White House Aide: GOP 'Crazies' Will Prevent Any Collaboration

After listening to Obama's press conference today it seems he is the one who has decided he will just continue on as he has the last five plus years. He really seems to have convinced himself that this is still 2008-2009 and he is still as popular loved now as he was then.
He'll ruin the democrat party for decades. Unless some democrat(s) actually find the guts to confront him and tell him to back the fuck off. Just go golfing and don't fuck anything else up for the next two years.
I really hope the Republicans understand that they will have to reach across the aisle and work the Democrats and that they can't take this my way or no way view because they now control Congress. My other hope is the Democrats will elect House and Senate minority leaders who will have the strength to confront Obama with the fact the political landscape has changed and he can't just carry on as he has.
I'd have to disagree with that. The democrats have gone absolutely, diabolically, ape shit ramming their agenda down the throats of Americans against their will for the last six years, and they have cut the republicans out of the process at every turn. Look at the 350 bills passed by the congress sitting on dingy Harry's desk, even passed by bipartisan vote. No, this turn around in power was a complete and total repudiation of obama and the democrat agenda, and what people are now expecting is for the republicans to TURN IT AROUND, PERIOD. They don't want any part of what's been rammed down their throat for the last six years. So if there's ANY reach across the isle going to happen, it's going to have to come from the democrats, not the republicans. The country just spoke, and they want this country turned around.
After listening to Obama's press conference today it seems he is the one who has decided he will just continue on as he has the last five plus years. He really seems to have convinced himself that this is still 2008-2009 and he is still as popular loved now as he was then.
He'll ruin the democrat party for decades. Unless some democrat(s) actually find the guts to confront him and tell him to back the fuck off. Just go golfing and don't fuck anything else up for the next two years.
I really hope the Republicans understand that they will have to reach across the aisle and work the Democrats and that they can't take this my way or no way view because they now control Congress. My other hope is the Democrats will elect House and Senate minority leaders who will have the strength to confront Obama with the fact the political landscape has changed and he can't just carry on as he has.
I'd have to disagree with that. The democrats have gone absolutely, diabolically, ape shit ramming their agenda down the throats of Americans against their will for the last six years, and they have cut the republicans out of the process at every turn. Look at the 350 bills passed by the congress sitting on dingy Harry's desk, even passed by bipartisan vote. No, this turn around in power was a complete and total repudiation of obama and the democrat agenda, and what people are now expecting is for the republicans to TURN IT AROUND, PERIOD. They want any part of what's been rammed down their throat for the last six years. So if there's ANY reach across the isle going to happen, it's going to have to come from the democrats, not the republicans. The country just spoke, and they want this country turned around.

