" white Hispanic" and "first Black President"


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
Both George Zimmeran and The President each have white Parents. Yet, the President is always referred to as black while George Zimmerman is referred to as 'white Hispanic'. The President looks more black than he does white. Zimmerman looks more Hispanic than white.. Should the President be referred to as a 'white African Merican or should Zimmerman be referred to as Hispanic since he, like the President, looks less white than and more brown?
Both George Zimmeran and The President each have white Parents. Yet, the President is always referred to as black while George Zimmerman is referred to as 'white Hispanic'. The President looks more black than he does white. Zimmerman looks more Hispanic than white.. Should the President be referred to as a 'white African Merican or should Zimmerman be referred to as Hispanic since he, like the President, looks less white than and more brown?

Hispanic isn't a fucking color or race. It doesn't have physical fucking characteristics.

Saying somebody is a Hispanic Male because they have physical characteristics from their Central or South American and/or Spanish ancestry is one thing. Saying they "look more hispanic than white" is completely idiotic. Do you have any idea how many hispanic people south of the United States(and within the United States) are completely white?

Hispanic isn't a synonym for brown. A great number of hispanic individuals look white or black.
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Both George Zimmeran and The President each have white Parents. Yet, the President is always referred to as black while George Zimmerman is referred to as 'white Hispanic'. The President looks more black than he does white. Zimmerman looks more Hispanic than white.. Should the President be referred to as a 'white African Merican or should Zimmerman be referred to as Hispanic since he, like the President, looks less white than and more brown?
Gee.....how creative.

A Teabagger (in-training?)....camouflaged as a "Left-Winger" (or, the best that could be managed, anyhow)!!

How unique, in the World o' Political Forums....about 10-to-12-years-ago.

Better dial-in your focus......


.....Your racism is showing.

If George Zimmerman was nominated to the Supreme Court, would it be reported as the first hispanic to the Supreme Court as it was with Justice Sotomayor or, in this case, would it be reported as a 'white hispanic' being selected to the Supreme Court?
Both George Zimmeran and The President each have white Parents. Yet, the President is always referred to as black while George Zimmerman is referred to as 'white Hispanic'. The President looks more black than he does white. Zimmerman looks more Hispanic than white.. Should the President be referred to as a 'white African Merican or should Zimmerman be referred to as Hispanic since he, like the President, looks less white than and more brown?

never even heard someone call zim a white hispanic.

If Obama walked into a racist business in the south in 1950 he would have been refused service because the racisst would have called him a ******.

Now does that clear it up for you you asshole?
If George Zimmerman was nominated to the Supreme Court, would it be reported as the first hispanic to the Supreme Court as it was with Justice Sotomayor or, in this case, would it be reported as a 'white hispanic' being selected to the Supreme Court?

God damn you're an idiot.

Of course if he was nominated to the Supreme Court before Sotomayor it would be regarded as the first Hispanic to the Supreme Court.

Both George Zimmeran and The President each have white Parents. Yet, the President is always referred to as black while George Zimmerman is referred to as 'white Hispanic'. The President looks more black than he does white. Zimmerman looks more Hispanic than white.. Should the President be referred to as a 'white African Merican or should Zimmerman be referred to as Hispanic since he, like the President, looks less white than and more brown?

Actually obama should be refered to as The President.

And Zimmerman as a Floridian.

race is an issue of division used by the left to keep Americans divided and hating each other.
Both George Zimmeran and The President each have white Parents. Yet, the President is always referred to as black while George Zimmerman is referred to as 'white Hispanic'. The President looks more black than he does white. Zimmerman looks more Hispanic than white.. Should the President be referred to as a 'white African Merican or should Zimmerman be referred to as Hispanic since he, like the President, looks less white than and more brown?


Have a look see at that Blast from the Past. :thup:


Both George Zimmeran and The President each have white Parents. Yet, the President is always referred to as black while George Zimmerman is referred to as 'white Hispanic'. The President looks more black than he does white. Zimmerman looks more Hispanic than white.. Should the President be referred to as a 'white African Merican or should Zimmerman be referred to as Hispanic since he, like the President, looks less white than and more brown?

Actually obama should be refered to as The President.

And Zimmerman as a Floridian.

race is an issue of division used by the left to keep Americans divided and hating each other.

I think you just exposed who created LeftofLeft.


How amateurish of you....
And here everyone was already resigned to the notion that bill clinton was our first "black president"...
Both George Zimmeran and The President each have white Parents. Yet, the President is always referred to as black while George Zimmerman is referred to as 'white Hispanic'. The President looks more black than he does white. Zimmerman looks more Hispanic than white.. Should the President be referred to as a 'white African Merican or should Zimmerman be referred to as Hispanic since he, like the President, looks less white than and more brown?


