Which is better?


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
majority rules or minority rules. there is no other option in human civilization, so which is it?

comments please.
majority rules or minority rules. there is no other option in human civilization, so which is it?

comments please.

Majority rules is nothing more than mob rule. Minority rule is tyranny. That's why we have a republic instead of a democracy.
majority rules or minority rules. there is no other option in human civilization, so which is it?

comments please.

What we have is majority rule, with protections for the minority. Said protections can be overturned, but require a supermajority (2/3 of the legislative houses and 3/4 of the States) to overturn them.

This is the essence of a consitutional federal republic, where power flows from the people, and is devolved to the government in a specifc manner, with certain powers devolved to various levels of said government.
majority rules or minority rules. there is no other option in human civilization, so which is it?

comments please.

Constitution rules.

“If the Constitution says that the little guy should win, the little guy’s going to win in court before me,” Roberts told the Senate Judiciary Committee. “But if the Constitution says that the big guy should win, well, then the big guy’s going to win.”
There is an alternative!
A society in which the individual has irrevokable rights that uses majority rule for all things except those that might infringe on the individual's rights. That system of government is called a republic and it is the one that was put in place more than two hundred years ago when the states united to form the United States of America. It could still work if people would just understand that individual rights don't cause harm only unlawful acts cause harm.
majority rules or minority rules. there is no other option in human civilization, so which is it?

comments please.

If those are the only two options, majority.

Logically, if you have 100 people, the law should be set to what 70 people want, vs what the minority 30 want.

Not a perfect system, but the best of the two options you outlined.

majority rules or minority rules. there is no other option in human civilization, so which is it?

comments please.

If those are the only two options, majority.

Logically, if you have 100 people, the law should be set to what 70 people want, vs what the minority 30 want.

Not a perfect system, but the best of the two options you outlined.


Wouldn't doing what would be most beneficial for the majority the most logical?
thanks for the comments so far. a couple of you get it, but most do not.

this country was founded to get away from minority rule under kings and dictators. We formed a republic that protects the rights of everyone, including minorities, BUT elects its leaders and decides on its laws based on what the majority wants.

Today we seem to be going overboard in minority wiew protection while ignoring the views of the majority.
majority rules or minority rules. there is no other option in human civilization, so which is it?

comments please.

What we have is majority rule, with protections for the minority. Said protections can be overturned, but require a supermajority (2/3 of the legislative houses and 3/4 of the States) to overturn them.

This is the essence of a consitutional federal republic, where power flows from the people, and is devolved to the government in a specifc manner, with certain powers devolved to various levels of said government.

you almost have it. Remember the constitution was adopted by a majority vote. :cool:
The most important thing most people either ignore or don't understand about what the Founders did is the provision for each individual to CHOSE THEIR OWN PLACE TO LIVE.

Let me explain that:

The Constitution provides that each state has the right to set up its own constitution based upon the will of the people of that state. Unless it is an outrageous infringement upon the US constitution, the feds are supposed to keep their noses out of states' business.

That means, in simple terms, if you don't like how things are run in, for example, California - you can move to a state you agree with. No visas or other government documents needed.
majority rules or minority rules. there is no other option in human civilization, so which is it?

comments please.

Majority rules is nothing more than mob rule. Minority rule is tyranny. That's why we have a republic instead of a democracy.

you had better explain the "republic" word to the liberals here, they had been indoctrinated for many years that the U.S.A. is a fucking "democracy" !!

if i told the LIARBERALS (lying liberals) here that democracy is 5 hungry wolves and a big fat sheeple were deciding what to have for dinner, they would not have a clue as to the meaning of that well known phrase.
majority rules or minority rules. there is no other option in human civilization, so which is it?

comments please.

Majority rules is nothing more than mob rule. Minority rule is tyranny. That's why we have a republic instead of a democracy.

you had better explain the "republic" word to the liberals here, they had been indoctrinated for many years that the U.S.A. is a fucking "democracy" !!

if i told the LIARBERALS (lying liberals) here that democracy is 5 hungry wolves and a big fat sheeple were deciding what to have for dinner, they would not have a clue as to the meaning of that well known phrase.

Your problem with that is what, exactly?
Majority rules is nothing more than mob rule. Minority rule is tyranny. That's why we have a republic instead of a democracy.

you had better explain the "republic" word to the liberals here, they had been indoctrinated for many years that the U.S.A. is a fucking "democracy" !!

if i told the LIARBERALS (lying liberals) here that democracy is 5 hungry wolves and a big fat sheeple were deciding what to have for dinner, they would not have a clue as to the meaning of that well known phrase.

Your problem with that is what, exactly?

if the ruling minority was far right, would you be concerned?
thanks for the comments so far. a couple of you get it, but most do not.

this country was founded to get away from minority rule under kings and dictators. We formed a republic that protects the rights of everyone, including minorities, BUT elects its leaders and decides on its laws based on what the majority wants.

Today we seem to be going overboard in minority wiew protection while ignoring the views of the majority.

"Protection of" and "rule by" are two completely different things. Which one is your point?

If you believe we were founded to get away from minority rule, then according to Katz, we're based on "mob rule". Doesn't make sense to me either but he has yet to explain it. :dunno:

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