Which political party gets credit for more job creation?

The worst economies we had were started under Republican presidents. The Great Depression, the Great Recession and covid; with the first 2 related to economic policies.

And in the history of this nation, there's been a recession under every single Republican president except for the one who was in office for only 1 month.
With the seeds of those economies started from previous Progressive Socialist policies and presidents.
With the seeds of those economies started from previous Progressive Socialist policies and presidents.


Republicans controlled the government for nearly a decade before the Great Depression. Retards blame socialism. Republicans controlled the Executive branch for 6 years and the Congress for 12, leading to the housing market collapse. Ditto.

Republicans controlled the government for nearly a decade before the Great Depression. Retards blame socialism. Republicans controlled the Executive branch for 6 years and the Congress for 12, leading to the housing market collapse. Ditto.

Don't confuse them with the facts. It's so cruel. They might hurt themselves.
Imbecile, by 2007, the damage was done. In 2005, the bubble began bursting. In 2006, we had a record number of foreclosures up until that point. In April, 2007, the nation's 2nd largest lender filed for bankruptcy. Nothing Barney Frank did caused any of that. He was just one member of the minority party until 2007.
Hey FAUXNY... YOU are a liar!
NOT one link from you to prove YOUR totally unsubstantiated statements! Why can't you do what I do... a little research???
Obviously you never heard of the Dodd-Frank Act!

"Barney Frank Used Influence with Fannie Mae, the Failed Mortgage Giant Bailed Out by Taxpayers"​

Former House Banking Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) tenaciously opposed efforts to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
he government-sponsored mortgage giants that were bailed out at a cost to taxpayers of between $148 billion and $363 billion.

Now it turns out that he got his boyfriend a “handsomely rewarded gig at Fannie Mae” while Frank “was helping to inflate the housing bubble” by pushing affordable housing mandates and policies that encouraged Fannie Mae to buy up risky mortgages.

(Rep. Barney Frank Admits to Helping Ex-Lover Land Job at Fannie Mae
Frank, who was a junior member of the House Financial Services Committee at the time, said he told the executive that he thought Moses would be "great" for the "entry-level position.")

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac engaged in massive accounting fraud and other abuses.
But Fannie Mae’s collapse was not entirely due to bad policies of its own making.
Pressure from liberal lawmakers like Barney Frank to buy up risky mortgages was also a factor in triggering the mortgage crisis, judging from a story in the New York Times. For example, “a high-ranking Democrat telephoned executives and screamed at them to purchase more loans from low-income borrowers, according to a Congressional source.”
The executives of government-backed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac “eventually yielded to those pressures, effectively wagering that if things got too bad, the government would bail them out.”

Despite his key role in causing the financial crisis, Frank became even more influential after President Obama took office. As the New York Times noted, the massive financial overhaul later passed in response to the financial crisis is “largely the product of extensive conversations” between the Obama administration and “Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts and Senator Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut.
That law, known as the Dodd-Frank Act, harms the economy, and violates both the Constitution’s separation of powers, and private property and equal-protection rights.
Frank’s co-sponsor of the Dodd-Frank Act, Senator Chris Dodd, left office in disgrace after ethical lapses.

BUT NOTE Barney Frank in 2021 he re-canted his support for Fannie and Freddie MAE!!

Just to repeat this is what Barney said in 2021.... after he and his boyfriend profited !
...in a recent CNBC interview, Frank told me that he was ready to say goodbye to Fannie and Freddie.
"I hope by next year we'll have abolished Fannie and Freddie," he said. Remarkable. And he went on to say that
"it was a great mistake to push lower-income people into housing they couldn't afford and couldn't really handle once they had it."
He then added, "I had been too sanguine about Fannie and Freddie."

So Fauxny....get some facts before you walk out on the limb with NO support!
Don't confuse them with the facts. It's so cruel. They might hurt themselves.

The BLS website shows the unemployment rate going as far back as FDR... that includes 8 Democratic presidents and 7 Republican presidents, spanning ¾ of a century. And during entire time, Reagan was the ONLY Republican president to leave office with the unemployment rate LOWER than when he started. In stark contrast, it NEVER ended up higher after a Democrat was in office.