Let me give you the science ..

You have the genes of an African coursing through your blood right at this very moment. :0)

It doesn't matter what you are .. a sample of your mitocondria can determine what region of Africa you come from. :0) Yes, YOU.


Forget what God told you .. that's the science. :0)

SO, when black and white humans make babies, the African genes in the white person mixes with the African genes in the African :0) .. and BINGO .. an African is born.

I have one of those .. just a light-skinned version of me.

No matter how many black women slavers would rape .. all they could produce was more Africans.

Of course this is commonly viewed by racists as fear of white extinction .. which of course feeds into all manner of other fears and phobias that drive them crazy.


Obama is black.

Blame science.
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Doesn't fit the lefts agenda ... the reason for many illogical things America.
Both George Zimmeran and The President each have white Parents. Yet, the President is always referred to as black while George Zimmerman is referred to as 'white Hispanic'. The President looks more black than he does white. Zimmerman looks more Hispanic than white.. Should the President be referred to as a 'white African Merican or should Zimmerman be referred to as Hispanic since he, like the President, looks less white than and more brown?

never even heard someone call zim a white hispanic.

If Obama walked into a racist business in the south in 1950 he would have been refused service because the racisst would have called him a ******.

Now does that clear it up for you you asshole?

I've been called an asshole before but never thought, in the spirit of Eric Holder....having an honest conversation about race or asking a logical question would merit such hostility. Resorting to personal attacks because you have no solid position only shows weakness on your part.
Both George Zimmeran and The President each have white Parents. Yet, the President is always referred to as black while George Zimmerman is referred to as 'white Hispanic'. The President looks more black than he does white. Zimmerman looks more Hispanic than white.. Should the President be referred to as a 'white African Merican or should Zimmerman be referred to as Hispanic since he, like the President, looks less white than and more brown?


Let me give you the science ..

You have the genes of an African coursing through your blood right at this very moment. :0)

It doesn't matter what you are .. a sample of your mitocondria can determine what region of Africa you come from. :0) Yes, YOU.


Forget what God told you .. that's the science. :0)

SO, when black and white humans make babies, the African genes in the white person mixes with the African genes in the African :0) .. and BINGO .. an African is born.

I have one of those .. just a light-skinned version of me.

No matter how many black women slavers would rape .. all they could produce was more Africans.

Of course this is commonly viewed by racists as fear of white extinction .. which of course feeds into all manner of other fears and phobias that drive them crazy.


Obama is black.

Blame science.

Oh and they do
If George Zimmerman was nominated to the Supreme Court, would it be reported as the first hispanic to the Supreme Court as it was with Justice Sotomayor or, in this case, would it be reported as a 'white hispanic' being selected to the Supreme Court?

It was decided by the Obama administration that a Hispanic would be chosen for the SC. Then they went looking for a Hispanic judge.

The Arizona police were accused of being racism and the claim was they'd stop Hispanics for being Hispanics. They were accused of racism. I supposed they would only stop the black Hispanics since Hispanics don't have a particular look. This whole way of categorizing people (the forte of the left) is all new.

Now that they need to play the race card, they claim a Hispanic is just another white. So, until it become more politically advantageous to recognize ethnicity again, it's all black and white now, with nothing in between. Even though when we fill out forms, there are more choices than black and white when describing ourselves.
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Its Ok to deside to pick a latino because there are MANY fully qualified latinos.
Both George Zimmeran and The President each have white Parents. Yet, the President is always referred to as black while George Zimmerman is referred to as 'white Hispanic'. The President looks more black than he does white. Zimmerman looks more Hispanic than white.. Should the President be referred to as a 'white African Merican or should Zimmerman be referred to as Hispanic since he, like the President, looks less white than and more brown?


Let me give you the science ..

You have the genes of an African coursing through your blood right at this very moment. :0)

It doesn't matter what you are .. a sample of your mitocondria can determine what region of Africa you come from. :0) Yes, YOU.


Forget what God told you .. that's the science. :0)

SO, when black and white humans make babies, the African genes in the white person mixes with the African genes in the African :0) .. and BINGO .. an African is born.

I have one of those .. just a light-skinned version of me.

No matter how many black women slavers would rape .. all they could produce was more Africans.

Of course this is commonly viewed by racists as fear of white extinction .. which of course feeds into all manner of other fears and phobias that drive them crazy.


Obama is black.

Blame science.

Oh and they do

:0) Yes, they do.

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