Spot On. These historic Republican victories are not a mandate to work with this President. That ship has sailed. Him and Reid blew that. It's time to kick some ass. Period, end of story.
After listening to Obama's press conference today it seems he is the one who has decided he will just continue on as he has the last five plus years. He really seems to have convinced himself that this is still 2008-2009 and he is still as popular loved now as he was then.
He'll ruin the democrat party for decades. Unless some democrat(s) actually find the guts to confront him and tell him to back the fuck off. Just go golfing and don't fuck anything else up for the next two years.
I really hope the Republicans understand that they will have to reach across the aisle and work the Democrats and that they can't take this my way or no way view because they now control Congress. My other hope is the Democrats will elect House and Senate minority leaders who will have the strength to confront Obama with the fact the political landscape has changed and he can't just carry on as he has.
I'd have to disagree with that. The democrats have gone absolutely, diabolically, ape shit ramming their agenda down the throats of Americans against their will for the last six years, and they have cut the republicans out of the process at every turn. Look at the 350 bills passed by the congress sitting on dingy Harry's desk, even passed by bipartisan vote. No, this turn around in power was a complete and total repudiation of obama and the democrat agenda, and what people are now expecting is for the republicans to TURN IT AROUND, PERIOD. They don't want any part of what's been rammed down their throat for the last six years. So if there's ANY reach across the isle going to happen, it's going to have to come from the democrats, not the republicans. The country just spoke, and they want this country turned around.
We keep going down this same road there is a very good chance in two years the people vote the other way again. Neither party is going to get everything they want how they want it until they come to terms with that the country will continue to suffer. Obama decided he had a mandate after 2008 we saw how that worked out so now Republicans should do the same thing as the saying goes those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it I for one don't want to see the Republicans repeat the Obama, Reid, Pelosi history.
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After listening to Obama's press conference today it seems he is the one who has decided he will just continue on as he has the last five plus years. He really seems to have convinced himself that this is still 2008-2009 and he is still as popular loved now as he was then.
He'll ruin the democrat party for decades. Unless some democrat(s) actually find the guts to confront him and tell him to back the fuck off. Just go golfing and don't fuck anything else up for the next two years.
I really hope the Republicans understand that they will have to reach across the aisle and work the Democrats and that they can't take this my way or no way view because they now control Congress. My other hope is the Democrats will elect House and Senate minority leaders who will have the strength to confront Obama with the fact the political landscape has changed and he can't just carry on as he has.
I'd have to disagree with that. The democrats have gone absolutely, diabolically, ape shit ramming their agenda down the throats of Americans against their will for the last six years, and they have cut the republicans out of the process at every turn. Look at the 350 bills passed by the congress sitting on dingy Harry's desk, even passed by bipartisan vote. No, this turn around in power was a complete and total repudiation of obama and the democrat agenda, and what people are now expecting is for the republicans to TURN IT AROUND, PERIOD. They don't want any part of what's been rammed down their throat for the last six years. So if there's ANY reach across the isle going to happen, it's going to have to come from the democrats, not the republicans. The country just spoke, and they want this country turned around.
We keep going down this same road there is a very good chance in two years the people vote the other way again. Neither party is going to get everything they want how they want it until they come to terms with that the country will continue to suffer.
Id have to say the road we go down when democrats are in power isn't anywhere near the same road we go down when republicans are in power, but this time the democrats took us down a road we've never been down. They took partisan politics and abuse of power to levels no one has ever witnessed before, ie, obamacare - zero republican votes - against the will of the majority, dingy Harry invoking the nuclear option closing down any debate in the senate, obama thwarting the constitution with illegal executive power at every turn, and the list goes on. Well, America took notice, and they didn't like it. What the democrats have done to America for the last six years is beyond abhorrent. They have rammed their agenda down the throats of people against the will of the majority, and yesterday, the majority spoke. They want the democrats STOPPED, DEAD IN THEIR TRACKS, PERIOD. They don't want reaching and capitulating or group hugs and singing kumbaya, they want to see some ASS KICKING. If that wasn't evident by the historic landslide of a tsunami sending so many democrats packing, then you really need to rethink what just happened. EVERY republican that ousted a democrat did so running on REPEALING OBAMACARE, and that's just the beginning. It's time to give the democrats a little taste of their own medicine. They want to dance with the devil, well now they pay the price. So an ass kicking is what they have coming, and that is what people are expecting.
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Spot On. These historic Republican victories are not a mandate to work with this President. That ship has sailed. Him and Reid blew that. It's time to kick some ass. Period, end of story.
You go for it my little man. That's a winner. Godspeed.
Don't worry, it's coming, deal with it, boy.
I've watched American politics for decades. There's nothing I can't deal with, including the coming poop-throwing contests and government shutdowns. The question is, can you deal with a big win that produces jack shit in the end? I've been there, done that. How about you my little man?
Spot On. These historic Republican victories are not a mandate to work with this President. That ship has sailed. Him and Reid blew that. It's time to kick some ass. Period, end of story.
You go for it my little man. That's a winner. Godspeed.
Don't worry, it's coming, deal with it, boy.
I've watched American politics for decades. There's nothing I can't deal with, including the coming poop-throwing contests and government shutdowns. The question is, can you deal with a big win that produces jack shit in the end? I've been there, done that. How about you my little man?
Well... boy... as amusing as your meltdown is, it's also nice to see jack offs like you get your stinking, filthy, progtard ass get virtually kicked up around your shoulders. Granted it's a little hard to distinguish which lump is your head and which is your ass, but you rat prick mother fuckers had it coming. You've run rough shod over the entire nation for six years, and now you're all whiny and butt hurt because the majority of Americans sent your junior hitlers in power packing. Well too fucking bad, poor little progtards, abused your power and now you all want to cry because you fucked it all up.

