While We Murder Full Term Babies

I can. There is no God. Genetics means shit happens, and thankfully we have the technology to correct the mistakes.
I'm sure there isn't ....for you.
Why should they? I don't particularly want to force women to do the live action version of A Handmaid's Tale, thank you very much. We are already kind of seeing it, in these rich bitches who let their Bio Clocks run down preying on young women as baby dispensers.
Why doesn't Planned Parenthood ever mention adoption as an alternative to their grisly ghoulish raison d'etre?
I'll give you two good reasons....money and political power.
Planned Parenthood makes lots of money running their abortion mill and if they started to advise women that adoption was something to consider in place of abortion they would quickly find their outraged base abandoning them.

Abortion is their thing! They aren't about to mess with the Golden Goose.
I think when you blubber about "Infanticide" when all they did was codify the protections that are in place now, it's hard to take you seriously.
And I think when you blatantly lie like that you make me think, more than ever, you are a waste of my time.

I'd ask you to show examples of where New York simply lets naturally brought to full term delivered infants die of neglect
but you are spewing bullshit and I know you can't do it. It's actually insulting to me...and even more so to you, though I doubt you feel any shame. That would mean you have a conscience and character.
Okay, here's my reasonable definition. It's a baby if the woman wants it.
And what is this thing if a woman does not want it? A kola bear? A loaf of French bread?
I was reasonable. You can't even be bothered to make an effort, so fuck you.
Because in 1920, talking to the Klan was like talking to the Rotary Club today.
That's utter bullshit! It doesn't even merit reply it's so fucking idiotic and false.
Um, no, actually, they reflected the views of the time...
Yeah....of a distinct subset of the population, just the KKK does today. The only difference today is that subset is much smaller. Moron...did you read about what Sanger had to do to get to the Klan meeting place in her own words?

It was a clandestine operation. Don't tell me their views were typical or not out of place.
And that Sanger had to get to this NY KKK chapter by elaborate and secret means tells me she knew exactly who she was dealing with and the kind of folks they were. It speaks volumes about you and her.
This is a new quote, but given the proliferation of fake Sanger Quotes, I'd have to research it.
It has a citation to her own book, page number and all.
Yeah....I'm sure you'll "research" it. :icon_rolleyes:
Americans aren't having enough babies to repopulate: CDC

The Left will tell you the world is overpopulated. Total hogwash. They live in their cities and never get out. The fact is every human on earth could move into Texas and still give every family a quarter acre elbow room.
Cities as productivity centers are necessary for our economy as is. You'd have to completely redesign transportation of everything to change it and also remove choice of living situation. Sounds wonderful.

Btw, the infanticide craze is overblown. The new laws still require extreme life threatening circumstance and approval of a doctor, from what I've seen. I dont know what the requirements should be, but if the baby is going to kill the mother at child birth and possibly itself, then kill the baby. It should be an extremely rare circumstance. Otherwise abortions should be limited to 1st trimester and scrutinized.
(Margret Sanger and her bunch of Nazi backers) and admired the Nazis for breeding out the so called inferior people in their society and wished for the same here.

So, you start out by telling big lies about Sanger. Thanks for demonstrating on ongoing point about the dishonesty of pro-lifers.

Now, I don't think you know that you're lying. You've just been thoroughly brainwashed by your cult. You repeat what they tell you to repeat, and like a good cultist, you don't even think of questioning your leaders or doing your own research.
Just by invoking the Nazis you lose all credibility.

Given how you brought up the Nazis first in post #112, the proper response is say "STFU, hypocrite", and to then point out that by your own standard, you lack all credibility. I'm glad we cleared that up.

I don't use God as a justification for opposing your kind of liberty that allows some to declare the lives of others unimportant and disposable (like slave holders and those Nazis you love to use as straw men for your nonsense).

PETA freaks also tell me I'm a murderer. You sound exactly like them. Both groups make up insane reality-defying stories about what constitutes a person, and then use that fantasy as justification to call others murderers. I don't pay attention to the PETA freaks or pro-life freaks. Neither makes any sense, and it's very difficult to distinguish between the two groups.

Do let us know when you come up with something beyond "YOU'RE A MURDERER BECAUSE I SAY SO!". Until you can, you're not worth bothering with.
I've benefited from the way I vote. Are you saying I should support candidates that would change that?

YOu got that promotion to head possum catcher after you voted for Billy-Bob.

We're close to the same age and have worked since the same age, giving you the benefit of the doubt with your claim. I've never been out of work for a day.

Yeah, but i've actually worked jobs that didn't involve chasing wild animals under houses like you did.

Your jobs have been cleaning toilets, sweeping floors, and emptying trash. The sad part is the skill level to do those job is something you struggled with even on your best day.
And that Sanger had to get to this NY KKK chapter by elaborate and secret means tells me she knew exactly who she was dealing with and the kind of folks they were. It speaks volumes about you and her.

Indeed. It shows how she was willing to risk her own life to help poor women that nobody else would consider helping.

That is, she walked in the footsteps of Jesus, which means you will despise her forever.
So, you start out by telling big lies about Sanger. Thanks for demonstrating on ongoing point about the dishonesty of pro-lifers.
Your ideological pal JoeB131 has been trying for post after post to nail these "lies" you claim. Get in line....your claims don't impress me.

