Princeton students end hunger strike due to hunger, 'health concerns' after 10 days

I’m sure it wasn’t a full fast. That fat one probably just skipped a second slice of cake and called it a fast.
Do you have proof that was so? Or, like the usual MAGA retards, you post without verifying?

I vote on the latter but hey, feel free to prove me wrong. Go.
Somebody should remind them that when you stop eating, your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism slows to a crawl. When you start eating again, your metab is still slow and you start gaining weight so if they were already chunky, they are going to get bigger :)
Be honest. Do you really think those pussies could 100% fast for nine days? Try to have a little self-respect when you respond.
Just because you are a freak with no self-control does not mean everyone is. Only a retard thinks that way. Try not to be one. :itsok:
Just because you are a freak with no self-control......

I spent 4+ years cutting hard weight (that's 3-4 days/wk of REAL fasting while training and spending hour after hour in the sauna), training 8+ hours/day including 3 AM sprints in an empty parking lot, taking enough courses to earn two undergrad degrees, and working three part-time jobs. So, take your "no self control" and shove it right up your ass, champ. I know what real fasting is, and a bunch of soft, mealy-mouthed little demo-hobby weaklings ain't gonna cut it.
I spent 4+ years cutting hard weight (that's 3-4 days/wk of REAL fasting while training and spending hour after hour in the sauna), training 8+ hours/day including 3 AM sprints in an empty parking lot, taking enough courses to earn two undergrad degrees, and working three part-time jobs. So, take your "no self control" and shove it right up your ass, champ. I know what real fasting is, and a bunch of soft, mealy-mouthed little demo-hobby weaklings ain't gonna cut it.
LOL “The lady doth protest too much, methinks”. :auiqs.jpg:

You want us to believe, with absolutely no proof, that you did all of the above, and yet...

When it is reported that students fasted for 9 days for a cause bigger than themselves, you choose not to believe it?

Based on what? Based on the fact that you couldn't do it and so think that no one else can.

That is the clear definition of a clueless lazy retard. But hey, don't stop. Regale us with more heroic feats of self-control. I need a good laugh this morning. Go.
I already told you that I did much more. I know what I'm talking about. You don't.
Sure, you did. Keep trying to convince us that you are not a lazy retard with no self-control. Very believable. :itsok:
Yeah, this is my believable face... :sleeping-smiley-015:

Once again, believe what you want. Interesting that you're so eager to believe some little weasels who admitted to quitting on their "strike," though. :lol: The "fasting" probably amounted to not having their housekeeper make them a second frittata for breakfast anyway.
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