While Minneapolis and Portland burns , the Democrats are AWOL and doing nothing about it.. Is this the United States you want to live in?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Nolte: Democrat-Run Portland and Minneapolis Are Burning … Again – CNM Newz

I’ll tell you exactly what it is…

What this is is not my fucking problem.

This is how Democrats CHOOSE to live and there’s nothing I can do about that.

Decade after decade after decade, Democrats continue to vote for failure in these shithole cities, continue to vote for failed policies that create pollution, hate crimes, gun violence, looting, race riots, arson, terrorism, mass-shootings, murder, and violent crime.

There’s no explanation for Democrats choosing to live like this other than this is a deliberate lifestyle choice.

Sure, they can blame Trump voters all they want for their own problems, and heaven knows they will even though Republicans have zero say in how these shithole cities are run.

But who cares if they blame us? It’s just one more thing for us Trump voters to LOL at as we — people of all races, creeds, and backgrounds — enjoy our peaceful safe, clean, and harmonious lives in Rural America.

You get what you vote for, and Portland and Minneapolis are getting everything they want and deserve … again.

This guy knows exactly what is happening in the United States. He cant do anything to stop it, because it is all Demoncraps in government. So here is what the anal assholes up on the Capitol are thinking..
If politicians will not hear the people the people have to take things into their own hands. Yes, that's the country I want to live in.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson
Gov got off his ass right quick on this and called the Guard out. .. Whether they will take any action is yet to be seen. Gov cant afford another city going up in smoke or the optics of that vid of blacks hunting whites
I mean Biden - why doesn't Biden do something?

Or maybe his old buddy, Obama???
As long as it isnt their neighborhood they could care less. Which i have said before a progressive elite doesnt care if their voters die, they just bring in more illegals to fill the vacancy...Think about it you prog slaves...

Nolte: Democrat-Run Portland and Minneapolis Are Burning … Again – CNM Newz

I’ll tell you exactly what it is…

What this is is not my fucking problem.

This is how Democrats CHOOSE to live and there’s nothing I can do about that.

Decade after decade after decade, Democrats continue to vote for failure in these shithole cities, continue to vote for failed policies that create pollution, hate crimes, gun violence, looting, race riots, arson, terrorism, mass-shootings, murder, and violent crime.

There’s no explanation for Democrats choosing to live like this other than this is a deliberate lifestyle choice.

Sure, they can blame Trump voters all they want for their own problems, and heaven knows they will even though Republicans have zero say in how these shithole cities are run.

But who cares if they blame us? It’s just one more thing for us Trump voters to LOL at as we — people of all races, creeds, and backgrounds — enjoy our peaceful safe, clean, and harmonious lives in Rural America.

You get what you vote for, and Portland and Minneapolis are getting everything they want and deserve … again.

This guy knows exactly what is happening in the United States. He cant do anything to stop it, because it is all Demoncraps in government. So here is what the anal assholes up on the Capitol are thinking..
Yes, they did vote for it. Now we get to sit back and watch America burn. Fuck’em, I hope their cities burn.

Nolte: Democrat-Run Portland and Minneapolis Are Burning … Again – CNM Newz

I’ll tell you exactly what it is…

What this is is not my fucking problem.

This is how Democrats CHOOSE to live and there’s nothing I can do about that.

Decade after decade after decade, Democrats continue to vote for failure in these shithole cities, continue to vote for failed policies that create pollution, hate crimes, gun violence, looting, race riots, arson, terrorism, mass-shootings, murder, and violent crime.

There’s no explanation for Democrats choosing to live like this other than this is a deliberate lifestyle choice.

Sure, they can blame Trump voters all they want for their own problems, and heaven knows they will even though Republicans have zero say in how these shithole cities are run.

But who cares if they blame us? It’s just one more thing for us Trump voters to LOL at as we — people of all races, creeds, and backgrounds — enjoy our peaceful safe, clean, and harmonious lives in Rural America.

You get what you vote for, and Portland and Minneapolis are getting everything they want and deserve … again.

This guy knows exactly what is happening in the United States. He cant do anything to stop it, because it is all Demoncraps in government. So here is what the anal assholes up on the Capitol are thinking..
Yes, they did vote for it. Now we get to sit back and watch America burn. Fuck’em, I hope their cities burn.

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I agree. Hard to feel sympathy for idiots who voted idiots to run their cities.

They got what they voted for.
At least there were no police killings of unarmed people and riots when Trump was president....and if there were -- it was Democrats fault anyway...
No it isn't.

The united states i want to live in is one where criminals are punished and not glorified, illegals are taken out of the country, everyone understands they live in a shared society, we preach "obey the law" and not "fuck the police", domestic terrorists are permanently removed from society, and people have to get by on their knowledge, intelligence, and own motivation.

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