Which of Trump's Crimes are the Most Serious?

I don't get it, that's not a crime, whereas these 3 other indictments are all serious serious crimes, with solid evidence proving Trump's guilt.
No they're not, faggot.,,,They're as "criminal" as two scoops of ice cream.

Congratulations on once again being too thick in the head to recognize that you're being mocked.
No they're not, faggot.,,,They're as "criminal" as two scoops of ice cream.

Congratulations on once again being too thick in the head to recognize that you're being mocked.
wait you think inciting an insurrection, stealing and hiding top secret documents, or war plans, or nuclear secrets, and then trying to steal an election for yourself are not serious crimes???

You trash have no morals or values or character at all. Obviously you weren't raised properly.
wait you think inciting an insurrection, stealing and hiding top secret documents, or war plans, or nuclear secrets, and then trying to steal an election for yourself are not serious crimes???

You trash have no morals or values or character at all. Obviously you weren't raised properly.

Clearly there was no "insurrection" since they brought no rifles, barricades, sleeping bags, food, etc.
An insurrection is a crime, so then has to be intended to continue forever.
If it is not intended to continue forever, then it is not an insurrection, but a temporary protest.

Since copies of classified docs are automatically sent to a president for weekly cabinet meetings, those copies are not at all needed by NARA or PRA, so the president is free to keep them for his presidential library, memoires, etc.
Trump did not steal anything, and it was illegal to take them back.
Progs are totally shielded from the news.
wait you think inciting an insurrection, stealing and hiding top secret documents, or war plans, or nuclear secrets, and then trying to steal an election for yourself are not serious crimes???

You trash have no morals or values or character at all. Obviously you weren't raised properly.
When did any of that happen?
Trump has been indicted or is about to be indicted for numerous serious crimes. Which crime is the most serious?

1) Classified documents. Trump stole extremely classified documents about war plans, nuclear secrets, and god knows what else. Then he lied about possessing them, had them moved in an attempt to hide them, tried to get his lawyers to lie about possessing them, and even showed them to people. Trump has already been indicted for this and the evidence of his guilt appears overwhelming, including his own former attorneys admitting to Trump's guilt.

2) Inciting an Insurrection. Trump lied to the world and his supporters and told everybody the election was stolen when it wasn't. Then on Jan 6th he incited an Insurrection at the Capitol based on these lies and his followers beat cops, broke into the Capitol, and beat more cops again. Trump was impeached for this.

3) Attempting to steal the election. Trump is about to be indicted for trying to steal the election for himself. Trump used a series of lies, pressured election officials (caught on tape), and created fake electorates to try and actually steal the 2020 election, after he clearly lost the election.

I think inciting the Insurrection at the Capitol is the most serious of Trump's crimes, but they are all so serious so it is hard to say.

When he does please let us know. in the meantime left wing political hot air does not count.
ROFL! You mean the criminal Biden faces the rest of his life in the slammer. Don't you idiots watch the news? Or do they never publish stories about what's happening to the Biden crime family?
Biden isn't facing multiple felony charges, assface. But your boy is.

Remember how you Bozos made the same claim about Bill, Hillary, Obama & a host of others due to the Durham investigation? How'd that work out, genius?
Trump has been indicted or is about to be indicted for numerous serious crimes. Which crime is the most serious?

1) Classified documents. Trump stole extremely classified documents about war plans, nuclear secrets, and god knows what else. Then he lied about possessing them, had them moved in an attempt to hide them, tried to get his lawyers to lie about possessing them, and even showed them to people. Trump has already been indicted for this and the evidence of his guilt appears overwhelming, including his own former attorneys admitting to Trump's guilt.

2) Inciting an Insurrection. Trump lied to the world and his supporters and told everybody the election was stolen when it wasn't. Then on Jan 6th he incited an Insurrection at the Capitol based on these lies and his followers beat cops, broke into the Capitol, and beat more cops again. Trump was impeached for this.

3) Attempting to steal the election. Trump is about to be indicted for trying to steal the election for himself. Trump used a series of lies, pressured election officials (caught on tape), and created fake electorates to try and actually steal the 2020 election, after he clearly lost the election.