Pfft... you're all a bunch of sickening sons a bitches, and now America has let you know they're done with your bull shit. So go soak your head in that barrel of shit you replenish your hyperbole with daily, because nobody knows how to POOP-THROW better than you nasty leftist trailer trash.
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Tea Party crazies will try to nullify the fact that President Obama is the president.
Yeah, he can sit in the back seat, let the adults drive now. Heck they can drop him off at the golf course.
Still his bus, still his steering wheel. So sorry.
Nope, sorry, only 1/3 of the bus is his. Wise up, dumbass.
When you have the driver's seat that bus is yours little man. There's no stopping at Mickey D's otherwise.
Tea Party crazies will try to nullify the fact that President Obama is the president.
Yeah, he can sit in the back seat, let the adults drive now. Heck they can drop him off at the golf course.
Still his bus, still his steering wheel. So sorry.
Nope, sorry, only 1/3 of the bus is his. Wise up, dumbass.
When you have the driver's seat that bus is yours little man. There's no stopping at Mickey D's otherwise.
When you don't have any gas for the engine, or keys for the ignition, the bus ain't movin', bubble head.
Tea Party crazies will try to nullify the fact that President Obama is the president.
Yeah, he can sit in the back seat, let the adults drive now. Heck they can drop him off at the golf course.
Still his bus, still his steering wheel. So sorry.
Nope, sorry, only 1/3 of the bus is his. Wise up, dumbass.
When you have the driver's seat that bus is yours little man. There's no stopping at Mickey D's otherwise.
When you don't have any gas for the engine, or keys for the ignition, the bus ain't movin', bubble head.
When the bus can't move because you won't pay for the gas or are lying underneath the tires, they don't blame the driver. Wait two years, you'll see.
The Tea Party is the absolute worst disease to ever infect American politics. Intelligent people can come together to fight Ebola, bubonic plague and other dangerous diseases - but not the Nazi Tea Party.

yeah, the constitution, low taxes, individual freedom, individual responsibility, job growth, restrained government, and states rights are all terrible ideas---------what we need is a dictatorial monarchy with king obozo and queen mooschelle.

you have to be one of the all time dumbest posters on this message board.
We cannot have low taxes yet.

American have to pay for their errors sooner or later.

Sooner is better and less painful in the long run.

balance the budget, cut federal spending 30% across the board. Stop deficit spending, start paying back the principal.

You can't just cut indiscriminately. That would do more harm than good and its basically how we got where we are now.

How about if we made congress accountable?

(Yes, I know that's impossible. They have done too good a job of insulating themselves from the real world of consequences.)

You actually could've when you had the majority, now you don't. So shut up, and let the grown ups handle the man child Obama.
Tea Party crazies will try to nullify the fact that President Obama is the president.
Yeah, he can sit in the back seat, let the adults drive now. Heck they can drop him off at the golf course.
Still his bus, still his steering wheel. So sorry.
Not really, remember those pesky republicans ruled Obama, when they only had part control. Now they have full control, let Obama, the puppet begin.
Tea Party crazies will try to nullify the fact that President Obama is the president.
Yeah, he can sit in the back seat, let the adults drive now. Heck they can drop him off at the golf course.
Still his bus, still his steering wheel. So sorry.
Not really, remember those pesky republicans ruled Obama, when they only had part control. Now they have full control, let Obama, the puppet begin.
Okay, you are utterly clueless on how the government works, as expected.
Tea Party crazies will try to nullify the fact that President Obama is the president.
Yeah, he can sit in the back seat, let the adults drive now. Heck they can drop him off at the golf course.
Still his bus, still his steering wheel. So sorry.
Nope, sorry, only 1/3 of the bus is his. Wise up, dumbass.
When you have the driver's seat that bus is yours little man. There's no stopping at Mickey D's otherwise.
I thought negros preferred churches fried chicken? I'm so out of touch, but I do know, that republicans are in charge again! Lol
Yeah, he can sit in the back seat, let the adults drive now. Heck they can drop him off at the golf course.
Still his bus, still his steering wheel. So sorry.
Nope, sorry, only 1/3 of the bus is his. Wise up, dumbass.
When you have the driver's seat that bus is yours little man. There's no stopping at Mickey D's otherwise.
When you don't have any gas for the engine, or keys for the ignition, the bus ain't movin', bubble head.
When the bus can't move because you won't pay for the gas or are lying underneath the tires, they don't blame the driver. Wait two years, you'll see.
Well that's where you're wrong, skippy, because the bus driving has been badly abused by some power drunk progtards. People don't want the bus moving anymore, not in the direction they've been driving it... and... you saw that yesterday.

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