While We Murder Full Term Babies

Since you brought it up, let's talk about similarities to Nazis.

You hold the same position as the Nazis did on abortion. They banned it for aryans, but forced it on undesirables. They gave nobody a choice, which is your policy.

You back the same type of eugenics-based society as the Nazis did, assigning rights based on whether an organism has the superior genetic code.

You dehumanize people by declaring they're worth no more than a single-celled zygote.

You invoked God as justification for your liberty-squashing policies.

And, like the Nazis did with the Jews, you declare that the depravity of the other side justifies your own violent behavior. Many of your brethren here aren't shy about their wish to see liberals dead. And you're fine with that.

As I see, it's not a question of whether hardcore pro-lifers are like Nazis, it's only a question of whether they differ in any significant ways.
That was a nice long senseless rant. I hope you got some things out of your system...like lies, logic and a shocking disregard for the lives others.

I don't believe in or have ever called for a eugenics based society, unlike the people that started Planned Parenthood
(Margret Sanger and her bunch of Nazi backers) and admired the Nazis for breeding out the so called inferior people in their society and wished for the same here. So that charge is just crazy and completely out of left field but I guess once you start vomiting up claims and baseless talking points you don't worry about facts.
Just by invoking the Nazis you lose all credibility.

My respect for life is all inclusive and I've never ever said abortion is fine for the "coloreds" but not for others
(which again was Sanger's thing). I am not a hard core pro lifer and one doesn't have to be to see that laws that allow for killing of perfectly viable babies is an evil and barbaric thing but once again, your rant doesn't seem capable of little distinctions like that.

I don't use God as a justification for opposing your kind of liberty that allows some to declare the lives of others unimportant and disposable (like slave holders and those Nazis you love to use as straw men for your nonsense).
But if God is a moral being then he undoubtedly is against taking life because someone, someone enabled by the state of New York and others to follow in gruesome lock step, made it legal for people to do so because they can.
I'm sure plantation owners used the same rationale to hold the power of life and death over the people they considered less than human and therefore not entitled to any rights at all (sound familiar?).

Ironic you moan about some here wishing to take the lives of others because they make themselves a societal impediment even while you praise the liberties of abortion on demand and the infanticide you endorse but you don't seem bright enough, no hard feelings, to understand what your jumbled mixed up rant actually represents.

"So your callous disregard for women's lives marks you as a sociopath. I'm glad we cleared that up."
I'm not at all an abortion absolutist so all we've cleared up is your ability to lie and take facts not in evidence to prop up your worthless moronic drivel.
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Third, Where did I whine about the children? I stated where the value was.
Fourth, I feel the children and parents need to stay or go together.
Not all children that show up at the border arrive with parents or anyone who can display any proof of guardianship.
Color me not surprised your grasp of facts here is nonexistent.
Third, Where did I whine about the children? I stated where the value was.
Fourth, I feel the children and parents need to stay or go together.
Not all children that show up at the border arrive with parents or anyone who can display any proof of guardianship.
Color me not surprised your grasp of facts here is nonexistent.

I said. "I feel the children and parents need to stay or go together"
Meaning proof or not they claim a connection unless one claims it is not, so.
I did not address that single issue. But if you want to go there.
I feel in the homes in American who do home births, How do we know that was real?
Those kids need to be caged till proof of ownership can be established as well.
If no proof can be provided, I guess the church can take them to sell.
I said. "I feel the children and parents need to stay or go together"
Meaning proof or not they claim a connection unless one claims it is not, so.
I did not address that single issue. But if you want to go there.
I don't want to go there but you already did.

I feel in the homes in American who do home births, How do we know that was real?
By what right
do we declare it isn't "real"? That's a pretty stupid path you took there.

Those kids need to be caged till proof of ownership can be established as well.
If no proof can be provided, I guess the church can take them to sell.
:113: Of course you are facetiously claiming something that you know to be ridiculous in order to make a point and you can't even do that right.
If you cared about the children kept in US custody at the border during the Obama reign
(though why go pearl clutching over some kids who probably got their first real medical exams and three meals a day ever....certainly they were treated better than those others who supposedly walked a thousand miles to reach the border)
then you might have some credibility here but we both know you cannot show that with any plausibility at all. So why not eff off?
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My respect for life is all inclusive and I've never ever said abortion is fine for the "coloreds" but not for others
(which again was Sanger's thing).