I think inciting the Insurrection at the Capitol is the most serious of Trump's crimes, but they are all so serious so it is hard to say.

these crimes are not the result of patriotism, nationalism, or good will. all are motivated by greed and hubris.
All of the above. He deserves to go to prison for the rest of his life...for all of it.
It's about time he's made to answer for his transgressions. He's been dodging personal responsibility for his entire adult life.
He should have been imprisoned for life long before this just for stealing from cancer kids and the elderly.

If he was a Democrat, the MAGA herd would be screaming for his blood just for those two things.
I would say Trump's greatest crime was blowing off Covid and allowing it to spread uncontained for so long.

"When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.” - Donald Trump, stable genius.
trump should be jailed for weaponizing the doj and fbi

'Where are all of the arrests?': Trump demands Barr lock up ...​

https://www.politico.com › news › 2020/10/07 › trum...
Oct 7, 2020 — Donald Trump mounted an overnight Twitter blitz demanding to jail his political enemies and call out allies he says are failing to arrest ...

Since taking office President Trump has regularly called upon the Justice Department to investigate individuals he perceives as political opponents, especially his 2016 general election opponent Hillary Clinton, senior officials within the FBI, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Since his acquittal by the Senate in the impeachment trial, the president has exerted further political pressure on the department, including having expressed his displeasure at sentencing recommendations from prosecutors in the case against his associate Roger Stone — complaints that were apparently answered by Justice Department leadership’s intervention in the case, which was in turn praised by the president.
along with social media to censor liberal speech

Trump Wants to Censor the Media

The Atlantic
https://www.theatlantic.com › archive › 2017/10 › tru...

Oct 5, 2017 — The president's call for a Senate investigation into news outlets for publishing unflattering stories about him is an attack on freedom of ...
and go after them while interfering and throwing an election
That too.


President Donald Trump threatened Thursday to “put … down very quickly” riots on election night should aggrieved Democrats take to the streets in the wake of his potential victory.


“We’ll put them down very quickly if they do that. We have the right to do that. We have the power to do that, if we want,” Trump said.

“Look, it’s called insurrection,” he added. “We just send in, and we do it very easy. I mean, it’s very easy. I’d rather not do that because there’s no reason for it, but if we had to, we’d do that and put it down within minutes.”

So like I said, by Trump's very own definition, January 6 was an insurrection.

He also said he would "put down very quickly" an insurrection by Democrats who took to the streets in the wake of his victory.

And he yet jerked off for over three hours during the MAGA insurrection while people were dying.

"We’d do that and put it down within minutes.”
Trump has been indicted or is about to be indicted for numerous serious crimes. Which crime is the most serious?

1) Classified documents. Trump stole extremely classified documents about war plans, nuclear secrets, and god knows what else. Then he lied about possessing them, had them moved in an attempt to hide them, tried to get his lawyers to lie about possessing them, and even showed them to people. Trump has already been indicted for this and the evidence of his guilt appears overwhelming, including his own former attorneys admitting to Trump's guilt.

2) Inciting an Insurrection. Trump lied to the world and his supporters and told everybody the election was stolen when it wasn't. Then on Jan 6th he incited an Insurrection at the Capitol based on these lies and his followers beat cops, broke into the Capitol, and beat more cops again. Trump was impeached for this.

3) Attempting to steal the election. Trump is about to be indicted for trying to steal the election for himself. Trump used a series of lies, pressured election officials (caught on tape), and created fake electorates to try and actually steal the 2020 election, after he clearly lost the election.

I think inciting the Insurrection at the Capitol is the most serious of Trump's crimes, but they are all so serious so it is hard to say.

3. Trying to subvert the will (votes) of the people is the act of a traitor. That's all I require in hoping the fallout for all this shit lands squarely on Orange's head. He should be swinging from a fucking tree for it by now.
The most serious crime by Donald Trump was believing he was qualified to be US President while nominating Chris Wray as FBI Director and Jeff Sessions as AG.

Both of those proved Donald Trump had NO FUCKING CLUE ABOUT ANYTHING...

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