Which President has taken more vacation time? Obama or Bush

Bogus data by shitbag liberals.

Bush working from his ranch was "working on the job" compared to Obama fucking around on golf courses every fucking weekend in addition to fucking around on trips to Hawaii, etc.

Also, the cost of renting luxury hotels for Obama blows away the cost of Bush staying at his own fucking ranch.

Bush was arguably the laziest President in modern American history. I can't speak to the work ethic of presidents a hundred years ago. But Bush routinely took off the WHOLE month of August every year. In fact, even sources close to Bush acknowledge that he was briefed on threats from al Qaeda in August of 2001 while on vacation at his Crawford compound, and took no action whatsoever. Obama, by contrast, has usually taken an abbreviated vacation in August and continued working even while Congress was out of town.

At least Bush was at his morning briefings, Obama goes months at a time without going to one.

Was bush at a morning briefing on 9-11? Four planes hijacked, world trade centers destroyed and part of the pentagon also. Three thousand Americans killed. No military jets from our trillion's dollars military scrambled and where was the decider? It's not like he wasn't warned about impending attacks either.

No, as I recall, Bush sat on his hands in that classroom while America was under attack. Let me know if and when, under similar circumstances, Obama ever sticks around on a golf instead of responding to a national emergency.

Oh, by the way, it only added insult to injury when Americans were told that Bush just didn't want to startle the little kiddies. What? He's going to let America be under attack without knowing any details about it or what's happening because he's concerned about the temporary (and wholly transitory) momentary emotional state of children who burst into tears probably a dozen times a day anyway? What utter BS!

Bush handled 911 great, he downed all planes with in hours, he went back to Washington when his advisors told him not to, and took care of business. Right now with Obama and his failure in Iraq, he says he doesn't have a plan yet, and then jets off to france.

Hours? It should have been a matter of minutes.

And Bush ran like a scared rabbit. He leapfrogged around the country like a mouse running for cover with an owl circling overhead.

And don't tell me you don't remember Bush's first address to the nation from some military bunker at Offutt AFB in Nebraska AFTER he had already flown to Louisiana before going to Nebraska. Do you remember how he looked even though he was probably the safest man in America with the possible exception of someone spelunking somewhere in Idaho? He looked like a man who was alone in a house besieged by zombies who are just about to break down the door. He ran out on his fellow citizens in our hour of need, and he was STILL terrified even though he was surrounded by the Secret Service on a secure military base. That's your fearless leader?

He was actually following military protocol. How long was Dick Cheney at his undisclosed location?
Bogus data by shitbag liberals.

Bush working from his ranch was "working on the job" compared to Obama fucking around on golf courses every fucking weekend in addition to fucking around on trips to Hawaii, etc.

Also, the cost of renting luxury hotels for Obama blows away the cost of Bush staying at his own fucking ranch.

Bush was arguably the laziest President in modern American history. I can't speak to the work ethic of presidents a hundred years ago. But Bush routinely took off the WHOLE month of August every year. In fact, even sources close to Bush acknowledge that he was briefed on threats from al Qaeda in August of 2001 while on vacation at his Crawford compound, and took no action whatsoever. Obama, by contrast, has usually taken an abbreviated vacation in August and continued working even while Congress was out of town.

At least Bush was at his morning briefings, Obama goes months at a time without going to one.

Was bush at a morning briefing on 9-11? Four planes hijacked, world trade centers destroyed and part of the pentagon also. Three thousand Americans killed. No military jets from our trillion's dollars military scrambled and where was the decider? It's not like he wasn't warned about impending attacks either.

No, as I recall, Bush sat on his hands in that classroom while America was under attack. Let me know if and when, under similar circumstances, Obama ever sticks around on a golf instead of responding to a national emergency.

Oh, by the way, it only added insult to injury when Americans were told that Bush just didn't want to startle the little kiddies. What? He's going to let America be under attack without knowing any details about it or what's happening because he's concerned about the temporary (and wholly transitory) momentary emotional state of children who burst into tears probably a dozen times a day anyway? What utter BS!

Bush handled 911 great, he downed all planes with in hours, he went back to Washington when his advisors told him not to, and took care of business. Right now with Obama and his failure in Iraq, he says he doesn't have a plan yet, and then jets off to france.

Hours? It should have been a matter of minutes.

And Bush ran like a scared rabbit. He leapfrogged around the country like a mouse running for cover with an owl circling overhead.

