White House How Many U.s. Allies Will Die Re-taking Ayn-al-arab Later!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The American public is currently hearing news reports about sixty-thousand Syrian Kurds are fleeing the Syrian city of Ayn al Arab because it is under siege from ISIL forces and the issue is should America deploy its air power to save the city from falling into ISIL's hands? Absolutely, America should! With the matter of fact reporting about this ISIL offensive one would think this fight is in the upper northeast province of Syria which is primarily a Kurdish province which if a city in that province falls its no big deal because America's side in the Syrian War is the Free Syrian Army and they are primarily in the western province of Aleppo but the fact of the matter is this city, Ayn al Arab, is in the province of Aleppo and it is twenty miles from the Aleppo city of Jarabulus which is a Syrian city that borders the Turkish-Syrian border and is adjacent to the Euphrates river and a major roadway to the City of Aleppo. In the fight against ISIL it would be a major military setback to lose Ayn al Arab because it would put Jarabulus in great jeopardy and if Jarabulus falls the noose around the Syrian Free Army need gets dangerously tighter. The White House isn't keeping its eye on the ball here if we lose the Free Syrian Army game over for America in its fight against ISIL because there will be no military force in Syria America can ally with to defeat ISIL.
All these obstacles for America not coming to this city's aid are not compelling. The Kurdish fighters defending Ayn al Arab are members of a group called YPG which are technically classified as a terrorist group by the U.S. government. But this groups isn't a terrorist group that threatens America its a technical classification. Nobody is asking the American government to arm this group the U.S. government is just being asked to do what they did in the last couple of months to defend the Kurdish Iraqi city of Irbil just have America air force fly some air sorties at the advancing ISIL forces and barrage them with missiles.
Part of the problem with the ISIL military campaign is the generalship of it. Reports are that the White House wants to approve every U.S. mission in Syria. Big mistake the White House should learn the lessons from the Vietnam War where President Johnson wanted the Whitehouse approving all bombing campaigns in Vietnam it turned out to be absurdly ineffective you had U.S. pilots in the air over Vietnam identifying targets on the ground and having to relay requests to the White House for permission to bomb. I bet you America's best General of modern times General Norman Schwarzkopf is turning over in his grave hearing this restriction on the U.S. military, Stormin Norman would be saying you don't fight a military campaign holding back you pound the enemy as hard as you can and relentlessly until the enemy is wiped out or surrenders.
The Whitehouse's overall strategy against ISIL is great but some of the details need to be reworked. America is planning to upgrade the Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga force with weapons to use them as an offensive force against ISIL and it is planning to fully back this building of local national guard units in Iraq. Huge mistake when the ISIL threat is over these groups of fighters will be a force which pressures Iraq to split apart in three pieces. This isn't a novel assessment Iraqi Sunni tribal leaders in large numbers are saying this. Many months ago Iraq's leading Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, saw the danger this strategy holds for the country of Iraq. Several months ago when ISIL forces made their tirade through northern Iraq and took Mosul and were marching south, Grand Ayatollah Sistani, called for Shiite men to take up arms to stop this ISIL threat but to do it though the Iraq National Army not the militias because when the ISIL matters is all over if militias throughout Iraq hold the power sectarianism will rule Iraq and then Iraq's days are numbered. The White House should focus on the wisdom that America's air power can overwhelm and outmatch ISIL now and three years from now so just be patient and wait and help Iraq rebuild their national army and then they together can roll over ISIL throughout Iraq, but just be patient!

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