Righties can't deal with that reality so they create threads like this one where they try to alter history.
Hey FAUXNY... YOU are a liar!
NOT one link from you to prove YOUR totally unsubstantiated statements! Why can't you do what I do... a little research???
Obviously you never heard of the Dodd-Frank Act!

"Barney Frank Used Influence with Fannie Mae, the Failed Mortgage Giant Bailed Out by Taxpayers"​

Former House Banking Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) tenaciously opposed efforts to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
he government-sponsored mortgage giants that were bailed out at a cost to taxpayers of between $148 billion and $363 billion.

Now it turns out that he got his boyfriend a “handsomely rewarded gig at Fannie Mae” while Frank “was helping to inflate the housing bubble” by pushing affordable housing mandates and policies that encouraged Fannie Mae to buy up risky mortgages.

(Rep. Barney Frank Admits to Helping Ex-Lover Land Job at Fannie Mae
Frank, who was a junior member of the House Financial Services Committee at the time, said he told the executive that he thought Moses would be "great" for the "entry-level position.")

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac engaged in massive accounting fraud and other abuses.
But Fannie Mae’s collapse was not entirely due to bad policies of its own making.
Pressure from liberal lawmakers like Barney Frank to buy up risky mortgages was also a factor in triggering the mortgage crisis, judging from a story in the New York Times. For example, “a high-ranking Democrat telephoned executives and screamed at them to purchase more loans from low-income borrowers, according to a Congressional source.”
The executives of government-backed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac “eventually yielded to those pressures, effectively wagering that if things got too bad, the government would bail them out.”

Despite his key role in causing the financial crisis, Frank became even more influential after President Obama took office. As the New York Times noted, the massive financial overhaul later passed in response to the financial crisis is “largely the product of extensive conversations” between the Obama administration and “Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts and Senator Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut.
That law, known as the Dodd-Frank Act, harms the economy, and violates both the Constitution’s separation of powers, and private property and equal-protection rights.
Frank’s co-sponsor of the Dodd-Frank Act, Senator Chris Dodd, left office in disgrace after ethical lapses.

BUT NOTE Barney Frank in 2021 he re-canted his support for Fannie and Freddie MAE!!

Just to repeat this is what Barney said in 2021.... after he and his boyfriend profited !
...in a recent CNBC interview, Frank told me that he was ready to say goodbye to Fannie and Freddie.
"I hope by next year we'll have abolished Fannie and Freddie," he said. Remarkable. And he went on to say that
"it was a great mistake to push lower-income people into housing they couldn't afford and couldn't really handle once they had it."
He then added, "I had been too sanguine about Fannie and Freddie."

So Fauxny....get some facts before you walk out on the limb with NO support!

Nutcase, the Dodd-Frank Act came AFTER Bush's Great Recession. :cuckoo:

Bush was president from 2001...

Republicans controlled the House AND the Senate from 1995 to 2007.

The housing bubble began collapsing in 2005/2006, leading to the Great Recession starting in late 2007.

Rightards blame Barney Frank, a single member of the minority party.
Don't confuse them with the facts. It's so cruel. They might hurt themselves.
Fauxny didn't provide ONE single FACT! TOTAL OPINION ONLY!
The BLS website shows the unemployment rate going as far back as FDR... that includes 8 Democratic presidents and 7 Republican presidents, spanning ¾ of a century. And during entire time, Reagan was the ONLY Republican president to leave office with the unemployment rate LOWER than when he started. In stark contrast, it NEVER ended up higher after a Democrat was in office.

Righties can't deal with that reality so they create threads like this one where they try to alter history.
Nutcase, the Dodd-Frank Act came AFTER Bush's Great Recession. :cuckoo:

Bush was president from 2001...

Republicans controlled the House AND the Senate from 1995 to 2007.

The housing bubble began collapsing in 2005/2006, leading to the Great Recession starting in late 2007.

Rightards blame Barney Frank, a single member of the minority party.


