White Americans and Europeans trying to force Sodomy on rest of world.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I must say White Americans and Europeans are always trying to force third world countries not to have laws against sodomy, and are trying to force sodomy on God fearing christian societies in Africa and the rest of the world.

The recent anti homosexual laws that were being introduced in Uganda is a case and point.
The Ugandan government were being threatened with sanctions and boycotts, from Europe and America, if they created a new law provideing the death penalty for Homosexuals.

This is got to be the wierdest situation I have ever seen. How can you try to force a government into accepting Sodomy?! This just makes all white people in America and Europe look bad and sick.

Can you link what the hell you're talking bout Willis? thanks-EZ
How can you try to force a government into accepting Sodomy?!

easy, first you put all the uber rich in one place, an island or some pennensula. Then you allow them to manipulate the monetary system to their advantage, buy their way into whatever legislation they'd like, as well as man up any given administration with their alumni , and you'll have Congress passing out the KY every time they so much as wiggle a pinky......~S~
I must say White Americans and Europeans are always trying to force third world countries not to have laws against sodomy, and are trying to force sodomy on God fearing christian societies in Africa and the rest of the world.

The recent anti homosexual laws that were being introduced in Uganda is a case and point.
The Ugandan government were being threatened with sanctions and boycotts, from Europe and America, if they created a new law provideing the death penalty for Homosexuals.

This is got to be the wierdest situation I have ever seen. How can you try to force a government into accepting Sodomy?! This just makes all white people in America and Europe look bad and sick.

Can you link what the hell you're talking bout Willis? thanks-EZ

Just relax. Here, maybe this will help.

52nd, I must say the few threads that I have read of yours does reveal one thing. That you know fuck all about those very people you claim to related to you. It may be news to you but not me that in Africa before the advent of contraceptives that sodomy was often practiced between hetrosexual couples as a form of contraception and a practice that goes back centuries. And one one is forcing it on anyone anywhere only is your warped world do such things exist.

You see 52nd you may be black but you are about as much an African as I am. Your obvious lack of knowledge of the people you claim heritage to is obvious. I'm sure if you check your heritage you will fin that you are almost certainly half white so therfore not black in the true sense of the word.

Bet you have not thought of that have you and even more I bet your too scared to even check.
Black Africans rape infants because they believe it will cure them of AIDS. Sometimes, the internal injuries to the infants are so severe that they die.

The AIDS rate in Africa is the highest in the world. The rates of infection there match Haiti and Washington, D.C., which are both mostly black.

The CDC explains the numbers:

Fact Sheet: HIV/AIDS among African Americans | Resources | African Americans | Topics | CDC HIV/AIDS

The AIDS Virus first appeared in White male homosexuals in America. And was then manipulated and transfered into the black community as a form of biological warfare.
But it has since backfired on its white racist creators.:razz:
I must say White Americans and Europeans are always trying to force third world countries not to have laws against sodomy, and are trying to force sodomy on God fearing christian societies in Africa and the rest of the world.

The recent anti homosexual laws that were being introduced in Uganda is a case and point.
The Ugandan government were being threatened with sanctions and boycotts, from Europe and America, if they created a new law provideing the death penalty for Homosexuals.

This is got to be the wierdest situation I have ever seen. How can you try to force a government into accepting Sodomy?! This just makes all white people in America and Europe look bad and sick.

Can you link what the hell you're talking bout Willis? thanks-EZ

There is a name for married couples where one of the couple refused to "sexually" experiment with a little "sodomy" every now and again. That name is "divorced". No play, no stay.

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