Sanger never said anything of the sort. Most of the racist quotes attributed to her are lies and she was praised while she lived by organizations like the NAACP for her work in improving health care.

As an aside, Sanger was also against legalized abortion, because back in her day, abortion was still a pretty dangerous proposition before they invented things like anti-biotics.

But if God is a moral being then he undoubtedly is against taking life because someone, someone enabled by the state of New York and others to follow in gruesome lock step, made it legal for people to do so because they can.

God drowned every baby in the world in the great flood, he killed David and Bathsheba's baby to prove adultery was wrong, he killed all the first born babies of the Egyptians, not to mention killing 70,000 Israelites because David took a census.

I'm not sure how you get God is against abortion because they are "innocent babies".

I'm not at all an abortion absolutist so all we've cleared up is your ability to lie and take facts not in evidence to prop up your worthless moronic drivel.

Why aren't you an absolutist? It would seem to me that if you think a fetus is a person and abortion is murder, you should be calling for locking up every woman who gets one, as well as all the doctors who perform them.
After reading this whole thread, it is apparent that abortion is doing God's work as long as its the children of Democrats.

Killing healthy babies after they are born is a bit distasteful but nothing you can't get used to if it means less Democrats.
My respect for life is all inclusive and I've never ever said abortion is fine for the "coloreds" but not for others
(which again was Sanger's thing).

Sanger never said anything of the sort. Most of the racist quotes attributed to her are lies and she was praised while she lived by organizations like the NAACP for her work in improving health care.

As an aside, Sanger was also against legalized abortion, because back in her day, abortion was still a pretty dangerous proposition before they invented things like anti-biotics.

But if God is a moral being then he undoubtedly is against taking life because someone, someone enabled by the state of New York and others to follow in gruesome lock step, made it legal for people to do so because they can.

God drowned every baby in the world in the great flood, he killed David and Bathsheba's baby to prove adultery was wrong, he killed all the first born babies of the Egyptians, not to mention killing 70,000 Israelites because David took a census.

I'm not sure how you get God is against abortion because they are "innocent babies".

I'm not at all an abortion absolutist so all we've cleared up is your ability to lie and take facts not in evidence to prop up your worthless moronic drivel.

Why aren't you an absolutist? It would seem to me that if you think a fetus is a person and abortion is murder, you should be calling for locking up every woman who gets one, as well as all the doctors who perform them.
God distributes life and death where He will.

Humans don't.

As anyone who defends human trafficking and baby killing is quite aware, most of the women who get abortions are victims as well.
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I said. "I feel the children and parents need to stay or go together"
Meaning proof or not they claim a connection unless one claims it is not, so.
I did not address that single issue. But if you want to go there.
I don't want to go there but you already did.

I feel in the homes in American who do home births, How do we know that was real?
By what right
do we declare it isn't "real"? That's a pretty stupid path you took there.

Those kids need to be caged till proof of ownership can be established as well.
If no proof can be provided, I guess the church can take them to sell.
:113: Of course you are facetiously claiming something that you know to be ridiculous in order to make a point and you can't even do that right.
If you cared about the children kept in US custody at the border during the Obama reign
(though why go pearl clutching over some kids who probably got their first real medical exams and three meals a day ever....certainly they were treated better than those others who supposedly walked a thousand miles to reach the border)
then you might have some credibility here but we both know you cannot show that with any plausibility at all. So why not eff off?

"By what right do we declare it isn't "real"?"

Be fair, we need to apply same human standards then.
To the humans called immigrants. Legal or not.

Hmm? I would like to test the chances of kids under 5 walking thousand of miles alone
making it to America, How many would make it with nothang? I some country kids are property. Ownership is just that, I have I call it what I want. Say Family that young.
To be fair the issue is real paperwork. Many born in America in the home natural birth, file to make ownership connection no DNA test. Till then, it's just a sack of potatoes.

As for Obama kids in cages, I don't approve same. Were they hiding this?

btw. Some do belong in cages. Most MAGA hat Klan members to start, any age.
Are your kid sporting the Red KKK maga hat?
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God distributes life and death where He will.

Humans don't.

God doesn't exist, and people have been offing each other since Oog picked up a rock and bashed in Ugh's brain.

...most of the women who get abortions are victims as well.

