While awaiting trial, Rasmieh Odeh cavorts with fascists and bigots


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Works for obongocare that figures, birds of a feather...
Convicted Terrorist and Fraudster Gets New Trial Date
While awaiting trial, Rasmieh Odeh cavorts with fascists and bigots.
February 17, 2017
Ari Lieberman


Like an insidious virus, the name Rasmieh (also spelled Rasmea) Odeh keeps popping up in the news. This time her name has appeared in connection with a “Women’s March” event where group organizers, including Odeh, have advocated “striking, marching and blocking roads,” in protest against President Donald Trump. Organizers have referred to the Trump administration as “aggressively misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic and racist.” The irony of course is that one of the prime organizers of this event was responsible for murdering two Jewish university students simply because they had the temerity to be born Jewish.

Odeh has also been invited to speak at an event hosted by “Jewish Voice for Peace,” a hate group that is neither Jewish nor peaceful and is dedicated to the destruction of Israel and expulsion of its indigenous inhabitants. The list of other featured speakers includes a cacophony of vitriolic Islamo-fascists, well versed in the art of hate and bigotry. Lindar Sarsour, a rancid Jew-hater elevated to the status of Goddess by the radical left and Diana Buttu, a PLO shill who defended Hamas rocket attacks, among a host of other miscreants, will share the dais with Odeh.

Odeh should have been jailed and deported from the U.S. years ago but a lax immigration system allowed her to fraudulently obtain U.S. citizenship and astonishingly, attain employment as an Obamacare worker.

Odeh was an active member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a violent group that indoctrinates its members in a convoluted mix of Marxism and Islamist supremacy. It is also listed as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) by the United States. The Odeh saga began on February 21, 1969 when she along with her terrorist cohorts conspired to plant bombs at a Jerusalem supermarket and at the British consulate office located nearby.

As a result of her actions, two university students -- Leon Kaner, 21, and Edward Jaffe, 22, -- were killed and nine others were injured. Odeh and her gang were apprehended days later by Israeli police. Physical evidence obtained at the scene undeniably linked her to the crime and she confessed to her role almost immediately. Odeh was sentenced to life imprisonment but was released in a prisoner swap after serving just ten years. Following her release, she lived in Lebanon for four years and then moved to Jordan. From Jordan, she moved to the United States.


Odeh’s lawyers claimed they needed more time to review the superseded indictment and requested an adjournment, which was granted. A new trial date has been set for May 16, 2017.

This saga has gone on for far too long. Odeh the malevolent terrorist-fraudster has been allowed to walk free while she perniciously denied that basic right to others. She has manipulated the court system at taxpayer expense while partnering with fascists and bigots. The woman has shown not an ounce of remorse for taking the lives of two innocent civilians. Hopefully, on May 16, 2017 justice will be served.

Convicted Terrorist and Fraudster Gets New Trial Date


I demand it to, KILL the fucking bitch...
Thanks for the post. It starts my day with a good laugh.

frontpagerag. too funny. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

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