white families need to have alot of children

The economics of the age do not allow families to have lots of children. Mothers work. Our family was the old fashion Catholic family, 14, now tell me who can do that today. And the good Irish Catholic families all matched us or beat us. But to William we are half breeds as dad was a PR. LOL

Soon we'll be one happy family???? all brownish beige medium height with no need of suntan lotion. One thing I wish I had got from dad.

"The new conflict is between liberal universalism and a communitarianism which asserts the need for cultures to maintain their own values and traditions. Is the latter just a temporary brake on the former, or will the universalist dream die? One of the tasks of politics is to work out which values are universal and which are not." Julian Baggini
Try me eye, boy. This white shark has enough literature to sink the subcontinent.

You know... I don't doubt that for a minute, William.

I suspect if this board was devoted to discussing literature your contributions would be insightful.

Did you have a chance to read the book "The Last American" on Rosetta's website, yet?

Apparently I can't give the link because gunny thinks that's advertising, but drop me a line and I'll give you a a link to it.

I think you'll find it an especially amusing book, given your political persuasion.
When this happens, do we get all the special perks minorities get? Affirmative action, hate crime legislation, we can squeal "racism" and make everyone cringe ....
... or what?:smoke:

Yeah, will we be able blame hispanic racism for everything that goes wrong?
Personally I'm looking forward to a Causasian Studies degree!
I will have to agree with you there on that part, perhaps we will become a minority...However due to the unsatisfactory rule of the government in the way they've handled the race issue I find that white people will have that turned around on them. Did you know that a african american, be they man or woman is more likely to get any fincanial help from the government, food stamps, or a check for being unemployed that a white woman, and certainly not a white man. The mexican population have they same rights as african americans as well, the African American and Mexican population actually do have more rights than the white population, however they choose to abuse them and cause more chaos around America, do to having to create worthless gangs, which I would really refer to as clubs with guns. Nevermind that this will lead to their own destruction because they feel they must police the area, but instead they terrorize the area being drunk with power, and having gang wars, ending up keeping funeral homes in business, and less people in gangs, however, even do to this fact of being in danger of being killed, children are still encouraged to join these gangs and maybe even forced. The white population has gangs too I'm well aware of, however the Mexican and African-American gangs are more likely to cause trouble due to the bee in their bonnet, so to speak. As for the white people having more kids...I would not suggest it, do to the increasing cost in having such a huge family, and the fact more and more girls under 18 are having children which should not be so, but you know who causes that? The parents do, by letting the government raise their kids instead of them. Spank your children if not beat them senseless to teach them to wait like the days or yore when families were families, kids were kids, and times were better. As for anything else, well, I'm sure you'll be seeing me around. Any questions just PM me, I'll not be visiting back here again. Good day.
I just can't bring myself to care about what color we morph into. It's not the color that needs to be preserved, it's the American culture...and so long as we maintain a conservative core, it doesn't matter what color we are.

I know our average height is shrinking, as more and more of the shorter races (namely Mexican) contribute to the gene pool...but I don't see how that's a bad thing, but at the turn of the century the Irish and Hungarians were a good thing. It's all good, who cares. My son married a Mexican girl, they have a baby, I have no problem with the fact that the tot can speak Spanish and English and has brown eyes. She's still adorable, and she has a grandfather on her mom's side who is a wonderful man..which is more than she has on this side. My younger kids are Indian, that doesn't make them any less American and I've no doubt they'll grow into good, patriotic citizens.

Genetic pools change over time...or at least,they should. It's how they stay healthy. Bring on the color I say. And bring on that ethnic food, that sure can't hurt anything, either.
I just can't bring myself to care about what color we morph into. It's not the color that needs to be preserved, it's the American culture...and so long as we maintain a conservative core, it doesn't matter what color we are.

I know our average height is shrinking, as more and more of the shorter races (namely Mexican) contribute to the gene pool...but I don't see how that's a bad thing, but at the turn of the century the Irish and Hungarians were a good thing. It's all good, who cares. My son married a Mexican girl, they have a baby, I have no problem with the fact that the tot can speak Spanish and English and has brown eyes. She's still adorable, and she has a grandfather on her mom's side who is a wonderful man..which is more than she has on this side. My younger kids are Indian, that doesn't make them any less American and I've no doubt they'll grow into good, patriotic citizens.

Genetic pools change over time...or at least,they should. It's how they stay healthy. Bring on the color I say. And bring on that ethnic food, that sure can't hurt anything, either.

Very good point. It is just too bad not everyone feels that one. Ignorance runs rampant in America and it does not look like things are bound to change. I would not be opposed to some minority scholarship money though...grad school is expensive :D

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