And don't tell me you don't remember Bush's first address to the nation from some military bunker at Offutt AFB in Nebraska AFTER he had already flown to Louisiana before going to Nebraska. Do you remember how he looked even though he was probably the safest man in America with the possible exception of someone spelunking somewhere in Idaho? He looked like a man who was alone in a house besieged by zombies who are just about to break down the door. He ran out on his fellow citizens in our hour of need, and he was STILL terrified even though he was surrounded by the Secret Service on a secure military base. That's your fearless leader?

He was actually following military protocol. How long was Dick Cheney at his undisclosed location?

Actually, by all accounts, Bush was taking orders from Cheney on 9-11.
Oh yeah.....Ebola and Islamic terrorism threatening to wipe out thousands of "black" Africans is no big deal to you and Obama, the 1/2 black.

Nevermind those big problems can be exported to the US, Europe, etc if not stopped...oh those silly details.

Obama has an Ebola problem and terrorism is breaking out in Africa? Last I checked, Obama isn't the president of Africa. As for all the other problems, how serious can they be if the Republican Congress won't work with the administration to address the problems?

I'm considerably more worried about drunk drivers and idiots using cell phones to text and make unnecessary phone calls while driving than I'm worried about the damn Ebola virus.

Even the current scare over ISIS engaging in terrorist attacks here in the USA is another example of the media stirring up unnecessary alarm when people would be better served if they were more concerned about daily real life concerns like whether or not their neighbors are getting their kids vaccinated for easily transmitted childhood illnesses, good governance in their local elected officials, and whether or not their representatives are tackling issues before they become major problems.
If you compare how much taxpayer money was used between bush and Obama, for vacations,Obama has spent 3 times the tax money than bush.

Prove it.
Obama family costs taxpayers 1.4BILLION per year Mail Online

Politicians looking for savings to deal with the national debt crisis should perhaps start by abolishing the President.

Barack Obama and his family cost the taxpayer $1.4billion per year, according to a recently published book.

By contrast, the British Royal Family costs less than $60million each year.

Two of the principal costs of the the Obama presidency - and any other presidency - are staffing and security, according to Robert Keith Gray's book Presidential Perks Gone Royal.

When it comes to keeping the First Family safe, few would dispute that it is worth paying a high price to keep the President safe from harm.

This means paying for hundreds of Secret Service agents, travel in the secure space of Air Force and funding a team of doctors to follow Mr Obama around.

But even this essential expense can be exploited to political ends, according to Mr Gray, a former staffer for Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.


Air Force One: The presidential jet is one massive White House expense

When the President travels around the country on campaign, he is obliged to take Air Force One.

His party reimburses the taxpayer with the cost of a first-class air ticket per passenger - but this is far from the full cost to taxpayers.

It also provides a President running for re-election with a national transport network which is unavailable to his challenger.

Moreover, much of the money spent on Mr Obama's family goes to perks such as entertainment and household expenses.

For example, the White House contains a movie theatre which is manned by projectionists 24 hours a day in case one of the family feels like a trip to the cinema.

And even the Obamas' dog Bo costs the taxpayer thousands of dollars - his handler is reportedly paid over $100,000 a year.

Another huge presidential outgoing, according to Mr Gray, comes in the form of staff members who can be appointed by the commander-in-chief at his own personal discretion.

226 members of Mr Obama's staff are apparently paid over $100,000 - and the President can increase their salaries at any time.
Of course you are shitstain.....of course.

Bush learned about 9/11 how?

I'm considerably more worried about drunk drivers and idiots using cell phones to text and make unnecessary phone calls while driving than I'm worried about the damn Ebola virus.

Even the current scare over ISIS engaging in terrorist attacks here in the USA is another example of the media stirring up unnecessary alarm when people would be better served if they were more concerned about daily real life concerns like whether or not their neighbors are getting their kids vaccinated for easily transmitted childhood illnesses, good governance in their local elected officials, and whether or not their representatives are tackling issues before they become major problems.
How much did George W Bush's vacations cost US taxpayers?

Joe Lammerman
Answered Last
While the exact cost has not been released, George W. Bush reportedly took a total of 363 vacation days to travel to his Texas ranch. At the going rate of the costs to operate Air Force One during his presidency, this cost US taxpayers an estimated $20 million dollars.

How much did George W Bush s vacations cost US taxpayers
I'm not going to claim 3x, 5x or 10x more than Bush, but it's fucking common sense that a trip to Bush's ranch in Texas is cheaper than Obama's endless fundraiser trips to every corner of the US and vacations in luxury resorts like in Hawaii.