Hey FAUXNY... YOU are a liar!
NOT one link from you to prove YOUR totally unsubstantiated statements! Why can't you do what I do... a little research???
Obviously you never heard of the Dodd-Frank Act!
"Barney Frank Used Influence with Fannie Mae, the Failed Mortgage Giant Bailed Out by Taxpayers"

Former House Banking Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) tenaciously opposed efforts to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
the government-sponsored mortgage giants that were bailed out at a cost to taxpayers of between $148 billion and $363 billion.

Now it turns out that he got his boyfriend a “handsomely rewarded gig at Fannie Mae” while Frank “was helping to inflate the housing bubble” by pushing affordable housing mandates and policies that encouraged Fannie Mae to buy up risky mortgages.

(Rep. Barney Frank Admits to Helping Ex-Lover Land Job at Fannie Mae
Frank, who was a junior member of the House Financial Services Committee at the time, said he told the executive that he thought Moses would be "great" for the "entry-level position.")

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac engaged in massive accounting fraud and other abuses.
But Fannie Mae’s collapse was not entirely due to bad policies of its own making.
Pressure from liberal lawmakers like Barney Frank to buy up risky mortgages was also a factor in triggering the mortgage crisis, judging from a story in the New York Times. For example, “a high-ranking Democrat telephoned executives and screamed at them to purchase more loans from low-income borrowers, according to a Congressional source.”
The executives of government-backed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac “eventually yielded to those pressures, effectively wagering that if things got too bad, the government would bail them out.”

Despite his key role in causing the financial crisis, Frank became even more influential after President Obama took office. As the New York Times noted, the massive financial overhaul later passed in response to the financial crisis is “largely the product of extensive conversations” between the Obama administration and “Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts and Senator Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut.”
That law, known as the Dodd-Frank Act, harms the economy, and violates both the Constitution’s separation of powers, and private property and equal-protection rights.
Frank’s co-sponsor of the Dodd-Frank Act, Senator Chris Dodd, left office in disgrace after ethical lapses.

BUT NOTE Barney Frank in 2021 he re-canted his support for Fannie and Freddie MAE!!

Just to repeat this is what Barney said in 2021.... after he and his boyfriend profited !
...in a recent CNBC interview, Frank told me that he was ready to say goodbye to Fannie and Freddie.
"I hope by next year we'll have abolished Fannie and Freddie," he said. Remarkable. And he went on to say that
"it was a great mistake to push lower-income people into housing they couldn't afford and couldn't really handle once they had it."
He then added, "I had been too sanguine about Fannie and Freddie."

So Fauxny....get some facts before you walk out on the limb with NO support!
Fauxny didn't provide ONE single FACT! TOTAL OPINION ONLY!
View attachment 801270

You lie. I posted facts.

The first signs the housing bubble started collapsing was in 2005 when housing prices began dropping. That's a fact whether I post a link to it or not.

2006 had a record number of foreclosures that year up until that point. That too is a fact whether I post a link to it or not.

New Century, the nation's second largest lender in the U.S., filed for bankruptcy in April of 2007. That's also a fact whether I post a link to it or not.

Until January of 2007, we had a Republican president for 6 years and a Republican-controlled Congress for 12 years. That's a fact whether I post a link to it or not.

Idiots blame Barney Frank, a single member of the minority party until 2007, when the housing markets alread began cratering. Yet another fact whether I post a link to it or not.

The Bottom Line​

The Great Recession lasted from roughly 2007 to 2009 in the U.S., although the contagion spread around the world, affecting some economies longer. The root cause was excessive mortgage lending to borrowers who normally would not qualify for a home loan, which greatly increased risk to the lender. Lenders were willing to take this risk as they could simply package the loans into an instrument they sold, passing the risk on to investors.
You lie. I posted facts.

The first signs the housing bubble started collapsing was in 2005 when housing prices began dropping. That's a fact whether I post a link to it or not.

2006 had a record number of foreclosures that year up until that point. That too is a fact whether I post a link to it or not.

New Century, the nation's second largest lender in the U.S., filed for bankruptcy in April of 2007. That's also a fact whether I post a link to it or not.

Until January of 2007, we had a Republican president for 6 years and a Republican-controlled Congress for 12 years. That's a fact whether I post a link to it or not.

