White House Caught Lying -- Again

Is The Muslim brotherhood actually a terrorist group or is someone just telling us that?


Declare Muslim Brotherhood organization as a terrorist group
Muslim Brotherhood has a long history of violent killings & terrorizing opponents. Also MB has direct ties with most terrorist groups like Hamas.

A book by one of their prominent figures, Sayyid Qutb, called Ma'alim fi-l-Tariq is the bible for many terrorist groups.

The Muslim Brotherhood has shown in the past few days that it is willing to engage in violence and killing of innocent civilians in order to invoke fear in the hearts of its opponents. This is terrorism.

We ask the US government to declare MB as a terrorist group for a safer future for all of us.


OFFICIAL WHITE HOUSE RESPONSE TODeclare Muslim Brotherhood organization as a terrorist group
Response to We the People Petition on the Muslim Brotherhood:

"We have not seen credible evidence that the Muslim Brotherhood has renounced its decades-long commitment to non-violence."

The United States does not condone political violence of any kind and we continue to press actors of all viewpoints to peacefully engage in the political process. The United States is committed to thwarting terrorist groups that pose a threat to U.S. interests and those of our partners.

Tell us what you think about this response and We the People.

Obama on his own website says that they are.
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Edgetho forgets Obama is gone in less than two years and certainly does not want us to remember the far right got its ass kicked in 2012 and stomped in the primaries in 2014.

"So the fact that we elected a radical Muslim" is a birfer rant that discounts anything else you have to say other than mindless raving.

"Obama and Clinton" without context of Bush and Cheney" is more raving.

Both parties have done poorly. We have do better.

We start by excluding the far reactionary social cons and neo-cons and their stupidity.
There never has been a human evil so depraved that the American left wouldn't kiss its ass up one side and down the other. Lenin was their buddy, Stalin was their buddy, Mao was their buddy, Pol Pot was their buddy, Castro was their buddy, Farc is their buddy, and now Isis and Al Qaeda are their buddies. The most loathsome cowards on Planet Earth aren't lurking in the Middle East. They're right here at home, and the entire world knows it.
First off, is there an actual verification that these people were members of "the Muslim Brotherhood?"

A recent meeting between the U.S. State Department and some Egyptians affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood has sparked a lot of debate - especially because just days after that meeting, the brotherhood called for a violent Jihad.

Read more: State Dept. met with affiliates of Muslim Brotherhood prior to call for violent Jihad WJLA.com

What does "affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood" mean? That's not the same as the Muslim Brotherhood. "Affiliated" is not the same as a "member of."
Did they lie about it, douche-nozzle?

Nope, but your source is lying. The claim of "they admitted they misled reporters" is a big ol' lie.

Here are the words in question, which you've no doubt never seen before, given that you simply parrot what you're told to parrot. Please explain for us why your source twisted it into "they admitted they misled reporters."

Daily Press Briefing - February 2 2015
QUESTION: Can I – just on (inaudible) something that came up last week, which was this Georgetown University-sponsored visit of the --


QUESTION: I’m just wondering if in the days since this first came up here, if there’s been any rethink in – within the building about the appropriateness of this visit, considering what happened afterwards and the photographs that some of the participants took.

MS. PSAKI: No, but, since you gave me the opportunity – unfortunately, I didn’t have the accurate information on one small piece. The meeting was set up by the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy, a nonprofit. So the visit was not funded, as you know, by us or the U.S. Government, but it was also not funded by Georgetown.

QUESTION: Oh. Well, that’s – (laughter) – kind of a significant thing.

MS. PSAKI: Understood. That’s why I provided the information as I had it, when I had the accurate information.
Tom Sweetnam and Edgetho and those fruits are the true enemies of America.
Great day in the mornin', I'm so sick and tired of the "looky whut Obumbler done" threads.

OK, in the spirit of honest debate:

1 First off, is there an actual verification that these people were members of "the Muslim Brotherhood?"

2 Secondly, is The Muslim brotherhood actually a terrorist group or is someone just telling us that?

3 They met with Obama? If not, did our government met with them in any kind of official capacity?

4 Is this story even true to begin with?
The State Department met with the Muslim Brotherhood. This fact has never been hidden or in dispute. They did meet with them.

Edgetho's panties are in a wad because some State Department spokeswoman said one group of people had funded the Muslim Brotherhood's (and their allies') trip when in fact it was another private group.

Yeah. That's all. Lots of rabid foam over a minor detail such as that. Oh. Magawd. Someone else paid for the trip. Edgetho is losing sleep over it.
Edgetho forgets Obama is gone in less than two years and certainly does not want us to remember the far right got its ass kicked in 2012 and stomped in the primaries in 2014.

"So the fact that we elected a radical Muslim" is a birfer rant that discounts anything else you have to say other than mindless raving.

"Obama and Clinton" without context of Bush and Cheney" is more raving.

Both parties have done poorly. We have do better.

We start by excluding the far reactionary social cons and neo-cons and their stupidity.
Obama did get lie of the year, remember?
Obama did get lie of the year, remember?
Obama called some low-level State Department spokeswoman and told her to say Georgetown University paid for the Muslim Brotherhood's trip.

And the reason he did this is...?
It amuses me that there are people who actually believe Obama lied about this meeting.

Just how many pounds of brain damage do you have to have to believe that?

Sadly I think the only headline that would surprise me is if the Whitehouse got caught telling the truth

This is the most corrupt and incompetent administration in the history of this country. They have to lie or else admit the corruption and incompetency.

Sad thing is these Libtards want to replace this corrupt and incompetent administration with another one when they go vote for either The Bitch of Benghazi, Indian Princess Liesalot or that Ringling Bros Barnum and Bailey circus clown Joe Biden.
So the White House did not try to hide the fact the State Dept was meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood. They just misstated who was funding the trip.

Okay then.

So your little tin god lied - and then his administration negotiated with terrorist - yet again?

Hey, party above all - you can't condemn him for this - party above all.

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