Leaving out your accusation of criminal activity (which I've reported to the mods), where do you get that?

Frankly, I've known three* women in my life who've gotten abortions (not mine, in case you were interested), and none of them were a "victim". They weren't forced or coerced, weren't involved in human trafficking or anything like that.

They had consensual sex with a guy who wasn't good father material, didn't use adequate contraception and got rid of the result. Period.

(* I'm sure a lot of women I know have gotten abortions and never told me, but that's none of my fucking business.)

And here's the thing about it. If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant, no matter what the law is.
Sanger never said anything of the sort. Most of the racist quotes attributed to her are lies and she was praised while she lived by organizations like the NAACP for her work in improving health care.

As an aside, Sanger was also against legalized abortion, because back in her day, abortion was still a pretty dangerous proposition before they invented things like anti-biotics.
The Racist Views of Planned Parenthood’s Founder
I'll let the people who can think decide and those who can see the photos of Sanger addressing a KKK lady's auxiliary
judge her motives. Her admiration for German eugenics laws is well known.
God drowned every baby in the world in the great flood, he killed David and Bathsheba's baby to prove adultery was wrong, he killed all the first born babies of the Egyptians, not to mention killing 70,000 Israelites because David took a census.

I'm not sure how you get God is against abortion because they are "innocent babies".
God killed all the people in the world, not just babies save for Noah and his family, if you believe the Old Testament story of the Great Flood, which I do not. I don't believe other Old Testament tales either.

If you believe that life is a great gift that comes from some higher power than you may view life as valuable, in principle (though sometimes it's very cheap in reality).
If you don't believe life is anything special then letting perfectly viable children simply die is no big deal to you and your demagogue politicians make laws like we see in New York, and soon to come, in other states that hold life is cheap
and unimportant...as long as you yourself live.

Wouldn't it be an ironic Karmic twist if you found yourself reborn as one of these unwanted children that was just left in some little dark room on a metal counter.... uncared for and slowly starving to death?

Why aren't you an absolutist? It would seem to me that if you think a fetus is a person and abortion is murder, you should be calling for locking up every woman who gets one, as well as all the doctors who perform them.
It's a grey area and I'm willing to concede to legalized abortion, up to a certain point when fetal development shows no neurological and brain development. And that is a reasonable concession.
I'm reasonable. Why aren't you?
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I'll let the people who can think decide and those who can see the photos of Sanger addressing a KKK lady's auxiliary

You mean the picture that has been proven to be a photoshopped fraud?

FACT CHECK: Photograph Shows Planned Parenthood Founder at a KKK Rally?

This is the photo that has made its way around Right Wing Circles.


This is the original photo.


Please note the lack of Sanger in the original.

In short.

Okay, now that we've dealt with your attempt at fraud...

God killed all the people in the world, not just babies save for Noah and his family, if you believe the Old Testament story of the Great Flood, which I do not. I don't believe other Old Testament tales either.

I don't either.. But don't go invoking "God" as an excuse if you aren't willing to admit... God can be a cruel mother fucker. So God will give a fetus something like Spina Bifida, forcing their parents to either abort or just watch it die.

That sounds like kind of a psychotic Batman villain.

If you believe that life is a great gift that comes from some higher power than you may view life as valuable, in principle (though sometimes it's very cheap in reality).

I don't.

If you don't believe life is anything special the letting perfectly viable children simply die is no big deal to you and your demagogue politicians make laws like we see in New York, and soon to come, in other states that hold life is cheap and unimportant...as long as you yourself live.

No, guy, my point is practical. Frankly, I wouldn't get an abortion or recommend my partner get one, but i also recognize, it's not my choice to make. Women will end unwanted pregnancies no matter what the law is.

And no one has abortions after the point of "viability" unless the fetus is deformed or the health of the mother is in danger.

It's a grey area, I'm willing to concede and legalized abortion, up to a certain point when fetal development shows no neurological and brain development is a reasonable concession. I'm reasonable. Why aren't you?

Because it's an empty promise when you can't even agree when "Brain development' begins.... The definition you've given would outlaw any abortion after 8 weeks, and few doctors will perform an abortion before that.
You say the photo is fake but can you say the same of Sanger's addressing of KKK gatherings?
I think not.

