White House Acknowledges They Broke The Law In Release Of Gitmo Terrorists, But Claim

First you people were pissed off that Guantanamo is still open, saying that Obama broke his campaign promises. Now you're mad that Guantanamo prisoners are being released. Make up your fucking minds, Teabaggers. Are you even capable of that? Do you even know what the hell you believe? Or do you just hate Obama no matter what he does?

Please, stupid fucking Teabaggers, tell me how much I love Obama because I said something bad about Teabaggers. "Obama broke the law!" Obama killed an American teenager without charging him with a crime. If you're that upset about "precedents" then why the fuck haven't you brought Obama down for killing an American teenager without charges or trial? What kind of precedent does that set?

Maybe you don't actually give a fuck about the Constitution or the law, and you're only courage comes from the anonymity of an internet messageboard. How many guns do you right-wing idiots own? Are you only able to bear arms when a racist criminal is getting his cattle taken away?

Idiot, we were the ones telling you he couldn't shut down Gitmo because there's no better place to keep these pigs. You dumbasses wanted it closed. Way to revise history moron.
holy smokes...this man is out of control
links in this at site

White House Acknowledges They Broke The Law In Release Of Gitmo Terrorists, But Claim “Exigent Circumstances”

We reported yesterday on the breaking of the law. Today they admit it, and claim ‘exigent circumstances’. Obama even has the temerity to say even though he signed the law, he has the right to ignore the notice part.

Via The Blaze:

In response, the White House says that officials considered what they called “unique and exigent circumstances” and decided to go ahead with the transfer despite the legal requirement.

Lawmakers weren’t notified of the Guantanamo detainees’ transfer until after it occurred, according to the Washington Post.

More from the Post:

A senior administration official, agreeing to speak on the condition of anonymity to explain the timing of the congressional notification, acknowledged that the law was not followed. When he signed the law last year, Obama issued a signing statement contending that the notification requirement was an unconstitutional infringement on his powers as commander in chief and that he therefore could override it.

“Due to a near-term opportunity to save Sergeant Bergdahl’s life, we moved as quickly as possible,” the official said, the Post noted. “The administration determined that given these unique and exigent circumstances, such a transfer should go forward notwithstanding the notice requirement.”

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said that the detainees transferred from Guantanamo to Qatar, where they are to stay for at least a year, the Post added, “are hardened terrorists who have the blood of Americans and countless Afghans on their hands. I am eager to learn what precise steps are being taken to ensure that these vicious and violent Taliban extremists never return to the fight against the United States and our partners or engage in any activities that can threaten the prospects for peace and security in Afghanistan.”

ALL of it here
White House Acknowledges They Broke The Law In Release Of Gitmo Terrorists, But Claim ?Exigent Circumstances? | Weasel Zippers

Wetzel zippers! Lol

Look. Bergdahl was a POW. This nation, every nation, negotiates release of POW ' S through other countries.

We're you bitching about the deal made when John McCain was released?

And that was because of a PEACE DEAL with the perps that ended the Viet Nam conflict you fucking DOLT.:eusa_hand:

Quite different scenario.

Catch 22 subject.

Allowing 5 to go with total disregard of the Law.
Not following the law, which Obama is famous for, to get a Soldier home.

On another thread, there are rumors the soldier could actually be Muslim with ties. Don't know whether that is valid or not.

Anyway, this is a Catch 22. Breaking the law to save a life, or obtain a release of one of our soldiers. But allowing hardened Terrorist to go free, who may kill many more than 1 person in the future. Not to mention Violating the law.............

I disagree with this decision. As these 5 may kill other Americans or possibly many more Americans when they get back into the fight. How do we trade one life for the many to come............

Which is why we shouldn't negotiate like this.

Israel has done the same to get people back, and there are many deaths as a result of it. Besides, doing this is a Violation of Obama's Oath of Office.
First you people were pissed off that Guantanamo is still open, saying that Obama broke his campaign promises. Now you're mad that Guantanamo prisoners are being released. Make up your fucking minds, Teabaggers. Are you even capable of that? Do you even know what the hell you believe? Or do you just hate Obama no matter what he does?

Please, stupid fucking Teabaggers, tell me how much I love Obama because I said something bad about Teabaggers. "Obama broke the law!" Obama killed an American teenager without charging him with a crime. If you're that upset about "precedents" then why the fuck haven't you brought Obama down for killing an American teenager without charges or trial? What kind of precedent does that set?

Maybe you don't actually give a fuck about the Constitution or the law, and you're only courage comes from the anonymity of an internet messageboard. How many guns do you right-wing idiots own? Are you only able to bear arms when a racist criminal is getting his cattle taken away?

Idiot, we were the ones telling you he couldn't shut down Gitmo because there's no better place to keep these pigs. You dumbasses wanted it closed. Way to revise history moron.
He couldn't shut down Guantanamo? Really? Why was that? "Because Congress wouldn't approve the funding to close it." Yeah, that doesn't make sense. Since when does a business need money to close? You cut off the money and it can't stay open. Obama's the Commander-in-Chief. He can order the US soldiers at Guantanamo to go somewhere else. Then Guantanamo will be empty and there won't be any reason to spend more money on it.

You people really don't see anything wrong with America confessing that they created a prison in a foreign Communist country specifically so that the prisoners in that prison would not be afforded any legal protections from the US or international community?

