Hilarious to see conservatives now supporting what they once wrongly condemned net neutrality as being
White House Petition to Defend Online Free Speech Soars to Nearly 100,000 Signatures
A White House petition calling on Congress to defend free speech online is set to surpass 100,000 signatures by the end of today, just three days after it was launched.

Imagine that even some of the trendy's tards are getting it and standing up for it, then you have real idiots cases who are still so far up Obama's ass they haen't come out yet. Those are your morons who think it's ok to kick Alex Jones off, or Breitbart, maybe a few other new sources that the cowardly losers just happen to not ike and since morons like them " just don't like him" the left will typically just begin the lies so others join their hate train. Kind of like those moron athiest who hate america, hate the bible and anything pro Americana , wow just like the radical feminist who hate america, antifa, etc they do all fit into one groupd is what it comes down to.
/----/ Thanks, just signed it.
White House Petition to Defend Online Free Speech Soars to Nearly 100,000 Signatures
A White House petition calling on Congress to defend free speech online is set to surpass 100,000 signatures by the end of today, just three days after it was launched.

Imagine that even some of the trendy's tards are getting it and standing up for it, then you have real idiots cases who are still so far up Obama's ass they haen't come out yet. Those are your morons who think it's ok to kick Alex Jones off, or Breitbart, maybe a few other new sources that the cowardly losers just happen to not ike and since morons like them " just don't like him" the left will typically just begin the lies so others join their hate train. Kind of like those moron athiest who hate america, hate the bible and anything pro Americana , wow just like the radical feminist who hate america, antifa, etc they do all fit into one groupd is what it comes down to.
/----/ Thanks, just signed it.
Poor thing :itsok:
Those signatures and 75 cents will get you a nice senior coffee at McDonalds.
Those signatures and 75 cents will get you a nice senior coffee at McDonalds.
/----/ We have clear and unfiltered communication with our President. That's why libtards hate it when he tweets and we respond with petitions.
Those signatures and 75 cents will get you a nice senior coffee at McDonalds.
You against free speech online mdk? :popcorn:

I am against businesses being forced into providing a service to people against their wishes. So are you, but I suspect only when it comes to faggots. You don’t have a right to a Facebook, Twitter, or message board account.
White House Petition to Defend Online Free Speech Soars to Nearly 100,000 Signatures
A White House petition calling on Congress to defend free speech online is set to surpass 100,000 signatures by the end of today, just three days after it was launched.

Imagine that even some of the trendy's tards are getting it and standing up for it, then you have real idiots cases who are still so far up Obama's ass they haen't come out yet. Those are your morons who think it's ok to kick Alex Jones off, or Breitbart, maybe a few other news sources that the cowardly losers just happen to not ike and since morons like them " just don't like him" the left will typically just begin the lies so others join their hate train. Kind of like those moron athiest who hate america, hate the bible and anything pro Americana , wow just like the radical feminist who hate america, antifa, etc they do all fit into one groupd is what it comes down to.

3 DAYS? Seriously? That's pathetic.
White House Petition to Defend Online Free Speech Soars to Nearly 100,000 Signatures
A White House petition calling on Congress to defend free speech online is set to surpass 100,000 signatures by the end of today, just three days after it was launched.

Imagine that even some of the trendy's tards are getting it and standing up for it, then you have real idiots cases who are still so far up Obama's ass they haen't come out yet. Those are your morons who think it's ok to kick Alex Jones off, or Breitbart, maybe a few other news sources that the cowardly losers just happen to not ike and since morons like them " just don't like him" the left will typically just begin the lies so others join their hate train. Kind of like those moron athiest who hate america, hate the bible and anything pro Americana , wow just like the radical feminist who hate america, antifa, etc they do all fit into one groupd is what it comes down to.

Don't you find it funny that a person like Alex Jones who has his own web site, radio show, podcasts etc is saying his freedom of speech is being violated?
Those signatures and 75 cents will get you a nice senior coffee at McDonalds.
You against free speech online mdk? :popcorn:

I am against businesses being forced into providing a service to people against their wishes. So are you, but I suspect only when it comes to faggots. You don’t have a right to a Facebook, Twitter, or message board account.
/—-/ How about a Whites Only FB Page? Would we get any pushback on that?
Hilarious to see conservatives now supporting what they once wrongly condemned net neutrality as being
/——/ You confuse Net Neutrality with the Fairness Doctrine. Both Are bad,
I have never confused them. You all did. You screamed because your propaganda convinced you that net neutrality was the fairness doctrine; and now I laugh because you support the fairness doctrine. Good thing you rats are retarded and won’t be able to do jack shit to google.
Those signatures and 75 cents will get you a nice senior coffee at McDonalds.
/----/ We have clear and unfiltered communication with our President. That's why libtards hate it when he tweets and we respond with petitions.
View attachment 213963
The petition to impeach his criminal ass has far more signatures.
Except that petition is just a feel good document for punks. A petition doesn’t get him impeached. By the way has he been found guilty or been indicted?
Those signatures and 75 cents will get you a nice senior coffee at McDonalds.
/----/ We have clear and unfiltered communication with our President. That's why libtards hate it when he tweets and we respond with petitions.
View attachment 213963
The petition to impeach his criminal ass has far more signatures.
Except that petition is just a feel good document for punks. A petition doesn’t get him impeached. By the way has he been found guilty or been indicted?
The petition this thread is about is no better. When Democrats take the House this November, the GOP won’t be able to obstruct justice anymore, and we’ll see what Trump is guilty of.
Those signatures and 75 cents will get you a nice senior coffee at McDonalds.
/----/ We have clear and unfiltered communication with our President. That's why libtards hate it when he tweets and we respond with petitions.
View attachment 213963
The petition to impeach his criminal ass has far more signatures.
Except that petition is just a feel good document for punks. A petition doesn’t get him impeached. By the way has he been found guilty or been indicted?
The petition this thread is about is no better. When Democrats take the House this November, the GOP won’t be able to obstruct justice anymore, and we’ll see what Trump is guilty of.
Yeah, ok.
Those signatures and 75 cents will get you a nice senior coffee at McDonalds.
/----/ We have clear and unfiltered communication with our President. That's why libtards hate it when he tweets and we respond with petitions.
View attachment 213963
The petition to impeach his criminal ass has far more signatures.
Except that petition is just a feel good document for punks. A petition doesn’t get him impeached. By the way has he been found guilty or been indicted?
The petition this thread is about is no better. When Democrats take the House this November, the GOP won’t be able to obstruct justice anymore, and we’ll see what Trump is guilty of.
Yeah, ok.
GOP makes “hell list:” Scoop: Republicans secretly study their coming hell

The 8 Benghazi investigations are going to look like child’s play

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