'WHITE GUILT' Video Shown to High School Students


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

The biggest bunch of self-loathing leftist bullshit that I have seen in quite some time. It doesn't surprise me that Henrico county would stoop this low.

13% of our population commits nearly 70% of all our crime and nearly 80% of all violent crime. Blacks kill over 93% of other blacks. Cops kill less than 1% of blacks and this is often while being attacked and threatened while arresting. It's astonishing the number is not higher. Cops kill more whites than blacks. Blacks breeze into competitive programs and jobs simply because of the color of their skin (look at Med School, Law School, Business School (and now all STEM programs) statistics regarding applying/acceptance based in grades). If your REALLY informed, you don't have "white guilt".

The left will not stop folks. They simply will not stop. BTW, just in case you needed another reason to despise left wingers more today than you did yesterday.
They cant disagree with the video but they can rabble

White Western guilt is truly a poisonous state of mind; Western guilt leads to western self-loathing, which invariably leads to treason. Do you think it's an accident that every guilty white liberal on earth has a (antithesis of Western values) muslim dick in their mouth? That self-hating guilt is not only pompous moral preening, but irrational: the West is DEMONSTRABLY the most superior culture mankind has ever known! How do I know this? It's the culture that has accomplished more than any culture (in terms of human development) and it's the culture that's had the most world hegemony over at least a couple of centuries.

Dude said the video showing actual historical dates were offensive to whites. Just didnt explain why or how

It's always struck me that these self-hating liberals are the ultimate ingrates; petulant, snotty little punks who have ZERO appreciation for the hard work & blood sacrifice their forebears made to give him the first-world, modern life these traitors enjoy. And then people wonder why I wish today's progressive pigs would just die of cancer.
I really would like all parents preview this before t went to their classrooms. We have to leave the past where it is - in the past. We as a nation have done what they could to even the playing field and propoganda such as this undermines the positive steps taken for the people of color.

This clip is an insult to any thinking citizen. Ironically, they are showing a race, where blacks excel. I have yet to see anyone put obstacles in their running lanes. Ridiculous clip. Bad move in the part of school administrators.
It it the leftist will to power. It is never satisfied. Equality is not enough for them.

I'll drink to that. The reason they're never satisfied because leftists are so vindictive, they want to punish white, 1st-world worlders and drag them down. It's all about malice/revenge politics against fellow westerners.
Me posting this video pisses off the fucking left wing pieces of shit, hypocritical, double talking, patronizing racists more than the video itself.

Is there any reason NOT to hate about every fucking left wing piece of hypocritical white guilt patronizing shit?
I will only say...I feel so sorry for school students nowadays.

all the garbage they are fed....
I really would like all parents preview this before t went to their classrooms. We have to leave the past where it is - in the past. We as a nation have done what they could to even the playing field and propoganda such as this undermines the positive steps taken for the people of color.

This clip is an insult to any thinking citizen. Ironically, they are showing a race, where blacks excel. I have yet to see anyone put obstacles in their running lanes. Ridiculous clip. Bad move in the part of school administrators.
the only real way to leave it in the past is 1, admit it happened with no rationalizing and take responsibility .
Me posting this video pisses off the fucking left wing pieces of shit, hypocritical, double talking, patronizing racists more than the video itself.

Is there any reason NOT to hate about every fucking left wing piece of hypocritical white guilt patronizing shit?
thanks captain dickless.
For a group of people to say race doesn't matter, they sure in the fuck don't shut up about it, do they?
I mean, how fuckin divisive do you want us to be?

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