Idiots blame Barney Frank, a single member of the minority party until 2007, when the housing markets alread began cratering. Yet another fact whether I post a link to it or not.
ALL YOUR words! NOT one FACT that I can look up and substantiate!
View attachment 801272

Hey FAUXNY... YOU are a liar!
NOT one link from you to prove YOUR totally unsubstantiated statements! Why can't you do what I do... a little research???
Obviously you never heard of the Dodd-Frank Act!
"Barney Frank Used Influence with Fannie Mae, the Failed Mortgage Giant Bailed Out by Taxpayers"

Former House Banking Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) tenaciously opposed efforts to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
the government-sponsored mortgage giants that were bailed out at a cost to taxpayers of between $148 billion and $363 billion.

Now it turns out that he got his boyfriend a “handsomely rewarded gig at Fannie Mae” while Frank “was helping to inflate the housing bubble” by pushing affordable housing mandates and policies that encouraged Fannie Mae to buy up risky mortgages.

(Rep. Barney Frank Admits to Helping Ex-Lover Land Job at Fannie Mae
Frank, who was a junior member of the House Financial Services Committee at the time, said he told the executive that he thought Moses would be "great" for the "entry-level position.")

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac engaged in massive accounting fraud and other abuses.
But Fannie Mae’s collapse was not entirely due to bad policies of its own making.
Pressure from liberal lawmakers like Barney Frank to buy up risky mortgages was also a factor in triggering the mortgage crisis, judging from a story in the New York Times. For example, “a high-ranking Democrat telephoned executives and screamed at them to purchase more loans from low-income borrowers, according to a Congressional source.”
The executives of government-backed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac “eventually yielded to those pressures, effectively wagering that if things got too bad, the government would bail them out.”

Despite his key role in causing the financial crisis, Frank became even more influential after President Obama took office. As the New York Times noted, the massive financial overhaul later passed in response to the financial crisis is “largely the product of extensive conversations” between the Obama administration and “Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts and Senator Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut.”
That law, known as the Dodd-Frank Act, harms the economy, and violates both the Constitution’s separation of powers, and private property and equal-protection rights.
Frank’s co-sponsor of the Dodd-Frank Act, Senator Chris Dodd, left office in disgrace after ethical lapses.

BUT NOTE Barney Frank in 2021 he re-canted his support for Fannie and Freddie MAE!!

Just to repeat this is what Barney said in 2021.... after he and his boyfriend profited !
...in a recent CNBC interview, Frank told me that he was ready to say goodbye to Fannie and Freddie.
"I hope by next year we'll have abolished Fannie and Freddie," he said. Remarkable. And he went on to say that
"it was a great mistake to push lower-income people into housing they couldn't afford and couldn't really handle once they had it."
He then added, "I had been too sanguine about Fannie and Freddie."

So Fauxny....get some facts before you walk out on the limb with NO support!

Again, rightard, Dodd-Frank Act passed AFTER Bush's Great Recession.

Bush's Great Recession went from December, 2007 to June, 2009.

Dodd-Frank Act was passed in July, 2010.

Those are facts whether I post a link to them or not.

Republicans controlled the government for nearly a decade before the Great Depression. Retards blame socialism. Republicans controlled the Executive branch for 6 years and the Congress for 12, leading to the housing market collapse. Ditto.

The Bottom Line​

The Great Recession lasted from roughly 2007 to 2009 in the U.S., although the contagion spread around the world, affecting some economies longer. The root cause was excessive mortgage lending to borrowers who normally would not qualify for a home loan, which greatly increased risk to the lender. Lenders were willing to take this risk as they could simply package the loans into an instrument they sold, passing the risk on to investors.

Great, so between 2002 and 2006, what did Congress do to fix that before it all came crumbling down...?
I keep asking Fauxny for substantiation and (he/she/it) still refuses.
Who the hell is Fauxny to think people believe his comments?
Follow these links to see MY substantiation that (he/she/it) will not counter with FACTS!
"it was a great mistake to push lower-income people into housing they couldn't afford and couldn't really handle once they had it"

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