Of course, a dumbfuck like you thinks the cost of flying and staying in your home in Texas is more expensive than flying to Hawaii and renting a luxury hotel on the beach.....

Prove it.
When Obama takes a vacation it's a vacation, with bike riding and golf. When Bush was at his ranch he almost always was either taking care of the property or working. He just didn't like being trapped in the White House. Obama picks some pretty exotic locations to vacation, Marth's Vinyard rentals, Hawaiian compounds, millions of dollars of security. The 7th Fleet stationed off the coast of Oahu. When Bush went to his ranch it was pretty bare-bones security. He didn't have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for a rental complex like Obama.

What a 100% partisan hack. I swear with all the time you spend on these boards that you are a paid shill. But then, maybe no one would pay you because you're so obvious. :laugh:
When Obama takes a vacation it's a vacation, with bike riding and golf. When Bush was at his ranch he almost always was either taking care of the property or working. He just didn't like being trapped in the White House. Obama picks some pretty exotic locations to vacation, Marth's Vinyard rentals, Hawaiian compounds, millions of dollars of security. The 7th Fleet stationed off the coast of Oahu. When Bush went to his ranch it was pretty bare-bones security. He didn't have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for a rental complex like Obama.

What a 100% partisan hack. I swear with all the time you spend on these boards that you are a paid shill. But then, maybe no one would pay you because you're so obvious. :laugh:
What you are is obvious, that's for sure.
Bogus data by shitbag liberals.

Bush working from his ranch was "working on the job" compared to Obama fucking around on golf courses every fucking weekend in addition to fucking around on trips to Hawaii, etc.

Also, the cost of renting luxury hotels for Obama blows away the cost of Bush staying at his own fucking ranch.

Bush was arguably the laziest President in modern American history. I can't speak to the work ethic of presidents a hundred years ago. But Bush routinely took off the WHOLE month of August every year. In fact, even sources close to Bush acknowledge that he was briefed on threats from al Qaeda in August of 2001 while on vacation at his Crawford compound, and took no action whatsoever. Obama, by contrast, has usually taken an abbreviated vacation in August and continued working even while Congress was out of town.

At least Bush was at his morning briefings, Obama goes months at a time without going to one.

Was bush at a morning briefing on 9-11? Four planes hijacked, world trade centers destroyed and part of the pentagon also. Three thousand Americans killed. No military jets from our trillion's dollars military scrambled and where was the decider? It's not like he wasn't warned about impending attacks either.

No, as I recall, Bush sat on his hands in that classroom while America was under attack. Let me know if and when, under similar circumstances, Obama ever sticks around on a golf instead of responding to a national emergency.

Oh, by the way, it only added insult to injury when Americans were told that Bush just didn't want to startle the little kiddies. What? He's going to let America be under attack without knowing any details about it or what's happening because he's concerned about the temporary (and wholly transitory) momentary emotional state of children who burst into tears probably a dozen times a day anyway? What utter BS!

Bush handled 911 great, he downed all planes with in hours, he went back to Washington when his advisors told him not to, and took care of business. Right now with Obama and his failure in Iraq, he says he doesn't have a plan yet, and then jets off to france.

Hours? It should have been a matter of minutes.

And Bush ran like a scared rabbit. He leapfrogged around the country like a mouse running for cover with an owl circling overhead.

And don't tell me you don't remember Bush's first address to the nation from some military bunker at Offutt AFB in Nebraska AFTER he had already flown to Louisiana before going to Nebraska. Do you remember how he looked even though he was probably the safest man in America with the possible exception of someone spelunking somewhere in Idaho? He looked like a man who was alone in a house besieged by zombies who are just about to break down the door. He ran out on his fellow citizens in our hour of need, and he was STILL terrified even though he was surrounded by the Secret Service on a secure military base. That's your fearless leader?

Yeah I remember bush ordering all planes grounded, and they were grounded in hours. I remember him bringing a terrified nation together. I remember him going to ground zero to help the healing of america. I also remember him back at the white house that night. Now obama, I remember him after bengazi couldn't be found the night it happened, then the next day heading to vegas. I also remember the other day with a real threat on our safety, saying he doesn't have a plan and going fundraising. Gosh I miss Bush.
Now be fair!

Obama flew to Vegas for a fund-raiser and that's his prime motivation so back off on the criticism 'cause bats gotta fly; sharks gotta swim and worms gotta crawl.

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