Doesn't matter... you posted a FAKE photo. You accepted a site with a FAKE photo as gospel, but I'm supposed to take the rest seriously?

at the time she "addressed" KKK gatherings, the KKK was a legal, and sadly, politically connected group. She also addressed meetings of the Urban League and the NAACP.

And she said the same things... women need access to contraception.
I don't either.. But don't go invoking "God" as an excuse if you aren't willing to admit... God can be a cruel mother fucker. So God will give a fetus something like Spina Bifida, forcing their parents to either abort or just watch it die.

That sounds like kind of a psychotic Batman villain.
If you think God gives a child Spina Bifida then you must also agree God gives the naturally gifted of this world, the exceptionally attractive, the very very bright and talented and the athletically superior, their fantastic "Golden Tickets"
as they live out their lives.
A more rational view is that both Spina Bifida and Cindy Crawford (as an example of a very beautiful and intelligent individual)
are both products of a genetic lottery and why some are winners and some relative losers is a mystery we cannot fathom.
I can't anyway. I can't help but believe there is some point to it that we just cannot see or don't want to see.

At any rate atheists love to blame God for the bad things in this world but ignore the good and beautiful things they simply don't want to acknowledge. I couldn't possibly be so disingenuous
and transparently hateful.
Yeah. No kidding.
No, guy, my point is practical. Frankly, I wouldn't get an abortion or recommend my partner get one, but i also recognize, it's not my choice to make. Women will end unwanted pregnancies no matter what the law is.
That's good to know, about you and your choices and fortunately the law everywhere, as far as I can tell, makes allowances for women who want an abortion.
It's too bad however that more unwanted children aren't made available for couples that desperately want a child.
I never hear abortion zealots discuss this option, which is telling and unfortunate.

And no one has abortions after the point of "viability" unless the fetus is deformed or the health of the mother is in danger.
Tell that to Andrew Cuomo and the New York ghouls that drafted their latest abortion law. To see and hear their celebrating over it you would think they had found a cure for cancer instead of permission now to commit infanticide with New York's blessings. I find your claim very very suspect.
Because it's an empty promise when you can't even agree when "Brain development' begins.... The definition you've given would outlaw any abortion after 8 weeks, and few doctors will perform an abortion before that.
I am open to any reasonable definition of fetal development. I am not a doctor and times past which a child may not be aborted (except for cases of the mother's health, of course) vary from state to state
My respect for life is all inclusive and I've never ever said abortion is fine for the "coloreds" but not for others
(which again was Sanger's thing).

Sanger never said anything of the sort. Most of the racist quotes attributed to her are lies and she was praised while she lived by organizations like the NAACP for her work in improving health care.

As an aside, Sanger was also against legalized abortion, because back in her day, abortion was still a pretty dangerous proposition before they invented things like anti-biotics.

But if God is a moral being then he undoubtedly is against taking life because someone, someone enabled by the state of New York and others to follow in gruesome lock step, made it legal for people to do so because they can.

God drowned every baby in the world in the great flood, he killed David and Bathsheba's baby to prove adultery was wrong, he killed all the first born babies of the Egyptians, not to mention killing 70,000 Israelites because David took a census.

I'm not sure how you get God is against abortion because they are "innocent babies".

I'm not at all an abortion absolutist so all we've cleared up is your ability to lie and take facts not in evidence to prop up your worthless moronic drivel.

Why aren't you an absolutist? It would seem to me that if you think a fetus is a person and abortion is murder, you should be calling for locking up every woman who gets one, as well as all the doctors who perform them.
God distributes life and death where He will.

Humans don't.

As anyone who defends human trafficking and baby killing is quite aware, most of the women who get abortions are victims as well.

The Bible is playing out before their very eyes....and they don't recognize it
Doesn't matter... you posted a FAKE photo. You accepted a site with a FAKE photo as gospel, but I'm supposed to take the rest seriously?
If indeed the photo is fake I accept it because what the photo shows is true....Margaret Sanger preaching her gospel of Eugenics to the KKK.
LOL..you don't even dispute this. What are you bitching about? Are you angry the fact is even being brought up?
Find someone worthwhile to defend then.

at the time she "addressed" KKK gatherings, the KKK was a legal, and sadly, politically connected group.
Legal perhaps but not any different in philosophy than the KKK of today. If anything today's Klanners are a bit more moderate in their hateful views.