Now, I don't think you know that you're lying. You've just been thoroughly brainwashed by your cult. You repeat what they tell you to repeat, and like a good cultist, you don't even think of questioning your leaders or doing your own research.
And your opinions don't interest me. Thanks anyway.
Given how you brought up the Nazis first in post #112, the proper response is say "STFU, hypocrite", and to then point out that by your own standard, you lack all credibility. I'm glad we cleared that up.
Nothing has been cleared up and historical references to Sanger's reliance on Nazi eugenics law, down to an exact copying of verbiage and all, is nothing like your emotionally unhinged charges of Nazism. Your presumption is comical.
PETA freaks also tell me I'm a murderer. You sound exactly like them. Both groups make up insane reality-defying stories about what constitutes a person, and then use that fantasy as justification to call others murderers. I don't pay attention to the PETA freaks or pro-life freaks. Neither makes any sense, and it's very difficult to distinguish between the two groups.

Do let us know when you come up with something beyond "YOU'RE A MURDERER BECAUSE I SAY SO!". Until you can, you're not worth bothering with.
You condone infanticide. It's that simple. There is nothing more I need to come up with.
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Indeed. It shows how she was willing to risk her own life to help poor women that nobody else would consider helping.
Oh, that wonderful woman giving a hand to the KKK. What a saint! Did she really "risk her life"? I'll bet she did.:113:
That is, she walked in the footsteps of Jesus, which means you will despise her forever.
To paraphrase Luke 18:16 as told by Saint Margaret "Slaughter the little children for such is the kingdom of God".
Ah yes...so like Jesus. Especially St. Maragret's Holy Church of Planned Parenthood and it's holy sacrilege of abortion on demand (small fee included, of course).

You never know what the day will bring you sometimes. Your post is like a gift from God.
Your ideological pal JoeB131 has been trying for post after post to nail these "lies" you claim. Get in line....your claims don't impress me.

Of course not. You clearly pledge your true allegiance to Satan, the Lord of Lies, so only lies impress you.

Nothing has been cleared up

Sure it has. You called me a Nazi, and then cried like a bitch when it got turned back on you. You're a gutless hypocrite. That matter has definitely been cleared up.

and historical references to Sanger's reliance on Nazi eugenics law,

... are something that you fabricated.

Here's a helpful hint. You can't just say you've proven something. You actually have to prove it, otherwise everyone will just keep laughing.

down to an exact copying of verbiage and all, is nothing like your emotionally unhinged charges of Nazism.

Of course, when you made those charges first, that was just fine. Given the skill at hypocrisy you demonstrate, you clearly must practice it regularly,.

You condone infanticide.

A crazy homeless woman screamed curses at me today. She made more sense than you. I didn't pay any attention to her either.

It's that simple. There is nothing more I need to come up with.

So, you're telling me you don't have anything better than "YOU'RE A MURDERER BECAUSE I SAY SO!", and you never will.

Loopy cultists are a dime-a-dozen. Why do you think you're special enough to demand attention?
Post 119 brought on a barrage of Nazi slurs, insults and references after I made an analogy between the way you acted as if Pro Life people were Nazis. It's all there for anyone to see.
...killing full term babies is ok
Yes It Is
MOLOCH Needs The Blood Of Babies

This Is What Gets Them Out-Raged:

I'm sure there isn't ....for you.

When you can't debate, go for the personal insult... Got it.

Why doesn't Planned Parenthood ever mention adoption as an alternative to their grisly ghoulish raison d'etre?
I'll give you two good reasons....money and political power.

They aren't in the adoption business. That's not their job. Their job is to provide health care.

Planned Parenthood makes lots of money running their abortion mill and if they started to advise women that adoption was something to consider in place of abortion they would quickly find their outraged base abandoning them.

Or they realize lots of other people are in the "taking advantage of poor girls to provide white babies to rich people" racket.

And I think when you blatantly lie like that you make me think, more than ever, you are a waste of my time.

Yes, I realize I am splatting you like a bug on a windsheild..

I'd ask you to show examples of where New York simply lets naturally brought to full term delivered infants die of neglect
but you are spewing bullshit and I know you can't do it. It's actually insulting to me...and even more so to you, though I doubt you feel any shame. That would mean you have a conscience and character.

Oh, please... you guys tell yourselves all these lies about the VA and NY laws, about improbable scenarios that won't ever happen, because you are just terrified of women controlling their own bodies.

And what is this thing if a woman does not want it?

"That thing I need to take care of on Tuesday". That's what it is when she doesn't want it.

I was reasonable. You can't even be bothered to make an effort, so fuck you.

No, guy, anyone who tries to make a woman's body "property of the state" is not being anything near reasonable.

That's utter bullshit! It doesn't even merit reply it's so fucking idiotic and false.

Read up on the Klan in the 1920s... It had over 6,000,000 members at its peak and candidates of both party sought their endorsement. It was as mainstream as you can get. And while it's easy to condemn them today, 100 years later, Trump says the same kind of shit and you people love him.

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia

Yeah....of a distinct subset of the population, just the KKK does today. The only difference today is that subset is much smaller. Moron...did you read about what Sanger had to do to get to the Klan meeting place in her own words?

Don't care.. See point above. Mainstream organization with 6 million members.

It has a citation to her own book, page number and all.
Yeah....I'm sure you'll "research" it.

Actually, I did. And not surprisingly, you took the quote completely out of context.
Your jobs have been cleaning toilets, sweeping floors, and emptying trash. The sad part is the skill level to do those job is something you struggled with even on your best day.

Dude, I'm better educated and have held better jobs than you ever will. But I'm sure you are really proud of being the Head Possum Catcher in Inbred County.

You keep saying that but have yet to provide any evidence to support your claims of education and jobs.

I'm sure you were really proud of being Head Obama Ass Licker.
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You keep saying that but have yet to provide any evidence to support your claims of education and jobs.

I think my writing shows that I'm vastly better educated than you are... Oh, that and I don't get banned every few weeks like you do for making violent and racist threats.

Again, claims without proof. Do you have any verifiable proof to back up your claims about education and jobs? If not, your claims have been dismissed due to you lying about them.

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