Which political party gets credit for more job creation?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
According to statistics and the biased MSM the Democratic party takes credit for more job creations than the GOP.
The reason for that though is perception and not the facts.

Look at the below chart and the highest of the 15 presidents is Biden at 4.3% (CAGR)
The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is the rate of return (RoR) that would be required for an investment to grow from its beginning balance to its ending
balance, assuming the profits were reinvested at the end of each period of the investment's life span.
NOTE this would then if applied to the previous Presidents MIGHT change Biden's first place!
And at first blush.. Everyone of the Democrat presidents' % change in employment is HIGHER than GOP!
At first blush then the question is: are the Democrats better at creating JOBS?
The consideration is reality again, not perception and here is why!
Which party in power would raise taxes? Answer Democrats. The exception was Kennedy but look at LBJ at 3.80% is the highest before Biden!
Why Kennedy lowered taxes according to Kennedy..
"Kennedy disagreed, arguing that “a rising tide lifts all boats” and that strong economic growth would not continue without lower taxes."
As a result when GOP presidents cut taxes as almost all have done, the AFFECT is not felt for at least 2 to 3 years later!
Consequently then when Democrat president takes over the economy is growing from the GOP's efforts.
The below facts then show that in almost all cases Democrats take credit for increased employment BECAUSE employers know their taxes will be reduced so they higher more people! Hence the Democrat administration LIKE Biden falsely takes credit!
Bottom line is what Kennedy said: a rising tide lifts all boats
The phrase is commonly attributed to John F. Kennedy, who used it in a 1963 speech A rising tide lifts all boats - Wikipedia.

Let’s see….

Bush 41: 1.9 million jobs
Clinton: 23.5 million jobs
Bush 43: 1.3 million jobs
Obama: 11.5 million jobs
Trump: MINUS 3 million jobs
Biden: 13 million jobs

Do I see a trend?

Last 3 Republicans: gained 200,000 jobs
Last 3 Democrats: gained 48 million jobs
Let’s see….

Bush 41: 1.9 million jobs
Clinton: 23.5 million jobs
Bush 43: 1.3 million jobs
Obama: 11.5 million jobs
Trump: MINUS 3 million jobs
Biden: 13 million jobs

Do I see a trend?

Last 3 Republicans: gained 200,000 jobs
Last 3 Democrats: gained 48 million jobs
Let's all hope the DEMPANIC!!! doesn't become a trend.

Typical gaslight- Dems crash an economy & blame the other side
Unfortunately for you, the facts prove otherwise

Republicans Bush and Trump crashed the economy
Democrats Obama and Biden rescued it

Biden's "job growth" is a fake, a sham, and a fallacy. He did absolutely nothing to create "job growth". Coming out of a global pandemic that previously shut everything down, people naturally went back to work no matter who would have been President.

Like most Democrats, he tries to take credit for shit he had nothing to do with.
Biden's "job growth" is a fake, a sham, and a fallacy. He did absolutely nothing to create "job growth". Coming out of a global pandemic that previously shut everything down, people naturally went back to work no matter who would have been President.

Like most Democrats, he tries to take credit for shit he had nothing to do with.

Biden beat COVID which allowed the economy to recover.
He also provided economic stimulus and investment in infrastructure
Biden beat COVID which allowed the economy to recover.
He also provided economic stimulus and investment in infrastructure

Biden didn't do shit for COVID except spending a shitload of money we didn't have, and driving the inflation rate up to 9.1%.

You need to get a grip on reality, son.
The question can't be answered by correlating the time in office of POTUS by party and employment statistics.

Reasons this does not work; The effects of policies often occur long after a President leaves office, Congress has a big influence, often the economy does things in spite of politicians (dotcom bubble anyone?), and if the Federal Reserve Board decides to create or restrict liquidity, Potus can only sit and watch.
You gotta be kidding. FDR gets credit for hiring when he turned a recession into the "Great Depression" in his first two terms? There were signs everywhere that said "no work here" throughout the Country and soup lines.
It’s typical democrat propaganda. Force two steps backward and then claim the ensuing one step forward is success.
And they break things blame republicans and take credit for fixing what they break but they don't fix anything... with the help of a corrupt unintelligent media they gas light their cult members day after day after day....
You gotta be kidding. FDR gets credit for hiring when he turned a recession into the "Great Depression" in his first two terms? There were signs everywhere that said "no work here" throughout the Country and soup lines.
Wage price controls killed alot of jobs. The same thing is happening with robots replacing employees at fast food restaraunts.

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