She also addressed meetings of the Urban League and the NAACP.

And she said the same things... women need access to contraception.
Was Margaret Sanger a Racist?
An over view for you and her views on the Australian Aborigine make her racial feelings quite clear.
"As a strong supporter of eugenics, Sanger wrote:

'It is said that a fish as large as a man has a brain no larger than the kernel of an almond. In all fish and reptiles where there is no great brain development, there is also no conscious sexual control. The lower down in the scale of human development we go the less sexual control we find. It is said that the aboriginal Australian, the lowest known species of the human family, just a step higher than the chimpanzee in brain development, has so little sexual control that police authority alone prevents him from obtaining sexual satisfaction on the streets.' (Sanger, "What Every Girl Should Know" 1920, p. 47).

Like I said, find someone worthwhile to defend.
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If you think God gives a child Spina Bifida then you must also agree God gives the naturally gifted of this world, the exceptionally attractive, the very very bright and talented and the athletically superior, their fantastic "Golden Tickets"
as they live out their lives.
A more rational view is that both Spina Bifida and Cindy Crawford (as an example of a very beautiful and intelligent individual)
are both products of a genetic lottery and why some are winners and some relative losers is a mystery we cannot fathom.
I can't anyway. I can't help but believe there is some point to it that we just cannot see or don't want to see.

I can. There is no God. Genetics means shit happens, and thankfully we have the technology to correct the mistakes.

That's good to know, about you and your choices and fortunately the law everywhere, as far as I can tell, makes allowances for women who want an abortion.
It's too bad however that more unwanted children aren't made available for couples that desperately want a child.
I never hear abortion zealots discuss this option, which is telling and unfortunate.

Why should they? I don't particularly want to force women to do the live action version of A Handmaid's Tale, thank you very much. We are already kind of seeing it, in these rich bitches who let their Bio Clocks run down preying on young women as baby dispensers.

Tell that to Andrew Cuomo and the New York ghouls that drafted their latest abortion law. To see and hear their celebrating over it you would think they had found a cure for cancer instead of permission now to commit infanticide with New York's blessings. I find your claim very very suspect.

I think when you blubber about "Infanticide" when all they did was codify the protections that are in place now, it's hard to take you seriously.

I am open to any reasonable definition of fetal development. I am not a doctor and times past which a child may not be aborted (except for cases of the mother's health, of course) vary from state to state

Okay, here's my reasonable definition. It's a baby if the woman wants it.

If indeed the photo is fake I accept it because what the photo shows is true....Margaret Sanger preaching her gospel of Eugenics to the KKK.
LOL..you don't even dispute this. What are you bitching about? Are you angry the fact is even being brought up?
Find someone worthwhile to defend then.

Because in 1920, talking to the Klan was like talking to the Rotary Club today.

Legal perhaps but not any different in philosophy than the KKK of today. If anything today's Klanners are a bit more moderate in their hateful views.

Um, no, actually, they reflected the views of the time...

An over view for you and her views on the Australian Aborigine make her racial feelings quite clear.
"As a strong supporter of eugenics, Sanger wrote:

This is a new quote, but given the proliferation of fake Sanger Quotes, I'd have to research it.
So in the spirit of full disclosure, the quote about aborigines in Australia appears to be genunine, but in context, a lot less damning. She was merely repeating what was considered valid anthropology in 1912.

If anyone is curious, here is the full article.

The Public Papers of Margaret Sanger: Web Edition

It should be pointed out that in the 1910's, there were a lot of racial theories, devised by white people, that held white people to be somehow superior in an evolutionary sense. Darwin, Huxley and others said these sorts of things as well.

In context, Sanger was opposed to legal abortion as well.

How False Narratives of Margaret Sanger Are Being Used to Shame Black Women - Rewire.News

Sanger was pro-birth control and anti-abortion. This may surprise you, considering that Planned Parenthood opponents frequently accuse Sanger of erecting abortion clinics in Black neighborhoods, a practice they claim the organization continues to this day.

But this is simply not true.

Sanger opposed abortion. She believed it to be a barbaric practice. In her own words, “[a]lthough abortion may be resorted to in order to save the life of the mother, the practice of it merely for limitation of offspring is dangerous and vicious.” Her views are, ironically, in keeping with the views of many of the anti-choicers who malign and distort her legacy.

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