Which Side Is Looking Out For You...

Yeah he saved it by making unemployment rate that was on the decline when he took office increase his first 3 years in office to over 10%, he saved it by convincing you people that he cut your taxes when he actually didn't.

And you still think he is some small government guy.

The fact is the Soviet Union never had us beat in the number of nuclear weapons as you were led to believe.

and then there is this

Reagan and the Russians - 94.02

Revised estimates by the Central Intelligence Agency indicate that Soviet expenditures on defense remained more or less constant throughout the 1980s. Neither the military buildup under Jimmy Carter and Reagan nor SDI had any real impact on gross spending levels in the USSR

A far more persuasive reason for the Soviet economic decline is the rigid "command economy" imposed by Stalin in the early 1930s. It did not reward individual or collective effort; it absolved Soviet producers from the discipline of the market; and it gave power to officials who could not be held accountable by consumers. Consequently much of the investment that went into the civilian sector of the economy was wasted. The command economy pre-dated the Cold War and was not a response to American military spending. The Soviet Union lost the Cold War, but it was not defeated by American defense spending.

The Soviet Union was doomed before Reagan took office

Another Liberal lie.
"SO ON WHOM or what do we bestow the title of the "evil empire's" killer? Was it Mikhail Gorbachev himself who pulled down what Lenin and Stalin had built up? It is tempting to finger Gorbachev, but this would ascribe too much wisdom and foresight to a man who wanted merely to reform, but not to relinquish, the empire. At no point, however, did Gorbachev want to yield Moscow's pride of place as the number two superpower. And he was blissfully confident that the risks were tolerable: "There is no reason to fear the collapse or the end of socialism", Gorbachev assured Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu three weeks after the Berlin Wall had been breached and three weeks before the Romanian dictator was executed by his own people."

FindArticles.com | CBSi

  1. The US volunteered to submit its arsenal of nuclear weapons to an international body so that nuclear power would on be used for peaceful purposes only. The Soviets rejected the proposal. “Lilienthal-Baruch Plan proposed by the United States (calling for international control of nuclear weapons).” Soviet Union - THE SOVIET UNION AND NUCLEAR ARMS CONTROL Most nations endorsed the plan, but Stalin used his UN veto to kill it.
  2. In the next years the Soviets renounced their nonaggression treaty with Turkey, and made territorial demands on same, instigated a civil war in Greece, had the Czechoslovakian Communist Part seize power, and attempted to choke West Berlin. “At the same time Stalin moved to aggressively export his personal brand of communism to areas outside immediate Soviet control, and he was soon engaged in the covert support of communist efforts in Greece, Turkey, and Italy.” Expansion was accomplished by “secret support of communist movements, such as the effort in Greece and Turkey, and the support of proxy armies in such areas as North Korea.” http://library.by/portalus/modules/...ll&id=1189693158&archive=&start_from=&ucat=9&

So when you say it it's truth when someone else says something it's all lies

got it

How about you change your avi to "Red'sMan"?

How about you change yours to Blind Dog?

In light of the fact that everything I post is researched and documented?

Mine seems the more apt suggestion.

and I posted links as well

But you're deaf to all but your own words

So maybe Blind Deaf Dog is a better name
What flavor kool aid is your favorite


Try it.

Try it

Ronnie raised taxes 11 times and clawed back almost all that revenue lost in that one tax cut you think is a big deal

And he still managed to increase the debt by an unheard of amount

"Reagan’s legacy affects us dramatically today in two ways. First, Reagan’s anti-Communist foreign policy and his military buildup hastened the disintegration of the Soviet Union. In the past eight years, America’s victory in the Cold War generated a half-trillion-dollar peace dividend. That peace dividend grows every year, and it fell like manna from heaven into President Clinton’s lap. The budget deficit is falling, not primarily because Clinton raised taxes and not primarily because the congressional Republicans committed themselves to a balanced budget, but because the defense budget is nearly $100 billion lower today than when the Berlin Wall came down.

The second effect of the Reagan years was to launch America into what is now widely regarded as a remarkable 15-year low-inflation, high-employment bull market (the Dow was at 800 in 1982, 8,000 today)—interrupted only mildly in the middle Bush years. These 15 years of prosperity were propelled by Reaganomics: lower tax rates, a long-run decline in inflation and interest rates (which also lowers tax rates), freer international trade and a strong dollar. Even with the anti-supply-side Bush and Clinton tax hikes, the top tax rate today of 40% is far below the towering 70% tax rate that disabled the economy in the 1970s. The end of the Cold War has created an international environment of peace and stability, nudging the economy into still higher gear in recent years."
Who Balanced the Budget?

Very little of that was done by "small government" philosophies.

In fact nothing Ronnie did was indicative of a small government advocate

So stop deluding yourself

He saved the economy in America, and saved the world from the Soviet Union....

There's no hope for your recovery, is there.

Here's the guy who saved the economy.

Paul Volcker and How He Got a Shock and a Rule Named After Him

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