We built a prison for prisoners who haven't even been charged with jaywalking, let alone terrorism. Tell us all again why it would be such a bad thing if this gulag closes.
First you people were pissed off that Guantanamo is still open, saying that Obama broke his campaign promises. Now you're mad that Guantanamo prisoners are being released. Make up your fucking minds, Teabaggers. Are you even capable of that? Do you even know what the hell you believe? Or do you just hate Obama no matter what he does?

Please, stupid fucking Teabaggers, tell me how much I love Obama because I said something bad about Teabaggers. "Obama broke the law!" Obama killed an American teenager without charging him with a crime. If you're that upset about "precedents" then why the fuck haven't you brought Obama down for killing an American teenager without charges or trial? What kind of precedent does that set?

Maybe you don't actually give a fuck about the Constitution or the law, and you're only courage comes from the anonymity of an internet messageboard. How many guns do you right-wing idiots own? Are you only able to bear arms when a racist criminal is getting his cattle taken away?
Neither does OBAMA, and hence the fucking point son.

"Violating the law"? Since when does that matter? Bush lied to the entire world to invade Iraq and then tortured POWs in secret prisons. Torture is against American and international law. Why wasn't anyone screaming about Bush selling out what little was left of our nation's honor so he could beat brown people to death in a dirty room somewhere?
Some of their pictures......Killed by Terrorists released by the Israeli Gov't.

"Violating the law"? Since when does that matter? Bush lied to the entire world to invade Iraq and then tortured POWs in secret prisons. Torture is against American and international law. Why wasn't anyone screaming about Bush selling out what little was left of our nation's honor so he could beat brown people to death in a dirty room somewhere?
BUSH isn't in POWER and hasn't been for nearly 6 years. YOU really need to stop with this Blame, Minimization, Denial, Obfuscation crap and GROW UP.

Obama is caught once again violating the Constitution. SHOW us a list of Impeachable offences Bush committed. YOU CANNOT.
First you people were pissed off that Guantanamo is still open, saying that Obama broke his campaign promises. Now you're mad that Guantanamo prisoners are being released. Make up your fucking minds, Teabaggers. Are you even capable of that? Do you even know what the hell you believe? Or do you just hate Obama no matter what he does?

Please, stupid fucking Teabaggers, tell me how much I love Obama because I said something bad about Teabaggers. "Obama broke the law!" Obama killed an American teenager without charging him with a crime. If you're that upset about "precedents" then why the fuck haven't you brought Obama down for killing an American teenager without charges or trial? What kind of precedent does that set?

Maybe you don't actually give a fuck about the Constitution or the law, and you're only courage comes from the anonymity of an internet messageboard. How many guns do you right-wing idiots own? Are you only able to bear arms when a racist criminal is getting his cattle taken away?


You are a lunatic. But a fun one. I don't know how you've missed all my posts over the assassinator in chief killing Americans without a charge and due process.

Good rant. But misplaced anger.
"Violating the law"? Since when does that matter? Bush lied to the entire world to invade Iraq and then tortured POWs in secret prisons. Torture is against American and international law. Why wasn't anyone screaming about Bush selling out what little was left of our nation's honor so he could beat brown people to death in a dirty room somewhere?

Are you Hillary or Holder ? Violating the law always should matter.
KNB logic................

Hey that man broke the law and got away with it, so it's fair game.....................

So, if a Bank Robber gets off, then I should do it as well.

Bottom line. Obama is breaking the law, and it is quite possible that people will die as a result of releasing these asshats.

How about releasing them at 10,000 feet with no parachute...........That works for me.
Obama broke the law when he fired a missile from a flying death robot at an American teenager who was sitting at a coffee shop with some friends in a country that the US hasn't declared war on.

No one cares because the teenager wasn't white. Fuck you, America, and your sanctimonious bullshit.

Torture, lies, endless war against countries that haven't attacked the US. And now you're upset because hostages were freed on both sides. FUCK YOU.
steph, no body broke the law.

Stephanie Snow, you know nothing.

One cannot ask what his health problems are and just a year and half ago, conservatives demanded his release. Now, he is a traitor, his father Muslim. Did his father convert?
"Violating the law"? Since when does that matter? Bush lied to the entire world to invade Iraq and then tortured POWs in secret prisons. Torture is against American and international law. Why wasn't anyone screaming about Bush selling out what little was left of our nation's honor so he could beat brown people to death in a dirty room somewhere?

Everybody believed that Hussein had WMD's. It's all on record so you can't lay that bullshit down and get away with it.

And what brown people were being beat? Last I heard Iraqis, Iranians, Afghanis are classed as caucasian.
"Violating the law"? Since when does that matter? Bush lied to the entire world to invade Iraq and then tortured POWs in secret prisons. Torture is against American and international law. Why wasn't anyone screaming about Bush selling out what little was left of our nation's honor so he could beat brown people to death in a dirty room somewhere?

Everybody believed that Hussein had WMD's. It's all on record so you can't lay that bullshit down and get away with it.

And what brown people were being beat? Last I heard Iraqis, Iranians, Afghanis are classed as caucasian.
It's all on record that Saddam had WMD. It's all on record. Read the record:

Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein

"What brown people were being beaten?" Are you fucking kidding? Don't respond. Just read:

The Torture Archive
The Torture Archive
I would have kept the bad guys at Gitmo and traded 100 anti-American reactonary wing nuts like Step, Vigilante, Yurt, stevanova, and the rest to get this guy home.

America would be far safer if we had done that.

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